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Official Wkd. Box Office May 16–18, '08 - "Prince Caspian" slays "Iron" giant

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WrikaWrek said:
Sex and the City will make a dent. Then you will have a Sandler movie, and Kung Fu panda for the kids.

Personally i have a hard time believing that Indiana Jones today has the same amount of mass appeal as Pirates 2 did, when Pirates hit the maximum hype of the franchise, but that's just me.
Indiana Jones will easily be #1 again the week after, despite SitC making a lot of money. You under-estimate the boxoffice appeal of that franchise and Steven Spielberg.

In the 80's Indiana Jones was the biggest franchise behind Star Wars in terms of the box office and Star Wars transitioned just fine (boxoffice wise at least) 20 years later.


Master of the Google Search
Kikujiro said:
I'm sad, the box-office disaster of Speed Racer is the perfect example of why we can't have nice things. Unlike the copy/paste blockbuster movies that nobody will remember within a couple of years (like Iron Man, don't hate me), the latest work of Wachowski bros. uses his huge budget to propose something fresh and new, literally a new vision of cinema... and it bombs.

Spread the word, Speed Racer deserve to be watched, in the fucking movie theatre, like a Cecil B. DeMille work (no comparison here).

Speed Racer had horrible trailers, is based on an obscure old property and has gotten horrible reviews. Why should anyone go and watch it?


grandjedi6 said:
Speed Racer had horrible trailers, is based on an obscure old property and has gotten horrible reviews. Why should anyone go and watch it?

Because it's a good movie.


Master of the Google Search
harSon said:
Because it's a good movie.

What evidence suggests it is a good movie? The reviews, trailers and word of mouth all say it is horrible. Thus there is no motivation for people to watch it. Hence the horrible sales


I think you're giving film reviews to much credit :) I'll agree with you on 1 of your three points, the trailer wasn't a good depiction of the movie as a whole.


grandjedi6 said:
His mouth is outnumbered by other mouths saying it is bad

I agree! But, that's still a pretty big mouth!

harSon said:
Yeah, you're not at all vocal with your opinions....

I'm very vocal! My comment wasn't a criticism of your vocal defense of Speed Racer. It was more of a statement that...

...if all valid methods of verifying a movies quality without actually paying for it indicate it sucks ass, then why would anyone risk it? Hell, the only reason I "risked" it was because my sister wanted to go to a movie, and I already saw Iron Man (and she had too).

Not everyone reads the few threads on the internet which are positive about it.


Master of the Google Search
harSon said:
I think you're giving film reviews to much credit :) I'll agree with you on 1 of your three points, the trailer wasn't a good depiction of the movie as a whole.
Innotech said:
Speed racer is the best movie out right now.

The point is even if Speed Racer was the best movie ever made, you can't expect any one to watch it with all this negative press. If there is no motivation to watch the movie, why would anyone ever pay money for it?


Amir0x said:
I agree! But, that's still a pretty big mouth!

I'm very vocal! My comment wasn't a criticism of your vocal defense of Speed Racer. It was more of a statement that...

...if all valid methods of verifying a movies quality without actually paying for it indicate it sucks ass, then why would anyone risk it? Hell, the only reason I "risked" it was because my sister wanted to go to a movie, and I already saw Iron Man (and she had too).

Not everyone reads the few threads on the internet which are positive about it.

Go to Imdb, Rotten Tomatoes, Yahoo Movies, AOL movies, Fandango, Flixter, or any other major website with user reviews and tell me the word of mouth is horrid.


harSon said:
Go to Imdb, Rotten Tomatoes, Yahoo Movies, AOL movies, Fandango, Flixter, or any other major website with user reviews and tell me the word of mouth is horrid.
Internet reviews are hardly indicative of word of mouth as a whole. If they were, it wouldn't have dropped 60%.

Really, I think it should go without saying that the internet tends to act as something of a fanboy echo chamber. This isn't to say that internet hype and mass popularity are mutually exclusive (look at 300, for instance), but if internet buzz were proportionate to real-world buzz, Snakes on a Plane, Grindhouse, Rambo, and of course Speed Racer would all have been huge blockbusters, and Ron Paul would have the Republican nomination in the bag.


FoneBone said:
Internet reviews are hardly indicative of word of mouth as a whole. If they were, it wouldn't have dropped 60%.

Nor is word of mouth completely responsible for a movie's box office legs.


grandjedi6 said:
Speed Racer had horrible trailers, is based on an obscure old property and has gotten horrible reviews. Why should anyone go and watch it?

