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Online Dating |OT| Please Respond


Hahaha everytime I meet someone, it just reinforces that I am not meant to be doing this.

Dude could not get away from me fast enough 😂

That's enough effort for the next couple of years until I feel lonely again. Maybe I'll see you guys in a year or two, but I won't bother you again till then and will leave you to your normal lives :p
As we were leaving, he walked off without saying anything lmao. He might have muttered bye, but he basically ran out ahead of me and walked off. 😂 I was like, okay... Bye. Lol.

Either he is a weirdo, or you did something very bad during the date. Did you?


Either he is a weirdo, or you did something very bad during the date. Did you?

Not that I am aware of. Though, me in myself being near guys is a bad thing so... Sorry to him, I guess. He's been the only one I've hoodwinked over the past two years into meeting me, so...guess he was just slow on the uptake.

I mean, it's not surprising. This is how basically every man I've ever met (Vern held it together surprisingly well) has treated me, so I'm used to it. Going to a musical now, so :D


Not that I am aware of. Though, me in myself being near guys is a bad thing so... Sorry to him, I guess. He's been the only one I've hoodwinked over the past two years into meeting me, so...guess he was just slow on the uptake.

I mean, it's not surprising. This is how basically every man I've ever met (Vern held it together surprisingly well) has treated me, so I'm used to it. Going to a musical now, so :D
Look, seriously now: its not you. Do you know what kind of crazies use online dating? And do you know how impatient, neurotic, and inconsiderate so many people are? People tend to be awkward about dating because they're nervous and want to avoid bad situations. It (usually) has nothing to do with the actual person involved. Dating can bring the worst out of people. Stop blaming yourself.


Look, seriously now: its not you. Do you know what kind of crazies use online dating? And do you know how impatient, neurotic, and inconsiderate so many people are? People tend to be awkward about dating because they're nervous and want to avoid bad situations. It (usually) has nothing to do with the actual person involved. Dating can bring the worst out of people. Stop blaming yourself.

At some point, the common element is me :p After almost 29 years, online dating or not, I am the problem.

Anyway, no worries to be had, watching Newsies and musicals make everything awesome :D


I'm gonna piss someone off with this, but I thought it was funny.



A week late in posting this, but last Saturday I went on my first coffee meeting with a girl I met on Match. It was my first time meeting a girl for anything that I met on an online dating site. It's kind of a funny story because it really shouldn't have happened. I'll try not to write a novella about it, but basically it started with a message I wrote to her and all I had written was "Hello." Yup, I broke that one rule to never just write "Hello." The reason I did that was because I basically gave up on the site. I had been on it for 6 months and didn't get my money's worth after some pretty great messages at the beginning, which progressively got shorter and shorter until it was just "Hello."

Well, this one girl wrote back and one week later we met for coffee. Actually, it wasn't coffee per se. It was a quaint little bistro in Koreatown. She's Korean and spoke fluent English. I have to mention that because there are a lot of Asian girls on Match I found out only recently came to America in the last few years. I'm Asian myself, so communication is kind of important. Anyway, she's in her mid-30s and extremely attractive. Like one of those cute older actresses you see in k-dramas.

So we met at 8pm, ordered drinks, and started chatting immediately. She is a social worker and told me that in her line of work she was really good at sizing people up quickly. But, for some reason, she told me she wasn't so quick to perceive me the way she imagined. I was the fifth guy she's met on Match and she's newer to the site than I was. I had told her before she was my first and she totally got that because apparently my etiquette was different than the other guys she had met. She also said she could tell I was a "nice guy" yet surprised I would drive all the way to K-town because the meeting was really impromptu and she thought I would just rather reschedule. There was a little game playing there on her part, she admitted, but that's what surprised her about me because I didn't come off as a typical Match date that she had been on before. I told her I actually thought about rescheduling because I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it. I got lost along the way there, but didn't tell her that. :) I told her I typically wouldn't go out of my way, but for some reason I did for her because I genuinely really wanted to meet her.

I told her all about the reasoning behind my one-word "Hello" message and we talked for a long time about the guys she went out with on Match before me and how they were complete weirdos that just wanted to have sex with her and how when she turned them down they stopped messaging her. She talked about how she could differentiate from a player and a genuine guy and told me I was one of the genuine ones and she was right. Her assessment of me by the end of our meeting was spot on. She asked me my assessment of her. I told her she was a no-nonsense and very straight-forward person who knew what she wanted. I was right about her, she said. We talked for 3 hours.

