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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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got mine today... been playing adr1ft and eve valkyrie for about an hour and no nausea..

seriously shocked. i cant get on a boat for five minutes without throwing up.


Watched all of the E3 conferences on a Virtual Desktop cinema screen, the Sony one while lying down because it's 3am.



I'd bet a ton of those VR games Sony just showed off are coming to PC too. Great news for everyone!

And Resident Evil holy shit.


gah... my fun just had to be ruined...

is the cable detachable from the headset? seems like i have a faulty HDMI connection. reddit folk say its common to have to replace cables but i think they're confused with the DK


gah... my fun just had to be ruined...

is the cable detachable from the headset? seems like i have a faulty HDMI connection. reddit folk say its common to have to replace cables but i think they're confused with the DK

What is happening? My rift originally would disconnect like every 15-30 minutes and in the notification area for Oculus home it would say hdmi is disconnected, but it ended up being a driver issue with my usb 3 card (oddly enough the one they recommend).

Once I uninstalled their drivers and used Microsoft's everything worked fine.


gah... my fun just had to be ruined...

is the cable detachable from the headset? seems like i have a faulty HDMI connection. reddit folk say its common to have to replace cables but i think they're confused with the DK

Yes! It's super easy to detach the cable. Just yank off the facial interface, then pull the cable.


Upgrading from my 970 to a 1070 that shipped this morning from Newegg! Excited to start supersampling with the Oculus debug tool.

Feel free to send over suggestions if there's something you want tested for performance vs the 970.
I also post it here, because it actually affects Oculus:

Gabe Newell on Exclusivity:

“We’re for open systems, obviously.
I think consumers and developers are pretty sophisticated nowadays, and know what is in their best interests long term (open).
I also think there are going to be a lot of companies building VR systems, which will make it really unlikely that anyone will be able to get away with a closed system.
As far as Valve, we’ve made some progress away from being a gatekeeper, and we’ve got a plan to where we are completely out of the way of developers and customers connecting.”

Please don't start that shit here. Vive communities have become toxic lately because of this stuff. This thread has been a nice, quiet respite.
I don't understand the shit that Oculus gets for paying for exclusivity. Thank god Sony or Microsoft don't do that, imagine the shit they'd get.
oh wait


just saw that apollo 11 thing

saw green circles at a couple points near bright sources of light,are those those "godrays" i've seen people talk about?

pretty cool overall although it definitely had a couple distractions(to name a few off the top of my head:the green circles,the walls while moving around on the moon,I thought a couple things looked obviously fake such as the flag on the moon)
makes me super excited to see what things like this look like a few years from now though


I feel nauseous after playing lucky's tale for an hour

only a bit and it kinda built up over time

bad sign or nothing to be concerned about?

Happened to me. It still does. But got around that by buying motion sickness pills and popping a few before I play.
I also post it here, because it actually affects Oculus:

Gabe Newell on Exclusivity:


People have valid concerns with Oculus's approach, and as a fan of Oculus's design sensibilities and software I hope they listen to the community and reconsider some of their strategies. But there are numerous threads littered here on Neogaf and Reddit about these things, and it would be nice if we could keep a small pocket of general discussion focused on the Rift and the software we use on it. That's what I would like for this thread. I'm actively staying mindful of the discussion surrounding the business, and i'm also enjoying the hardware and software at this present moment in time.


had some problem with lucky's tale tonight where I was seeing closeups of doorways and such as I passed through them and unable to see anything else for a few seconds,dunno what that's about wasn't having that issue yesterday and haven't touched my sensor

as far as the nausea goes played about as much tonight as I did yesterday and have barely any at all,jumped into it pretty much immedietely after apollo 11 too
I don't understand the shit that Oculus gets for paying for exclusivity. Thank god Sony or Microsoft don't do that, imagine the shit they'd get.
oh wait
The difference is that it's happening on PC and is currently locked to a peripheral, so there's a reason people are more upset about this. Although I do think there are examples on consoles which are far more egregious - paying a small indie developer some money to finish a game and make that back through a short period of exclusivity on their store is one thing, Sony paying for exclusivity for a piece of DLC for a game by a major publisher is an entirely different shitty practice.
Man, hearing about The Climb getting Touch controller options really makes me want to wait until it's out. I was one of them that thought it would be stupid unless you didn't hang your arms up all the time and it seems that approach is what they're taking, more of an 'aiming' than 'hold'
Man, hearing about The Climb getting Touch controller options really makes me want to wait until it's out. I was one of them that thought it would be stupid unless you didn't hang your arms up all the time and it seems that approach is what they're taking, more of an 'aiming' than 'hold'

I'm really sceptical of what Touch controls will add to it. Either way though, it works really well without them.
Upload VR: Oculus Touch vs. HTC Vive

Tested impressions of Wilson's Heart, Unspoken, and Feral Rights. Interview with Luckey and Nate

Super excited for Touch.

In Dirt Rally news, they just released 1.11 today, which was the patch that was originally going to include Oculus support before they decided to yank it out. VR is supposedly coming in the next patch "soon after".

