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NPD Sales Results for March 2015 [Up1: Nintendo numbers, PS4 placing]

Bruno MB

Looks like The Order is a huge flop. 9th last month and nowhere to be seen this month.

We're talking 500k in the US?

It currently must be at around 250,000 units sold.

considering it hasn't hit Bomba pricing like the first did I wonder if bayonetta 2 could end up making Nintendo more money than the first made for sega?

Even though I don't know their budget, I'm sure the answer is no. Bayonetta at least managed to sell around 270,000 units in its first three weeks in Japan at full price, that's like $18 million of revenue based on today's dollar to yen exchange rate.

Aaron D.


Epic software numbers for May confirmed.


How long will X1's sales be blamed on launch when clearly it wasn't a detriment during the holidays?

So why do you think that microsoft have lost every gain this gen since day one? What are you implying exactly?

I'm interested in your response
1M for FFT0 is awesome. Are there any ohter PSP titles that could get the same treatment and reach the same amount of sales? Maybe the Dissidia Final Fantasy fighting game?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
3DSlay better pull though!

BB lower than my already conservative prediction (500k at retail). It's the biggest game on PS4 right now, with exclusive marketing push. I mean, 380k is not bad, but I expected more.

500k RETAIL ONLY in America for the first 12 days is not conservative.


More parents by the systems during the holidays. Especially at the prices the XB1 was at. What you're seeing now is core gamers buying them. Who are obviously more informed.

At least that's what I think.

Pretty much my thoughts as well. Doing a lot of Christmas shopping last year and seemed like the majority of people grabbing XB1 where rather confused looking parents. Some obviously where getting what their kid wanted, others perhaps just grabbing the sequel to the system their kid had currently, and then there where those getting what was cheapest.

This type of purchasing is a holiday phenomenon though, and no doubt it will continue this year if everything stays as it is now.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
What we know about The Order is that it sold more than 200,000 in February (thus, lower than 300,000 for sure), and that it collapsed in March: outside of PS4-only top 10, and lower than 40,000. The top limit for its first two months is 340,000, and (guessing here), it probably more likely its current LTD is still lower than 300,000.

...Aaaand this is the moment you realise how Kirby sold more in March than the Order, despite the games coming out on the exact same day XD


Looking at the exclusive character Galahad in Super Time ultra force, Photo mode addition, bundles, marketing it had for launch etc., i'm sure there will be sequel for Order 1886 as RAD (talented studio with many games which sony knows) already mentioned several times that they want this into a series and they got ideas needed. Uncharted 1 from ND also was not a big game either in content and not a big hitter in sales, but UC2 did become a masterpiece with addition of multiplayer and expanding Single player content. Its all because they have engine and game world ready from first game and then they used time to expand game as UC2. I expect same from RAD here in their sequel with multiplayer and expanding single player content just like Uncharted 2.

The problem is Uncharted was received relatively well, The Order not so much. First or even outside perceived impressions are massive. You can tell by the amount of people that have disdain for the game (rightly or wrongly) and they haven't even played it, and little could possibly convince them to do so. Reception was pretty middling and chances are most people won't care to to look at it again. That stench of failure is nigh impossible to get rid of. Look at Wii U and to a lesser extent Vita. They were perceived as disasters and people pick up that. So while they've improved their situation to be more viable in terms of content, their initial failures were insurmountable.

The Order might get a sequel. But I'd be very surprised if it did well

Purest 78

Could have sworn it won November.


I never said they are "the deciding factor". I simply said that they are good to have in the lower console selling months.

I believe November had alot more to do with price drops and deals. So let's use other months without those factors. The sunset Overdrive And Titanfall months would be good examples.
3DSlay better pull though!

BB lower than my already conservative prediction (500k at retail). It's the biggest game on PS4 right now, with exclusive marketing push. I mean, 380k is not bad, but I expected more.

Oh I see what your doing now. Set unrealistically high expectations and act like the game was a disappointment when it doesn't meet those expectations. Nice try.

