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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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So is there a general consensus on vorpx? I've done tons and tons of research and it seems for every positive impression there's a very negative one. I don't think I've ever been so torn on a purchase before so any help would be appreciated.

For the record I fully understand there's much tinkering required and I'm not expecting a fully native vr experience, just a new and cool experience with non-vr games. I just don't want to feel burned... already spent waaay too much on a new PC + oculus + games, time for selective spending


Any idea on the shipping status now? I am late July, but seems according to reddit some will get their late july shipping they ordered in March already.
I ordered at the end of February (when the HTC preorders went up).

seems like things are moving pretty fast now if people that ordered in March are already getting them

I just got mine on Monday and ordered it on January 8th


Eye distance slider doesn't make a difference. You're sure there's supposed to be none? Because there isn't very much at all dead center (and honestly it might just be the relatively low pixel density giving text a very slight colour tinge above/below text, like subpixel rendering artifacts), but if you try to look up/down without moving your head, you'll eventually see it. I went through all the setup steps and everything, got the green lines to be as sharp as I could get them, etc.

It did improve once I realized the lenses were smudgy from my hair touching the lenses when I'd put it on/take it off. Since then I've been better at cleaning them and keeping my hair out of the way.

I haven't noticed much in the way of CA, personally. Have you played around with the vertical position of the headset? They essentially replaced the eye relief with a slope on the vertical axis of the lens, so even minor adjustments to where it is resting relative to the eyes have a pretty significant impact on the focus.


Eye distance slider doesn't make a difference. You're sure there's supposed to be none? Because there isn't very much at all dead center (and honestly it might just be the relatively low pixel density giving text a very slight colour tinge above/below text, like subpixel rendering artifacts), but if you try to look up/down without moving your head, you'll eventually see it. I went through all the setup steps and everything, got the green lines to be as sharp as I could get them, etc.
I'll add my voice to those also not experiencing CA. I have had facetime with the DK1 and heaps with the DK2 - I remember CA being a particular issue on the DK2, even after the supposed software correction fixes, but I haven't seen anything similar in the CV1.
My HDMI cable has stopped working. It was getting super twisty in parts now just dead, no signal detected. I tried everything, its the cable. Already sent the ticket. This better be a quick fix, just send me a new one.
Got my Rift yesterday. Was initially unimpressed with the demo's I tried. Then I played Luckys Tale, as soon as that game started I was in awe, amazing experience having that whole carton world at your feet. Anyway I now have Elite Dangerous, Live for Speed and Eve: Valkyrie to try.

But what I'm looking for is a great video app. Tried Oculus Video, but all the sample video's seem very low quality. What's the best video app that will let me use my own very high quality videos? Also is there any source for extremely high quality 360 video files? I have a 80Mb connection so the higher quality the better.

Also what about a cinema app? Way back with DK1 one of my favourite things was the VR Cinema app that put you right in a cinema with a huge screen in front of you. Is there a good one for CV1?

whirligig is great


Hover Junkers VR | Using The Oculus Rift CV1 & Touch Controllers


Seems to work really great with roomscale

Is anything special going on with the headphones on the rift?

I have Astro A40 headphones that I really like. Have folks been using their headphones instead of the rifts?


Is anything special going on with the headphones on the rift?

I have Astro A40 headphones that I really like. Have folks been using their headphones instead of the rifts?

They're pretty solid headphones, audio quality wise. I use them over my Steelseries H, even though I prefer the audio of the latter a bit.

The big thing for me is that they are very solid sounding while also being vastly more comfortable than any kind of additional headphones. There is no additional weight or movement considerations for them whatsoever since they are fully supported by the headset frame. With any other kind of headphones you either have additional bulk on the head and potentially another cable to solve for, both of which become more and more relevant the more you need to move your head in the game you're playing. You also don't have to make any considerations for them when putting on or taking off the headset.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Man, wanted to show this to my family. They only have an Asus ROG laptop with Optimus and I haven't been able to get around the GPU not detected error. I know laptops aren't supported but it should have the power to handle some games.

Anyone know a workaround for Optimus laptops?