So, LONG story short though, we get to the part about our particular types. She said she really does like a nice guy, but that she had this curious nature of being in a relationship with a "bad boy" type because she wanted the challenge of changing him. Those were her exact words. I told her I could see myself in a relationship with a girl like her because she was smart and she knew what she wanted. The one thing she couldn't stand in a guy though were the needy types, which apparently were those other Match dates she'd been on. I asked her if I ever came across as needy and she said no (thank goodness!). The one thing that really killed me though was when she said she ought to be with a guy like me. :( I told her if she ever changed her mind, I might still be around.

As we parted, she told me I was surprisingly very composed for being on a first meeting ever and I told her this was probably the best it could've gone because either one of us could have turned out to be a lunatic. She seemed visibly pleased with our meeting when she left. It's been a week and I haven't heard from her. I just feel a little sad and discouraged to keep trying with Match. I told her I'm out when my subscription is up, but she told me to keep trying, that I'm a good guy. :( I kind of want to see what she's up to and maybe ask her out again, but it seems futile if I'm not the guy she wants right now.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that and maybe get some suggestions on any further possible actions. I kind of really do like this girl.


Anyway, just thought I'd share that and maybe get some suggestions on any further possible actions. I kind of really do like this girl.

TL:DR version - Met girl on Match, got drinks. Talked for three hours. Apparently not the guy she wants right now; haven't heard from her in a week. What do?

Answer - Your post was light on the important details. Did you contact her after the date? Do you have her number? Did the date end with a hug/kiss/handwave?

If you've contacted her once (or not at all) after the date and the message went unreplied, send another one asking her out again. If that one gets nothing, move on. If you've already sent 2+ messages and there's been no reciprocation, move on. All you can do is express your interest in wanting to date her, and let her react how she wants to.
Sees long post, reads the end where it says she doesn't want to be with him after just one date, ZackieChan isn't surprised.

See the amount of effort you put into that post? That's way more than she's putting in thinking about you. Try to be like her. She's not interested, so you shouldn't be investing so much time into her.

Don't just use Match, either. If you're in K-Town I'm sure you'll meet tons of people on Tinder, etc. Go forth, and stop fretting over one girl that you went on one date with.


Volunteered at a food and whiskey event last night. Ended up drunk texting a few girls last night including the 36 year old and the med school girl since she was lurking on my profile.

The former I told that I was hammered, took pics at the aforementioned event, then mentioned that she's the best and that for her not think that this was me at my worst because it was not. I'll be honest in stating that I haven't been able to get her out of my mind the whole weekend to the point where I lurked on her profile earlier while I was recovering from drinking. Hopefully it's not thirsty status.

Told the latter that if she flakes on me again, I'm going to move on since my patience was thin then mentioned I was drunk in the same text. Got a friendly response back including mentioning that she'll be back in a week. Then I hit her with another text about the passage of time and made a reference to Through the Fire and Flames.

Then I replied to a message on OKC mentioning that I was drunk before I proceeded to write a pedestrian text. I dunno if I made any huge mistakes but if I did, then I'll live with them and try to rectify them.


Not that I am aware of. Though, me in myself being near guys is a bad thing so... Sorry to him, I guess. He's been the only one I've hoodwinked over the past two years into meeting me, so...guess he was just slow on the uptake.

I mean, it's not surprising. This is how basically every man I've ever met (Vern held it together surprisingly well) has treated me, so I'm used to it. Going to a musical now, so :D

Dude(ette) you are fine! We had fun ! I didn't need to hold anything together cuz it was a good time. You aren't near as bad as you think, in fact you are quite alright, good even! Don't trip, this guy sucked for whatever reason but I doubt it was cuz of you. When I'm back in the pnw again we can have more chocolate. A second date 👌🏼


Don't do drunk texts. If you do, don't mention you're drunk.
Noted. I haven't learned my lesson from past experience since I'm way too honest when I'm drunk and lack self-restraint. I'm embarrassed about the whole thing. Apologies will only do so much. =/
Two dating OTs... what?

So would you guys agree that you should generally keep conversation to a minimum between arranging a date and going on it? Asked a Tinder girl out for drinks next Saturday, we've sent the occasional Snapchat since then but not much else.

