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Official Wkd. Box Office May 16–18, '08 - "Prince Caspian" slays "Iron" giant

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butthurt Heat fan
JzeroT1437 said:
Well, to be fair, this:


is actually in Speed Racer. It's the metacritic photo for the thing, too.

It looks completely retarded. That might have something to do with why people aren't seeing it.
I'm sorry, but since when was Vin Diesel in this film?

Speed, the Mach 5 needs some NAWWWWS, ha ha!

Dan said:
Anywho, Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule: Days of Speed Racer. I think that piece expresses a lot of my feelings.
That guy kinda liked Days of Thunder, so he's cool in my book. :D


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
CajoleJuice said:
Wow. That is long. Should I bother reading it if I haven't seen the movie yet?
It's not spoilerific. If you already have an interest in seeing it, I'd say quit reading anything and just head into it with an open mind. If not, well, as someone who loved it, I won't tell you to not read that piece.


Sidhe / PikPok
Slayven said:
Man I would pay to be a fly on the wall of WB offices right now. And will the matrix name still allow the W siblings to receive a blank check from the studios?

The snippets I have heard indicate that the lower than expected box office numbers are considered more related to marketing than the quality/content of the film, so the W Bros/Silver reputations are relatively intact. But then again, I'm only really observing from the periphery (and at a low level at that).

Ford Prefect

*cries a tear for Speed Racer*

I think a lot can be said for the movie by the fans it has on this board alone. I don't think I've seen a single person whose taste in films I've come to respect over the years of posting here who doesn't like it. Triumph was hating on it's very existence just based on the trailer (which I can totally understand, as I thought it looked like crap, too) for a while, but I'm sure he caved and saw it and loved it.

Dan said:
People are afraid of things that are different. A movie that actually experiments and embraces creativity inspires hatred, while LOTR-lite soars at the box office and a refined but unspectacular and familiar superhero movie gets accolades.
Agree 100%.

CajoleJuice said:
Wow. That is long. Should I bother reading it if I haven't seen the movie yet?
No, just go see it.


The speed racer trailer set of all sorts of crap movie ahoy alarms in my brain. In business terms the studio really should've recognised that because I think it happened to a lot of people.


Sidhe / PikPok
milanbaros said:
The speed racer trailer set of all sorts of crap movie ahoy alarms in my brain. In business terms the studio really should've recognised that because I think it happened to a lot of people.

I am seeing a lot of comments from people who dismissed or were skeptical of the movie because of trailers, but loved the movie when they ended up seeing it for whatever reason. Certainly supports that the trailers were off the mark.

But, I think Warner had a tough job with respect to the trailers, especially the first teaser. The movie is so visually out there that when you can only showcase a limited snippet I think its difficult to show anything that without the context of the whole movie doesn't look too crazy or overly cheesy. The movie itself eases you into the visual style slightly more, and once you are immersed into that style it is less prone to seeming "wrong".

Ultimately, I think the trailers for the movie could have been improved if they came across a little less hardcore. The action and text taglines seemed to pitch to an older hardcore audience (and probably turned off parents with younger children), but the visual style appears geared to a younger or more whimsical crowd (turning off those who like their action as real as it gets), which means they fell into the gap of nothing in between.

I think it would have helped to pitch more squarely at the family audience which would have brought in a bigger family crowd, and probably would have avoided a lot of online cynicism and criticism. They could have perhaps achieved this with the inclusion of some more light hearted music and moments, highlighted Speed as an aspirational character for kids more, and reduced the "From the makers of the Matrix Trilogy" angle.

Hindsight is a great thing I guess.
I remember the most forced applause from Letterman's audience when he interviewed Emile Hirsch and they showed a clip of SR

then there was Cobie Smulders and people kinda forgot about the whole thing, Letterman included. That's why SR flopped


I saw Prince Caspian on Friday night. Went to the grand opening of the new all DLP theater in our area. They said they sold out all showings that day (4 theaters showing it too) but the theater size is about half the size of the other good quality theater in the area. We'll see Indy there but we're not in a hurry to see it opening weekend.
You know Speed Racer fans, you're not doing the movie any favors by saying that Iron Man is shit, if anything that condemns your movie tastes even more. :lol

Speed Racer flopping you could see from a mile away - it's based on an ancient anime that no one liked enough to want a live-action adaptation. When the first trailers were released, all it got was giggles in my theater. Nostalgia can be a cruel mistress. For the people who weren't fans of the show, they have the "From the makers of the Matrix trilogy" and the bomba of Revolutions fresh in their minds. There's no star power, the CGI is obnoxiously overdone, and the everything about the snippets they show make it look like a kids movie, Hot Wheels on screen. And most kids are too young to even know who the fuck Speed Racer is.


Hopefully ill see Prince Caspian before Indy 4 is out, otherwise ill just wait until its in HBO.

:D @ Speed's numbers, im glad that piece of shit movie flopped, even my 10 year old Spy Kids-loving niece thought the movie was bad and way too long. I dont understand why are people so depressed because the film did bad, just because its unique (It isnt) doesnt mean is good.
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