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Official: PSP December 12, 19800 yen


That price, that screen, that set of functions, it sounds good to me.

And yes they are raking back money with the bundle.

User 406

Pet - Gently pet character.

Axsider said:
Dude, maybe you're a retard. Who knows?!
Like it or not! Oh, how old I am? 26! Old enough?
Damn, my post hurts you, right?

Sweet, now Axsider's happiness level is 10, and I can use him to purify portals! :D


This picture is begging to be photoshopped!!



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Society said:

Yes because even though Sony as an overall company is doing better than it has thanks to restructing and such, the other divisions are still not doing great, and with the videogame division in it's usual new console profit down period well to make a long story short:

Sony iz doomed..... again.


border said:
Didn't Newsweek also do a cover story on PS2? And they revealed the first screenshots of Madden PS2?


All I remember is CNN revealing the ps2 for the 1st time. (TTT and MAdden)


They have the article online. Pana posted them in a seperate topic but should have posted it here! :D


Only hours before Kutaragi's PSP press conference last month, Nintendo announced that its machine would ship in Japan and the United States in November, at an eyebrow-raising price of $150. It was widely seen as an attempt to spoil Sony's party. "We understood their intention, but we didn't care," says Kutaragi. "They have their type of people, we have ours. Our intention is to open up our new world."

This guy is slowly replacing Yamauchi with classic quotes. :lol There are a ton in the article!


It was either Time or Newsweek that did a big PS2 cover story with first Madden screens. I mostly remember because all we got were some cruddy online scans.

Madden and TTT were almost certainly not revealed at the same time. Sony had all their Western-developed titles under-wraps prior to E3 2000.


border said:
Madden and TTT were almost certainly not revealed at the same time. Sony had all their Western-developed titles under-wraps prior to E3 2000.
Actually no, SSX (then called Super Snowboard X) was first revealed in Feb 2000 iirc.


Mistaken iRobbery!
border said:
Didn't Newsweek also do a cover story on PS2? And they revealed the first screenshots of Madden PS2?
Yes they did, I still have that Newsweek issue :)
They showed some pics of Madden and Tekken Tag Tournament(Famous upclose Jin pose) plus a whole article on Kutaragi.


Okay, so then I guess that means Newsweek (a NEWS magazine that is supposed to rival Time or US News & World Report) has for some reason done cover stories on PS2, Spider Man 2, and now PSP.

Are they owned by Sony or something? They seem to have spent a good bit of space on giving their products totally free PR.....even though it has little to do with current events.


A little left field, but what's known about PSP networking structure so far exactly? I thought I read they'd be supporting wireless downloads somewhere... it'd be nice if they worked with either Bandai or SNKP on maybe offering the WSC & NGPC game libraries as downloadable to MemoryStick and playable on PSP via official emulators (similar to Sega's MarkIII/MD/PCE downloads for Dreamcast or Nintendo's FC downloads on 64DD)... it might be a nice way to try and counter/offer an alternative to GBA game compatability in DS.
I made this one, which isn't perfect, but it's darn close. It's based on the physical sizes of the of the screens, not the resolution:


There ya go.



GAF's Pleasant Genius
The GBA aspect ration is not 3:2, but that is a minor thing.

The PSP screen seems to have a very nice pixel density which should help to soften aliasing at the edges level and at the textures level (if pixels were ultra tiny, you would not notice edge aliasing much).
Hrmm... I went by the resolution on the GBA aspect ratio. The screen's resolution is 240 x 160, which equates to 3:2, no? Or are you saying that while the screen is supposed to be 3:2, that my representation of it was off?



GAF's Pleasant Genius
crisdecuba said:
Hrmm... I went by the resolution on the GBA aspect ratio. The screen's resolution is 240 x 160, which equates to 3:2, no? Or are you saying that while the screen is supposed to be 3:2, that my representation of it was off?


