If you buy at a partipating retailer sureIf I buy a GTX 980ti now do I get MGS V for free? Any brand?
Really happy with my Gigabyte G1, breathed new life into my PC, running games I couldn't run at all before at a solid 60 now
If you buy at a partipating retailer sureIf I buy a GTX 980ti now do I get MGS V for free? Any brand?
At Amazon will work right!?If you buy at a partipating retailer sure
Really happy with my Gigabyte G1, breathed new life into my PC, running games I couldn't run at all before at a solid 60 now
At Amazon will work right!?
Just went on the nivdias website and amazon is included!Check the listing, it will say its included somewhereb
Witcher 3. 3440x1440. Latest drivers.
Borderless Window = 67 FPS
Fullscreen = 85 FPS
What the shizzballs is going on here. I used to get the same FPS in Fullscreen and Borderless.
Is it worth upgrading from a GTX 980 to the 980 TI?
I might give my 980 to my little brother and get the free MGS V promotion coming up with the 980 TI.
Looks like a ~10-15% increase in performance across the board?
I"m running a 60Hz 1440p Monitor for reference.
Is this on a G-sync display?
I can give you a good answer to this question on Monday when my card gets here, as I am going from a 980 to a TI and I use a 60Hz 1440p monitor. I suspect my answer will be something along the lines of, "If you can afford to do so, then yes." Going off of benchmarks the Ti seems to be really great for 1440p as you have a ton of options, either for maxed visuals and 60fps, or downsampling and locking it to 30, etc.
Is this on a G-sync display?
No, I don't think so.Is there already a G-sync 3440x1440 panel?
Good point, the Predator X34 isn't out yet.Is there already a G-sync 3440x1440 panel?
Is this on a G-sync display?
Nope. It's the Dell U3415W.
This is on Windows 10 as well. If that helps. Latest Nvidia drivers.
Anyone else seeing different FPS in borderless and fullscreen? I mean.... I'm very happy with the fullscreen FPS, but I'd prefer to have that in Borderless.
I'll test to see if the same happens without SLI.
Can anyone provide any Windows 10 Alienware graphics amplifier benchmarks with the 980ti ?
Is it worth upgrading from a GTX 980 to the 980 TI?
I might give my 980 to my little brother and get the free MGS V promotion coming up with the 980 TI.
Looks like a ~10-15% increase in performance across the board?
I"m running a 60Hz 1440p Monitor for reference.
I have a 1440p Monitor and I just went from a 980 to a 980ti. What games do you play?
Witcher 3. 3440x1440. Latest drivers.
Borderless Window = 67 FPS
Fullscreen = 85 FPS
What the shizzballs is going on here. I used to get the same FPS in Fullscreen and Borderless.
Finally plugged in my 980 Ti G1 Gaming. I had a fan problem first, but then I noticed it was hitting a wire, so that was easy to fix. I almost got a heart attack tough, because I thought I hadn't plugged in the card correctly or something and everything was going to explode.
Overclocked it a bit, haven't stress tested it yet and haven't found the limit for Memory Clock until now, but these are the results and settings (ASIC is 67% by the way):
109% Power Limit
+87 mV
+150 Core Clock
+295 Memory Clock
And my 3DMark-results:
Is this good, the same, or lower compared to systems with roughly the same setup?
Good results, I'd put your power limit at 130% to avoid throttling. I bet you can get more out of the memory. If you're willing to flash one of the bios i bet you could get a bit more out of the core.
Power Limit goes to 130% on Gigabyte G1 Gaming.
Flashing a BIOS isn't really dangerous on an Nvidia card unless you are overriding the built in safety checks to flash another card's BIOS on yours.
And my 3DMark-results:
Is this good, the same, or lower compared to systems with roughly the same setup?
Feel free to link the actual result. Like this.
When you're benchmarking in order to compare your GPU to others, I'd just be looking at the graphics score because the overall score is HEAVILY influenced by your CPU in both regular Firestrike and extreme.
Firestrike Ultra is almost 100% GPU with very little extra score coming from the CPU.
That said, your graphics score is pretty decent. I'm sure that you could get closer to 21,500 if you max out the overclock. And there's no harm in maxing out the power limit. That will help out with stability and throttling.
Not sure what all you'll manage to get out of the card by modding the bios. At least on air. The card already has an insane power limit at 130% (390w) and there's only so much you can get out of extra voltage before you're dealing with a ton of heat and therefore fan noise.
Yeah, I'll second this with the bios flash on the G1. You already have a great core OC. Might want to just call it good. Flash the bios and experiment with voltage only if you really feel like you need to squeeze out more fps down the line.
I've upped the power limit to 130% and with that extra power I could bump the Core Clock with +160 and I found my Memory Clock limit at +400.
I also ran 3DMark again (Fire Strike results) and got a Graphics Score of 20950. I only have the demo tough, so I can't run Fire Strike Ultra, but I'm probably going to buy the whole package in the near future.
The temperature stays around 60 - 70 degrees Celsius by the way during the Heaven Benchmark (on ultra/extreme), with a custom cooling profile.
If I buy a GTX 980ti now do I get MGS V for free? Any brand?
Well that's just a HUGE slap in the face to everyone that got Arkham Knight instead![]()
Well that's just a HUGE slap in the face to everyone that got Arkham Knight instead![]()
You mean who got Arkham Knight and Witcher 3? I have order in for GTX980Ti with MGSV bundled in, but I think game bundles should be last thing to think about when deciding on PC HW purchases. In the end it's just free software that comes with your primary concern, HW purchase.
I wonder how many weeks/months it takes for me to get my Gigabyte 980Ti G1 <.< Well I get worried only if I have my Skylake CPU and no GPU :b
I only got Akrham Knight.
The arkham and witcher are for 970 and 980 if I'm correct. Too bad I got the arkham. Wanted the MGS.
Irony being of those three games MGSV is likely to be the least intensive to render.
Ah. I only noticed the 970 and 980. Too bad, took me long to buy one. I might had to save $20 for itNo, first is was TW3 or AK for all 9xx-cards, then it became only AK and now it's MGS V for all 9xx-cards.
hey Gaf,
Going to buy a GTX980ti this weekend, which one is best to get?
I will be using it on 4K.
Gigabyte GTX980 Ti G1 GAMING 6GB
Gigabyte by far.
This. I thought the EVGA was just a reference card with a custom cooler?
Exactly. Also, just from anecdotal observation, Gigabyte cards seem to have higher ASIC on average. MSI's Gaming 6G is also a pretty good option.