Crossing Eden
Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It's literally the main theme.And isn't Stand By Me part of the soundtrack?
It's literally the main theme.And isn't Stand By Me part of the soundtrack?
Damsel in distress sure is "not ideal".
Lightning is probably *the* most developed character in FF history, having gotten more than 2 games where her journey is at the forefront.
I couldn't disagree more.
I have no problem with characters showing skin. The question however is if the design is crafted for the character's personality or for pandering to the audience. In most cases with female character designs, it's a female character design made to appeal to men, with a disregard for whether or not such a design would appeal to women.
You might ask "what's the problem with one side character showing some skin", but then you put it into the context of dozens and dozens of games who always has that "skimpily dressed huge boobs babe" character. And then maybe you can perhaps understand why Cidney and the 15 team deserves a lot of criticism.
If a game is good but reeks of racism and sexism, do you think that would be okay? That people should not criticize it and rightly be negative about those aspects, because "the game is good"? Yes, I dock points from a game because of blatant pandering to males, because I'm female! It's gross for a female character to be made just to service the male characters as a visual. If you want your game to sell huge numbers and have mass appeal, you better have mass appeal, which includes women!
I think it's probably because you haven't worn what Cidney is wearing that you can say that it doesn't look uncomfortable. You have another thing coming if you think it is that comfortable to wear a lot of the 'sexy' stuff that women wear.
For a game that bills itself as a 'fantasy based on reality' where the main cast is wearing real-world designed clothes, I think criticism of how uncomfortable or unrealistic Cidney's so-called 'mechanic outfit' is legitimate. "Past FF had all sorts of weird clothes" is a poor argument because none of those FF claim to be what 15 claims.
I don't know about anyone else, but my issues with Cindy are not her design, but how she herself has been portrayed as a character, or non character in promotional media.
Damsel in distress sure is "not ideal".
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret was pretty decent at being not-weak in the movie, so I have hope.
I'm honestly not even sure how integral Luna is to the plot. Almost seems like you could completely cut her out and not much would change.
If she doesn't end up getting fridged for Nokuto's manpain I will eat a sock.
I actually liked what they did in Kingsglaive where, when able, she was just basically "fuck you, I'm going to do SOMETHING. Even if it kills me." Like, she isn't a fighter, but she was willing to at least TRY to fight for what she believes is right.
Cindy on the other hand....she could be a good character in game (I kinda doubt it) but wow. Between the VR thing and what we've seen so far...youch.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret was pretty decent at being not-weak in the movie, so I have hope.
"The male characters are power fantasies, not fanservice for females" is actually out of base on this one.
FF's audience in Japan actually skews female, and the characters are very much designed for that audience.
As OP says, it's the pattern. FF has a bad habit of skimpy outfits, but also a extremely good track record on deep, empowered female characters. The pattern isn't there.
You are gonna to have to explain that one. Being determined dosn't mean you are strong if you continually depend on others to accomplish something.
Wrong thread.After X-2, I think it's okay to make an all male cast of playable characters. Not really sure why not having a female playable is a bad thing.
The only problem I have with the OP is the reference to some people who think it will be the greatest FF yet ... I have not encountered these people. Even the fans seem to be saying, "Maybe it won't be that bad ..."
I'm expecting Luna to die. She's there to enhance the character development of noctis so can easily see it. Tabata likes to go for sad stories from his previous work.
You are gonna to have to explain that one. Being determined dosn't mean you are strong if you continually depend on others to accomplish something.
Cidney aside, the one thing that's really infuriated me is the constant shilling that Luna is a "strong female character". That as well as naming a console bundle after her reeks of pretentiousness. It's not that I don't BELIEVE them, it's just that classifications like that should be up to the audience, not the creators.
People determined that Tifa and Aerith were strong female characters without a single piece of marketing telling us to think that way.
People like to overreact with everything about FFXV, I don't think it's necessarily justified but we will see.After X-2, I think it's okay to make an all male cast of playable characters. Not really sure why not having a female playable is a bad thing.