Sorry, it is 3:2 for the GBA... it is the DS that was wrong: the aspect ratio of the DS screens is 4:3 (the resolution is 256x192).
You are correct that it's 4:3. The DS screen size in my comparison shot is still accurate (you'll notice that its dimensions are of a different proportion than the GBA), but it's incorrectly labeled.

That said, the PSP screen doesn't seem that much bigger (given the 2 screens of the DS), though I'm sure the higher pixel density will make a good difference if you saw them running side by side.



Another great victory for the Sony hype machine/PR bandwagon/image department/mindshare war. They're always good at that. Right now it's looking as though Nintendo is doomed...but the keyword is "looking".

Let's face it, by the time the PSP launches in the U.S. The Nintendo DS will either be $129 or better yet $99 which is still $70 to $100 cheaper! In the mean time the DS will have garnered support from developers & gamers, unique features the PSP doesn't have and has the back catalog of GBA games to keep it chugging. Yeah the PSP has alot going for it with greater audio/visuals, MP3, UMD and all that jazz...but it still doesn't change that it's a $200 *portable*. I think the thing that's so unrealistic with Sony's approach is that they believe that they can somehow garner more gamers into portable gaming then the GameBoy empire has, especially with something that has a lower battery life, higher pricetag and higher costing games.

Yes console-level visuals on a portable is impressive, but it won't suddenly mean that portable gaming will be on the same level as console gaming...portable gaming will *always* be secondary to console gaming. Tie-in ratio's may go up, but not at the level the PlayStation consoles have thrived on. Why? Because again, portable gaming will *always* be secondary to console gaming! And, if Sony expects the masses to rebuy PSP versions of basically the same games & movies in our existing libraries, they're wrong.

I think everyone needs to calm down with this doom stuff. Both portables will do just fine! Big question is, what kind of beast will the GameBoy Evolution be and when will it come out...'cos by the time PSP hit's it's stride the next GameBoy will be it's competition, while the DS will be the 3RD pillar/serperate/expiramental platform.
This is awesome, so getting a PSP now (gonna wait a year or so though).

Great thing is that the UMD will help Sony create a GH line for the PSP. Hopefully Nintendo goes the same route with the DS, but considering it's rom based (regardless of how cheap it might be to make, UMD's will be cheaper still)...it'll put them in a tough position when it comes to GH/PH pricing.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Just today, I heard people on the bus saying "Hey, did you hear about the new Nintendo DS?" "New portable? Awesome. When's it come out?" "November 21st, for $150." "That's kind of expensive for a handheld."

$150 is seen as expensive, but doable. I don't know if the $200 price point for the PSP, even with all it's capabilities, will be appeasing. People don't want to see $200 on a handheld, generally. We, as hardcore gamers, who know the ins and outs of hardware, the costs and such, base our purchases of hardware on the VALUE of the hardware. We can look at the PSP and say "Hey, for the level of technology it has, that's a steal! Why not buy one?"

Your average Joe Schmo, on the other hand, will see the PSP, think, "Hey, that looks pretty sexy. Mr. Store Clerk guy, how much is it?" "$200" "For a portable? No way, that's too expensive"

It's sometimes easy to forget that we aren't the majority of gamers out there.


GaimeGuy said:
Just today, I heard people on the bus saying "Hey, did you hear about the new Nintendo DS?" "New portable? Awesome. When's it come out?" "November 21st, for $150." "That's kind of expensive for a handheld."

So those few people you heard on the bus represent all buyers. People will drop the cash for gadgets, if they feel it's worth their money. If this wasn't the case there would be no iPods, portable DVD players, PDAs, high end cell phones etc... And I'm not comparing the PSP to those directly on a function to function basis, I'm just pointing out the willingness of the consumer to buy high-end goods.

What do you think the direction of the handheld gaming market shoulf be? Sounds like you like the status quo. I don't, I like to see a progression in the market, which is why the DS and PSP excite me. Well luckily there is a cheap alternative for people like you...it's called the GBA.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Hey, I'm not saying they represent all casuals; it's just an example.

But you have to remember; we look at the industry, at the value of each purpose differently. That's all I'm saying. Heck, they even called it the "New Nintendo gameboy," and that's the most common name I hear people calling it.

