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Official ESPN NBA League Thread (Please read carefully!)


Woooo! Grizzlies ranked #2! Next week, the power of Reeves will guide us to the top spot!

Sorry, someone has other plans for you next week


"Hi Bish, remember me?"

He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! You can't run!


Banstick Emeritus

"What's that? You want a taste of my THUNDER? Come on!"

Shortly after this photo was taken, Kevin Garnett was mauled by a rabid Grizzlie. Oh yes.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Truelize said:
When you wanna play Matrix. I'm available tonight.

Let the battle begin.

I can play anytime tonight,name your time and I'll be online.


bishoptl said:
Fiddy I'll be on Live after 8 pm PST tonight. I was supposed to play my NHL game but now I'm not sure how that's going, so pop in if you have a chance and we can finish our game.

Woooo! Grizzlies ranked #2! Next week, the power of Reeves will guide us to the top spot!

Bang on. 11 ET onward works for me. I'll check in at 11 and see if you're on.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Truelize said:
11:30 est tonight. Be there or be square

I'll be there.


No excuses here, Kobe got SHUT DOWN. The pressure was so tight, I had to start using him as the point guard to draw the defense away :lol

PS: Do not icon pass against Ramirez. I figured it out too late >_<


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Truelize said:

Nope...sorry. I might get one for Halo 2,but I dont like talking while playing sports games.

Last mic I got anyway fell apart,I hate wasting money and then having it break a few months later.


Steroid Distributor
Matrix said:
Nope...sorry. I might get one for Halo 2,but I dont like talking while playing sports games.

Last mic I got anyway fell apart,I hate wasting money and then having it break a few months later.

You ready? Let's go.

You better not win. Seriously. I dont think everyone can handle another full thread page of me complaining. :D


Banstick Emeritus
Good game Fiddy, and there are no excuses man - I got outrebounded, outhustled, outshot. What a massacre. I couldn't buy a freaking bucket if my ass was completely stapled with hundred dollar bills.

I'm so depressed. :(


Swift had some nice offensive boards in the first half. I thought I was going to get killed by those. Good game...I don't know how it got out of hand like that. I tried not to force the ball to Peja, because Konex doesn't like it, and I didn't for the most part, except when the game was out of hand, or I needed a big basket. Donyell Marshall and my other big men stepped up in a major way. I knew I had to go inside on your guys, because while Pau is a great player, he's not exactly made of muscle.


Steroid Distributor
The "Battle of the Bigs" has been completed.

Good game Matrix. I had a good time. I was freakin out there in the 4th. How many tie-ups did you have there? Like 4? Crazy.
And Iverson is FAST. I'm not sure what offensive set you were in there for awile. But you didn't seem to have any problem with running him baseline.

Well I got a win so you will not hear me whining this week. But I can make no promises about next week.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Yao is such garbage in this game its not even funny,when you let bitchs like parker or barry get offensive rebounds over you...you got problems.

Also Truelize for all your complaining,you seem to pick the perfect D and let Duncan swat balls way when I throw it down low and that was not you controlling the D in the middle,you seem to control it on the perimeter,but from what I could tell Duncan was the computer swatting the ball away,thats one of the reasons why I had 19 turnovers with ai.

I just dont think you should bitch about the way people play here,cause you dont play 100% manually despite what you think.

Also that game had some shitty ass lag and thats the first time playing anyone where I had lag like that

I think I missed like 6 three throws cause of that shit,not your fault.

GG man.



Steroid Distributor
Nope that was me hitting the block button. That is my biggest problem. I'm always in the air jumping for blocks.
If I ever maintain controlling Parker is because I'm still too busy slapping the steal button.

As for Defense, I played man 90% of the game. I tried to go 2-3 for a bit but you just ran Iverson baseline on it the whole time. I went back to man as soon as I could. You actually scored when I was switching back cause I was watching the stupid pop-up screen.

Then only reason I'm ever close in this game is that I get a lot of offensive rebounds.

