I know everyone's daily phone usage is different but how long does a full charge usually last you before you need to give it some more juice?
I'm not to worried about the camera as long as it takes a half decent photo that'll do me. Hows the video recording and audio?
Did you order a cover with yours? I was going to order one but I held back as the ones on the oneplus website where pretty ugly and I really dont want to hide the phones good looks but I'm worried the aluminum will scratch easily. I always have a cover on my iPhones because even if you look at those phones the wrong way the bloody things break.
Sorry I forgot to follow up on this!
1. I bought a VOCC car charger, and my daily commute drive (20-30 minutes) is enough to charge my phone for the day. If I'm below 40% by the end of the day I'll charge it on the drive home. I don't charge my phone overnight anymore. I'd say about 9-10 hours of casual use and 5-6 hours of 100% heavy use.
2. Video recording and audio recording are decent, but audio output is a bit meh. Speakers are rough on this phone. But the video recording options and the dedicated flash light are pretty great for recording.
3. I put the leather folding case on it the second I got it. The aluminum gives it a great feel but yeah I did not want to scratch it. But there's some great clear shells that serve a similar purpose.
OP3 owners..
How fast is this camera? My Nexus 6 is killing me with its slow camera.
Does it launch, focus and snap pics fast enough for you guys? Main concern is catching my 2 year old in action..
It's super fast. I prefer to use the doubletap of the home button to load it and it takes less than a second to do so. If you want to change settings on the shot it may take a couple of seconds, but if you trust the auto settings you could snap a shot off in a second or so.
Here's some photos I've taken over the past few weeks, tried to pick some close ups, wide shots, and various lighting to show you how auto settings work. I don't use HDR in order to get higher resolution photos. Bonus selfie shot to show y'all the quality on that as well.