But I just paid... Nexus 5... Kit Kat.

-Launch your favorite apps more quickly than ever before. Tap twice and your screen will come to life, or draw a simple image on the sleeping screen to launch your preferred app. The screen will respond even if your hands are wet.
-on screen or capacitive keys
I was going by the top of the page and hadn't seen Chairhome's post.Of course it will. Why would a world phone not work on tmobile?
So what's the catch? You all know there's a catch somewhere.
So what's the catch? You all know there's a catch somewhere.
Don't really thinks its the carriers screwing you over. I think they only inflate prices a little bit, not sure how they can charge this little they must have a cost structure very different from the other manufacturers.They don't have to deal with carriers, so they can charge far less?
So any chance of them ever releasing a version with CDMA support for Verizon? I really want this thing and would (try to) buy it day one if it supported Verizon networks...
From the Engadget article:
Even before his mobile days, Lau was already famous for one incident back at Oppo's AV division, where he smashed a Blu-ray player's logic board to, well, express his disappointment in a seemingly minor issue. This was pretty surprising to us, given how humble the man actually is.
"The circuitry wasn't laid out neatly, and I didn't feel good about it no matter how I looked at it," Lau explained to this author. "We compared ours with Denon's -- theirs was laid out beautifully, but ours wasn't. When I had a word with my team, they gave me a bunch of excuses: this would affect the performance, that would be difficult to lay out. Eventually, I went to the head of R&D and smashed the logic board on the floor, stamped on it twice.
Damn, their CEO doesn't play around
Stereo speakers on the bottom are perfect for watching vertical videos
It probably is. What really surprised me was that it comes with GApps, chinese phone rarely do!
From the Engadget article:
Even before his mobile days, Lau was already famous for one incident back at Oppo's AV division, where he smashed a Blu-ray player's logic board to, well, express his disappointment in a seemingly minor issue. This was pretty surprising to us, given how humble the man actually is.
"The circuitry wasn't laid out neatly, and I didn't feel good about it no matter how I looked at it," Lau explained to this author. "We compared ours with Denon's -- theirs was laid out beautifully, but ours wasn't. When I had a word with my team, they gave me a bunch of excuses: this would affect the performance, that would be difficult to lay out. Eventually, I went to the head of R&D and smashed the logic board on the floor, stamped on it twice.
Damn, their CEO doesn't play around
From the Engadget article:
Even before his mobile days, Lau was already famous for one incident back at Oppo's AV division, where he smashed a Blu-ray player's logic board to, well, express his disappointment in a seemingly minor issue. This was pretty surprising to us, given how humble the man actually is.
"The circuitry wasn't laid out neatly, and I didn't feel good about it no matter how I looked at it," Lau explained to this author. "We compared ours with Denon's -- theirs was laid out beautifully, but ours wasn't. When I had a word with my team, they gave me a bunch of excuses: this would affect the performance, that would be difficult to lay out. Eventually, I went to the head of R&D and smashed the logic board on the floor, stamped on it twice.
Damn, their CEO doesn't play around
So could I use this thing in China? I see it has the 900 band but no 2100 band for 3G? Not even sure if that matters. I don't know how much I can rely on 4G LTE over here yet. And have they talked about battery life?
is this the first cyogen factory phone?
There is a FAQ answering most of your questions on the forums, but their site is currently down because it's getting hammered. It is expected to be high quality, and the company was founded by an OPPO executive.
Also, I added press links and a link to a hands on article by engadget in the OP.
350? How??
The site won't load for me but I was wondering is this going to be unlocked like the Nexus devices are?