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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread


Macam said:

Nice socks, Jimmy.
oh what a closer! Pomp and Circumstances is great!

ok, a few songs aren't too memorable and to be honest, a few songs in I was wondering if there was gonna be much variation at all.

Now I can safely say that this is a Damn Fine SP album! For not putting a real SP album out for 7 or 8 years, I give HUGE props to Billy and Jimmy. AWESOME RECORD!!!!!


This album is absolutely horrible. I wanted so bad for this album to be good, but this is just as bad as his solo album which is garbage. I'm going to listen to Gish and Siamese Dream on repeat and pretend I never heard this at all.


This is an awesome album. I want to listen to it a few more times before I get into anything else, though. Just because I always do that with anything SP. Zeitgeist is a lot better than TheFutureEmbrace, ten times better than Machina, and a million times better than Mary Star of the Sea. This is the best thing Corgan's put out since Adore, nearly ten years ago!

Okay, I'm going to save other comments for later.
im lovin it so far! it doesn't sound like anything the pumpkins have ever done, which is really their trademark. each SP album has it's specific "sound", and doesn't rely on any past success the band had. this album is no exception.

A++, would listen again!


I've been a Pumpkins fan since 1994 so I really couldn't wait for a new record...I just listened to it once but right now, I don't think it's a very solid album. Hopefully it will grow on me. Also if this is the retail disc that was ripped then the mastering sucks. I know they're mp3s but the mix is too cluttered in most of the songs, at least to my ears.
well the final word on the album will come months from now after it has been properly digested. if i had to put it into a spot right now (pumpkins album wise), it would probably be above machina and machina II, but below everything else. i love the record but i feel like it's missing some trademark SP stuff (which i guess is the point). i wish there were a couple piano songs on the record, and i feel like some of the lyrics are lacking. t

here are instant classics like doomsday, 7 shades, tarantula, and united states. i think the surprise song on the album for me is neverlost. when i first heard it i said wtf... but its actually a pretty unique song and im enjoying it as well. if you are saying "this doesn't sound like SP!" well you are right and wrong. there are songs that are SP esque, but as i said before i think sp has always been about having unique "sounds" on each record.

p.s. original band reunion in 2009! mark it down!
I'm diggin it. I dont know if its because I'm not a teenage fanboy of the band anymore, but nothing gave me chills like it did in the past. I think its just age, cuz I'm really really enjoying this record. My goal for Billy was to make sure its nothing like TFE and just be overall better than MACHINA. Mission accomplished.

My favs:

Bleeding the Orchid
United States
Doomsday Clock
Pomp and Circumstance


FrenchMovieTheme said:
p.s. original band reunion in 2009! mark it down!
First 100 people to the show get a Dreamcast 2!

I love that they put a damn-near 10 minute track smack in the middle of the album. That's balls right there.
Hell yeah.

Voltron: I dunno, Zeitgeist sounds like it was clean in the studio, but when mastered, got a bit loud. Blame modern mastering techniques for music if anything. Zeitgeist definitely sounds cleaner than Machina and MSOTS.

One thing worth noting is that Billy and Jimmy produced about half of the album themselves. Before, even with Billy calling the shots, he was always working with Butch Vig, Flood, Alan Moulder, Brad Wood, Bjorn what's-his-name -- someone.


*Produced by Billy Corgan And Jimmy Chamberlin
**Produced By BC&JC And Terry Date
***Produced By Roy Thomas Baker/ BC&JC


Here's what I have to say about the songs:

Doomsday Clock: This song's strongest point is the little buildup to the chorus with the clever vocal layering. Other than that, DC really doesn't do much for me. Funny, since it's the first track. I just can't get into it. It doesn't matter if it's a bootleg or the studio track. Easily the worst album opener across all SP albums. Although, at times I feel as though it's growing on me... a little. It's still not that great of a song at the end of the day, IMO.

