goodcow said:Of course Osama bin Laden attacked us, I know that!
Slo said:The thing that's clear to me is that everyone saw exactly what they wanted to see. Bush supporters think Bush clearly won the debate, and Kerry supporters think it was a blowout the other way.
Whatever happened to having an open mind?
HalfPastNoon said:Huh? Even the most ardent bush supporters are realizing how bad he fucked up. There is no debate about it, John Kerry was the better man last night.
Even the conservative bastion of the free world, Fox News, was piling on Bush.
Slo said:The thing that's clear to me is that everyone saw exactly what they wanted to see. Bush supporters think Bush clearly won the debate, and Kerry supporters think it was a blowout the other way.
Whatever happened to having an open mind?
Cool said:I agree. I try to keep an open mind even though I am more of a Kerry supporter. I went into watching the debate as neutral as I could be and Kerry was totally verbally P1MP5L4PP1NG Bush. Bush studdered and had to stop and think a lot and kept rehashing the same thoughts. It is no doubt that Kerry won this debate. End of story.
Furthermore, the facial expression factor. Kerry kept a smile most of the time and there were many times when Bush appeared confused and even at times a bit upset. Kerry, for the most part, appeared to be very calm.
Overseer said:It may be true that Kerry won, but Bush made some very good points and put some serious hits on Kerry. As in the past Bush won the last election and Gore won the debates.
Slo said:Ok, well I'll just have to be content disagreeing with you guys. I thought Kerry made Bush look like a arrogant half-wit in denial, but then again I thought that about Bush going in. Most of the Bush supporters in my workplace are satisfied that they heard what they needed to hear from their President.
JC10001 said:As for the VP debate, right now I think that a lot of people are expecting Cheney to win. I know I am. Cheney will pound home the msg of "inexperience, inexperience, inexperience" when it comes to John Edwards. Hopefully John Edwards will rebutt with something along the lines of Bush not having that much experience either when he ran for president but it will be really difficult for him. Anyone know what the topic of the VP debate will be? Its it kind of a hodge-podge of issues or does it focus on a particular one?
Slo said:Ok, well I'll just have to be content disagreeing with you guys. I thought Kerry made Bush look like a arrogant half-wit in denial, but then again I thought that about Bush going in. Most of the Bush supporters in my workplace are satisfied that they heard what they needed to hear from their President.
SteveMeister said:Eh, I'm not really interested in the Penguin vs Robin debate.
JC10001 said:On the issues Gore won the debates but many people saw Bush as the winner because he had more style points than Gore. Gore hurt himself by sighing (at least 18 times in the first debate), getting angry, and acting like a fool.... which is almost precisely what Bush did last night (Bush grimaced, got angry, and acted like a bumbling idiot).
Kerry was calm, cool, and collected the entire time AND he owned Bush on the issues...the very issues that Bush made the center of his entire campaign for re-election. I think it bodes well for Kerry. I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch but if Kerry can manage to really stick it to Bush during the next two debates I think Kerry might be able to get a slight lead. Kerry can't take it easy on Bush. He needs to be just as prepared for the next two debates as he was for the first one.
As for the VP debate, right now I think that a lot of people are expecting Cheney to win. I know I am. Cheney will pound home the msg of "inexperience, inexperience, inexperience" when it comes to John Edwards. Hopefully John Edwards will rebutt with something along the lines of Bush not having that much experience either when he ran for president but it will be really difficult for him. Anyone know what the topic of the VP debate will be? Its it kind of a hodge-podge of issues or does it focus on a particular one?
Nonetheless, the fucker still isn't getting my vote. Until he starts seriously addressing corporate crime in America, he's still just another tool of the political duopoloy "running" the country to me. Have fun voting for "the lesser of the two evils" this November, suckers. My conscience will be clean when I cast my vote:
As in the past Bush won the last election and Gore won the debates.
Slo said:I don't wanna sign up, can you summarize?
Prospero said:Kerry clearly won the debate. But Gore won the debates against Bush in 2000 as well, with calm, reasoned, logically rigorous statements against whatever Bush had to say, which wasn't much. And remember how that turned out. It remains to see how the press decides the debate--the amount of spin I was seeing on the morning news shows was ridiculous.
However, this was the first time I looked at Kerry and thought he actually might make good Presidential material, instead of just being the lesser of two evils.
Overseer said:If it stays as close as it has been then Nader may be deciding who wins. Nader takes a certain percentage of votes from each canidate it just depends who he takes more from. But I have a feeling Kerry will be rising in the polls.
SteveMeister said:No, as a liberal, Nader is more likely to draw votes away from Kerry than from Bush. It's not an equal division.