Man, wanted to show this to my family. They only have an Asus ROG laptop with Optimus and I haven't been able to get around the GPU not detected error. I know laptops aren't supported but it should have the power to handle some games.

Anyone know a workaround for Optimus laptops?

Some say that HDMI-port might work or thunderbolt to hdmi but haven't found any concrete evidence that this might work. I have a similar problem, I have a desktop but it's 500 miles from the city I work in and laptop only has optimus :(


So is there a general consensus on vorpx? I've done tons and tons of research and it seems for every positive impression there's a very negative one. I don't think I've ever been so torn on a purchase before so any help would be appreciated.

For the record I fully understand there's much tinkering required and I'm not expecting a fully native vr experience, just a new and cool experience with non-vr games. I just don't want to feel burned... already spent waaay too much on a new PC + oculus + games, time for selective spending

A few things to note. It's sold by a DigitalRiver subsidiary, so be prepared for possible order issues. Because of this, you're also going to have to keep a hold of your installer. Redownloading down the line isn't going to be easy. There's also an activation scheme. Basically it's one of the bigger pain in the ass pieces of software to legally obtain and install.

Once you have it installed, as you've stated, there's a myriad of things to configure on a game to game basis. Since it's fake VR, you're messing both with VorpX settings and in game settings to find a decent balance of performance, quality, and looking "right". Even when you get everything set up, bolting VR onto a traditional game feels like more of a novelty than some revolutionary experience IMO. I wouldn't recommend it unless you view the money as expendable or really want to mess around with your old games in VR.


My Oculus Rift Review:

A little bit about me first: I have been into the concept of VR since I was a child watching old B sci-fi films and tv shows with my dad. I dreamed about the day we would have a device that would deliver a "holodeck" like feel. This was a massive passion of mine and I even own the domain: http://www.nintendoon.com/ which played host to a fictional Nintendo themed virtual reality console.


Last Monday I received my Oculus Rift. The first thing I noticed was the elegant packaging. This definitely has a "quality" feel to it and I really like the reusable storage casing.

The Oculus Rift is a sexy product. Very well designed headset that is surprisingly light and sleek looking for what amounts to a huge face hugger.


ok well not that huge.

The setup process for the Rift was really polished and easy to follow. I ran into no issues at all with my hardware and I had the Rift up and running in about 15 minutes.

It was when I put my Rift on my head when my dream began to slowly crumble before my very eyes...

My facial expression resembled that looks on the faces from the three characters in Day of the Tentacle when they were in the time machine porta potties when they learned that...well they might not survive the trip.


All joking aside I went in not really knowing what to expect and I was absolutely shocked to discover just how poor the image resolution/clarity and field of view was on this thing. Way worse then I imagined.

It's not that I expect 4K visuals in the Rift or a 100% field of view. I just wasn't prepared for just how poor these things really would be. It's hard to compare them to visuals on a computer monitor but at times I felt like VHS quality. More so with the 360 degree videos rather then the games which seemed to look a little better. I want to say that the field of view felt like it may have been covering about 60-70% of my actual vision with the rest of my vision being the blackness from the Rift itself.

Text is super blurry (though readable) and I feel like I have the vision of a 90 year old wearing really think old styled glasses.

Because of the limitations of the resolution and field of view I get this claustrophobic feel from using the device which often times makes me not even want to play it.

I found that the 360 degree videos ranged from absolutely unwatchable to barely watchable. Some were so poor that I could barely make out what was even happening in the scene. The better looking ones had the imagine quality of a poor quality DVD.

Before anyone asks, yes I properly adjusted the lenses and played around with the positioning of the Rift on my head and various adjustments that could be made. I just found the picture quality very poor. I honestly have no interest in watching 360 degree videos in this thing at all.

The Oculus Cinema app surprisingly fared better. Playing your own video files in the theater mode was a really cool experience. The 2D video looked a lot better then the 360 degree ones and being able to move around, stand up, etc in the theater made it feel very lifelike and I was pretty damn impressed with that. Still the low fov and resolution overall takes away from the experience even here. Just not as much.

