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Official: PSP December 12, 19800 yen


no, they were pretty broke when the launched the dc, the only thing that could have saved them was selling ps2 levels from day one. If they weren't broke they could have sustained well enough to keep going. Remember the DC in its lifetime sold better than both the GC and the Xbox in the same amount of lifetime.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Just checking in with the "official" PSP thread of the day. Pleasantly surprised by the price. Now you'll be able to buy BOTH a PSP and a DS for the price that some were previously expecting just the PSP to go for. Not the least bit bothered to have been wrong about my previous prediction of a $300 price.

Did get the battery life right though - basically expected 4-6 hrs.


So, finally I'm at home. ....9 hours at work.
Watched the gaming-age-PSP threads.
I couldn't post somethig.... until NOW!!

Ladies and gentlemen.... I know this thread is 16 pages long/big. But after all this 300$-shit, no Square-Enix-support-yellin', PSP is doomed CRAP.....:

Ken Kutaragi just KICKED your mo****fuc*** ASS!!!!!

And do you know what's funny about that? This "CAPTAIN-NINTENDRONE" Reggie is sitting at home, with his wet pants and is thinking about WHAT TO SAY NEXT....! And he knows shit! SPECHLESS!!
Just with one move, Ken Kutaragi owned Reggie to DEATH.
It was funny to see how all these Nintendo-fanboys were praising him. And now..... I LOVE IT!

Sorry, I like Nintendo, but this moment is so fuc**** funny!

Don't forget this day, buddies!
History in the making now. PSP is going to kick some major-ass!

SONY DID IT AGAIN!!!! AND --YOU-- KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!

That's all!

.....and I love it!


btrboyev said:
Remember the DC in its lifetime sold better than both the GC and the Xbox in the same amount of lifetime.
No it didn't, at least not until it started getting firesales after Sega's 3rd party exodus was announced. The only region where DC has performed proportinately better than GC or Xbox is in Japan (and then only against Xbox).

DC was only at about 6 million worldwide when Sega pulled the plug in early 2001.


hyperbolically metafictive
i think sega are on record as saying that dc killed them because they were dropping prices faster than economies of scale allowed them to.


"Optical media had little to do with the ps's success"

Yeah. I'm sure it didn't have anything to do with Sqaure switching sides to make bloated cinematic games. And I'm sure publishers loved paying $20 per unit produced and being stuck with massive losses if they didn't sell everything and having awful turnaround time when they sold more than expected. And I'm sure consumers were really interested in a console where games regularly topped 70 bucks. The "lack of games" on N64 has a lot to do with the cartridge format. The two concepts are intimately inter-related.

"PS2 also had little to do with the DC's early demise"

I said nothing about the DC's demise. I just noted that it was overtaken very quickly, despite being first to market and having a much lower price. Whether or not it died is not the point -- its userbase was eclipsed in a heartbeat. It's a lesson in how a competitor's hype and costly featureset can stifle what would seem to be significant advantages (price, early launch).

"Sega Cd came out in 1992, long before next gen"

SegaCD and 32X were part money-grubbing, but part reaction to next-gen pretenders like the 3DO and Jagaur and NEC's incessant PC Engine re-tools. It's a lesson about how it can be better to stand firm against uncertain contenders rather than compromise your brand with a half-cocked stopgap.

"the GB had a strong battle with the game gear"

I didn't say that the battle wasn't strong, just that technical limitations ultimately won it. I don't recall those days too well though....wasn't there a relatively significant price gap too?

"Xbox still only has a slight lead on the GC"

And GC still has only a fraction of the marketshare that the previous system had....and is being outsold 2:1 on a monthly basis in the USA. Again, the underlying concept is that people will pay more if you sell them on the value of the more expensive featureset. It's really just a re-iteration of Dreamcast vs. PS2.
Axsider said:
And do you know what's funny about that? This "CAPTAIN-NINTENDRONE" Reggie is sitting at home, with his wet pants and is thinking about WHAT TO SAY NEXT....! And he knows shit! SPECHLESS!!
Just with one move, Ken Kutaragi owned Reggie to DEATH.
It was funny to see how all these Nintendo-fanboys were praising him. And now..... I LOVE IT!

