you know what product you purchased. you can practically trade it with a 3060 and get your precious maxed textures with exact same compute power (maybe a bit more for 3060) here in second hand market I'm seeing 3060s being on par with 2070s in terms of price. maybe this is not an ideal solution either but it is what it isIt really doesn't matter. 2070 is what it is. I don't want to lower the textures
I can for example trade my 3070 for a 6700xt and get money on top of it easily if I want my ultra textures in Spiderman. Its not like you don't have choices and you're trapped with a GPU. It is what it is, 2 GB budget gap is there.
In this case, gap is 3.6 GBs, because developer put an active %80 allocation cap for whatever reason. If it actually tried to use all available VRAM, It would of course perform better than what we see in VRAM constrained situations. But that's a choice they made.
As I said, you can claim PS4 is outperforming a 2 GB GTX 770 but no one says that. Instead we say PS4 is performing like a 4 GB GTX 1050.
Even NX gamer's video is laughable in that aspect. He specifically targeted the 2 GB 750ti to see how bad it stacks against PS4, whereas DF managed to find a 4 GB 750ti and their 750ti managed 900p/30 FPS with respectable texture quality. 750ti is a dead product anyway.
I've personally, even 1 year ago, suggested people from staying away from 8 GB models. Whenever I said this, I've been met criticisms by saying VRAM is not that important and 3060 cannot utilize it etc. etc. I'm the last person that you can talk to like this, since I've always known and openly talked about 8 GB is not being enough to match all bells and whistles a PS5 might have. Therefore, if you asked my advice back in 2021's beginning, I'd exactly told you this. If you want actual good 3070 performance at 4K in spiderman, you have to play with high textures. That's it. Quite as simple. 2070 or 3070ti does not matter.
I've did my part. I've never said 2070s-3070 would match PS5 all the time, they matched PS5 for not VRAM constrained games of the past, but we're not living the in the past either. And 3060 may not provide enough raster power to properly match a PS5 as well. So best bet is to wait 4000 series and see if they actually sell GPUs at sane prices. Get a 12 GB 4070 and then it can perform above PS5 until the end of the generation, just like how GTX 970 performed above PS4 in the entirety of the generation, whereas GTX 770 performed like dogshit