I'm probably going to be passing on the game until it's in the bargain bin at this point. The rocky development already made me wary, but the disagreeable portrayal of women pushes it over the top.
I'm almost ashamed that it's on my radar at all. I would have no interest in this game if it weren't for its legacy.
That Luna slap is just ughh.
I think Tabata has more backwards views on women than Nomura. It was made pretty apparent in his erasure of Stella and the male gaze monstrosity that is Cidney. He wants XV to be the Japanese equivalent of a dudebro game (hence his focus on the road trip), but it doesn't work in the context of Final Fantasy because it has always been a gender inclusive series.
I agree completely on Cindy but can anyone give an objective reason or a quote by Nomura during an interview why Versus would've had a better emphasis on women, or more female characters in the party or story?
Also... FFXV's villain slapping Luna is wrong, but the main character of a game initiating combat with Stella is okay?
Because "sex" at your workplace is stupid?
That's a very rugged-individualistic limited view of strength though isn't it? My problem with Luna in the movie wasn't that she wasn't strong, but rather that her motivations were so poorly illustrated.
So in one she is a passive damsel and in the other an equal opponent?Also... FFXV's villain slapping Luna is wrong, but the main character of a game initiating combat with Stella is okay?
Like I said before, it's not that she gets hit, it's about how she takes it, which seems like a total opposite of "strong".As i've said before, People here have a double standard when it comes to violence with women. That thread for The Hateful 8 kinda showed how people werent fine with it. (its not gendered violence, its a dude hitting someone he'd have hit regardless of their gender ( i think i'm using the right term? if not please correct me)
I agree completely on Cindy but can anyone give an objective reason or a quote by Nomura during an interview why Versus would've had a better emphasis on women, or more female characters in the party or story?
Also... FFXV's villain slapping Luna is wrong, but the main character of a game initiating combat with Stella is okay?
I think Tabata has more backwards views on women than Nomura. It was made pretty apparent in his erasure of Stella and the male gaze monstrosity that is Cidney. He wants XV to be the Japanese equivalent of a dudebro game (hence his focus on the road trip), but it doesn't work in the context of Final Fantasy because it has always been a gender inclusive series.
To be fair there is a difference in the visual portrayals there.
StellaxNoct seemed like equals in that trailer.
Here Luna is clearly in a weakened more vulnerable position.
Who knows though, the game aint out...
Cleavage is relative.I think you're taking the word sex a bit to literally. She's not fucking people on top of the cars, she's showing cleavage. You've never seen anyone show cleavage at any job ever?
guessing that slap scene happens after she fights with leviathin or something, which hey might leave someone in a weakened state, but i might be wrong. (looks like the same area)
Going out of your way to look hot at your job is stupid (unless it's part of it).
I get where you're coming from, and I do think this is a worthwhile discussion...but I don't think it makes any sense to get into this before the game is out and we have full knowledge of who these characters are and what they do.
It's far too easy to come to erroneous conclusions when all we've got of Stella is a few short clips and all we've got of Luna is slightly more short clips (and Kingsglaive, now).
Well, except for Cidney/Cindy. There's not much else I can see happening there, so it's probably safe to critique her design and role in the game without much concern that she'll be represented better in the full game.
Communication is a product of its time. It's irritating how transparent they are with the "strong female character" catchphrase but 20 years ago (I'd risk saying even 5+ years ago), very few voices were being raised to denounce games as being a sausage fest (and rightly so, FF almost always having a trio of female party members before this one), or female representation in games at all. This game is being made and marketed with a relatively strong awareness of what is and was being said about it and it's a big difference from previous entries.Cidney aside, the one thing that's really infuriated me is the constant shilling that Luna is a "strong female character". That as well as naming a console bundle after her reeks of pretentiousness. It's not that I don't BELIEVE them, it's just that classifications like that should be up to the audience, not the creators.
People determined that Tifa and Aerith were strong female characters without a single piece of marketing telling us to think that way.
MGS5 as a reason we should talk about it now snipped.
Guys this is not about why there's no women in the party, but rather why the actual women in the game sucks so much.
In what way is she strong, then?