I was thinking about this before... my initial reaction was a huge wow. I mean I am REALLY impressed this is coming in at under $250. But then I note the two packages... and that at $185-200 is only $50 cheaper than many here were estimating. I think the value pack thing is a brilliant idea... it puts PSP on shelves at the same kind of price Nintendo DS will have launched at 6 months prior in the US, breaking that "its not $200" mental threshold. But I do think DS will drop in price now. Another pro for competition in the handheld arena... so I don't think Nintendo is as fucked as many here are excitedly proclaiming. I still think they got a bruiser of a fight coming of course... a real wake up call.

I think they'll be mobilising GBA2 development just incase. Unless Revolution somehow answers that area itself..
btrboyev said:

What do you mean no? *slaps btrboyev*

they were pretty broke when the launched the dc, the only thing that could have saved them was selling ps2 levels from day one.

And it did (or better) due to VF3 for the first few months.

If they weren't broke they could have sustained well enough to keep going.

Shit, if that's the case, why did they even bother to launch the DC in the first place? Come on, people! THINK!

They launched the DC because they thought they had a chance to recover the company's financial status via selling DC and it's games.

Remember the DC in its lifetime sold better than both the GC and the Xbox in the same amount of lifetime.

Yes, but that was mostly in the States and Europe. In Japan, after march of 2000, the sales ground to a screaching halt.
sonycowboy said:
LOL. People will see the difference. Why get hamburger when you can get steak?
Now let's be fair. With the two screens, touch screen, and microphone, it's more like a double cheeseburger with fries. :D

sonycowboy said:
DS's media isn't anywhere being as close to cheap as UMD. optical media is pennies, cartridges are not.
Well, if you cut out the fee Nintendo and Sony take for themselves, I'm sure the difference does become more pronounced.

btrboyev said:
Optical media had little to do with the ps's success, the 64 just didn't have enough games coming out
You don't think that the post-comma part was HUGELY due to the pre-comma part?


JasoNsider said:
Sorry dude, give me a moment of silence and joy.
I am laughing my ass of.
Reggie, Nintendrones.... all owned.
History in the making now!
Axsider said:
Sorry dude, give me a moment of silence and joy.
I am laughing my ass of.
Reggie, Nintendrones.... all owned.
History in the making now!

Not sure if you're going to get banned or not, but I thought I would say this anyway:

-It's kind of funny with all these posts saying Nintendo has been "0wned". Neither system has even released yet. Nobody can read the future.
Axsider said:
Sorry dude, give me a moment of silence and joy.
I am laughing my ass of.
Reggie, Nintendrones.... all owned.
History in the making now!

Yeah its pretty funny.
Retards, posting.... total shit.
Wrecked threads in the making!

Seriously Nintendrones? Nbots? Xbots? Psyborgs? All cheap ways for fanboys to dismiss fanboy opposition without actually talking about the merits/faults or fun to be had from the reason this board exists - video games.

edit: don't mean to sound harsh, but if you didn't like Nintendo fans posting zealous/bias drivel about PSP before the price was announced, why encourage similarly antagonistic posting yourself?


I'm still hesitant about Sony taking a big chunk of the handheld market though. Nintendo are really, really strong in the handheld market, Pokémon sales are madness,

But really strong can simply mean high market share. They are not necessarily the same thing. Having had no real competition for several years can't have harmed their position.

This is the first real competition, and I have no bloody idea how it will pan out. This will need Nintendo to sharpen their claws, and I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun to watch.

All I know is that despite loving my wawaru made in wario on GBA, I've preordered a PSP. I will probably get a DS too, but not just yet (although initial impressions of sawaru wario may change that:)

My lifestyle is more family now, so I have less time for gaming as a destination activity. So sneaking a game of GT4 at lunchtime at work would be really good for me


Gold Member
jarrod said:
that doesn't automatically mean UMD will be a cheaper option than a 128MB DS card.

