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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread


BenjaminBirdie said:
I had trouble as well, but it might have been the fact that the song busted ropes of pure load into my ears.
hahaha :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Right on, man. Billy's voice is awesome. So what if the vocals are loud! Now more than ever, I'm so glad the Pumpkins are coming out with another album. Mainstream music is in a phase where flawless vocals are almost like a requirement, so it's nice SP is there to spit in the face of that bandwagon.

Poor AlphaSnake is going to have a heart attack when he hears Doomsday Clock, lolz

terrene: What do you think of Doomsday Clock?! Your impressions make me laugh, even if I often disagree with them.
Diablos said:
hahaha :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Right on, man. Billy's voice is awesome. So what if the vocals are loud!

That part I cited before, shit, it's transcendent. I posted in the Rockband thread, this song needs to be in the game. I WANT to sing that shit at the top of my lungs and hear

man, billy's voice is the worst aspect of tarantula and now doomsday clock. pretty disappointing considering i like the songs otherwise :/
Why does Billy Corgan's music still sound like it did 10 years ago? What a terrible track. He's just coasting along on the Pumpkins' existing success, don't get me started on his lyrics: self-indulgent adolescent nonsense that anyone would and should laugh at! What a joke. Unimaginative, predictable, platitudinous, stagnant.
Why does Billy Corgan's music still sound like it did 10 years ago? What a terrible track. He's just coasting along on the Pumpkins' existing success, don't get me started on his lyrics: self-indulgent adolescent nonsense that anyone would and should laugh at! What a joke. Unimaginative, predictable, platitudinous, stagnant.

you go boy!
Seriously, I was even understating my case. Gish came out in 91 and Siamese Dream in 93--that's friggin 15 years ago. What has he contributed to music since then, besides his big ego and his unbearable personality?
Seriously, I was even understating my case. Gish came out in 91 and Siamese Dream in 93--that's friggin 15 years ago. What has he contributed to music since then, besides his big ego and his unbearable personality?

you don't think MCIS was a good record? i guess it's all personal opinion anyways. if you think the new songs suck, and the band has sucked for the past 10 years anyways why do you even care? just pop in some gish or SD and remember the good times... the good times!!!1
Yeah, you're right man. I was just hoping to rile up some SP fans, get them all angry and stuff. You're just too reasonable, you're a live and let live kinda type.


these tunes are cool, but is Corgan's voice mixed like that on every track? Tarantula had the exact same problem too... Argh.
Hats off to the Smashing Pumpkins crowd, hats off, you're quite a tolerant crowd. Which doesn't mean I step back from the insults I hurled at you earlier. No, no, they still stand. In fact, I would like to re-hurl 'em, with the same vehemence as earlier. Maybe people didn't feel it.


Diablos said:
terrene: What do you think of Doomsday Clock?! Your impressions make me laugh, even if I often disagree with them.
Er... You probably don't wanna know. After the "ropes of pure load" post I'd feel like a killjoy nerding out with my nitpicks at this point.

I think I just don't have any reference point to process this kind of shit, right now. In 1995 this would've made a lot of sense to me. It's a good effort, and for those who can get into the glam/over-production/2x4-to-the-faceness of the whole Zeitgeist thing [Paris Hilton artwork and all]... more power to them.
perryfarrell said:
Hats off to the Smashing Pumpkins crowd, hats off, you're quite a tolerant crowd. Which doesn't mean I step back from the insults I hurled at you earlier. No, no, they still stand. In fact, I would like to re-hurl 'em, with the same vehemence as earlier. Maybe people didn't feel it.

no one even ****ing cares dude, give it up. maybe if more than one person commented on your blatant, unecessary corgan-bashing, you would have reason to continously post, but no...you just troop on even though no one gives two shits.


What has he contributed to music since then, besides his big ego and his unbearable personality?
Um, lots of awesome music?

In fact, I would like to re-hurl 'em, with the same vehemence as earlier. Maybe people didn't feel it.
Or we could just put you on our ignore lists :)

Anyway the more I listen to Doomsday Clock, the more I like it. It's honestly no better or worse than, say, something like Zero. Billy's done better, but he's done worse. And for the 100th time if you are disappointed with this song, I can honestly say that of all the live ones I've heard, this was always the weakest to me. Actually, the only weak one. Every other song I've heard has really impressed me. Even 7 Shades of Black has a really cool Gish vibe to it.
My first imression is that I really don't like it. Its got a good guitar/drum beat going, but the backup voices and that middle part with the electronica-esque sound where he screams are terrible. And does he really say "the jackals lick their balls"? WTF?

I was trying to think of what the guitar/drum beat sound like in previous work. I'm thinking "Mouths of Babes". I'll have to try to compare the two later.
Doomsday Clock is no classic, but it's a pretty decent track. The lyrics are as woeful as you expect from a Corgan rock song (I maintain that Adore is by far and away his best effort in that respect and that his quieter songs in general contain far better lyrics than the heavier ones) but this album seems as though it will be a solid release, which is far better than the embarrassment which was quite feasible when the project was announced.
i think bc is a pretty good lyriccist. he has stinkers just like every artist does (because you are? :lol ) but overall i like his lyrics. the lyrics in doomsday clock aren't god awful. most of the lyrics are drowned out by the heavy music anyways.

doomsday clock gets an 86.6% from me!


Doomsday Clock sounds like something off the Zero EP..It's not an amazing song, but not awful. Can't wait to hear the album in full, though.


So I've got an extra ticket for the first SF show (7/15). None of my friends are big enough (or rich enough) SP fans to fly/drive+hotel up to SF, so I'm flying up solo using airline mileage (they put me on this tiny plane that only holds like 50 people...>_<) and going to the show.

