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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Text is clear, sharp, and easy to read. The grayscale tests show a bright white at the high-intensity end of the scale and a decent black at the low-intensity end, though we saw some compression on the dark end. We saw some greenish tints in the midrange, but they were not pronounced. Screen uniformity tests show the 2005FPW to be slightly brighter in the corners than in the center, and some colors, most noticeably red, look slightly pale in the lower corners of the screen. The 2005FPW did not fare very well on our DVD and gaming tests. We saw lots of noise, as well as streaking and ghosting, but the details were generally good.


Marty Chinn said:
I went to Target today and walked out with $222 missing from my wallet. I picked up three wireless controllers, three rechargeable batteries, and one play and charge kit. $222 spent and I don't even have a console or games yet. I may end up returning two of those controllers though and get them later. Damn is that stuff expensive.

360 uses AA's right?
Just saw this posted on the IGN 360 boards by a GAMESTOP employee :

After Nov. 22 GameStop will be doing a trade in offer where if you trade in two XBOX 360 games, you can get one new XBOX 360 game for free.

Anyone confirm this?
Costco bundles in store!


IGN boards said:
this one comes with:

the premium 360

an extra wireless controller,

the play and charge kit

and Kameo (I believe the original online bundle came with PGR3).

All of this for $479.99.


truffleshuffle83 said:
abusing what??? id imagine if you trade in any 360 game youd get about 30 bucks credit, so trading in 2 for a free one isnt really a deal

Maybe it's not a deal for you, but it is for me :)




Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
RESET, also a swedish magazine gave the games these scores:

GAME: - 1st Opinion - 2nd Opinion (if any)

PGR3: 10 - 9
Kameo: Elements of Power: 8 - 5
Perfect Dark Zero: 7 -
Condemned: Criminal origins: 8 -

Oh, they're in a 1-10 scale.


ItsInMyVeins said:
RESET, also a swedish magazine gave the games these scores:

GAME: - 1st Opinion - 2nd Opinion (if any)

PGR3: 10 - 9
Kameo: Elements of Power: 8 - 5
Perfect Dark Zero: 7 -
Condemned: Criminal origins: 8 -

Oh, they're in a 1-10 scale.
Damn, just a seven for PDZ :(
Waiting for more reviews from the other sources.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
swordsman said:
Damn, just a seven for PDZ :(
Waiting for more reviews from the other sources.

Dude, why bother if you're just gonna disqualify the sources/the scores until they say what you want to hear? :)


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
ItsInMyVeins said:
Dude, why bother if you're just gonna disqualify the sources/the scores until they say what you want to hear? :)

I may not disqualify the score, but I seriously doubt their review is based on FINAL code.
I just saw some hillarious stuff on Cold Pizza (and yes, I know the show sucks) They had a little X360 segment with that Sundance guy. I only saw the tail end but a couple of funny things happened

- Talking about BC, the host asked about what percentage of games were BC. The guy didn't answer, but said their were "thousands" of Xbox games out there (I think there are only like 900+ right) and only about 200 compatible (true)

- Showing some footage of new games, they showed the Madden target renders! (The Strahan-McNabb stuff)

Just shows about the misinformation constantly fed to casuals


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
DenogginizerOS said:
I may not disqualify the score, but I seriously doubt their review is based on FINAL code.

I think you're correct on this point. It might be a nearly-finished version, but probably not the FINAL :)


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Kabuki Waq said:
how are these swedish mags getting review builds before american mags?

Well, I don't think they're (permitted to/will get in trouble if they) review games unless the distributor/publiser/watchawannacallit give them a "OK" for the copy they've got. And my guess is that they're reviewing the games based on late builds which are nearly complete.


just found out that i got the shaft on the pre-order that i placed in august at gamestop. i also prepaid the damn thing with 4 games and 2 accessories.

i was extremely pissed last night, so i went to the store and had them refund every piece i pre-paid. there wasn't much of a payoff. but i found great joy in watching the gamestop worker have to manually write the refunds which took nearly 1/2 an hour alone. i had a fat boner of cash in my pocket that night.

i'm taking that money and camping outside of target or some shit. at least there are 5 other stores near my house that aren't doing preorders. i'm likely to find one.

moral of the story... gamestop just lost a customer. especially after calling me a month ago and giving me the guarantee that i would be able to hop in a VIP line at midnight next tuesday and get my premium 360. i called them last week to also verify i'd be on the priority list. they confirmed. now they're just a bunch of lying snatchheads in my book.


