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Official Wkd Box Office 07•17–19•09 - spic-and-span Harry is still lucky, punk

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I contributed to 500 Days of Summer's box office take this weekend and it is AWESOME. One of my favorite of the year and I HIGHLY recommend it.

I've yet to see Hurt Locker though. I'm gonna try to see it this week.


polyh3dron said:
I contributed to 500 Days of Summer's box office take this weekend and it is AWESOME. One of my favorite of the year and I HIGHLY recommend it.

No theaters around me are playing it yet. :\
omg rite said:
You're a hypocrite.

If DevelopmentArrested was the one to bring up the topic again, wouldn't he be shitting up the thread?

Ah, of course not. You'll ignore that. It's okay for him to bring it up again, but not okay for someone to reply to him. They're the ones shitting up the thread.

Are you still looking for that magical post of mine where I mindlessly bash TF2?

Oh no, I brought logic back again!!

Now, you'll go on ignoring my posts again.

So predictable.


T2 is serious business for some of you guys. Jesus.

The movie was a huge success and there will be a 3rd one. What more is there to discuss?


ryutaro's mama said:
Are you still looking for that magical post of mine where I mindlessly bash TF2?

Oh no, I brought logic back again!!

Now, you'll go on ignoring my posts again.

So predictable.

I have absolutely no idea what you're babbling about.

But that's cute, how you're not actually replying to what you quoted, because you knew what I said was correct. So let's try it again, no?


typhonsentra said:
Why not? It only needs to make 400 million to match the percentages (Assuming w're talking about first 3 days and not weekends).
It's still not fair to compare the first 3 days of both movies to each other. Transformers 2 opened in the middle of the week and Pirates 2 opened on the weekend. The low Thursday gross for TF2 kind of skews the comparison in its favor. A better comparison would be the first 5 days of each movie, but then that becomes a little unfair to Transformers.

Regardless, looking at the weekend dropoffs and taking into consideration the massive Wednesday gross of Transformers, I think it's clear that Pirates 2 had better legs.


Honestly, who really cares. If TF2 is as bad as everyone says it is, and the public agrees (I thought it was terrible), then TF3 won't have a record opening, it won't cross 400 million, and it won't do nearly as well as TF2 did. That said, TF2 WILL NOT touch DMC, and there is no chance in hell it will reach 450 million. Even 400 million is not a lock.

That said, if you want to see bad WOM at work, just look at Bruno's drop. If you want to see a bad drop for a blockbuster film, just look at every single HP film. A 60% drop is bad, but, going into its 3rd and 4th weekend, SM3 had drops of around 50%, which is worse than TF2. HBP's chances of hitting 300 million are around the same as TF2's chances of hitting 400 million, just because of how insanely frontloaded the series is.

Anyways, all the TF2 haters can rest easy knowing that Bay won't even have the biggest film of the year, domestic or worldwide.
I have faith in Cameron


ryutaro's mama said:
Are you still looking for that magical post of mine where I mindlessly bash TF2?

Oh no, I brought logic back again!!

Now, you'll go on ignoring my posts again.

So predictable.

Don't be obtuse.
omg rite said:
I have absolutely no idea what you're babbling about.

Ok pal.

I'll break it down for you in the most lay of terms:

You tried to lump me in with the TF2 bashers and when I called you out on it, you turtled and ignored my posts.

I dared you to produce one post where I bashed TF2 like you claimed I did, cause, well, I'm in league with all the haters.

I'm still waiting for that magical post you can quote.

But that's cute, how you're not actually replying to what you quoted, because you knew what I said was correct. So let's try it again, no?

I call you out because you are the one that goes on and on in these threads much like, gasp! irfan tends to.

But irfan HATED TF2...but I'm a hypocrite...wait, wat?!?!?

Your tag is greatly deserved.


typhonsentra said:
LOL, wut?

Less than 30% of it's take so far came from the first weekend (Same as Dark Knight by the way) and it's still making money. Even if you changed the goalpost to "First three days" since it opened in the middle of the week it's still tracking at around 35%, better than a lot of other similar movies such as Pirates 2 or more recently Wolverine.

Pretty much every high opening gross summer movie sees a 50%+ drop it's second week, it's the nature of making so much so quickly. The last Harry Potter saw around a 60% drop it's second week and managed to be the best grossing film since the original.