I thought about trying to talk some sweet SF girl into going with me, but I realized I'm going to see the freaking Smashing Pumpkins for the first time in 7-8 years and I really don't want to have to be thinking about random dating things when I just want to be rocking out to the show.

I thought about trying to sell it, but A. I hate scalpers with a passion and B. I don't want to meet some random guy from craigslist who might be a serial killer and try to kill me and steal 'my' ticket as well.

So instead I'll open this up to gaffers who post enough that I know they aren't creepy psychos and want to go to the show. Ticketmaster fee was like $10 a ticket (WTF! I hate Ticketmaster), so I'll just sell it at face value for $35.

PM me if interested.


TheDrowningMan said:
Doomsday Clock is no classic, but it's a pretty decent track. The lyrics are as woeful as you expect from a Corgan rock song
Lots of Corgan rock songs have amazing lyrics, kthx

Bebpo: You're too far away, man

But thank you so much for the offer.


Smashing Pumpkins to Fans, Indie Stores: **** You
Warning: Excessive greed may cause baldness, artistic impotence

Well, that's the nail in the coffin, then. Just when we were slightly, slightly starting to care about the Smashing Pumpkins again-- what with the release of their long-awaited new album Zeitgeist, and its not-terrible first single, "Tarantula"-- here comes something that makes us more than a bit mellon collie.

Billy and company would like you to know that they fully support the extinction of the American independent record store at the hand of large, faceless, little-guy-crushing big boxes. They also support bleeding their fans dry. How? By releasing FOUR different versions of Zeitgeist.

Best Buy and Target each get a version with an exclusive bonus track. So does iTunes. Like, a different one for each. Everybody else gets the regular version with no bonus tracks. So if you want all of the bonus tracks, you have to buy an album at Best Buy, an album at Target, and an album at iTunes. (Ooh, the presale iTunes version also comes with an extra set of Smashing Pumpkins covers by the Bravery, the Academy Is..., Panic at the Disco, Test Your Reflex, and +44. Ooh.)

Making fans who've been waiting the better part of a decade for new Smashing Pumpkins tunes buy an album several times over is, you know, bullshit. My god, you have to go to Target (and only Target!) to get the version with the title track! That just ain't right.

The Smashing Pumpkins are on tour. Whatever.

Standard tracklist:

01 Doomsday Clock
02 7 Shades of Black
03 Bleeding the Orchid
04 That's the Way (My Love Is)
05 Tarantula
06 Starz
07 United States
08 Neverlost
09 Bring the Light
10 (Come On) Let's Go!
11 For God and Country
12 Pomp and Circumstances

Best Buy:

01. Doomsday Clock
02. 7 Shades of Black
03. Bleeding the Orchid
04. That's the Way (My Love Is)
05. Tarantula
06. Starz
07. United States
08. Neverlost
09. Death From Above (bonus track)
10. Bring the Light
11. (Come On) Let's Go!
12. For God and Country
13. Pomp and Circumstances


01 Doomsday Clock
02 7 Shades of Black
03 Bleeding the Orchid
04 That's the Way (My Love Is)
05 Tarantula
06 Starz
07 United States
08 Neverlost
09 Bring the Light
10 (Come On) Let's Go!
11 For God and Country
12 Pomp aAnd Circumstances
13 Zeitgeist (bonus track)


01 Doomsday Clock
02 7 Shades of Black
03 Bleeding the Orchid
04 That's the Way (My Love Is)
05 Tarantula
06 Starz
07 United States
08 Neverlost
09 Bring the Light
10 (Come On) Let's Go!
11 For God and Country
12 Pomp and Circumstances
13 Stellar (bonus track)
Yeah, this is kinda bullshit.


Also where the **** is Gossamer :mad:

I love how only Germany gets the bonus DVD, btw. WTF


Yeah, it's pretty dick. But unless you're insane you will just buy one and 'grab' the other bonus tracks...

I wonder if the booklets for those come with lyrics for the bonus tracks inserted in? That'd be pretty crazy.


Zeitgeist is pretty short (standard edition); I wish they would just have all of the tracks on the album (hell, the Best Buy one is thrown right into the middle of the regular tracklisting, implying it could work just as well as a standard album track). Then, sell one special edition with the booklet and DVD.

I can't see how this is going to give them a sales boost. If anything, it's going to keep people from buying it.
Seeing how Death from Above, the Best Buy track, is also the Tarantula b-side, I'll just get the album at Target.

I dislike the idea of digital distribution and ownership, so no iTunes version for me.


What happened to Gossamer :(

I know they recorded it, as you can plainly see it on the studio pic I posted earlier in this thread.
Diablos said:
What happened to Gossamer :(

I know they recorded it, as you can plainly see it on the studio pic I posted earlier in this thread.

Dude, calm down. They're probably hanging onto it as a b-side for the second single.

Or, Corgan is personally ****ing with you.

White Man

terrene said:
I don't feel bad saying this now: Doomsday Clock is a pile of dog jism.

I don't why you keep following this, Terrene. You know Corgan probably saved his "A" game for the new Courtney Love album.


Nah. I don't even think they are talking anymore. Courtney has been acting reallllllllyyy weird lately. I know she's weird by default, so I mean REALLY ****ed up.

White Man

Diablos said:
Nah. I don't even think they are talking anymore. Courtney has been acting reallllllllyyy weird lately. I know she's weird by default, so I mean REALLY ****ed up.

He has 4 writing credits and a produced by credit on her album, which is still apparently some ways from completion (although I guess he has to be done with it if the Pumpkin stuff is starting up).
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