Matrix officials are pushing 3DROM as disposably cheap though, they used the idea of cards being cheap enough to be given away free/promotionally with magazines for example (which funny enough, was an example used by SCEI officials later on to illustrate how cheap UMD is too).

Take it from me - DS media is considerably more expensive than what UMD is. In absolute terms, but especially in terms of cost/megabyte. 128MB (1 Gigabit) card is as high as it goes with DS. As far as I know, those games aren't exactly around the corner. The starting range - if I'm not mistaken - tops at 32MB (256 Mbit). To give some perspective on that, that size is only half of what the card of the flagship Ngage game, Pathway To Glory, is - weighing at 64MB (512 Mbit).


Gold Member
Mashing said:
Where the hell did you hear that? And how could you possibly know the sizes of the DS games coming out?

Well, you know, that's the bad thing in forums, I could be pulling all that out of my arse. Luckily, by reading lots of interviews and talking with lots of people in the industry, you can verify many of the things you read in forums :)


Mashing said:
Where the hell did you hear that? And how could you possibly know the sizes of the DS games coming out?

Well he did say in another thread he used to work for Nintendo so he probably has some ties still.


radioheadrule83 said:
Yeah its pretty funny.
Retards, posting.... total shit.
Wrecked threads in the making!

Seriously Nintendrones? Nbots? Xbots? Psyborgs? All cheap ways for fanboys to dismiss fanboy opposition without actually talking about the merits/faults or fun to be had from the reason this board exists - video games.

edit: don't mean to sound harsh, but if you didn't like Nintendo fans posting zealous/bias drivel about PSP before the price was announced, why encourage similarly antagonistic posting yourself?
Dude, maybe you're a retard. Who knows?!
Don't get me wrong! I like Nintendo. But this Reggie-shit and PSP-bashin'.... OWNED!
Like it or not! Oh, how old I am? 26! Old enough?
Damn, my post hurts you, right?


Gold Member
Axsider said:
Dude, maybe you're a retard. Who knows?!
Don't get me wrong! I like Nintendo. But this Reggie-shit and PSP-bashin'.... OWNED!
Like it or not! Oh, how old I am? 26! Old enough?
Damn, my post hurts you, right?


Chittagong said:


I have to agree. Heh. Seriously, for every reasonable poster there seems to be one blatantly ignorant one standing right behind. Makes it hard to keep up a serious conversation with people exclaiming "Nintend0wn3d!!" or "Sony0wn3d!!" every two seconds.


What the hell happened to this thread?

Is there any other information I missed, or is it just more arguing for 15 pages?


Chittagong said:
Take it from me - DS media is considerably more expensive than what UMD is. In absolute terms, but especially in terms of cost/megabyte. 128MB (1 Gigabit) card is as high as it goes with DS. As far as I know, those games aren't exactly around the corner. The starting range - if I'm not mistaken - tops at 32MB (256 Mbit). To give some perspective on that, that size is only half of what the card of the flagship Ngage game, Pathway To Glory, is - weighing at 64MB (512 Mbit).
Really? Then why did Nintendo PR state 128MB as the base size?

Also, Mattel uses 3DROM for their new Juice Box media player... they sell prerecorded content (cartoons & music videos mainly) on 64MB cards for only $10-$20 right now. 3DROM can't be that expensive... 128MB cards for $29.99 should be standard considering the cost of media. Or are you factoring in license fees?


And even i am moderately surprised
"Did get the battery life right though - basically expected 4-6 hrs."

I'll be chuffed if that is the battery life, the only thing that concerns me about the figures is at no point does it mention which game is running or from which media.

Given that sony have mentioned that many factors concerning the games battery performance depend on the coders etc... not mentioning which game is running and off which format still leaves this open.

