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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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I've never been into racing games at all. I think I've owned one or two racing games ever and one was GT3.
I can't drive for shit either.

But if it works well in Rift, my skills improve (a lot), looks good and doesn't make me feel a bit ill, I'm thinking of buying one of those GT Omega cockpits. Turns out their base is 30 minutes drive from me so I might save on postage.

I'm thinking of space flight sims too so I'll likely be getting a HOTAS.

It was either getting all of the above or going Vive. I guess I've settled more on Rift so I can get more stuff for it.
I've always liked racing games, but I never liked racing *sims* until I played one in VR. Next thing I knew I was buying a wheel and I've not regretted that decision. Dirt Rally in VR is as white knuckle as it comes.


Sim racing in Vr is amazing. I've never felt sick from it. It's so much easier than a monitor for people new to racing. You can properly judge distance and speed and it feels so natural. Live for Speed is now supported on the CV1 and is fantastic. There is a free demo you can check out too. Dirt Rally and Iracing are great in VR as well. I really hope project cars runs better than it used to though in VR.


Just played about 45 minutes of Firma, and that's a pretty cool thing. Some of the mission design is pretty bland (pick up thing, bring thing to other thing, stop to get fuel) but it's fun moving the lander around and the checkpoint/race stuff is pretty cool. It's early access, and $10, so wasn't expecting too much on that front and can see it being built up into something pretty alright for that price.

Keep playing. The missions get better especially once they introduce guns. This game is begging for multiplayer


Do you mean, you can just play Steam and Non-Steam games in the DK2? If so, how? Is it with SteamVR? Because SteamVR broke for me and doesn't recongnize the DK2 anymore when I installed Oculus Home yesterday.

No it's not through steamvr. The individual devs have to add 1.3 runtime support. Ive played Microsoft FSX on steam using flyinside 1.4. I also played elite dangerous through steam without installing it through Oculus Home. Live for Speed is also a non steam and non oculus home game that works great with 1.3 support. It just starts right up on the rift.


Sim racing in Vr is amazing. I've never felt sick from it. It's so much easier than a monitor for people new to racing. You can properly judge distance and speed and it feels so natural. Live for Speed is now supported on the CV1 and is fantastic. There is a free demo you can check out too. Dirt Rally and Iracing are great in VR as well. I really hope project cars runs better than it used to though in VR.

This is what I was thinking earlier. I can't get a good sense of depth from a monitor so I can't tell accurately how far a turn actually is, when to brake, when to turn and so on. I also have trouble seeing how tight the turn is.

I saw people playing Dirt on Youtube and it looked like it would be hard as hell for me. But the guy playing it was actually a pro rally driver so he made it look like he had full control.

Does anyone know if a 3770k is enough for VR? I've got it paired with a 980. Thanks

It should be, yes.
You can try SteamVR benchmark on Steam. I think it's under tools. It's free.


Yea being able to judge distance makes it so you can race extremely close without crashing. Drifting is so much easier too because you get a much better feel for the exact angle of your car and can tell when the back end is starting to step out. I need to upload some Live for Speed videos. It's so good in the rift.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Yea being able to judge distance makes it so you can race extremely close without crashing. Drifting is so much easier too because you get a much better feel for the exact angle of your car and can tell when the back end is starting to step out. I need to upload some Live for Speed videos. It's so good in the rift.
This sounds awesome. Now I can't wait to try Dirt rally and other racing games in VR.
Pro racing, especially Rally, sounds like the type of experience that could cause nausea in real life for an untrained driver. I wasn't that surprised to hear people experiencing issues.


Keep playing. The missions get better especially once they introduce guns. This game is begging for multiplayer

I actually only stopped because I had to do something else, not because I wasn't enjoying it. Had played two "days" worth at that point. But I'll check it out more some soon, for sure. Good recommendation, so thanks!
This is what I was thinking earlier. I can't get a good sense of depth from a monitor so I can't tell accurately how far a turn actually is, when to brake, when to turn and so on. I also have trouble seeing how tight the turn is.

I saw people playing Dirt on Youtube and it looked like it would be hard as hell for me. But the guy playing it was actually a pro rally driver so he made it look like he had full control.

It should be, yes.
You can try SteamVR benchmark on Steam. I think it's under tools. It's free.