Gaming I feel fared better then the videos. Games mostly felt playable and I found that Lucky's Tale is believe it or not one of the coolest experiences available on the Rift. It feels like you are this giant in a huge come-to-life toy set. It's a very neat experience for sure and it does make what would be an average game a rather neat and immersive experience.

First person shooters are an absolutely no go. Vanishing of Ethan Carter made me sick in about 2-3 minutes. There is the ability to teleport your positioning throughout a level but I found this to be rather pointless and really takes you out of the immersion. As of now I feel like first person games just don't really work well in VR outside of maybe stationary shooting range games and maybe extremely slow first person adventure games. Adr1ft made me a little ill as well a few minutes in despite being a slower paced game.

Motion sickness is a real thing here and will affect everyone differently. So far I have only experienced it in the first person games I've played but I have not tried every single game available.

Eve Valkyrie was neat. I'm not a huge online gamer but there is something truly awesome being able to look around a cockpit of a spacecraft before launching out of the side of a hangar into space. Really neat stuff. Would have been more interested if this was a full single player experience.

Final Thoughts:


Everyone's experiences with VR are going to be very different. I know some people who play VR every day and others who were done and had their fill a few days after getting a headset.

Personally I feel that the low resolution and poor field of view really kills what would be an otherwise revolutionary product. Make no mistake, what Oculus, Valve, Sony, etc has done is completely revolutionary and completely awesome. I do feel like VR is going to become a huge thing eventually. I think this is just the beginning of something incredible.

That being said we simply aren't there yet. I don't think VR will be truly ready until we get a near full field of view, a much higher (4k or higher) internal display, better games and hopefully some issues solved with motion sickness.

Even after dropping a ton of cash on the Oculus Rift, I don't see myself using it that often. I'll likely get Touch and a few games to see if I can warm up to it more but ultimately it becomes super uncomfortable for me to wear. I don't think it's because of having to wear a visor but because the low resolution and field of view really closes off your vision and after a little while I am excited to take the thing off and be able to see with my full vision again.

Someday VR will get get there. Hopefully within the next 5 years but for now, it's like cooking a tasty meal and realizing that it's quite under cooked. I definitely say give VR a try because I feel like this is something everyone should experience but makes sure you get some playtime in before deciding to drop a large amount of cash on it because honestly? I kind of regret it!

Oculus Rift: 7/10

+Revolutionary tech, Super Mario 64 like experience at first. Truly immersive.
+Fantastic sound quality for 80s looking headphones.
+Overall fantastic build quality and packaging quality.

-Low field of view and terrible resolution really hinders the experience and gives the wearer a claustrophobic. You're not likely going to want to wear this thing for long periods of time until this improves.
-Software lineup is rather weak. Lots of overpriced games. Very few worthwhile titles.
-Motion sickness can be quite common and it sucks. Lots of fast paced games just isn't going to work.

Verdict: Wait until the technology improves and the software lineup grows.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Obviously the above is essentially my opinion and impressions so I really hope nobody here is offended. I am definitely excited to see where the technology goes in the future once it has time to mature and blossom into a more fully realized product.


Anyone seeing a weird problem where their Xbox One controller works perfectly in games (like Eve Valkyrie, Edge of Nowhere), but does absolutely nothing in Lucky's Tale or in the Oculus Home itself?

Oculus Home and Lucky's Tale think the controller is connected and working, but moving the sticks or clicking any buttons doesn't do anything.


is there an official chronos thread? Got stuck with a couple of sections and looking for assistance. Just in case - fairly early on:

There is a key in a bookcase that I can happily look at but I can't seem to open the doors, nor is there a keyhole anywhere.

There is a bridge that looks like I have to
raise the water level so I can get a gem
, but I can't see where I can do that. There was a
that I apparantly activated but I can't seem to toggle it and I didn't know what it did until I examined it.

lastly, any tips for levelling up? I went with a sword and am currently just piling points into health and agility. Should I get those to a certain level before increasing others? Do points carry over if you die - like if I have unused points because arcane costs 3 to upgrade.

Liking it a lot btw.


I gotta say, after trying it out more, SteamVR in the Rift is extremely nice. ATW makes games feel notably smoother for me, even standing-scale (which goes against what I was hearing about ATW and positional tracking).