Running off of Custom Firmware
So, anyone know of any stores in NY or Brooklyn that will sell the premium pack on a first-come first-serve basis?

I feel like gettin an X360 after having skipped out on the Xbox 1, and don't have a preorder.

Or, am I screwed until next year? Would be a bummer if so, but not a huge big deal. It'd just be nice to have it next week, is all. (Comes out on my birthday).

Someone, please make my birthday dreams come true?? Or something. :lol

BTW: Not trolling, serious about the request.


neptunes said:
supposedly LIVE is already online, some people have been playing Call of Duty 2 online already.

Kinda off-topic but: How does 360 exactly recognizes your "old" XBL account when you try to connect? Or do you need to fill out your old account name and the last 3 digits of your cc?
Raiden said:
Kinda off-topic but: How does 360 exactly recognizes your "old" XBL account when you try to connect? Or do you need to fill out your old account name and the last 3 digits of your cc?

You need to link it to a passport account at www.xbox.com. Then when you get your 360 up and running, you into the username/password for the passport account once and it transfers.


No PD0 last night, stupid manager wanted to do a second inventory before they put everything on the shelves today. Well today I'm going to get it :D no special editions though, those are supposed to be sold with the x360 consoles on launch day from what my friend was told (BUT THEY'RE ONLY GETTING 2 CONSOLES! and have 10 limited editions)


Lo-Volt said:
How was the silver faceplate to you? Not that I would buy one, but I wonder if they look attractive in real life?
Wow I didn't even mention a silver one :O but they did have a silver one...to be honest it looked kinda cheap...it was plasticky and at first glance not that different than the regular faceplate.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Mejilan said:
So, anyone know of any stores in NY or Brooklyn that will sell the premium pack on a first-come first-serve basis?

I feel like gettin an X360 after having skipped out on the Xbox 1, and don't have a preorder.

Or, am I screwed until next year? Would be a bummer if so, but not a huge big deal. It'd just be nice to have it next week, is all. (Comes out on my birthday).

Someone, please make my birthday dreams come true?? Or something. :lol

BTW: Not trolling, serious about the request.



Keyser Soze said:

I had 2 (32" and 26") and I thought I was doing good :p

My TV's :D Can't wait for the PS3 I can hook 2 of them up together lol. My Plasma is back at futureshop (DON'T EVER BUY ANY TV'S FROM THOSE FUCKING IDIOTS! 3 Plasma TV's from them over the last year, all have problems, Had to wait 60 fucking days for my new TV and they wouldn't give me a loaner now we're in the same situation again, Day 37 and NOTHING STAY AWAY FROM FUTURESHOP).... anyways

My baby :)


My "Family" TV



I find it exceedingly cheap that my Gamerush is not going to sell at midnight on monday. It's not like they would have to reopen!


just called Sams Club and he told me they already have them and theyll be available on the 22nd. now I just need to find someone with a membership to get in. :lol

oops I forgot to ask how many they had.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
hgplayer1 said:
just called Sams Club and he told me they already have them and theyll be available on the 22nd. now I just need to find someone with a membership to get in. :lol

oops I forgot to ask how many they had.

find someone with a buisness membership. they open a few hours earlier for them :)

i have one, but there isnt a sams club near my parents for literally 100's of miles :p

Seth C

op_ivy said:
find someone with a buisness membership. they open a few hours earlier for them :)

i have one, but there isnt a sams club near my parents for literally 100's of miles :p

Any idea what level of membership Wal-Mart's own employees get?
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