This should be a fun show, with the first draft pick (who I bet will be nobody too special, but hey, WWE, SURPRISE US) from Smackdown! showing up, plus what will likely be a run in from the
I hope I'm totally wrong, but I bet the draft this year (it's going to be eight people total, right?) will see only one major switch from each brand, with the rest being a bunch of crap. I bet they even throw in a swerve and have a big name wreslter you wouldn't expect to change rosters get switched for a few weeks, then get traded back at the very end.
When is Vengeance? Is it in four weeks? If it is, I could see that happening with Triple H. They already teased a switch for him last year.
Oh, and after all those promos and "beef" that started since the Rumble months ago, Christian had BETTER switch to Smackdown!.