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
There is a key in a bookcase that I can happily look at but I can't seem to open the doors, nor is there a keyhole anywhere.

Go back to the bookcase and take a look inside to the far right. It took me a while to find it too.
Man, wanted to show this to my family. They only have an Asus ROG laptop with Optimus and I haven't been able to get around the GPU not detected error.

If you do find a way to get around this error, please let me know. It's annoying as heck that I can't browse the store from my laptop.


makes good threads.
Is this awesome looking game coming out for the Rift or just Gear VR? Only mentions Gear VR but that would be super strange since it's an Oculus title:


Would be super dumb if Oculus isn't releasing games like this on the Rift. A market thirsty for compelling content...

Yeah I saw that earlier and for a brief moment I got all antsy until I saw it's just Gear VR for now.

Seems the flow right now is: Release on Gear VR > Iron out kinks > Release later on Rift.
At least judging recent from recent releases like Anshar 2 which had its release last month on Gear VR and is now getting advertised as "Coming Soon" for the Rift.


If you do find a way to get around this error, please let me know. It's annoying as heck that I can't browse the store from my laptop.

You can check if your HDMI is wired to the dGPU instead of the iGPU. That's the easiest bypass. Other solutions I have thought about but have not tested are spoofing the gpu to the program, but I would need to know how the Oculus Home reads your hardware and using a usb or thunderbolt adapter to somehow connect to the dedicated gpu.


poop meter feature creep
I just have a DK2, but I can't get past this screen after updating my drivers (Radeon HD 6870). Is my DK2 junk now?

I guess I could grab a Radeon RX 480 when it comes out. Would that be good enough with my i5-2500K for the CV1?


So I was looking for a bunch of free demos to try, and everytime I click a link that starts with oculus.com/experiences the app the link was supposed to go to just redirects me to the main "experiences" page.

Did they use to have a more expansive catalog of user-submitted stuff to look through and try?


My laptop doesn't have a dGPU though.

Oculus Home refused to install on my computer until I installed a dedicated GPU. I wanted to install it and download some games while waiting for my new GPU but it just said 'fuck off and get a proper GPU' (something like that)


My laptop doesn't have a dGPU though.

Yeah that might be a problem then. When the program boots up, the first thing it checks is the hmd and starts its "skyline" service. The HardwareManager checks the system and if it's a intel gpu it activates DisabledAdapter line which means the client activates obstruction disabledadapter/device missing error.

The way I would see it, is to either spoof the OVRserver or the client to read the integrated GPU as a "enabled adapter" or find where the list for disabledadapters is and modify that. I have no idea how to do this.

Note that starting the OVRserver through dGPU doesn't seem to allow the pass either.

Edit: after some more digging around (I might be completely on the wrong here) I came to a conclusion that it's actually the OVRserver which does the hardware check.


My Oculus Rift Review:


Thanks for the review it's very helpful. Even though I don't expect the resolution and field of view to improve a lot within next year or two, the software library should improve a lot and prices should come down quite a bit. I'll probably jump in once the price makes sense with what is being offered.
I really want to buy Chronos right now.....I just have a funny feeling it'll go on sale soon....

Dang game went up in price from $50CAN to $57 for me, pretty much the opposite of a sale lol, but i'm kinda getting that vibe too that a sale might happen soon


My Oculus Rift Review:

It's not that I expect 4K visuals in the Rift or a 100% field of view. I just wasn't prepared for just how poor these things really would be. It's hard to compare them to visuals on a computer monitor but at times I felt like VHS quality. More so with the 360 degree videos rather then the games which seemed to look a little better. I want to say that the field of view felt like it may have been covering about 60-70% of my actual vision with the rest of my vision being the blackness from the Rift itself.

Text is super blurry (though readable) and I feel like I have the vision of a 90 year old wearing really think old styled glasses.

Because of the limitations of the resolution and field of view I get this claustrophobic feel from using the device which often times makes me not even want to play it.

I found that the 360 degree videos ranged from absolutely unwatchable to barely watchable. Some were so poor that I could barely make out what was even happening in the scene. The better looking ones had the imagine quality of a poor quality DVD.