Carrying on swiping since I sort of put all my eggs in one basket with the last girl and got let down. Playing the field still feels super weird but I'm just going with it.

Bumble is super weird and seems to be populated solely by super model looking chicks.

EDIT: Oh its crazy as well how many more matches I've got since I uploaded a picture that was taken by somebody else with me actually smiling kinda nicely in it.
Dude(ette) you are fine! We had fun ! I didn't need to hold anything together cuz it was a good time. You aren't near as bad as you think, in fact you are quite alright, good even! Don't trip, this guy sucked for whatever reason but I doubt it was cuz of you. When I'm back in the pnw again we can have more chocolate. A second date 👌🏼

I'm gonna get my first date with her first 😉

Assuming I'm worthy, of course 😏


Sees long post, reads the end where it says she doesn't want to be with him after just one date, ZackieChan isn't surprised.

See the amount of effort you put into that post? That's way more than she's putting in thinking about you. Try to be like her. She's not interested, so you shouldn't be investing so much time into her.

Don't just use Match, either. If you're in K-Town I'm sure you'll meet tons of people on Tinder, etc. Go forth, and stop fretting over one girl that you went on one date with.

Thanks for the advice. I didn't mean to write a short story about it. Just trying to put some context into my experience instead of just saying "we met, might not be girl's type, we went our ways, what do." Although that may have been better I suppose. :)


Homeland Security Fail
So would you guys agree that you should generally keep conversation to a minimum between arranging a date and going on it? Asked a Tinder girl out for drinks next Saturday, we've sent the occasional Snapchat since then but not much else.

Yeah, I think it is best not to blow your conversational load before you go on your date. If you do talk, keep it simple and don't go in-depth on any of the topics that are brought it.
Thanks for the advice. I didn't mean to write a short story about it. Just trying to put some context into my experience instead of just saying "we met, might not be girl's type, we went our ways, what do." Although that may have been better I suppose. :)

But the short version is basically what happened. The point is that you need to stay emotionally uninvolved at least until it becomes serious. A first date is nothing. But we have tons of people in this very thread getting super attached before they even have a date. It's a bad idea, for obvious reasons.

My thing here is to point out how every time someone writes a long ass post, it's usually the ones where there is the least actual relationship going on.

The conversations you had during this date sound really weird. I would never spend that much time on a first date with a woman I just met discussing past dates and other guys she's dated, especially at the length you seem to be inferring from your story. A few funny anecdotes about online dating is one thing...

If you seriously like her and want to see her again, you have literally nothing to lose by asking her out again. Just do it. If she says yes: 1. Don't talk about other dudes she's dated on the second date. Do something fun and engaging, and get to know her - show her you're a cool dude. 2. Escalate physically and demonstrate your boldness and confidence - which is probably what she really means by "bad boy".


My thing here is to point out how every time someone writes a long ass post, it's usually the ones where there is the least actual relationship going on.

That's actually a pretty good assessment.

The conversations you had during this date sound really weird. I would never spend that much time on a first date with a woman I just met discussing past dates and other guys she's dated, especially at the length you seem to be inferring from your story. A few funny anecdotes about online dating is one thing...

If you seriously like her and want to see her again, you have literally nothing to lose by asking her out again. Just do it. If she says yes: 1. Don't talk about other dudes she's dated on the second date. Do something fun and engaging, and get to know her - show her you're a cool dude. 2. Escalate physically and demonstrate your boldness and confidence - which is probably what she really means by "bad boy".

Appreciate the insight and suggestions, Pasta (and Salamando). I'll try asking her out again some time this week and see what happens. If I get no reply, I'll move on.

Really sorry about the long post though. I don't think it was worth my time writing that now, but it was the middle of the night and I was listening to some happy-sad music after having just watched a happy-sad romantic movie. I should have just been drunk instead.


Dude(ette) you are fine! We had fun ! I didn't need to hold anything together cuz it was a good time. You aren't near as bad as you think, in fact you are quite alright, good even! Don't trip, this guy sucked for whatever reason but I doubt it was cuz of you. When I'm back in the pnw again we can have more chocolate. A second date 👌🏼

I really don't know how you managed it.

I'm gonna get my first date with her first 😉

Assuming I'm worthy, of course 😏

If you ever come by and want to challenge yourself, sure.

