Ugh. Yeah. I have the option to write in any candidate(or non-candidate! I could write in your name, but the apparent lack of knowledge you have about the inner workings of our electoral system, in addition to the fact that you're probably all of 19, give me pause...), any how, I have the option to write in ANY CANDIDATE'S name because I only have two choices. There are at least 3 candidates listed on my ballot initially because ONLY TWO of them are available to vote for. You need to realize that you are LOGICALLY INCORRECT, sir.
I just did! Holy monkey! You really don't know much about the finer workings of logic, do you? Ability to vote for any candidate, even if they aren't Kerry, does not = vote for Bush. Vote for Bush = vote for Bush. Seriously. You don't want to try and use logic to make your emotional, talking point fueled arguments against me.
You misunderstood or in honesty I might've mistated, that's all. You can write Michael Jackson, Madonna, Dohn King, whatever... in reality there are two
"REAL" CHOICES, whatever you do UNLESS some miracle takes place your action will result in the election of EITHER BUSH OR KERRY, as has been said. That's it, and your present course, is just improving Bush's odds, whether you accept it or not.
Logic is on my side, not yours. The operations of the electoral system are on my side, not yours. And ultimately, truth is on my side, not yours.
Sadly, the only reason that may be is cause I left the word "REAL" out by mistake, but now that it's in I can say NOPE try again(that was what I intended, and could be deduced from my paragraphs back then, but any case here it's clarified). Whether you like it or not, any additional option that's on your ballot might as well not be there. IT IS NOT A REALISTIC CHOICE, it ACHIEVES NOTHING. THUS YOU'RE DOING NOTHING, If you're not going to do anything to stop BUSH, then if he's elected know that you did nothing. When the supreme court's filled with scalias KNOW IT WAS YOU WHO IN PART CONTRIBUTED TO SUCH A THING TAKING PLACE BY DOING PRACTICALLY NOTHING TO STOP IT.
Again, I could draw on the ballot, and eat it, or burn it, or do an INFINITY OF THINGS TO IT, none of those are going to do anything with regards to the election. IN THIS ELECTION THERE ARE ONLY TWO REAL CHOICES, that is TWO CHOICES THAT WILL LEAD TO A PARTICULAR OUTCOME. Voting for Yojimbo, will do nothing with regards to this election.
And let me say, that what one bad man does(Bush) is not going to be noticeably worse than what a mediocre man(Kerry) will do in the same instance.
LOL, you don't get it do you the supreme court's supposed to get up to four free slots, and we've heard the kind of judge Bush wants there.
Hah, the important thing here are the courts, do we want scalias or human judges. If you think people who believe GOD is the source of their power, that CHILDREN CAN BE SENT TO DEATH, and that evidence subsequent to the initial trial CAN BE DISMISSED, THE CONSTITUTION IS FLEXIBLE AND IS NOT THE FINAL WORD, I hope you can understand the gravity of filling the supreme court with such.... If neo-cons manage TO SOMEHOW PASS some of the sh!t they'll try to pass again, stuff like more PATRIOT ACT extensions, stuff like more MARRIAGE AMENDMENTS, and other attempts at entering BIGOTRY IN OUR LAWS, the constitution restoration act( aka theocracy USA 200X bill). WHO? WHO? WHO?
WHO will be there to say it's unconstitutional? You think a bunch of dominionist zealot judges are gonna turn down a theocracy bill? You think if say 2-3 or god forbid FOUR judges the likes of scalia make it into the supreme they'll do some good? For one thing they'll make abortion illegal, civilian rights will go to hell, and the constitution itself will be in jeopardy(religious zealots filling all branches)....
Why would someone who doesn't like John Kerry or think he'd do a satisfactory job as President vote for him?
COUGH COUGH BUSH's SAID he finds the likes of scalia exemplary, after all my examples MY GOD, you realize the consequences of filling the supreme with the like of scalia!!!! A court filled with the likes of that man, is the same as the undoing of the constitution and democracy, human rights, the environment....
From a literal point of view, Raoul is 100% correct: A vote for Nader is NOT a vote for Bush.
That's if we ignore DIEBOLD, the media's nice support, and the fact that this is a close election and thus Bush seems likely to win in this close election. Unless we do what we can to give a candidate a significant enough advantage over him.
But how stupid is the media that they've actually spent time on this story??
A lot of it is pro-Bush, if you've not noticed... "look fat boy cnn", so that you may see how abominable things are behind the scenes.
I'm sorry but I'll say it again, there are two choices for america to fill the supreme court with insane religious zealots of the highest kind, which will demolish the law, abolish human rights, make abortion illegal, and who will do all in their power to bring forth bigotry, or a less evil court. IT's your choice, the window is open, and you can throw your rights out the window, now choose!!!( of course we could get some miracle, if God is merciful and americans allow the former to become viable.)