The terrible quality of the 360 video's is nothing to do with the resolution of the Rift though, its purely the quality of the video capturing and compression. I was also extremely underwhelmed with the Rift until I played my first game, Lucky's Tale. Which I agree is one of the best experiences I've had with it. Another is Lost, just a short demo but a great experience. Having said that I've played very few games with it, just what came with it and free games, as I'm not sure how long I'll be keeping it (£500 is a bit steep for me to keep it for good) so don't want to buy any VR games at the moment.

I was also bothered by the field of view, until I started playing games, than I forgot all about it.


The terrible quality of the 360 video's is nothing to do with the resolution of the Rift though, its purely the quality of the video capturing and compression. I was also extremely underwhelmed with the Rift until I played my first game, Lucky's Tale. Which I agree is one of the best experiences I've had with it. Another is Lost, just a short demo but a great experience. Having said that I've played very few games with it, just what came with it and free games, as I'm not sure how long I'll be keeping it (£500 is a bit steep for me to keep it for good) so don't want to buy any VR games at the moment.

I was also bothered by the field of view, until I started playing games, than I forgot all about it.

Yeah I feel like the experience is different for everyone. I tried various 360 degree videos from different apps and found that the range went anywhere from absolutely unwatchable (some videos I couldn't even make out what was going on) to barely watchable.

I assumed that compression played some role here but I do think the resolution also played a part. A little bit of both I imagine.

I do agree that the games look a bit better and I also some what agree that the more I got into games the less the fov of view bothered me but it never completely disappeared from my memory in my playtime experience and while it's hard to express my experience entirely I found the the lesser fov and blurry resolution kind of made me a bit uncomfortable. Like wearing a dirty pair of glasses or something which makes me not really want to wear the Rift for long play sessions more then like maybe 30 minutes a day.

I feel that everyone's experiences will be based on the quality of their vision and how much things bother them which is why we get such a wide range of impressions and will continue to do so for some time.

The Oculus Rift and the current VR sets in general are quite revolutionary and really rather amazing. If it wasn't for the comfort level of the resolution and fov bothering me then I would likely be using my Rift all the time. I don't want to undersell what has been accomplished by those in the industry who have spent years developing and improving the technology. This is game changing technology and I have no doubt in my mind that in a few years we will all be wearing VR sets and completely immersed in all forms of entertainment.

I do want to play some more games. I don't have many and I honestly find the prices rather disappointing. Been eyeballing Edge of Nowhere but I don't know. Game looks good but $40 is a lot to drop on a game unless it's super awesome.


Junior Ace
Completely agree with the long review posted above on the resolution and FOV. Strangely, the FOV only seems to be an issue outside of games. I didn't notice the blurring at all in Lucky's Tale.

This feels like the early days of the iPad, where there are a couple ok games but they're prohibitively expensive. My 1070 gets here tomorrow, so I'll be itching to try a few new ones. I take it Chronos and Apollo 11 are the standouts? Is there a decent rollercoaster demo anywhere?

Also, is there any way to improve the quality of the video player, or is there a different one I should be using? I tested it with a couple episodes of Game Center CX, and the quality is awful. Not to mention there's nothing but those light streaks coming off the "screen".


Completely agree with the long review posted above on the resolution and FOV. Strangely, the FOV only seems to be an issue outside of games. I didn't notice the blurring at all in Lucky's Tale.

This feels like the early days of the iPad, where there are a couple ok games but they're prohibitively expensive. My 1070 gets here tomorrow, so I'll be itching to try a few new ones. I take it Chronos and Apollo 11 are the standouts? Is there a decent rollercoaster demo anywhere?

Also, is there any way to improve the quality of the video player, or is there a different one I should be using? I tested it with a couple episodes of Game Center CX, and the quality is awful. Not to mention there's nothing but those light streaks coming off the "screen".

Edge of Nowhere seems to be worth checking out but I haven't tried it yet.

In my experience for the 360 degree videos, "Within" seems to be the best app so far. If anyone has any better recommendations feel free to offer them as I would be interested as well.
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