Dirt Rally VR has been delayed a few times now. Hope they can get everything worked out.


Neo Member
Dirt Rally VR has been delayed a few times now. Hope they can get everything worked out.

I wonder if it's technical challenges or just something as basic as figuring out how to avoid the VR version being barf city with all the bouncy bumpy driving you get in rally racing compared to the racing in Project Cars.
I wonder if it's technical challenges or just something as basic as figuring out how to avoid the VR version being barf city with all the bouncy bumpy driving you get in rally racing compared to the racing in Project Cars.

I imagine rally racing would be Barf city for some people even if they were actually in the car. At some point you have to accept that some of the audience that wants to try this will not keep their lunch.


Neo Member
Rift delivered today. I have had the oppurtunity to use PSVR on several occaisions which has made me bullish as shit on the tech but goddamn. Having this at home and running through stuff.. this is the future. Just absolutely floored. Anybody looking for friends feel free to add me. Corin7. Currently working through Edge of Nowhere, EVE: Valkyrie and The Climb.
I'm really sceptical of what Touch controls will add to it. Either way though, it works really well without them.

Yeah, it's pretty amazing with a controller. Such a crazy game I never thought I'd really ger into.

I really want edge of nowhere but I have to finish some games first (2D and VR) before I jump on another one.
So I typically check Best Buy once a week or so and was surprised to see they say they have it available.

Ordered. Said it would arrive by 6/22.

Thought I'd share. Typically they show as back ordered so hopefully not a mistake in the system.
So I typically check Best Buy once a week or so and was surprised to see they say they have it available.

Ordered. Said it would arrive by 6/22.

Thought I'd share. Typically they show as back ordered so hopefully not a mistake in the system.

Apparently their eBay site has had them in stock as well.


After a week of wait from the "your order will be processed" I got the "Order processed shipping soon". Now to wait for the shipping number :D. My estimated shipping date was 14th of July and I'm in EU for anyone wondering.
Got my Rift yesterday, and finally got in some Eve Valkyrie tonight. Some initial quality-of-life thoughts:

- I was kind of prepared for this already from trying out a friend's DK1 a few years (!) back, but the image quality is not what I imagined. People don't like chromatic aberration effects in games? The Oculus Rift is nearly all chromatic aberration. I've managed to figure out where the sweet spot is, and in gameplay you don't really notice it very much, but places where detail is important like Virtual Desktop make the relatively low pixel density and optical issues (faint lens flare, chromatic aberration) quite apparent. Like I said, I was prepared for this, but if you're imagining crystal clear, razor sharp VR experiences, definitely wait.

- I was surprised, however, at just how small the sweet spot appears to be for headset positioning. Especially at first, it felt like slight shifts forward or backward would cause drastic changes in image clarity. Once I figured out how to place the headset on my head just right and lock everything in with the straps, it wasn't nearly as much of a problem, but I didn't realize it would be so sensitive to eye position.

- The right headphone ear glitched out, and I thought I might have to send the whole thing in for a warranty repair. Luckily, it turned out to just be a bit out of its socket; unscrewing it and rescrewing it in worked perfectly. Phew!

- Another thing I wasn't expecting: your height matters. I'm thinking specifically of standing versus sitting. The first time I fired up Eve Valkyrie and got in the ship, there was a giant black box right in front of my ship's flight reticule. Turns out the game thought I was too low. But then standing up would put me just a bit too high, like I was about to bump up against the top of the cockpit. I've since learned there is a re-center option in Valkyrie and also in Oculus Home, and thank goodness; I don't want to play the game slightly stooped over! In hindsight, I guess I should've figured this could be a problem. I'm guessing it won't matter as much for something like Lucky's Tale, though.

All in all, I'm still kind of amazed that I even own this thing, and have a weird mixture of "holy shit this thing is amazing" and "damn my early adopter behavior, I should've waited." But I guess I'm in a post-VR world now, and I'm already ready for Oculus Touch to get here yesterday.


I really hope some of those incredible looking PS VR games eventually get announced for PC. Couldn't even believe that Sony managed to get such AAA content so fast for VR. Slim pickins for good VR content on the PC.


like which ones?

There are a lot but a few of the PS VR exclusives that stood out to me were:

-Resident Evil 7
-Final Fantasy XV
-Robinson the Journey
-Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
-PS VR Worlds
-Here They Lie
-Batman VR (more of a mini game but sounds neat)
-Playroom VR
-Ark Survival Evolved
-The Assembly
-Shadow of the Beast
-Tekken 7
-Game Turismo Sport

These are just some of the ones that interest me. Check them out on YouTube. The list o actual games is MUCH larger.

Some of these games are announced for PC in regular form but not with VR support as of yet. As far as I am aware none of the above games is getting Rift support. If anyone heard differently please let me know.

But yeah I feel like there are quite a few PS VR games that looks amazing.