First, this comparison is completley skewed, since TF2's 5 day gross is over 50% of its entire domestic run (hint: it opened on a wednesday, pirates, tdk, etc. opened on a friday).

Second, Harry Potter's are considered to be frontloaded blockbusters. OoTP didn't even break 300 million, so I'm not quite sure what your point is there. Like you said, it hasn't even beat the original, which only grossed 312 million. Whether you like it or not, TF2 is one of the most frontloaded movies of the year, only bested by HP6 and Wolverine.
Chamber said:
Bruno falls off a cliff and everyone is still talking TF2. Sounds right.

We pretty much knew that Bruno was going to die. It was way too out there for the sensibilities of most people and was inevitably going to get bad word of mouth (how many people in the Bruno thread were talking about people leaving the theater?). Plus, it wasn't THAT funny; it was fairly funny, but compared to Borat it's a lightweight.


ryutaro's mama said:
Ok pal.

I'll break it down for you in the most lay of terms:

You tried to lump me in with the TF2 bashers and when I called you out on it, you turtled and ignored my posts.

I dared you to produce one post where I bashed TF2 like you claimed I did, cause, well, I'm in league with all the haters.

I'm still waiting for that magical post you can quote.

I didn't ignore any posts. Because I didn't see this post where you "dared" me to find a post. I didn't even know what you're referring to.

But now that I've gone through your post history, I see what you're talking about. I didn't see that post. Really wasn't paying much attention to you after you were randomly rude to me in the thread.

Though looking at the post where I did do what you say, it was a reply to you randomly being a childish ass to me for absolutely no reason. I called you out on something you didn't do after you were a dick to me. I apologize.


the walrus said:
Second, Harry Potter's are considered to be frontloaded blockbusters. OoTP didn't even break 300 million, so I'm not quite sure what your point is there. Like you said, it hasn't even beat the original, which only grossed 312 million. Whether you like it or not, TF2 is one of the most frontloaded movies of the year, only bested by HP6 and Wolverine.
This doesn't make any sense. As if applying a made-up label like "frontloaded blockbusters" somehow makes it ok for the movie to be frontloaded. I wonder why TF2 is not allowed in this club?

And there are even more movies which have had worse legs. Even taking out the unfair candidates like Friday the 13th, Jonas Brothers, and Madea, you still have Watchmen and Fast and Furious. I would say the legs of Angels and Demons and Terminator Salvation are comparable if not slightly better. And Bruno is shaping up turn out quite badly as well.


BattleMonkey said:
Making over 160 million in a few weeks after it's initial release is now considered front loaded? Keep moving those goal posts!
Generally I have a great disdain for Juniors... But you give me hope! :D

Don't read too much into DevelopmentArested, he's trying to make this movie look like a failure for some odd reason... But as you said, he has to keep moving the goalposts to do so.


The problem with Transformers 2 is that it could've been so. much. more.

It's dragging itself towards $400mil with venomous ratings and subpar WOM. Can you imagine how it would've performed had it actually been a great movie?

The franchise is what will the take the hit though. I believe the third movie won't match this one at the BO in any market.


love on your sleeve
Snowman Prophet of Doom said:
We pretty much knew that Bruno was going to die. It was way too out there for the sensibilities of most people and was inevitably going to get bad word of mouth (how many people in the Bruno thread were talking about people leaving the theater?). Plus, it wasn't THAT funny; it was fairly funny, but compared to Borat it's a lightweight.
Fair enough but I don't think I've ever seen a 70% drop. Not that I follow this stuff a ton so what the hell do I know...?


duckroll said:
TF2 will hit 400 million, but 450 million is pretty much a lost cause now. Worldwide I'll expect a total of 800-850 million or so. Can't wait for Unicron in TF3! :D
I've been avoiding new Transformers movies because I think they look like ass, but if Unicron is in TF3 even I'll cave.


And the piece of shit known as Spider Man 3 no longer has the biggest film debut worldwide. Potter made $396 million WW its first 5 days :D



Koodo said:
The problem with Transformers 2 is that it could've been so. much. more.

