Pretty fun show tonight, despite the lack of wrestling. Cena coming out really supercharged the show at the beginning, and while it slowed down a bit in the middle, Christie Hemme going crazy saved a crappy match and made it mildly amusing. The HHH/Batista signing was just boring. It almost felt like this big main event match was completely overshadowed by Cena and ECW tonight, too. Bad move to have it tonight.
I was wondering why they ended the ECW rules match and then had all the storyline with Heyman instead of just letting Heyman come in and talk after the Dudleys took out Snitsky, then have Bischoff come down with his guys, then have the ECW crew come out and brawl. Maybe they just had too much extra time to fill or something.
I still think John Cena's switch is just temporary. Not a word was said about what's going to happen with his title...
Yeah, Raven especially. Did he leave TNA? Perhaps it's far too early to tell, but I can see all those wrestlers (not counting guys already in the WWE like the Dudleys) ending up with the WWE as part of RAW and Smackdown!, but I bet the ECW PPVs will end up becoming more than just a one night stand if it's done right. I'd love to see a one hour ECW show replace crap like Heat or Velocity, that's for sure.