That's the problem, while I found the trailer was awesome, I know a lot of people that found it odd or too colorful. It's because mass market are accustomated to watch the same type of movies (with the same type of cinematography, script, video-clip directing and so on) and so they don't give a chance to Speed Racer. I'm not blaming anyone (it's in the history of cinema that movies bomb, Vertigo was a box-office and critics failure, yet now it's fairly considered one of Hitchcock's best work), it's simply a sad note that a movie like Speed Racer, that tries something new, is doing so bad.


FoneBone said:
Internet reviews are hardly indicative of word of mouth as a whole. If they were, it wouldn't have dropped 60%.

Really, I think it should go without saying that the internet tends to act as something of a fanboy echo chamber. This isn't to say that internet hype and mass popularity are mutually exclusive (look at 300, for instance), but if internet buzz were proportionate to real-world buzz, Snakes on a Plane, Grindhouse, Rambo, and of course Speed Racer would all have been huge blockbusters, and Ron Paul would have the Republican nomination in the bag.

What are you trying to argue? I'm saying word of mouth has been positive for Speed Racer, you posting Grindhouse actually strengthens my argument. Positive word of mouth (Which Grindhouse received PLENTY of) does not necessarily result in more ticket sales.


harSon said:
Go to Imdb, Rotten Tomatoes, Yahoo Movies, AOL movies, Fandango, Flixter, or any other major website with user reviews and tell me the word of mouth is horrid.

All the same idiots probably liked Transformers as well. It's just that their horse didn't come through in terms of profit this time around.

harSon said:
What are you trying to argue? I'm saying word of mouth has been positive for Speed Racer, you posting Grindhouse actually strengthens my argument. Positive word of mouth (Which Grindhouse received PLENTY of) does not necessarily result in more ticket sales.

Speed Racer and Grind House are different beasts. Speed Racer is a bad movie that the public (graciously) ignored. Grindhouse was a good movie (with a lot of positive buzz) that bombed. You really can't make a comparison between the two.
Well, to be fair, this:


is actually in Speed Racer. It's the metacritic photo for the thing, too.

It looks completely retarded. That might have something to do with why people aren't seeing it.


Sapiens said:
All the same idiots probably liked Transformers as well. It's just that their horse didn't come through in terms of profit this time around.

Why can't you get your opinion across without labeling the opposing view as idiots?


Speed Racer deserved a much better fate than this. Oh well, future cult classic, no doubt.

Also, I think Cheebs is greatly OVER estimating Indy's drawing power.


Master of the Google Search
Kikujiro said:
That's the problem, while I found the trailer was awesome, I know a lot of people that found it odd or too colorful. It's because mass market are accustomated to watch the same type of movies (with the same type of cinematography, script, video-clip directing and so on) and so they don't give a chance to Speed Racer. I'm not blaming anyone (it's in the history of cinema that movies bomb, Vertigo was a box-office and critics failure, yet now it's fairly considered one of Hitchcock's best work), it's simply a sad note that a movie like Speed Racer, that tries something new, is doing so bad.

It got horrible reviews too so you can't blame the mass market for ignoring Speed Racer
harSon said:
What are you trying to argue? I'm saying word of mouth has been positive for Speed Racer, you posting Grindhouse actually strengthens my argument. Positive word of mouth (Which Grindhouse received PLENTY of) does not necessarily result in more ticket sales.

Word of Mouth has not been good for Speed Racer outside of the internet. And even in the internet the word of mouth has been pretty diverse.
Solo said:
Speed Racer deserved a much better fate than this. Oh well, future cult classic, no doubt.

Also, I think Cheebs is greatly OVER estimating Indy's drawing power.
Yeah, he's predicting Harry Potter worldwide numbers. I don't see it.


grandjedi6 said:
It got horrible reviews too so you can't blame the mass market for ignoring Speed Racer

Word of Mouth has not been good for Speed Racer outside of the internet. And even in the internet the word of mouth has been pretty diverse.

What are you judging word of mouth by? Critic's reviews? Anecdotal?


Saw Iron Man today - really fun movie. Robert Downey is a better lead than all the other modern superhero stars combined.
I see commercials often for Prince Caspian too...but it just felt like it was something that wasn't coming out for a long time still. Should've stayed a holiday movie.


JB1981 said:
Saw Iron Man today - really fun movie. Robert Downey is a better lead than all the other modern superhero stars combined.

I agree, also his costume is the best one ive ever seen in a superhero movie.


Master of the Google Search
harSon said:
What are you judging word of mouth by? Critic's reviews? Anecdotal?