In any case, I've gotten tired again of being treated like something disgusting on the bottom of someone's shoe, so I think I'll leave online dating (and you guys) alone until I inevitably get lonely once more and try again (with the same results. I'm pretty sure that's the definition of insanity) to find some dude who can swallow their revulsion enough to be my friend. 29 years, zero results, woo!
Maybe the guys are looking to bang, and you hit them with the asexuality? That might be a turnoff. Or are you up front about it prior to meeting up?

Many dudes probably think once you see them in person, you'll want a piece of that. Vern, for instance. He thinks that no woman can resist his
weiner 😂
I really don't know how you managed it.

If you ever come by and want to challenge yourself, sure.

In any case, I've gotten tired again of being treated like something disgusting on the bottom of someone's shoe, so I think I'll leave online dating (and you guys) alone until I inevitably get lonely once more and try again (with the same results. I'm pretty sure that's the definition of insanity) to find some dude who can swallow their revulsion enough to be my friend. 29 years, zero results, woo!

So, at the risk of airing clean laundry in public: we can fangirl out over Santino Fontana together! We can totally be friends. In fact, because this is a public declaration, you can't say that no one's ever offered! Granted, the quality might be suspect -- my track record lately's pretty abysmal -- but it kinda-sorta counts.

On my end, I had this tonight:

Her: "I kinda want to see where things go with this other guy I'm dating."
Me: "Okay. I agree. I feel the same way."

Weird but amicable!


Maybe the guys are looking to bang, and you hit them with the asexuality? That might be a turnoff. Or are you up front about it prior to meeting up?

Many dudes probably think once you see them in person, you'll want a piece of that. Vern, for instance. He thinks that no woman can resist his
weiner 😂

I'm upfront about only looking for friendship, though I didn't tell this dude at all (I dunno why), and he got out of there like a bat out of hell lol. So without even knowing I only wanted friendship, he was having absolutely none of it.

I dunno, this is the only dude that's been willing to meet me since 2013, so I guess I just didn't want to tell him. I suppose I lured him under false pretenses, but he didn't know that.

So, at the risk of airing clean laundry in public: we can fangirl out over Santino Fontana together! We can totally be friends. In fact, because this is a public declaration, you can't say that no one's ever offered! Granted, the quality might be suspect -- my track record lately's pretty abysmal -- but it kinda-sorta counts.

On my end, I had this tonight:

Her: "I kinda want to see where things go with this other guy I'm dating."
Me: "Okay. I agree. I feel the same way."

Weird but amicable!

I have internet guy friends, just not IRL ones. You wouldn't want to meet me IRL and have to spend any length of time with me.

But we can be internet buddies and fan girl over Santino Fontana, definitely.
Listen to the audiobook of You that he reads. Dear god.


Lee - maybe you give off a depressed vibe? Thing is, its clear to us you're going through a rough patch (we probably all are to some extent, hence why we all post here). You need to make sure you hide it well during your dates. You need to do an overnight transformation.

I do it all the time. I'm usually very tired and bitter from work, to the point where my ideal night is sitting at home and passing out on the couch. When I meet people, however, I spend all my energy being different. You'd never be able to tell that I'm dreaming of watching TV while I'm out at some club partying, lol.

You might be giving off some signs that you're depressed without even knowing it.


Maybe the guys are looking to bang, and you hit them with the asexuality? That might be a turnoff. Or are you up front about it prior to meeting up?

Many dudes probably think once you see them in person, you'll want a piece of that. Vern, for instance. He thinks that no woman can resist his
weiner 😂

Why is that a spoiler? Pretty common knowledge I think.

Lee - maybe you give off a depressed vibe? Thing is, its clear to us you're going through a rough patch (we probably all are to some extent, hence why we all post here). You need to make sure you hide it well during your dates. You need to do an overnight transformation.

I do it all the time. I'm usually very tired and bitter from work, to the point where my ideal night is sitting at home and passing out on the couch. When I meet people, however, I spend all my energy being different. You'd never be able to tell that I'm dreaming of watching TV while I'm out at some club partying, lol.

You might be giving off some signs that you're depressed without even knowing it.