It's dragging itself towards $400mil with venomous ratings and subpar WOM. Can you imagine how it would've performed had it actually been a great movie?

The franchise is what will the take the hit though. I believe the third movie won't match this one at the BO in any market.

If it was great, then it probably would have done even better. I don't think anyone is hating on TF2 because they hate the franchise and want Bay to fail at any cost, they want it to fail (or not hit 400 million, or w/e) because they thought the movie was complete shit.

Edit: I read the more as worse. Whoops.

I agree that TF3 will not perform as well as TF2 at the Box Office, regardless of quality.


sparkle this bitch
Warner Bros will definitely be laughing all the way to the bank for splitting the final book into 2 movies.

Kinda funny after how poorly Watchman performed for them, Almost everything else they made has been making massive bank.


shintoki said:
Warner Bros will definitely be laughing all the way to the bank for splitting the final book into 2 movies.

Not to mention the massive amount of hype going into the final movie will make DH part 2 the most frontloaded movie in the history of the blockbuster. Records will be broken and WB will have an easy 2 Billion dollars.

Just out of curiousity, how much did WB pay for the rights for the films? I'd imagine at nearly 1 Billion dollars of revenue a pop for these films, there must have been some intense bidding going on for the rights to the movies.

Just like last year, WB has the biggest hits and the biggest bombs. Last year was Speed Racer and TDK, this year is Watchmen coupled with the Hangover and HP6.


jett said:
Seems like this Harry Potter movie won't reach 300 mill again.

I think it will, or just be a few million short. Of course, we need to see next weekends numbers first, but HP movies are always a lock for at least $250M.
DemonSwordsman said:
:lol :lol :lol at BRUNO.

I told you guys in the Bruno thread that movie had shit word of mouth and most people hated it. :lol
Most people did not hate it.

More at 11. Get off your high horse, you are wrong. It does have bad WOM, but that's due to the subject of the film and not necessarily its quality. Thanks :)


Look, I'm sorry, but you guys taking over these threads for the past X amount of weeks because you're obsessed with TF2's gross to try and prove people wrong comes across as so pathetic. I mean really. God. This is nerd bullshit even for GAF.

And I just want to say The Proposal is randomly doing terrifically. It's on track to become the 6th highest grossing romantic comedy of ALL TIME.
The Experiment said:
Anecdotal evidence is a pretty limp wristed defense. Box office receipts tell a different and more accurate tale. Sorry.
You really thought a film that has a lot of homosexuality in it would do well in the box office? Wrong. It's still a great movie.
ZephyrFate said:
You really thought a film that has a lot of homosexuality in it would do well in the box office? Wrong. It's still a great movie.

I don't think so. Thinking that society is too homophobic is another limp wristed defense. A lot of comedy goers seem to love gay subtext or outright homosexuality in their movies.
The Experiment said:
I don't think so. Thinking that society is too homophobic is another limp wristed defense. A lot of comedy goers seem to love gay subtext or outright homosexuality in their movies.
Honestly, looking at Twitter (which was the main reason Bruno bombed), nearly every comment that regarded the movie with distaste featured mostly homophobic content. That's as sure of a sign as any.


Vyer said:
Was Borat a big opening? I can't remember.

IMDB Weekend Gross:

$26,455,463 (USA) (5 November 2006) (837 Screens)
$28,269,900 (USA) (12 November 2006) (2,566 Screens)
$14,602,874 (USA) (19 November 2006) (2,611 Screens)
$10,304,802 (USA) (24 November 2006) (2,580 Screens)


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Solo said:
Bruno bombed because of Twitter?


As an avid user of Twitter myself, I'd hardly ever go as far to say Twitter can massively affect a film's box office. Any article claiming that (I've read a few already) just reeks of contrived commentary on a hot new trend (Twitter) that'll bring the readers in, regardless of whether the content has anything to back it up.


A lot of people i was speaking to didn't go to see the film because in there words it had "Battyman" stuff in. The tales that have spun about Bruno have put a lot of people off. One guy i was talking to said that he heard that the film had a dick shot in every scene abd he'd feel sick if he had to see that. rolleyes.gif :lol


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Harry Potter is doing alright. Very happy to see that. The Hangover is a real success story. Transformers still hasn't hit 400 though, that's pretty funny.
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