Obviously anecdotal, that is what word of mouth means after all. But your counterpoint on internet user reviews actually hurts your position since the majority of user reviews is either 100% or 0%. Which isn't very indicative of a good word of mouth


JzeroT1437 said:
Well, to be fair, this:


is actually in Speed Racer. It's the metacritic photo for the thing, too.

It looks completely retarded. That might have something to do with why people aren't seeing it.


What the fuck are you talking about?


JzeroT1437 said:
Well, to be fair, this:


is actually in Speed Racer. It's the metacritic photo for the thing, too.

It looks completely retarded. That might have something to do with why people aren't seeing it.
I'm with the above poster. Looks normal to me...


Matthew fox with some Snowboard sun glasses and a white X on his forehead, while racing a car in Purple land.


Looks like pretty common shit.

SonicMegaDrive said:
Racer X looks exactly like the character from the TV show.

It doesn't appear anymore 'retarded' than Cyclops in 'X-Men'.

grandjedi6 said:
It got horrible reviews too so you can't blame the mass market for ignoring Speed Racer

Word of Mouth has not been good for Speed Racer outside of the internet. And even in the internet the word of mouth has been pretty diverse.

you know man, word of mouth doesn't actually mean much when people ignore a movie. SOAP was hyped to no end and it kinda tanked. On the other hand, extreme bullshit like Meet the Spartans was a success, and it ranked horribly

I'm actually surprised at how the american audience massively ignored SR. I mean, they made a retarded shit like Transformers a blockbuster, why not SR?
Probably because, really, noone gives a fuck about SR. Perhaps too experimental for the masses, perhaps cast lacked big names..I believe it's a mix of this.
I just don't believe people turned their heads to the other side just because it's, quite frankly, a terrible movie, because we keep seeing retarded crap grossing a loadsa for no reason


grandjedi6 said:
Obviously anecdotal, that is what word of mouth means after all. But your counterpoint on internet user reviews actually hurts your position since the majority of user reviews is either 100% or 0%. Which isn't very indicative of a good word of mouth

And? The 9 or so people who went with me enjoyed the film...
WrikaWrek said:
Matthew fox with some Snowboard sun glasses and a white X on his forehead, while racing a car in Purple land.


Looks like pretty common shit.


WrikaWrek said:
Matthew fox with some Snowboard sun glasses and a white X on his forehead, while racing a car in Purple land.


Looks like pretty common shit.



Not sure what point you're trying to make here.

They both look like science fiction characters who wear shades/glasses from comic book movies to me.

Are you suggesting one looks less dumb than the other?

Speed Racer bombed badly for a lot of reasons, but Racer X's costume isn't one of them. :lol


Master of the Google Search
harSon said:
And? The 9 or so people who went with me enjoyed the film...

Okay. So? Why did they go and watch the movie in the first place?

Anasui Kishibe said:
you know man, word of mouth doesn't actually mean much when people ignore a movie. SOAP was hyped to no end and it kinda tanked. On the other hand, extreme bullshit like was a success, and it ranked horribly

I'm actually surprised at how the american audience massively ignored SR. I mean, they made a retarded shit like Transformers a blockbuster, why not SR?
Probably because, really, noone gives a fuck about SR. Perhaps too experimental for the masses, perhaps cast lacked big names..I believe it's a mix of this.
I just don't believe people turned their heads to the other side just because it's, quite frankly, a terrible movie, because we keep seeing retarded crap grossing a loadsa for no reason

There is no reason to be surprised by this, at all. There is ZERO motivation why anyone should watch Speed Racer. However Transformers was actually hyped up and got decent reviews, thus it is not surprising that it did so well. Meet the Spartans actually did as poorly as Speed Racer is doing, however Meet the Spartans had a much much lower budget so it didn't really matter.

When you have negative reviews, bad marketing, no hype and diverse word of mouth, you can't expect the mass public to watch the movie


SonicMegaDrive said:

Not sure what point you're trying to make here.

They both look like science fiction characters who wear shades/glasses from comic book movies to me.

Are you suggesting one looks less dumb than the other?

Yes. Cyclops looks cool. Not to mention he's an iconic character, he's an x-men.

Speed racer is...fucking speed racer man. And cyclops wasn't driving around in candy land either.


grandjedi6 said:
Okay. So? Why did they go and watch the movie in the first place?

Because I convinced them to do so? They all had similar opinions going into the movie (Thought the trailer looked horrible and it had unfavorable Critic reviews) and each oone of them enjoyed the movie. Every single person I know that has seen it (Somewhere between 16-18 people) enjoyed the film with the exception being Gil... who loves to hate on everything :p
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