But if you felt I wasn't playing 100% manually that sucks. Cause I sure try to.

Yeah that lag was weak. Caused me to miss a coulpe of freebies too.

But I think Jobbers comments as to how to use the Spurs really helped me. I didn't shy away from using Parker this game. You shut him down early though. And I didn't hide away from Bowen either. And I didn't take 15 threes this game. I usually do.

Wanna play again tomorrow?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
This game just pisses me off so bad cause of the turnovers and easy missed shots under the basket.

Yea we can play for fun tomorrow night.


Steroid Distributor
Did you see how many times I threw it off someones back???
I had fun cause we both seemed to be equally lost. We both made very stupid mistakes at crucial times.
If we were teammates we would be the turnover machine.


I told Konex he doubles too much,it seemed like every time down the court he would double,and then on top of that he was roaming around with Odom,leaving Robinson WIDE OPEN ALL GAME,and Glenn would brick wide open shots of course.There is absolutely NO penalty for doubling all game,in real life the team would get absolutely torched.

And you can say "don't use icon passing on Ram",but Im not the one that was roaming all game,I played you man up 99% all game,I just have quick reflexes for switching players and attempting steals.


Mashing?You mean like most of you do anytime any one has the ball while standing still?You all fucking just run around like chickens with their heads cut off swarping at the ball.

Like I said I PLAYED MANUAL DEFENSE ON THE BALL HANDLER ALL GAME,mean while you were doubling PLUS you had Odom yourself either running around waiting on me to pass out of it or making it a TRIPLE TEAM.

Don't even try to pull no bullshit here with me man,your playstyle is lame,True called you out on it last game too,so please,just shutup.


Umm..why don't you shut up...

You many think zone is cheese (I disagree and it's up for vote) and that's fine but teams do not play man-to-man all game. What is lame is how VC allowed opponents to see pass icons and start mashing steal as soon as they come up. I'm not even blaming you for playing that way (just warning others) but that doesn't make it any less lame...


Whatever dude,fact is I play D on the ballhandler all game,this actually makes it a hell of alot harder to get these steals off the icons,but whatever,you somehow think roaming around with Odom and doubling all game is somehow less cheap than the way I play then whatever.


I don't think playing zone is cheap cos the guy I'm sagging off can hurt me so it's risk vs. reward. For some reason, most guys I play only drive with the PG or shoot 3's all game and don't even look at what the D is giving them. If I'm playing a smart player and he starts attacking the hoop with the guy I'm cheating off, I adjust. That is not cheap, it's basketball.

Again, I'm not even calling your play cheap because it's VCs problem not yours but I think it'd be in everyone's best interests to not depend heavily on icon passing since it can be used against them by folks who choose to do that....


Icon passing does not equal a steal all the time unlike what most of you think.You throw it to Kobe almost EVERYTIME once you get across halfcourt,I don't need an icon for this,I know what your going to do.

And like I said you left Glenn Robinson,one of the best shooters in the league,WIDE OPEN all game and you did not get torched like you should have,the game's double team is bullshit wether you want to admit it or not.


You now belong to FMT.
Relax ladies....

all this bickering is idiotic... I am going to be winning this season anyway so lets just drop all of this stupid catfighting... its should be a rule that if you get beat just take your loss and move on.. everyone doesnt play the same, we established that... thats the joy of it... just adjust...there is no Foolproof way to win in this game.. if there was, then that would warrant complaints, but as long as you can pass the ball in bounds and bring your offense up the court, all should be fair game...


I started giving it to Kobe to set up the plays cos he was drawing the defense and that is how I could get my shooters for open looks. Obviously, on the fast break, it's going to Kobe.

I left Glenn Robinson and all you usually did was jack up threes (which I expected). If you had taken it to the hoop, you'd have had more success with him.

And yes, spying the icons and mashing steal = turnovers whether you want to admit it or not :p


Steroid Distributor
How about we all agree that we can only set defensive pressure to Tight on two of the other teams players?