I want it to be 4-6 hours, but until i see it do that with something like Ridge, i won't be entirely convinced.


Gold Member
jarrod said:
Really? Then why did Nintendo PR state 128MB as the base size?
Well, I could be embarrasingly confused, but always when I have heard Nintendo talk, they have talked Mbits. That's how they got the media to ignore the big size difference between UMD and their media - they said that their media is going to be "up to 1 gig", meaning of course 1 gigabit = 128 MB.


Chittagong said:
Well, I could be embarrasingly confused, but always when I have heard Nintendo talk, they have talked Mbits. That's how they got the media to ignore the big size difference between UMD and their media - they said that their media is going to be "up to 1 gig", meaning of course 1 gigabit = 128 MB.

128MB is what is also mentioned. The battery life of PSP is roughly half that of DS. Inline with what i predicted.


I want it to be 4-6 hours, but until i see it do that with something like Ridge, i won't be entirely convinced.

Sure, but you know it'll be you doing the experiment. Its a bit late to be convinced after buying it :)

If all else fails, there's always the backup battery. I'm pretty pleased about that, as it almost negates the battery issue - now its 4-6 hours per save game.
Pimpwerx said:
Well, ep and border (and others) chimed in with the same opinion as me. Nintendo is making the same mistakes they did with the console business. Sleeping on a massive mind/marketshare advantage and they are gonna get their clocks cleaned again. We all laughed at Sega for committing the same blunders over and over, but looks like Nintendo's stuck in the same timewarp too. You know, kudos need to be given to MS here. They came in after the fact and did a decent job of establishing themselves in the US. Whether or not it pans out is still in question, but they've done a better job starting from scratch than Sega and Nintendo did coming from an established background. I think it's apparent that the old-school game companies are simply run by idiots who have lost touch with the market. To let outsiders like Sony and MS come through and own your so grandly is kinda embarassing. It's not a matter of capital and resources either. Nintendo has money in the bank, they're just gonna blow all of it now in a scramble to regain relevance. This price announcement came out of the blue. I certainly didn't anticipate it. It's the dagger they needed though. The hype machine has been dropkick-started now. We saw it with the PS1 and the PS2. Nintendo should definitely try to launch at $99 IMO. Oh, and get that damn Zelda out for the GC, ASAP. And why not port a REAL Pokemon game to the GC? The GB line's probably gonna die now, give the console owners a little Pokelove for a change. I think a PokemonGC game with all the whizbang graphics would offer a nice littler bump to the sales. But like I said, they're run by idiots. :( PEACE.


And you know, I've said the exact same thing before, yet I'm called a troll. At least Hito said he'd back me up from now on... :/
border said:
For future reference:


PSX vs N64 : New competitor brings product to the market with optical media rather than cartridges. Third parties flock to the lower-cost media, consumers love "mature" image and marketing slant.

Dreamcast vs PS2 : Innovative new product from company with "hardcore, old school" following is overshadowed by less innovative product that is hyped up to have best graphics ever. Despite being 50% cheaper and launching 1 year earlier, the "classic" company's hardware is quickly overtaken.

SegaCD/32X : Entrenched market competitor tries to stave off next generation products by releasing stopgap solutions that split the market. By the time a true successor to the Genesis is released, their brand has already been compromised by half-supported products that had a short lifespan.

Gameboy vs GameGear/TurboExpress : Technically superior competitor falls to entrenched market leader, mainly due to technical flaws such as battery life and inability to produce true killer applications.

GameCube versus Xbox : Despite costing 50% more than the Nintendo product, a newcomer is able to win out against a familiar brand....thanks to the perception of "maturity", and an expensive-but-marketable featureset that the competition does not have.

