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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Uncle said:
Would be a better comparison, if the pictures were of different TVs.

Yea I just noticed that,after actually reading the thread and looking at the pics :\

Hopefully someone else will post some pics.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife

PD:0 was there too but I had no more cash on me >_<


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Seth C said:
Which store did you see PDZ at, and did they have the LE?

Gamestop. They told me all the 1st party games came in yesterday and were in the back. If you wanted one, they'll have to go in the back and get it. All the 3rd party games came in today.


op_ivy said:
find someone with a buisness membership. they open a few hours earlier for them :)

i have one, but there isnt a sams club near my parents for literally 100's of miles :p

Yup, I went to Sams Club and they said they're selling them at 7pm (Monday) for Business memberships. Midnight for others.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I am confused about what type of WIDESCREEN support all 360 games will have for widescreen Non-HDTV screens. Will all games display in 16:9 or will they be stretched?


DenogginizerOS said:
I am confused about what type of WIDESCREEN support all 360 games will have for widescreen Non-HDTV screens. Will all games display in 16:9 or will they be stretched?

480 widescreen will display fine in 16:9.



went to BB again today to see if they had put any games out. I saw the same thing I did yesterday which was a lot of accessories and no games.......then I looked to the very bottom of the rack and there are the games. they might have been there yesterday and I just didnt see them. they were really almost hidden since the accessories were kinda sticking out of the racks and almost covering them from a standing viewpoint.

I didnt get the P&C kit just yet since I dont know what will come with the 360 I get. I would have picked up COD but they didnt have it. Kameo and PD0 have become maybes for me and this is probably all the games Ill need for a while. taking into account what might be available on Arcade by the time I get tired of these games, it might be February or March before I need some new games.


My walmart.com order just shipped, but they shipped it ground. wtf, I didnt pay $35 for ground shipping. I thought I had a few more days to decide if I want to keep the order, heh. Oh well, there I can always return or ebay it.



All these goodies + PDZ tomorrow and no 360 till mon.......well at least i got NFS:MW on my pc with my wired controller.....its not that bad.


TwIsTeD said:

All these goodies + PDZ tomorrow and no 360 till mon.......well at least i got NFS:MW on my pc with my wired controller.....its not that bad.

How many F'n cell phones does a person need?


Any friend of Condemned is a friend of mine. I already know this will be my favorite title of this launch. IGN's review was surprisingly in-depth and really gave enough sensory details to cause an erection. Parry, block, axe to the face = <3 <3 <3 <3


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
truffleshuffle83 said:
the wait is fuckin killin me. picked up nba2k6, COD2, extra wireless, battery, and P&C kit today

4 more days!!!!

What game is that?
nope i dont have the 360 yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways i have fuckin MCE 2004 and im not about to get ass raped and pay 150 bucks for a 2005 upgrade. ill wait till vista launches


there is joy in sucking dick
truffleshuffle83 said:
nope i dont have the 360 yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways i have fuckin MCE 2004 and im not about to get ass raped and pay 150 bucks for a 2005 upgrade. ill wait till vista launches

Ahhhhhh ok. Still looks very very nice. I don't have MCE at all so i'm thinking about getting it at some point. I should wait for Vista but I really want to start streaming to my 60" HDTV. The media extender aspect of 360 makes me very giddy inside.
me too, but im so pissed at sony. they wont just send me the upgrade because the offer expired. like they dont have millions of oem MCE 2005 discs that they send out everyday with their new computers. i might break down and buy it off ebay, but im fine with my tivo and i can still stream music and pics using xp. cmon vista hurry your ass up


That sounds like a fair enough size. Tell us how long it takes/took you if you download it and I'd also like to know what it consists of if you can. Thanks.


I don't know if I want to download it yet.

You can't play any games while it's downloading, that'd be ok if there were more XBLA games to play but hexic is all there is.


Sorry if old:
I got this from Dutch Forum

Perfect Dark Zero

Not had time to search for other posts but skimmed the first 2 pages without seeing one, so apologies if I missed this already. 8.30am UK OXM has just come out and they give the game most of us have been loving and hating in equal measures is given a ......9/10

You'll no doubt read all the reviews yourself, but the pros were:

* Superb Replay Value
* Colossally addictive on Xbox Live
* More weapons than Charlton Heston
* Better-than-high-end PC visuals

The only minus was

* Embarrassingly Wacky Voiceovers.

I've not read the review yet but thought you'd all appreciate the score, we can all breath a huge sigh of relief.

The opening paragraph is great "Like some sort of crazy A Team style plan involving hammering in a garage, close ups of pipes being cut, sheets of spiked metal riveted into a van, and some hilarious one liners from Face-man, Perfect Dark Zero has actually come together. And we LOVE it.".... "From Zero to Hero...The Finest first person shooter since Halo 2"


Posted in the PD0 thread:

Interview with Jim Veevaert, exec producer for Rare's Xbox 360 titles.

Jim Veevaert said:
Development of Perfect Dark:
..."Originally Perfect Dark was slated for Xbox. The game we had in development looked really good, but it was going to hit market around the time of Halo 2, in November 04. So we looked at it and thought about it and we saw how big it was and we decided the game could be fully realized if it was pushed to the next platform. It made a lot more sense."...

Downloadable Content:
..."There is a lot of content that we wanted to include that will be available in the next few months. You can expect some great downloads of content coming for Perfect Dark Zero.

"The team believes that anything that is core to the franchise should be free but there will be some additional things that we are thinking about now that really is additional content that we will charge for. A lot of the details are being worked out. You can expect some announcements in January."...

..."It's really targeted to Rare fans but also people who have never played a game before. It's a graphic showcase. You can appreciate it as a straight through adventure but as a core gamer you can find ways to upgrade your warriors and find new experiences. Scale-ability is really important to this game and it really depends on how you want to play it.

"Kameo is a great second buy. The first round of Xbox 360 customers are core gamers; they may say Perfect Dark or Gotham and something else that the entire family can play, such as Kameo. The tie ratio could be as high as 50%. Who knows?"...

..."We have several titles in development at Rare. We'll be making the big announcements in the spring so I'm moving from this launch to some hard work on two or three of those productions."


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Status: In Transit - On Time
Scheduled Delivery: Nov 22, 2005

Shipped to: BRIGHTON, MA, US
Shipped or Billed on: Nov 17, 2005

Service Type: GROUND
Weight: 16.00 Lbs


neptunes said:
You can't play any games while it's downloading, that'd be ok if there were more XBLA games to play but hexic is all there is.

The first batch of Arcade games should be available for download today. No promises though :)


Does anyboy remember the N64 being sold/released early? I believe it was the Thursday before release date (The release date was a Sunday, so 3 days early).

Man, I wish that would happen again.
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