1M for FFT0 is awesome. Are there any ohter PSP titles that could get the same treatment and reach the same amount of sales? Maybe the Dissidia Final Fantasy fighting game?

GOW PSP collection. FFT0 did well for what it was.


Don't you think that has worn off by now? They have a whole new host of issues.
- MCC getting the worst word of mouth of any Halo game.
- Nothing to play for 6 months

First impressions do go a long way though. Halo is a disaster granted, but the nothing to play for 6 months comment is laughable. I hope that you are not trying to paint games like the order and BB as system sellers?

Because they most certainly aren't.

@ piccio_ssl

But the price is cheaper now. Brand maybe smaller, but that didn't really stop the 360 from eating out of sonys lunchbox. I think that microsoft could have gone toe to toe with sony this had the reveal and the console been better. I'm sure that alot of people on here agree also.

I personally think that now we have reached a stage where alot people that are buying current gen are going where their friends are, and the snowball effect will get even bigger as well. The same thing helped microsoft last gen as well.

This gen was a wrap in june 2013, the rest of it will be torrid for microsoft.


no lower price
no one year early in the market
weaker brand

the shitty pre launch period made his part though

Weaker brand.... what? We're talking sales in the region Xbox 360 did well in and pretty much took over name recognition from Sony. This past gen people were using Xbox as the generic console word. I'm talking about people who don't care and just know their kid/friend/brother plays some console and just assume Xbox cause that's the name they know.

That's how bad Sony messed up playstation. Yes, the name was strong enough they recovered but they lost a lot of that name recognition and handed it overto Xbox, at least in the US (the region in discussion). I am betting if they had a weaker brand the PS3 would never have recovered and been a failure rather than just the "losing" console.
Don't you think that has worn off by now? They have a whole new host of issues.
- MCC getting the worst word of mouth of any Halo game.
- Nothing to play for 6 months

No, I don't think it's worn off, and there are plenty of games releasing on Xbox One right now, they are all just multiplatform. The Order and Bloodborne aren't massive hardware pushers(especially The Order) so overall I don't think they are making much of a difference in the hardware numbers. PS4 doesn't have any big exclusives in April or May and the split will probably be the same there.


I believe November had alot more to do with price drops and deals. So let's use other months without those factors. The sunset Overdrive And Titanfall months would be good examples.

Still not sure what you are trying to get at as the PS4 had exclusives during the months that both of those games released too.
PS4 with 100k more this month? Good lord. I get that it was Bloodborne month but still. Bloodborne 380k retail sounds solid. Let's say another 50-75k from digital and it's sold nearly half a mil in its first month in NA. That's a healthy number.
Because they most certainly aren't.

You don't think the perception of a console that has more 'AAA' games sells systems?

Sure, it's a valid argument that individual games like BB/Order, etc aren't system-sellers.

But likewise, I think it's very valid that said games add to the console's marketability, by delivering the perception that PS4 has more 'big games' than the competitor.
First impressions do go a long way though. Halo is a disaster granted, but the nothing to play for 6 months comment is laughable. I hope that you are not trying to paint games like the order and BB as system sellers?

Because they most certainly aren't.

@ piccio_ssl

But the price is cheaper now. Brand maybe smaller, but that didn't really stop the 360 from eating out of sonys lunchbox. I think that microsoft could have gone toe to toe with sony this had the reveal and the console been better. I'm sure that alot of people on here agree also.

I personally think that now we have reached a stage where alot people that are buying current gen are going where their friends are, and the snowball effect will get even bigger as well. The same thing helped microsoft last gen as well.

This gen was a wrap in june 2013, the rest of it will be torrid for microsoft.

They weren't going to go toe to toe with Sony launching in the same year. Their brand outside US/UK simply ins't big enough.