7 Shades of Black - What a rush. Love it. It's a bit heavy, but also really fun, and kind of all over. I want this to be a single! It just has a certain attitude to it. The guitars sound raw and menacing at about 2:00. Jimmy's drumming is pretty intense, stopping in sync with Billy cutting out the riff for short bursts of silence. Sounds awesome! People say this is too much like Doomsday Clock, but I totally disagree and have no idea what they're talking about.

Bleeding the Orchid - Very true to the incredible live performance, all the way down to the backing vocals (even if it's all Billy). I really dig the overall feel, it just sounds so, so nice. Reminds me of a Machina 1 song produced correctly, which makes me like it even more. There's also a pretty heavy Gish vibe. Songs like this really do prove that the Pumpkins still own. Nice guitar work.

That's the Way - I can see why they picked this as a single. It's accessible, but it has that special Pumpkins touch to it that I don't hear any other band do. And, speaking of a Gish vibe, the rather psychedelic sound heard towards the end almost sounds like Billy traveled back in time to Butch Vig's Smart Studios to get a tape with that guitar on it. The main riff is a lot more loud and dreamy live, which I was expecting on the album. After a few listens though, I like it just the same, and it does build a bit (whereas the live version is more in your face). The studio version could have certainly had the nice interlude that the live version has, though. Just a really nice, even if simplistic, song that makes you feel good.

Tarantula - It's all been said before. Has the riffing and harmonics from something out of MCIS (like, say, Bodies and Zero), but the soloing of a track like Geek USA from Siamese Dream. In other words: It rocks, and they couldn't have picked a better first single to let everyone know they're back.

Starz - Much different than the live version. This is probably the only song that I can say may not be as good on the album (which is certainly better than what I thought about Machina 1, where I found something wrong with nearly every studio track). I dunno, first of all, the vocal layering is weird -- and honestly has a strong 80's influence (as do some of the guitars). Roy Thomas Baker produced this one, and I really do think he had something to do with that. Secondly, the execution seems a bit off. The guitar harmonies that made me fall in love with the live version, while still in the mix, aren't as loud and defined as I thought they would be. On the plus side, Jimmy's short drum jam towards the end sounds as good as it ever did. I think I just happen to prefer the live version. Despite my complaints, it still does hold its own and really isn't a low point or anything. And it is growing on me (it could just very well be that I was used to the live version). It's a really brilliant meshing of SP's harder sound but also, in some ways, I would suppose something like uptempo synth or glam rock, or whatever. I love the concept. The end of this one has a sense of urgency that is just perfect for leading into...

United States - The song rocks, plain and simple. It's intense, then it gets pretty distant and tripped out, then it gets really fast and hard, and ends with bombasitc psychedelic metal bliss. The weird speed up/slow down effect heard in Billy's voice is a nice touch.

Neverlost - The drumming is kinda laid back and somewhat jazzy, while the rest of the song just has a really soothing feel to it. Hard to describe, really. I like the way it sounds. Although, it doesn't seem to be that popular among fans right now, but I love it.

Bring the Light - The song itself is so very nice. It almost reminds me of a more intense Manic Street Preachers tune (with better drumming and more emphasis on guitar work). What I don't like about this is the religious references -- sounds picky, especially to a religious person, I'm sure -- but I just don't like it. It's at times like this when I wish Billy went back to being his more agnostic self, or would at least refrain from all of the religious meanings when he's back in SP. He's had enough time to ramble on about that in Zwan and while recording TheFutureEmbrace. That's how I feel, anyway. However, I can't fault the song entirely, or say that it sucks -- that would just be immature. It is pretty rockin'. At 2:10 it almost sounds like Billy is playing something James would have. I really love the music.

Come On (Let's Go) - The song title seems a bit misleading, but the best way to describe this song is how I saw it described on another forum. It's like a distant relative of Zero, but minus the general madness/depression and more emphasis on soloing. It's a very cool song.

For God & Country - Sounds better live. I'm not digging the synth sound for this specific song. It's not that Billy can't do good synth driven songs, he can -- I just don't know if this is really deserving of that kind of treatment. And, of course, it's another song about god, blah blah blah. Enough of this, Billy. Please. Although, I am not quite sure if it's more of a personal nod to his idea of god, or relating to the "zeitgeist" idea that today, in America, lots of people made a decision to fight and die for God and Country even if it involved joining a senseless war. In which case, I take back what I said. But I'm not exactly sure what Billy is talking about here, and I'm really not that crazy about the way it sounds. Both this and Doomsday Clock are the only ones that I don't really like much on this album.

