You know what doesn't tear? The freaking Wii version. I'm really disappointed that the IQ isn't perfect in this edition. I can't stand screen tearing, I'm super sensitive to it and it's the #1 reason I rarely game on consoles. What's worse is this is a freaking PS2 game that runs on the Wii of all things, failing miserably in my eyes on a console that's like 100 Wiis duct taped together. Maybe this'll be one of those games that randomly gets a PC release somewhere down the line. :-/
Sorry if this sounds bad or overly sensitive, I'm just really disappointed, I was really looking forward to a "perfect" version of Okami.
At 720p, the screentear is within the overscan from what I can tell, you should be able to remove it essentially.
And the Wii was much more powerful than the PS2.