PS4 with 100k more this month? Good lord. I get that it was Bloodborne month but still. Bloodborne 380k retail sounds solid. Let's say another 50-75k from digital and it's sold nearly half a mil in its first month in NA. That's a healthy number.
50-75k is probably too high. Unless there was a particularly good reason for Digital such as the discounts Driveclub had at launch, it's usually safe to think of digital sales at about 10% of retail


You don't think the perception of a console that has more 'AAA' games sells systems?

Sure, it's a valid argument that individual games like BB/Order, etc aren't system-sellers.

But likewise, I think it's very valid that said games add to the console's marketability, by delivering the perception that PS4 has more 'big games' than the competitor.

Same could be said for the bone. Anyway, we are just speculating now so i'll leave it that.


50-75k is probably too high. Unless there was a particularly good reason for Digital such as the discounts Driveclub had at launch, it's usually safe to think of digital sales at about 10% of retail

How so? We've had insiders indicate ratios of up to 25% for some titles.

Ten percent seems too low, especially for launch. Preloading seems like it would skew launch ratios higher in favor of digital downloads, while retail probably makes it up in the tail end, with impulse buys and retailer sales. The hardcore nature of the game would probably also favor a higher digital ratio as well.
I'll have to dig up my amazonfu numbers mumbonumbo, but I remember coming to about 350k for Bloodborne based on positioning next to Xbone in the charts. Heh.
I'm really happy for Bloodborne's success, it seems to be an excellent entry in the _Souls series....and it's the one game I want the most on the PS4.

Likewise, I'm glad that The Order bombed out of the top 10. I hate it when bad games get rewarded for their high production values.

I hope this sends the right message to Sony what to invest in.

Edit: I'd love to know which game had the higher budget.

On the Nintendo side...yeah, pretty good month. Surprisingly good MP 10 sales, good 3DS results. Not too bad at all (RIP Codename Steam).
First impressions do go a long way though. Halo is a disaster granted, but the nothing to play for 6 months comment is laughable. I hope that you are not trying to paint games like the order and BB as system sellers?

Because they most certainly aren't.

@ piccio_ssl

But the price is cheaper now. Brand maybe smaller, but that didn't really stop the 360 from eating out of sonys lunchbox. I think that microsoft could have gone toe to toe with sony this had the reveal and the console been better. I'm sure that alot of people on here agree also.

I personally think that now we have reached a stage where alot people that are buying current gen are going where their friends are, and the snowball effect will get even bigger as well. The same thing helped microsoft last gen as well.

This gen was a wrap in june 2013, the rest of it will be torrid for microsoft.

BB is absolutely selling the system. Thats such a funny statement how many units does a game have to push for you to consider it a system seller? The overall point is though bought The Order and BB help to carry momentum.

Also how is the 6 month comment laughable? Its the truth MS has no exclusive till the Holidays that will in any way drive sales. 3rd party is a non-entity since they are still going to run better on the PS4.

I do however, completely agree that were just at a tipping point for people choosing the system based on their friends and family and that will only continue.


FFT0 did well for what it was.
I don't really agree with that. Incredibly low worldwide sellthrough (50% if it's lucky) and really low absolute numbers for what's essentially a new major FF spinoff outside Japan. And it was even bundled with a mainline FF demo, a tactic that helped drive DQVIII to western million seller status a decade ago. The Xbox One port in particular bombed so bad it has people questioning if future platform support is even worth bothering over for the genre in general.

People bemoan the death of handhelds in the west but I feel like a 3DS+Vita release almost certainly would've outperformed what we've seen here. Not good at all.

Endo Punk

So pleased with close to 400k sales. Guaranteed over 400k with digital sales. This type of game is no longer the niche now, sales are getting stronger with every release and what makes BB sales even more impressive is that it's only on 1 platform. Good on you FROM.

What we know about The Order is that it sold more than 200,000 in February (thus, lower than 300,000 for sure), and that it collapsed in March: outside of PS4-only top 10, and lower than 40,000. The top limit for its first two months is 340,000, and (guessing here), it probably more likely its current LTD is still lower than 300,000.