The trick to starting to get to grips with Dirt is to play with a manual gearbox and listen to your co driver. He shouts out numbers before each turn, and they correspond to the *gear* you should be in to take that turn. I really struggled before I realized that.


The trick to starting to get to grips with Dirt is to play with a manual gearbox and listen to your co driver. He shouts out numbers before each turn, and they correspond to the *gear* you should be in to take that turn. I really struggled before I realized that.

Wait, is DiRT Rally already in the Oculus Store?
Wait, is DiRT Rally already in the Oculus Store?

No. I believe people were previously playing it on the DK2 and we're just waiting for it to support the latest SDK. I don't think there are any plans to sell it through the Oculus Store though.

I am just waiting for my copy to show that it supports VR on Steam.


I hope AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome will get updated for proper CV1 ( and Vive ) support. It was one of my favorite experience on my DK2.


The trick to starting to get to grips with Dirt is to play with a manual gearbox and listen to your co driver. He shouts out numbers before each turn, and they correspond to the *gear* you should be in to take that turn. I really struggled before I realized that.

That's not quite true but will work most of the time: http://blog.codemasters.com/dirt/04/co-driver-calls-explained/

It is important to listen to him though.

I don't think Dirt Rally has 1.3 runtime support yet but I played it a lot on 8.0 runtime. It's super important to have high AA settings in racing games. Dirt Rally looks terrible on the Rift at default settings but once I used DSR to downsample from 1800p it looked and ran amazing on a 970.
You need super high AA in Racing sims to be be able to see the upcoming corners in the rift. Hopefully it's better in the CV1 but I have a feeling high AA will still be needed. People may not understand how much graphics settings like AA affect the perceived resolution of the rift.
Playing FSX downsampled from 4K with additional 4X MSAA makes the DK2 look like it has a new screen. It's so much clearer than everything else.

Project Cars probably is tough to run in VR because it has high CPU and GPU requirements. The tire physics are calculated at 600 times a second on the CPU and graphically the deferred lighting system and weather effects push GPUs quite a bit. You also need high levels of AA for it to look decent in the rift. It runs great on low settings with no AA in the rift but looks horrible. Turning AA up so you can see the turns is where the performance drops off for me on a 970. I have not tried the optimized oculus home version yet though so I'm hoping it runs a lot better.
On AA and resolution... yeah. Ethan Carter at 130% scaling looks so much more detailed than at 80% scaling. Super sampling makes a big difference if you've got the performance for it (or you think framedrops are a fair trade for better IQ as I find to be the case in Ethan, but not in Pinball FX2).


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
The trick to starting to get to grips with Dirt is to play with a manual gearbox and listen to your co driver. He shouts out numbers before each turn, and they correspond to the *gear* you should be in to take that turn. I really struggled before I realized that.
Oh, the number is the gear? Hahaha, I was playing on automatic and figured it meant the severity of the corner. Which I guess still works out. Shows how much I know about rally. The game is fun, though.

Edit: I've been vindicated!

That's not quite true but will work most of the time: http://blog.codemasters.com/dirt/04/co-driver-calls-explained/

It is important to listen to him though.


/pessimistic stance

Can't wait to see a tweet from Palmer saying shipping may start on April 1st. April 1st will come and we'll get another tweet about how much he loves April Fool's day, so shipping may start the following week.
/pessimistic stance

Can't wait to see a tweet from Palmer saying shipping may start on April 1st. April 1st will come and we'll get another tweet about how much he loves April Fool's day, so shipping may start the following week.

I mean he did say likely today. That's at least better than a maybe.

Palmer Likely - "You'll be lucky to get your Rift this year."
If no Rifts ship today, are we officially at "debacle" status?


If no credit cards are charged today this will be a complete debacle. At that point I can see a lot more people having Vives before Rifts, which completely negates any sort of release first advantage Oculus supposedly had.


Just so you know the steam VR benchmark only tests your GPU as far as I know but he should still be okay.

Yeah, any CPU made before the i5 4950 on both VR tests will give you a fail but we all know second and third gen i7 will wipe the floor with a fourth gen i5


On AA and resolution... yeah. Ethan Carter at 130% scaling looks so much more detailed than at 80% scaling. Super sampling makes a big difference if you've got the performance for it (or you think framedrops are a fair trade for better IQ as I find to be the case in Ethan, but not in Pinball FX2).