Neo Member
I just tried out that hot game Doom in VR. You know, Doom? Came out in 1993? GZ3Doom to be exact. It's really cool! And seems totally playable. You basically aim where your head is looking. I was moving and turning with controller so I was basically just using it front-forward while sitting.

I just got my Rift about 3 weeks ago and the Rift the first VR anything I've experienced ever so maybe I'm still easily impressed hah. But it was cool feeling like I was in E1M1. And felt none of the mild dizziness I've gotten elsewhere with controller movement. Maybe getting used to VR movement? I've never been a motion sickness person but I get mild dizziness if I spin my ship in Eve Valkyrie (not sickness though).

Anyway I love the headset, it's super cool. It's an exciting time. Bring on Touch!
- I was kind of prepared for this already from trying out a friend's DK1 a few years (!) back, but the image quality is not what I imagined. People don't like chromatic aberration effects in games? The Oculus Rift is nearly all chromatic aberration.

If you're seeing chromatic aberration in the Rift, you've either got it configured wrong, are wearing it wrong, or both. Pay particular attention to the eye distance slider.

Chromatic aberration was, as you point out, a problem with the developer kits. Game developers often wrote their own routines to compensate, with varying degrees of luck. The final Rift more or less eliminated this problem, and I haven't seen the effect even once on it.


Got my Rift yesterday. Was initially unimpressed with the demo's I tried. Then I played Luckys Tale, as soon as that game started I was in awe, amazing experience having that whole carton world at your feet. Anyway I now have Elite Dangerous, Live for Speed and Eve: Valkyrie to try.

But what I'm looking for is a great video app. Tried Oculus Video, but all the sample video's seem very low quality. What's the best video app that will let me use my own very high quality videos? Also is there any source for extremely high quality 360 video files? I have a 80Mb connection so the higher quality the better.

Also what about a cinema app? Way back with DK1 one of my favourite things was the VR Cinema app that put you right in a cinema with a huge screen in front of you. Is there a good one for CV1?


I know ive asked this before about how to keep dust and crap from the inside of the rift when not in use, which people suggest just laying the cleaning cloth that came with the rift over the lenses but have just tried this today and as soon as you do that the rift turns on as it thinks you have place it on your head.

Surely there must be some 3rd party out there working on such an item thats molded so it doesnt set the sensor off for the rift?
Got my Rift yesterday. Was initially unimpressed with the demo's I tried. Then I played Luckys Tale, as soon as that game started I was in awe, amazing experience having that whole carton world at your feet. Anyway I now have Elite Dangerous, Live for Speed and Eve: Valkyrie to try.

But what I'm looking for is a great video app. Tried Oculus Video, but all the sample video's seem very low quality. What's the best video app that will let me use my own very high quality videos? Also is there any source for extremely high quality 360 video files? I have a 80Mb connection so the higher quality the better.

Also what about a cinema app? Way back with DK1 one of my favourite things was the VR Cinema app that put you right in a cinema with a huge screen in front of you. Is there a good one for CV1?
You can use your own videos with Oculus Video. Another option is to get Virtual Desktop, which lets you do see your computer's desktop in VR and run any app you normally would. So you make the desktop large and 10 meters away, and that'll do a decent job of looking like it's movie-theater-sized, and then you just open up your web browser and use YouTube or Amazon Prime or Netflix or whatever. It even has a theater environment you can buy for a couple bucks, but that environment doesn't let you resize the desktop/movie.
Any idea on the shipping status now? I am late July, but seems according to reddit some will get their late july shipping they ordered in March already.
I ordered at the end of February (when the HTC preorders went up).
If you're seeing chromatic aberration in the Rift, you've either got it configured wrong, are wearing it wrong, or both. Pay particular attention to the eye distance slider.

Chromatic aberration was, as you point out, a problem with the developer kits. Game developers often wrote their own routines to compensate, with varying degrees of luck. The final Rift more or less eliminated this problem, and I haven't seen the effect even once on it.

Eye distance slider doesn't make a difference. You're sure there's supposed to be none? Because there isn't very much at all dead center (and honestly it might just be the relatively low pixel density giving text a very slight colour tinge above/below text, like subpixel rendering artifacts), but if you try to look up/down without moving your head, you'll eventually see it. I went through all the setup steps and everything, got the green lines to be as sharp as I could get them, etc.

It did improve once I realized the lenses were smudgy from my hair touching the lenses when I'd put it on/take it off. Since then I've been better at cleaning them and keeping my hair out of the way.

Any idea on the shipping status now? I am late July, but seems according to reddit some will get their late july shipping they ordered in March already.
I ordered at the end of February (when the HTC preorders went up).

Oculus is shipping ahead of schedule; I was set for mid-July (11-18 or something like that) and received mine earlier this week. Sounds like yours will ship momentarily if you're in North America.
Oculus is shipping ahead of schedule; I was set for mid-July (11-18 or something like that) and received mine earlier this week. Sounds like yours will ship momentarily if you're in North America.

Oh. I see. I am in Europe. Just makes me a bit mad that people who ordered later than me get it earlier... :(
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