Pomp & Circumstances - So beautiful. Billy has never done something like this before. It's definitely a more spiritual kind of track, which I can really appreciate. It's a meshing of distant abstract sounds and soothing vocal harmonies. At the end, he cleverly integrates a guitar solo that, surprisingly, blends in really well to finish the album. I don't know how he pulled if off, if anyone else tried that it would sound like garbage, most likely. Somehow, it works, and it sounds amazing.

AOTY 2007, easily. Yes, there are two rather noticable weak points, but that's any album. I personally look at the whole picture instead of singling out a couple bad parts and dwelling on them. The strong points of this album are *really* strong, and outweigh anything negative that I had to say.

I am so glad the Pumpkins are back, on the right track, and making awesome music. I'm sure a lot of people will have negative things to say, but this band still has it as far as I'm concerned. Corgan, at 40 years old, is still turning out amazing tunes. Jimmy Chamberlin proves once more that he is one of the best drummers around. I don't know what else people want (unless you hate them of course, but this isn't directed at you anyhow).

Zeitgeist is better than Machina, Zwan, TheFutureEmbrace, and any little thing in between. This is definitely a four (out of five) star album, in my opinion.


I'm really liking it!!!!!

Outside of 7 Shades of Black, That's the Way, and Neverlost, I'm really digging everything else. I think 7 Shades and That's the Way are a bit bland and Neverlost just never grabbed me live, nor does it now.

But overall, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better than I expected. Bring the Light, C'mon Let's Go, Bring the Orchid, Doomsday Clock, Starz, Tarantula, United States, are all great.

Hell, I even like the mix of God & Country.

PS. I don't understand how they pick their singles. Doomsday Clock or Bleeding the Orchid have a much more broad appeal/radio-friendly but still good. That's the way is zzzz
wow you think doomsday clock is the worst opener? song is ****ing awesome. it is a better opener than MCIS and everlasting gaze. plus it is one of the better songs on the album. i dont like That's the Way too much, but maybe in time i will.
listened through the entire thing once, still developing my opinion (usually takes about 5 listen throughs before i can give an initial opinion, which even then often changes after a week or so; see QOTSA)

but so far i'm digging Bleeding The Orchid the most


never heard about the cat, apparently
when i first heard doomsday clock when it was released a couple of weeks ago i didnt like it too much, but this version on the album is great, dont know if its different or if it has grown on me but its one of the best songs on the album.


Diablos said:
Maybe I am, get over it

But you can't be.

I dunno, it's kinda hard to take it seriously. You're a huge fanboy of them and the year is halfway though.

Chances are you wouldn't -let- anything be better.
trying to think of the albums that came out this year...

pumpkins, nin, qotsa.... what else? pumpkins are definitely up there for me. we'll see in a couple months though, yo ucan't really make that judgement after hearing an album for a day.


omg rite said:
But you can't be.

I dunno, it's kinda hard to take it seriously. You're a huge fanboy of them and the year is halfway though.

Chances are you wouldn't -let- anything be better.
Of course I'm biased, duh. That doesn't mean I'm going to shut everything else out.

If Radiohead's LP7 comes out this year I'd imagine these two will be literally tied.

I did point out what I didn't like about Zeitgeist, so I would hope the one line where I say "AOTY" doesn't make you disregard everything else I said. Otherwise, you're being as dumb as you think I am.


White Man said:
Which is coincidentally the score I think it will be getting from most reviewers :p
I can't wait to see what you have to say about this album. :lol

I think it's an 8 or 9 out of 10 depending on how you look at it.

Best Buy version gets a -5/10 just for having DFA on it ;)

I think SPIN gave Zeitgeist 3.5 stars, which is awesome. Four stars is typically the best something will get, with five stars being the super rare one that you may only see once every few issues.