...Aaaand this is the moment you realise how Kirby sold more in March than the Order, despite the games coming out on the exact same day XD

The game truly is a sorry sight to behold from every angle.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Will genuinely be curious when MS loses the ability to say "cumulatively better than 360". Those two holidays... Damn MS.. well played. Your console underpeforms to 360 for the rest of the year, but two holidays is enough to still keep you just barely ahead.

edit - looks like about the two year mark give or take. even with another big holiday they won't be able to match 360's Holiday '07 sales.


Critical success and sales better than on PS3 in the west might convince Nintendo to fund another sequel or even buy the IP.
Can't see any other publisher asking for that anyway...
This is only focusing on the US of course, which is Wii U's best territory.
It's doing far worse everywhere else. In Japan, it's behind the 360 version of Bayonetta.
Unless they desperately want to appease this very small subset of gamers, I highly doubt Nintendo is considering anything further.


PS4 with 100k more this month? Good lord. I get that it was Bloodborne month but still. Bloodborne 380k retail sounds solid. Let's say another 50-75k from digital and it's sold nearly half a mil in its first month in NA. That's a healthy number.

PS4 had two exclusives in March..and 100k difference in March isn't exactly a huge number in the grand scheme of things.
Considering current LTD is as below and looking at this holiday release schedule,
X1 has a real good shot of over taking PS4 after this holiday season is over.

Monthly and LTD
I really like Codename STEAM so it's failure bums me out :(
Great to see Bloodborne do so well though and I'm pleasantly surprised by Mario Party (fuck you guys I like it).
PS4 had two exclusives in March..and 100k difference in March isn't exactly a huge number in the grand scheme of things.
Considering current LTD is as below and looking at this holiday release schedule,
X1 has a real good shot of over taking PS4 after this holiday season is over.

What 2 exclusives?
I know bloodborne but...
sörine;160501249 said:
I don't really agree with that. Incredibly low worldwide sellthrough (50% if it's lucky) and really low absolute numbers for what's essentially a new major FF spinoff outside Japan. And it was even bundled with a mainline FF demo, a tactic that helped drive DQVIII to western million seller status a decade ago. The Xbox One port in particular bombed so bad it has people questioning if future platform support is even worth bothering over for the genre in general.

People bemoan the death of handhelds in the west but I feel like a 3DS+Vita release almost certainly would've outperformed what we've seen here. Not good at all.

Its a PSP game remastered sold with FFXV demo and placed at an extortionate price. 1 million shipped must make SE very happy. They must of made easy returns on the project.

Also I don't think the sell through is that bad. DBZ XV did 100k extra (JP and US) and yet shipped 1.5 million in its first month. DBZ XV did do notably better in EU but the sales total is nowhere close to that.

If it was a FF spin off made for PS4 of course it would have done significantly better. Also no it would not have done better on Vita/3DS. Main selling point was the FFXV demo.


BB is absolutely selling the system. Thats such a funny statement how many units does a game have to push for you to consider it a system seller? The overall point is though bought The Order and BB help to carry momentum.

Also how is the 6 month comment laughable? Its the truth MS has no exclusive till the Holidays that will in any way drive sales. 3rd party is a non-entity since they are still going to run better on the PS4.

I do however, completely agree that were just at a tipping point for people choosing the system based on their friends and family and that will only continue.

Just quickly because I've got to go. Perhaps it came across wrong. Ofcourse alot games sell systems. But lets be honest here, games like BB aint pushing big numbers in the slightest. Yearly franchises push more of each system I would bet.

But I standby what I said, your comment was laughable. Especially after the way the order bombed, and BB.... It will disappear from the top ten next month. Then everyone will be buying multis, and like you said the console that runs them better. Bringing us back to the specs part that is one the main things helping sony maintain those higher numbers.


PS4 had two exclusives in March..and 100k difference in March isn't exactly a huge number in the grand scheme of things.
Considering current LTD is as below and looking at this holiday release schedule,
X1 has a real good shot of over taking PS4 after this holiday season is over.

The age of Sony is done
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