When I met her she didn't give off a depressed vibe. She wasn't outwardly energetic or anything. Just a normal person, which I think would be what most people want. We had good time. I was in no rush to ditch her, and like I said, I'd gladly meet up again someday. Maybe she put on her best face for a fellow Gaffer though... Leeness were you trying to impress me?
I'm upfront about only looking for friendship, though I didn't tell this dude at all (I dunno why), and he got out of there like a bat out of hell lol. So without even knowing I only wanted friendship, he was having absolutely none of it.

I dunno, this is the only dude that's been willing to meet me since 2013, so I guess I just didn't want to tell him. I suppose I lured him under false pretenses, but he didn't know that.

I have internet guy friends, just not IRL ones. You wouldn't want to meet me IRL and have to spend any length of time with me.

But we can be internet buddies and fan girl over Santino Fontana, definitely.
Listen to the audiobook of You that he reads. Dear god.

Frankly, and for what it's worth: I'd rather hang out with you IRL and talk about the stuff we've already alluded to in various threads than see the people I manage to score dates with. (If that means anything, it means that my track record's pretty damned suspect.)

I'm souring on the idea that I'll actually find anyone I'm (mostly) compatible with.


Lee - maybe you give off a depressed vibe? Thing is, its clear to us you're going through a rough patch (we probably all are to some extent, hence why we all post here). You need to make sure you hide it well during your dates. You need to do an overnight transformation.

I do it all the time. I'm usually very tired and bitter from work, to the point where my ideal night is sitting at home and passing out on the couch. When I meet people, however, I spend all my energy being different. You'd never be able to tell that I'm dreaming of watching TV while I'm out at some club partying, lol.

You might be giving off some signs that you're depressed without even knowing it.

I don't think so (and I'm not particularly depressed. I just have a lot of self-hate). I was probably more happy than usual because I was going to a musical afterwards too lol.

But I talk, I smile, I laugh. I'm not outgoing but I'm not lifeless.

When I met her she didn't give off a depressed vibe. She wasn't outwardly energetic or anything. Just a normal person, which I think would be what most people want. We had good time. I was in no rush to ditch her, and like I said, I'd gladly meet up again someday. Maybe she put on her best face for a fellow Gaffer though... Leeness were you trying to impress me?


Frankly, and for what it's worth: I'd rather hang out with you IRL and talk about the stuff we've already alluded to in various threads than see the people I manage to score dates with. (If that means anything, it means that my track record's pretty damned suspect.)

I'm souring on the idea that I'll actually find anyone I'm (mostly) compatible with.

You wouldn't want to meet me IRL, but that's fine.

Seriously though, listen to Santino Fontana narrate "You". Omg.
You wouldn't want to meet me IRL, but that's fine.

Seriously though, listen to Santino Fontana narrate "You". Omg.

My last three girlfriends: (1) a woman who left my apartment after berating me when I couldn't perform during our first "romantic" encounter; (2) a super-submissive girl with whom I had nothing in common sexually and whose side piece I hung out with, including seeing a hockey game, and whose parents' house key I still have for some inexplicable reason; and (3) a hateful, spiteful woman who told me she wasn't attracted to me, wasn't interested in me sexually, and told me that I needed to be thinner, more charismatic, more dominant, and just different.

The bar's low, Leeness, but trust me when I say that I'd rather hang out with you -- or honestly anyone -- than what I've dealt with. I make terrible life choices; I'm only beginning to realize this now. And I only post this shit because, I don't know, maybe it helps someone? Who knows, really.


My last three girlfriends: (1) a woman who left my apartment after berating me when I couldn't perform during our first "romantic" encounter; (2) a super-submissive girl with whom I had nothing in common sexually and whose side piece I hung out with, including seeing a hockey game, and whose parents' house key I still have for some inexplicable reason; and (3) a hateful, spiteful woman who told me she wasn't attracted to me, wasn't interested in me sexually, and told me that I needed to be thinner, more charismatic, more dominant, and just different.

The bar's low, Leeness, but trust me when I say that I'd rather hang out with you -- or honestly anyone -- than what I've dealt with. I make terrible life choices; I'm only beginning to realize this now. And I only post this shit because, I don't know, maybe it helps someone? Who knows, really.

Yaaaas, low bar! I'm pretty sure I'm lower than the low bar tho, you just don't understand until you're threatened with having to meet me in person. :p

You will find someone--you've always come off as a cool dude. :) Send me a PM though, we can be what'sapp friends or something.
Damn. I go out with girls who legit think I'm awesome. Feels good.