MrPing1000 said:bugmenot
DarienA said:I just tried like 5 of the accounts and none of them worked....
xsarien said:In that time, you could've made your own account.![]()
Mr. Bush, who seemed to grow tired as the night wore on, repeatedly used the phrase "hard work" to describe the war in Iraq. Mr. Kerry repeatedly referred to his first-hand experience sending men into battle in Vietnam, and that seemed to unnerve Mr. Bush. The president said he understood that fighting was hard work and added, "I see on the TV screens how hard it is."
"French mime"? WTF?NYTimes said:Mr. Kerry moved his hands almost continuously, at one point folding them over his heart like a French mime as he explained that he felt "nothing but respect" for Tony Blair and British soldiers serving in Iraq.
Sal Paradise Jr said:Ugh, the Chicago Sun-Times coverage is atrocious as expected.
Let's give Novak an entire page with no opinion from the center/left to counter his editorial.
In summary, this was not a debate where the challenger clearly rattled the incumbent
DarienA said:Which debate was Novak watching? Maybe we should send him the faces of frustration media clip.
The only mention of the word draft in the transcript.Outlaw Pro Mod said:Another lie by Kerry, about the draft.
JoshuaJSlone said:The only mention of the word draft in the transcript.
Kerry: "We've got a backdoor draft taking place in America today: people with stop-loss programs where they're told you can't get out of the military"
Maybe we should send him the faces of frustration media clip.
Ripclawe said:Why? That is child's play considering the gaffes Kerry made including his global test nonsense. Kerry won on style, not substance.
Ripclawe said:Why? That is child's play considering the gaffes Kerry made including his global test nonsense. Kerry won on style, not substance. but he showed the same behavior he is trying to hide being an internationalist who believed the CIA should be under UN control, against the cold war, nuke freezes, blame America first, disdain for the US military, calling a "summit" which is hysterical in itself...etc..etc.
The Global test gaffe is already getting play and RNC is making yet another video showing kerry's changing Iraq stances which carries a lot more weight that facial expressions.
Sal Paradise Jr said:What the hell did Bush say that had any substance whatsoever? Iraq is hard work? No shit buttercup. Osama attacked us not Iraq? Good one, here's a cookie.
Why don't you hold your own candidate up to the standards you're wanting Kerry to meet?
Why don't you hold your own candidate up to the standards you're wanting Kerry to meet?
Pressure is also coming from the international coalition the United States has put together, Natsios explained. The two resolutions in the United Nations, Natsios said, "shocked" the Khartoum government "because they were sponsored by the French and the Germans with us, who have been allies of theirs in Europe prior to Darfur."
Ripclawe said:I know where President Bush stands on issues, Kerry is hiding and lying his positions on issues, such as Darfur. All the things he claims he would do Bush has done to great effectiveness if you keep up with the news.
Slo said:The thing that's clear to me is that everyone saw exactly what they wanted to see. Bush supporters think Bush clearly won the debate, and Kerry supporters think it was a blowout the other way.
Whatever happened to having an open mind?
Didn't the global test refer to his stance concerning getting foreign support prior to waging any sort of war based off of erroneous information?
Ripclawe said:Why? That is child's play considering the gaffes Kerry made including his global test nonsense. Kerry won on style, not substance. but he showed the same behavior he is trying to hide being an internationalist who believed the CIA should be under UN control, against the cold war, nuke freezes, blame America first, disdain for the US military, calling a "summit" which is hysterical in itself...etc..etc.
The Global test gaffe is already getting play and RNC is making yet another video showing kerry's changing Iraq stances which carries a lot more weight that facial expressions.
Ripclawe said:uh no. This pretty much sums up his "global test"
What is your position on the whole concept of preemptive war? KERRY: The president always has the right, and always has had the right, for preemptive strike. That was a great doctrine throughout the Cold War. And it was always one of the things we argued about with respect to arms control.
No president, through all of American history, has ever ceded, and nor would I, the right to preempt in any way necessary to protect the United States of America.
But if and when you do it, Jim, you have to do it in a way that passes the test, that passes the global test where your countrymen, your people understand fully why you're doing what you're doing and you can prove to the world that you did it for legitimate reasons.
I happy to think that many of the things we do outside of our own country SHOULD be put to a global litmus test to see who benefits...
France led opposition to US moves at the UN over Iraq. As was the case in Iraq, France also has significant oil interests in Sudan.
Mr Muselier also dismissed claims of "ethnic cleansing" or genocide in Darfur.
"I firmly believe it is a civil war and as they are little villages of 30, 40, 50, there is nothing easier than for a few armed horsemen to burn things down, to kill the men and drive out the women," he said.