We're different than other gamers. Yay for being weird.

And what do you mean "Cheap people like me?"


GaimeGuy said:
Hey, I'm not saying they represent all casuals; it's just an example.

But you have to remember; we look at the industry, at the value of each purpose differently. That's all I'm saying. Heck, they even called it the "New Nintendo gameboy," and that's the most common name I hear people calling it.

We're different than other gamers. Yay for being weird.

And what do you mean "Cheap people like me?"

I didn't say you were cheap (or weird), just that there is a cheap alternative. There are many people that will pass on the new handhelds, I'm not saying it means any of them are cheap, I'm just saying it's good that this market will be covered from all angles in the coming months.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
kpop100 said:
I didn't say you were cheap (or weird), just that there is a cheap alternative. There are many people that will pass on the new handhelds, I'm not saying it means any of them are cheap, I'm just saying it's good that this market will be covered from all angles in the coming months.

That is true.


It could stream television shows from your home network.

As for comments by strangers on the price...

I don't like bringing up iPod again, but purely from a price point of view. What do you imagine the reaction of 'average' people is when they hear how much your walkman cost? $500! are you insane?! All it does is play music.

Horses for courses.


Price of PSP + memory stick + 3 games = $200 + $40 + 3 x $50 = $390

Price of DS + 3 games = $150 + 3 x $30 = $240

I don't think DS is doomed. Both gadgets will find their markets.
Anyone who says otherwise is a fanboy.


Currently something like 80-90% of all DS titles are listed at $40 or above....at both EB and Gamestop. At this point, anything that rolls in at $30 is abnormal.


Holy shit how did this thread get so big? And 29,000 views??

At any rate, if we're still talking about the price, I'm still not interested! Hell, the DS is cheaper, and I'm not getting that yet either.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
crisdecuba said:
You are correct that it's 4:3. The DS screen size in my comparison shot is still accurate (you'll notice that its dimensions are of a different proportion than the GBA), but it's incorrectly labeled.

That said, the PSP screen doesn't seem that much bigger (given the 2 screens of the DS), though I'm sure the higher pixel density will make a good difference if you saw them running side by side.


The PSP screen is big enough for me and it is a single big screen (two screens do not emulate well the effect of a single big screen unless they are put parallel to each other and viewed from far enough not to notice the spacing in between them).


GAF's Pleasant Genius
NohWun said:
Price of PSP + memory stick + 3 games = $200 + $40 + 3 x $50 = $390

Price of DS + 3 games = $150 + 3 x $30 = $240

I don't think DS is doomed. Both gadgets will find their markets.
Anyone who says otherwise is a fanboy.

Lol... average PSP game at $50 and average DS game at $30 ?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
border said:
Currently something like 80-90% of all DS titles are listed at $40 or above....at both EB and Gamestop. At this point, anything that rolls in at $30 is abnormal.

the $40 is a placeholder, I believe until they get the MSRPs. However, if you look at the japanese prices, they are 3900 yen, each. the games seem to be staying at GBA price levels, so that is where the $30 figure comes from.


Ante Up
GaimeGuy said:
Just today, I heard people on the bus saying "Hey, did you hear about the new Nintendo DS?" "New portable? Awesome. When's it come out?" "November 21st, for $150." "That's kind of expensive for a handheld."

...Yet a lot of people have been able to justify buying iPods and nice cell phones. Nintendo themselves may have a problem selling an expensive handheld because of their reputation; I certainly wouldn't buy a $150-200 Nintendo handheld when all I have seen are underpowered 2D based machines that don't look like they should cost more than $99. The PSP, however, is designed in a way that its value smacks you right in the face -- body design, screen, graphics, and even the optical drive will make people say to themselves, "Yeah, it's worth it." I mean, it looks like a $300+ product already.

And anyway, people who complain about pricing are the reason that consoles continue to sell for years -- the PSP won't be $200 forever (but I do believe that the first price drop will take a long, long time a la PS2).
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