And this is why border is one of my favorite posters.
cja said:
Hamburger outsells steak! This mirrors the Game Boy versus Lynx battle, $40 price difference and generational leap in tech, the steak didn't win. I concede the second point since the hamburger eaters won't give a damn, replace with Pictochat, t'is a nice relish.

the lynx didn't have the 3rd party support as the Gameboy back then. Plus when the Lynx was released Nintendo was more popular then Atari becuase of the NES. Sony on the other hand has all the 3rd party as Nintendo. Sony is also a bigger name then Nintendo now. It is not all about Price. Heck, people choose the more exspensive Ps2 over the cheaper Gamecube.
Early post here guys.

My feeling is this -- Nintendo has really worked hard on the DS. I don't know if you can really fault them here.

At the end of the day, Sony is willing to sell something that really probably costs $350 for under $200.

Nintendo is a traditional video game company. They can't just say "well we're gonna take $500 million in losses the next two years on our game division, but hey we have a movie or electronics division to distract our shareholders".

Yeah, Nintendo has a large cash horde, but the reason why they have that is because they've been responsible fiscally (unlike Sega).

Whatever happens, happens. Why do people always look at Nintendo like they're supposed to pull a magic rabbit out of their hats all the time? Against Sony and Microsoft they are very much the underdog.

It's like a small market sports team trying to compete with the bigger squads that have an unlimited payroll.


DS should do fine. The question is how well?

I'll place a bet that GBA outsells them both in December.


soundwave05 said:
It's like a small market sports team trying to compete with the bigger squads that have an unlimited payroll.
If the Toronto Blue Jays had 9 billion dollars in the bank and never spent it on any top-flight players, I doubt I would feel bad about them being clobbered by the Yankees.


Nintendo plays Billy Bean ball.

They have the money to spend, but they always go for the most efficient and cost effective route.
Fair enough, but the thing is this is a very slippery slope. So you take losses on the DS. And then you take losses on the Revolution. And then Game Boy Next.

Nintendo doesn't have the luxury of not being profitable. That's how Sega got into the mess they found themselves in. They made a noble stand with the Dreamcast, but eventually all that spending ran the company into the ground and now they're a side show for a pinball/slot company.

Kon Tiki

soundwave05 said:
Fair enough, but the thing is this is a very slippery slope. So you take losses on the DS. And then you take losses on the Revolution. And then Game Boy Next.

Nintendo doesn't have the luxury of not being profitable.
Maybe that is what the movie business is about. New ways to profit.
I agree with that point, I think Nintendo will become a broader entertainment company, encompassing anime.

You can see this happening already with them getting into the movie biz, the seperation of Pokemon as its own company (which also handles merchandising), the investment in Bandai, etc.

Compared to the companies in this field -- Bandai, Studio Ghibli, Gainmax, etc. Nintendo is positively a giant.


Wow. I gotta say this was a very ballsy move from Sony. Things are going to get very interesting from this point. Now it's an all out war.


soundwave05 said:
Early post here guys.

My feeling is this -- Nintendo has really worked hard on the DS. I don't know if you can really fault them here.

At the end of the day, Sony is willing to sell something that really probably costs $350 for under $200.

Nintendo is a traditional video game company. They can't just say "well we're gonna take $500 million in losses the next two years on our game division, but hey we have a movie or electronics division to distract our shareholders".

Yeah, Nintendo has a large cash horde, but the reason why they have that is because they've been responsible fiscally (unlike Sega).

Whatever happens, happens. Why do people always look at Nintendo like they're supposed to pull a magic rabbit out of their hats all the time? Against Sony and Microsoft they are very much the underdog.

It's like a small market sports team trying to compete with the bigger squads that have an unlimited payroll.
Because they used to be Nintendo and threatening to take over the world.

Really, they're a few different policies away from routinely batting down new comers. Be nicer to Square, emphasize sports, co-market with EA sooner, lower royalties, get as many games as possible, and court at least some Take Two and Koei.

Alas no, they're going to do things their way until they force themselves out of hardware.


ok So I am not gonna look through all these pages.

I have a question. The regular pack, the one for $190.00 Aside from the obvious things that come with it (PSP, Battery and Charger) do you get a memory stick? I was wondering, because if you dont, how do u save your games????????
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