Both of you guys make good points.

Cloudy the way you play defense really hinders the ability to play this game effective. Period. Not because you are so dang good (oh you are), but because the ball doesn't move fast enough when you pass it and the shooting animation is slow enough that even if the pass goes to an open player that can shoot your defensive player will have enough time to get over there and alter his shot. Shooting on HOF is hard enough as is. But having to rush every shot makes it harder. Add in the fact that we are playing online and dealing with irregularity in lag amounts. It's easy to say that taking a lot of outside shots is not the easiest way to win in this game.

But you do make a very valid point regarding using that player that you leave open more. In essence if that player was good enough, you can make someone that plays like Cloudy to play more honest by hurting him with that open guy. The hard part is that isn't always possible. The game does a lot of weird things regarding dribble directiong and such. I've had a player catch the ball on the wing and even though I'm pushing baseline the entire time he some how decides to dribble up towards the top. Kinda like the game avoided a collision or something.

I think what would really make this a more honest situation is if we limit the amount of players that we can defend "tightly" Most teams have two really strong players. What this would do is simply give the offensive player a half-second of extra time to start his move.

Malleymal never set all his players to Tight. He beat me offensively. And he did a very good job at containing my star players.
Matirx doubled Duncan in the post automatically, and he really shut down his production on first shots. But he never set anyone to Tight. We had a fun game.

As for the pg issue. You can defend that pretty easily if you switch to a weakside post player and try to shut off the lane. I've done ok with that at least.

It's just that using the Tight defensive pressure as well as playing a dropzone and letting the computer guard the ball seriously limits the chances to even make a good shot attempt. The game is not programmed well enough for offensive players to counter that defense.

Will you at least consider this? It would give us all a more even playing field and it would provide a more realistic game experience.


Contest Winner
Malleymal said:
Theo whenever you are ready.... After the game??

I can play tonight between 5 and 8pm est, or anytime after the game. unless i have to go jump off a bridge!! :)


Tru, I don't make any rules. We decide on everything as a group.

I could put that up for voting if you really insist but I would think it would be an identical result to how the majority voted to "use players any way we like".

PS: If someone plays all tight, you can kill them with screens because they are playing you so close..


Steroid Distributor
Cloudy said:
Tru, I don't make any rules. We decide on everything as a group.

I ccould put that up for voting if you really insist but I would think it would be an identical result to how the majority voted to "use players any way we like".

PS: If someone plays all tight, you can kill them with screens because they are playing you so close..

You way know that Cloudy. But I'm pretty sure there are people that are playing in this league that don't even know how to call a screen. I made this suggestion to try and even out the playing field a bit. Some of you are very very good at this game and you have figured out the best way to take advantage of every situation the other team gives you. There are others though that joined this league to have some fun. And I don't think someone that goes through the entire season losing every single game is having a lot of fun.
And although I know everyone wants to win. There is nothing wrong with having fun too is there? :) I speak for Wellie and Theo here. Cause I don't imagine whoever it was that lost by 50 had a really good time that game.


It would be easy to torch zone in this game if the passing system wasn't absolute shit. Oh and the passing game out of double teams is fucking ridiculous. Ask FMT about our game. I would have Bibby get double teamed right inside the three point line. He is LOOKING RIGHT at Houston who is three feet in front, away from the double team. Instead of passing to Houston like I tell him too Bibby decides to to a circus reverse pass to Webber who is across the court, and the ball goes out of bounds. Truly ridiculous. We were both sitting back and laughing at the replays of these occurences.


This game needs EQ more desperately than ESPN NFL. When I see Shaq doing windmill reverse layups things are out of hand. The sad part is he does this when he is wide open under the hoop.