White Man

I don't think it will disappoint most current fans, but it's definitely fuel for Corgan's detractors. I think quality-wise, it's more consistent than Machina, though it lacks a single as strong as Stand Inside Your Love. I think it's a very safe album, with dictionary-definition pumpkins guitars, straight from the mid-90s, and enough up-tempo songs that I think they will try to pull more than the usual amount of singles from it. It's not a bad outing, in my opinion, but it's nothing new. I've only listened to it twice, so all right reserved to change my opinion and all that. . . but Dinosaur Jr. still has the best reunion album of the year :p


White Man said:
I don't think it will disappoint most current fans, but it's definitely fuel for Corgan's detractors. I think quality-wise, it's more consistent than Machina, though it lacks a single as strong as Stand Inside Your Love. I think it's a very safe album, with dictionary-definition pumpkins guitars, straight from the mid-90s, and enough up-tempo songs that I think they will try to pull more than the usual amount of singles from it. It's not a bad outing, in my opinion, but it's nothing new. I've only listened to it twice, so all right reserved to change my opinion and all that. . . but Dinosaur Jr. still has the best reunion album of the year :p
Wow, I was expecting a totally snobby response; I respect that opinion.

Some people seem to think that a band has to do something groundbreaking in order to stay good. I think that's a bit snobby. Anyone who expected another Siamese Dream or something is a fool. And quite honestly, why would you want Billy to try and redo that? It wouldn't work, doesn't matter who you are and what band you're in. I just want the songs to be awesome. And they are, in my opinion. That's all I'd ever want out of a new SP album, for them to continue to turn out songs I'll probably listen to for the rest of my life. And to me, they just did.


White Man said:
Oh believe me, I can say those same things in much meaner ways :)
I'm sure you could, you seemed to take more of a neutral stance in your opinion, and that's fine. I don't really expect you to fall in love with this disc.
First play through.......its pretty much a tale of two halves.

I think the first half is pretty dadgum good. Doomsday Clock and Turantula are probably the two strongest songs followed by Bleeding the Orchid, Starz, and That's the Way. Although, I agree with White Man that it really lacks that one stand out, totally kick ass song like a Stand Inside Your Love.

Aside from Bring the Light, the second half of the album is utterly forgettable. Maybe you have to be a guitarist to appreciate a song like United States, but I thought it was a complete waste of ten minutes.........just don't get it. Reminds me of Glass and the Ghost Children on Machina. All the rest of the songs are just filler.

Way too soon to say where I would put this in relation to their other albums. Solid effort even though I wish they had gone in a different direction in certain parts.


I pretty much love the second half. What did you want, a bunch of Doomsday Clock spinoffs instead? It adds balance to the album.
i agree the first half is the better half of the record. you get DDC, 3 shades, orchid, tarantula. second half highlights are united states and come on lets go, but the final 6 songs dont stand up to the first 6 overall.

now give me gossamer!


Just because they aren't balls to the wall rockers doesn't mean they suck. Pomp and Circumstances is such an awesome song.


It's hard to tell what my final judgement on this album will be in a couple of weeks (after I've had time to listen to it multiple times), but to me it doesn't feel that much different from Machina. I do like it so far.

Doomsday Clock, Bleeding the Orchid, Tarantula, and That's the Way are the songs I'm liking a lot so far. United States has great moments, but I wish it was better realized (too long.)

Anyway... I reserve the right to change my mind after I listen to this more thoroughly. :p
i'm not saying the 2nd half sucks (i like it too!), i'm just saying that the first half is better that's all :D

also, diablos, death from above isn't THAT bad. i was expecting a real piece of crap... thanks for lowering my expectations so much that it couldn't possibly reach that low and i consider the song to be "ok"
Alright, I change my mind on Bleeding the Orchid.......don't like it too much.

I'm beginning to think That's the Way and Starz may be my two favorites. So, there's 5 songs that I'm pretty satisfied with........much more than Adore or Machina.

Maybe others will grow on me. But, that's how I'm seeing it now.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say That's the Way is the second single off the album.
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