I'm not making any trades until I see my roster and review my final cap situation. Once we've started feel free to make me an offer and we can go there.
I'm just missing one piece!
That's the spirit!
I can't help it! This is who I am!
I just try to make trades that I think will make the game more enjoyable to play, personally.
I just tried to Russell and he fumbled on three straight plays...
I mean that's fine, I'm not saying don't trade. Trades happen, trades are important. There's nothing wrong with trades. I think all my time reading baseball analysis and what not has taught me about understanding value appropriately.
I remember reading something about the importance of 1 win upgrades for various teams and so it should sort of dictate how much teams are willing to spend.
This is kind of how I view this league, there are 4 tiers:
Tier 1, the elites. These guys already have some combination of elite stick skills and elite Madden rosters. For them the upside of adding another elite player is giving them that marginal advantage over one of the other 3-4 guys in this tier who they'll likely face in the CCG and Super Bowl. They should absolutely try to acquire elite talent if they can.
Tier 2, the guys knocking on the door. These 4-5 guys are better than pretty much all the rest of us, they just haven't won the big dance yet for some reason or another. Given that they have 8 to 10 guys at or slightly above their level skill wise the upside of acquiring improvements is increasing their shot at the Title. I would say all of them have a realistic shot at the title, so they may only be 1 piece away from getting to it.
Tier 3, most of the rest of us. Basically 18 or so of us will finish with between 5 and 9 wins and be out of the playoffs in round 1 if we make it. Instead of going all in on one piece we should be looking at steady improvements to our overall rosters and adding elite talent through the draft where the cost is cheaper.
Tier 4, fodder tier. These are the guys who either don't take this seriously (which is fine) or were handed dog shit rosters. The guys with the bad rosters should be looking to acquire draft capital as they likely need help at a bevy of positions. These are the guys that should be sellers.
Some people like having the false hope that adding 1 piece is enough.
I think there are legitimately a few people in this league who might be 1 piece away. I'm just not sure I've seen all of them involved in these wacky preseason trades.
Ok you also have to ask yourself do all users really care about being the champ, or just having fun and being a GM? You get to control your team that you are a fan of. We all sit around and comment on moves that our respective GMs make and what we would do if we had the chance.
That's one reason why I've said trades should just be open and let people be the GM of the team they enjoy watching.
I 100% agree that everyone has fun in their own ways in this league, and I'm not here trying to say no trade. I'm just saying some people need sanity lessons. Then again I think there are real GMs/Owners who have the same kind of delusions so hey, if its in the game right?