Question: Why isn't there a LAYUP or DUNK button in this game? Let me point out another problem with this game. With a LAYUP or DUNK button I could stop from getting some blocks. I worked hard against FMT last game to get some easy low shots. Having the big daddy as a presence I knew that driving for layups isn't the best idea. So I would try to take some 5-7 foot jumpers. However, since there is no LAYUP or DUNK button in this game my idot players would sometimes go to attempt a LAYUP or DUNK animation instead of a short jump shot. And that LAYUP or DUNK would get blocked by the diesel, which should happen. They need a seperate button for ESPN NBA 2K6.

Oh, and let me not forget to mention the time when Shaq got the ball down low and posted up on Bibby. Instead of slamming it home the game went into a jump hook animation and he missed it! :lol

Bibby defense >>> Shaq offense in the paint!



You way know that Cloudy. But I'm pretty sure there are people that are playing in this league that don't even know how to call a screen. I made this suggestion to try and even out the playing field a bit. Some of you are very very good at this game and you have figured out the best way to take advantage of every situation the other team gives you. There are others though that joined this league to have some fun. And I don't think someone that goes through the entire season losing every single game is having a lot of fun.
And although I know everyone wants to win. There is nothing wrong with having fun too is there? I speak for Wellie and Theo here. Cause I don't imagine whoever it was that lost by 50 had a really good time that game.
I personally have fun playing in the leagues and looking at my stats regardless of my record.

But seriously, if winning is the only way online leagues can be fun for someone, it's up to them to improve their skills. Do you want the better players to let them win or something?

As for folks who are losing now, they'll get first pick of teams next season if they choose to play (It'll be by W-L record with the worst record picking first).

I'll put up the poll for you though.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
The only cheap zone in the game is the box-1. 2-3, 3-2, and 1-3-1 are fine.

If you have a good PG, you should be able to get in the lane and kick it out. If you don't have a good PG, swing the ball around to your star and either shoot it or kick it out when the double team starts.If you play tight on every player on D, your team will get tired quickly and if you drive to the hole alot, you'll get fouled alot more.

True Story


Steroid Distributor
I'm having fun the majority of the time too. I really didn't think you would see it from a different point of view.

I didn't say let them win. I said make it more competitive. We can do this by accepting a couple of guidelines. Like limiting the amount of players you can set to Tight defensive pressure. I think it would totally open the game up.
It's possible that everyone would have the exact same records regardless if we played this way. But I'm sure some of those crazy blowouts would have been closer.

I don't think that setting everyone to Tight and then doubling the ball with two computer controlled players is any indication of how good the player actually is. I think if we set some guidelines we might see some of these unstoppable teams having to play a little more honest.


Yeah. And the thing about double teaming too is that the CPU guy who comes to double team runs like 5 times faster to the double team than he normally would run in the game.


Here's the thing though, I don't wanna do anything without majority approval. For example, here are my ideal rules but I'm sure NO ONE would agree to them:

- Not more than 25 shots with one player in a game
- Not more than 15 shots with a PG
- No fullcourt passes AT ALL
- No "cheating" off icon passing (not that it could really be enforced but kind of an honor system lol)

I wish we had those rules but it's not gonna happen. I adjust to the way the majority wants to play and try to be competitive...


Steroid Distributor
Man you word your polls poorly.

I wasn't saying that we needed to "help" the offensive player. We need to make some people play more honest defense. Give a little here Cloudy.

I don't mind if someone kills me with one player, because I am personally getting beat then because I do my best to manually defend in this game. That is me versus my oppenent.
What we need to do is stop people from relying so heavily on the computer to play defense for them. Because that is me versus the computer. If I wanted to play against the computer I wouldn't play online.

That is the entire point of online play. You get to do your best to fake out a human oppenent. But when people let the computer play defense you take any human advantage out of the game. That is what we need to stop.


Steroid Distributor
I get that feeling.

I'm not trying to get him to play manual defense. But if we limit the amount of players that can be defended "Tightly" it would make it harder for someone that uses a zone and then doesn't control any of the players near the ball to dominate so easily. Cause anyone that does that will get a lot of easy buckets too.
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