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NPD Sales Results for November 2015 [Up3: Combined Hardware For PS4 + XB1 + Wii U]


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Not sure why anyone would give Konami a free pass on this. Western publishers routinely accomplish more with absolute tire fires that review worse and cost more than $80 Million. They also usually employ enough forethough to ensure that engine investments are not only utilized in a single product. Anybody outside of North Korea could have told you what kind of expenditures would be necessary for a cross platform game in 2015. The industry did not take this turn overnight.
Sega Japan forced the launch on him.

I don't think Kalinske ever even wanted to release the Saturn. He was trying to merge Sega with Sony instead but Sega Japan didn't want that.
Wait he was? I thought he just wanted the Sega-Sony PlayStation to be a thing, but outright merging the two wholesale? That's new news to me.


You know something we don't?

how do you know that?

Most people that have been following Splatoon expect a minimum of 5 million ltd

So it's a matter of what you guys expect Bloodborne to sell in the upcoming years on an ever expanding PS4 audience? How many people who bought DS2 on PC do you think will get a PS4 at some point just to play Bloodborne - I know for me it would be the first game I'd buy on PS4 but personally there needs to be more titles like this on PS4 exclusively to justify such a purchase.


Poor Kalinske. Set up two great deals—SGI & Sony—and SoJ screwed him twice. Then a third time when they made him launch early. Poor poor Kalinske.

Thanks Square2015 I love your historical updates, my favourite part of these threads actually since they're super useful for a project I'm working on.


Why would it? PS4 userbase is larger and growing faster.

This is a case in which the PS4's larger library of games hurts it in comparison to the Wii U.

There's not much on the Wii U and therefore a large percentage of Wii U owners (will) have Splatoon. This is outside of sales from bundles too.

Bloodborne has done well but on the flip side, there's many who are buying a PS4 just to mainly play multiplats.
This is a case in which the PS4's larger library of games hurts it in comparison to the Wii U.

There's not much on the Wii U and therefore a large percentage of Wii U owners (will) have Splatoon. This is outside of sales from bundles too.

Bloodborne has done well but on the flip side, there's many who are buying a PS4 just to mainly play multiplats.

I see, that's explained Splatoon number. Seems Nintendo fans don't have much choices on WiiU
What exactly do you think Bloodborne will finish at? Unless it gets ported to PC (lol) it doesn't have much left in legs.

Not sure I agree with this. PS4 is selling at a juggernaut pace and I would expect a decent percentage of new owners to pick it up given the substantially lower price point at this time, the lack of 1st party depth and the positive buzz its generated.

Not saying it's going to outsell Splatoon mind you, just saying I think it's still got some legs left as far as sales numbers (at a bargain price, with little $ return)


But Wii U's plug and play external storage capabilities turn a lot of people on to downloading stuff, while PS4's lack of external storage turns a lot of PS4 users off of downloading.

This game. It's easy to play.

Which system better supports the 90% digital attachment?
What I don't understand is how Microsoft and Sony are stupidly not going 200% engage on the youth market while Nintendo is down. Nintendo gets all my kiddie dollars as my son has a hell of a lot more quality games to play on the WiiU than the other two. Release a smaller "kids controller" and put some internal studios on quality kids games.

Put a "kids corner" option in your OS and make it lively. Splash in some educational games/aps. Take my money damnit.

Mory Dunz

What I don't understand is how Microsoft and Sony are stupidly not going 200% engage on the youth market while Nintendo is down. Nintendo gets all my kiddie dollars as my son has a hell of a lot more quality games to play on the WiiU than the other two. Release a smaller "kids controller" and put some internal studios on quality kids games.

mobile already stole that lunch?
What I don't understand is how Microsoft and Sony are stupidly not going 200% engage on the youth market while Nintendo is down. Nintendo gets all my kiddie dollars as my son has a hell of a lot more quality games to play on the WiiU than the other two. Release a smaller "kids controller" and put some internal studios on quality kids games.

Please no, Release more games like the Witcher 3.

I'm tired of games with the , we need to please everyone aesthetic , its very Old .
What I don't understand is how Microsoft and Sony are stupidly not going 200% engage on the youth market while Nintendo is down. Nintendo gets all my kiddie dollars as my son has a hell of a lot more quality games to play on the WiiU than the other two. Release a smaller "kids controller" and put some internal studios on quality kids games.

Put a "kids corner" option in your OS and make it lively. Splash in some educational games/aps. Take my money damnit.

They have, it's called CoD.


What I don't understand is how Microsoft and Sony are stupidly not going 200% engage on the youth market while Nintendo is down. Nintendo gets all my kiddie dollars as my son has a hell of a lot more quality games to play on the WiiU than the other two. Release a smaller "kids controller" and put some internal studios on quality kids games.

Put a "kids corner" option in your OS and make it lively. Splash in some educational games/aps. Take my money damnit.
Knack, LBP, Tearaway, Ratchet and Clank, Sound Shapes, Hohokum and Journey are some kid friendly Sony exclusive games I can think of.


Skylanders, Disney infinity, etc. prove a market exists on consoles though.

You can do both though. It would expand the market. Meaning when these kids grow up they'll be playing Witcher 8's.

You nail it.

I agree there is still a market for the younger crowd on consoles. And that's why I don't want to see Nintendo ever go away.

Sony and MS don't seem interested into really diving into it.
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