For the sake of science, can you try tweaking the engine/BaseEngine.ini file to get resolution scaling to 200%? Would be interesting to see how much more it clears up details in the distance. Also, if you could share these ini files, it would give an idea of the settings that are running under the hood for VR.
Oh, the number is the gear? Hahaha, I was playing on automatic and figured it meant the severity of the corner. Which I guess still works out. Shows how much I know about rally. The game is fun, though.

Edit: I've been vindicated!

It's both, essentially. Yes there are situations where it doesn't follow like the example given but trust me, start playing it that way and you'll start to get it.

For the sake of science, can you try tweaking the engine/BaseEngine.ini file to get resolution scaling to 200%? Would be interesting to see how much more it clears up details in the distance. Also, if you could share these ini files, it would give an idea of the settings that are running under the hood for VR.

Well, I won't be able to try this until tonight, but if I remember I'll see what I can dig up. 130% scaling makes a big difference over 80% scaling though.


wasn't streaming, just trying it at home on his own rig. He figures its time to upgrade from a 2500k to a 6700k.

Something else was probably going on considering that a less powerful than 4590 CPU and a 970 (the unit they sent to reviewers) apparently runs EVE just fine at 90 fps on medium settings. I can't imagine an overclocked 2500k paired with a 980 would be unplayable. Is a 2500 that much worse than a 4590? Is EVE that CPU dependent?


Can you check to see how games perform in VR compared to how they perform out of VR at the same resolution as Rift?

Considering that the Rift and Vive have 25% more pixels (total) than a regular 1080p display and that you need to run games at 90 fps instead of 60 fps, you would need around 1.9X the power you need to run games in VR at the same quality as a regular 1080p 60 game on a 2d display.

For the same resolution as Rift, so taking into account the 25% more pixels, you only have to take into account the increased fps requirement in VR, so that you need about 1.5X the GPU/CPU grunt you would need for a regular 60 fps experience.


Any US Kickstarter backers here that haven't had theirs ship yet?

Starting to get worried by the silence from Oculus again.


Question about exchange rates and prices here, for my fellow non US customers.

So I preordered the Oculus a few days ago and the price they gave me, in Canadian dollars, is way higher than the current exchange rate (1.3) would suggest. If the Canadian dollar continues to go up in value and I'm charged in, say, May, I would be a bit pissed that I would still be paying the really bad January exchange rate (which seems to be what's happening now).

Is there a chance the CAD amount they give me is simply an approximation and that I would be charged on what the exchange rate is the day I'm charged? If not is it the same with Vive? I could end up paying less for Vive than Oculus if they apply exchange rates differently.


Sim racing in Vr is amazing. I've never felt sick from it. It's so much easier than a monitor for people new to racing. You can properly judge distance and speed and it feels so natural. Live for Speed is now supported on the CV1 and is fantastic. There is a free demo you can check out too. Dirt Rally and Iracing are great in VR as well. I really hope project cars runs better than it used to though in VR.

Seems to be running quite well on a 290 now


These are the settings he is running at:



Sucks that SLI is still not supported in VR


I mean he did say likely today. That's at least better than a maybe.

Palmer Likely - "You'll be lucky to get your Rift this year."

Haha. Honestly, if it's not charged and shipped today I think I'll cancel (I.E. Vote with my wallet). Not a fan of supporting this approach to business and it speaks volumes in how they will handle all future releases.

Besides the shipping fiasco and lack of communication, the eye glasses thing almost puts a nail in the coffin for me. Although people on Reddit think the best solution is for me to get lasik since I can't wear contacts.........
Haha. Honestly, if it's not charged and shipped today I think I'll cancel (I.E. Vote with my wallet). Not a fan of supporting this approach to business and it speaks volumes in how they will handle all future releases.

Besides the shipping fiasco and lack of communication, the eye glasses thing almost puts a nail in the coffin for me. Although people on Reddit think the best solution is for me to get lasik since I can't wear contacts.........

Yeah, I have glasses as well. A lot of people who demoed it with glasses didn't seem to have problems. Not sure what is going on.

Seems really odd.
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