I threw this opening line out last night - seemed to work. "Another lawyer who likes Mos Def? We could rule the world as philosopher-kings"

It's no "how mewny," but it got her talking 😉
My last three girlfriends: (1) a woman who left my apartment after berating me when I couldn't perform during our first "romantic" encounter; (2) a super-submissive girl with whom I had nothing in common sexually and whose side piece I hung out with, including seeing a hockey game, and whose parents' house key I still have for some inexplicable reason; and (3) a hateful, spiteful woman who told me she wasn't attracted to me, wasn't interested in me sexually, and told me that I needed to be thinner, more charismatic, more dominant, and just different.

The bar's low, Leeness, but trust me when I say that I'd rather hang out with you -- or honestly anyone -- than what I've dealt with. I make terrible life choices; I'm only beginning to realize this now. And I only post this shit because, I don't know, maybe it helps someone? Who knows, really.

Yikes, were they that bad? That wasn't the impression I got at all from reading your posts in this thread (I blame the avatar for any preconceived notions).

A brief update on my end: spent another great weekend with my girlfriend. Part of me wonders when the "honeymoon" phase will end, but I've learned to just let it progress naturally (and I keep surprising myself with how well things are going). We're going on a trip this week to meet her family and then she heads home for a month, so that'll be a test.
Yikes, were they that bad? That wasn't the impression I got at all from reading your posts in this thread (I blame the avatar for any preconceived notions).

A brief update on my end: spent another great weekend with my girlfriend. Part of me wonders when the "honeymoon" phase will end, but I've learned to just let it progress naturally (and I keep surprising myself with how well things are going). We're going on a trip this week to meet her family and then she heads home for a month, so that'll be a test.

Well, honestly, the first one wasn't that bad. The second one was a good person: we just weren't at all compatible and we tried to make it work far longer than we should've. The third one, well... she's the only one who, retroactively, I wish I hadn't tried so hard with. That said, they were all learning experiences. Crucibles, even. I'm a much better, more fulfilled person now than I was last year around this time.

Incidentally, the girl who said she wanted to see that other guy exclusively (and whom I wasn't really feeling anyway)? We're talking like old friends now, and she was shocked that I was sincerely happy for her. Weird. I wasn't quite feeling the attraction, but I am 100% down for friends.
Been flaking on dates. Just not really confident in my appearance.

Really? If you're getting as far as actually setting up a date they are at least a bit interested in you already. I mean since this is online dating, you have to have pics of you up for them to see (idk if I've seen/read previous posts of yours, what sites/apps do you use?), so they should already also know what you look like and are interested in a real date.

Just go for it! Fake it until you make it.

Naaaah :p I'm happy otherwise.

I even happily hate myself lol.

I'm with you there, I'm not depressed currently (Have been my whole life though) and I feel pretty great mentally, but I'll always just dislike how I look and other stuff about me. Just how it is. Least I'm in great shape now though.
Been flaking on dates. Just not really confident in my appearance.

From what I heard from Jhoan(?), your fine and a cool dude. Don't let those insecurities stop you from having fun. Signed, a bald, fat man who still goes on dates.

In other news, I feel the pain of those in smaller towns now. I'm in one for a few weeks, and Tinder is a wasteland of single moms and unattractive women. Gotta get my ass back to a city. I should be swiping in Amsterdam and Germany soon, so that should be interesting.


I've just always had these self confidence issues, ever since I was young. My therapist tried to find the root but we couldn't.

Had a date tonight. Long date with a hot blonde, but dunno. Didn't rwally feel the feedback to play it aggressive. Give her just a peck before hoping on the train. Asked her if she would be down to hang again wed, she said yea but I'm convinced she'll flake on me. We'll see.


A date finished but I was too aggressive since she was shy. I'm not used to dating shy girls. Girl said she wants to be and hang out as friends in the end because she didn't feel any chemistry.

It was hard to crack anything out of her since she was quiet whereas I'm used to outgoing, aggressive girls. Still felt a stronger connection with the other one I've gone out with. I saw a several slash scars on her both of her arms and deduced she's someone who has low self-esteem that she cut herself several times.

I told her I don't know about that since I'm not used to being friends with girls. She told me to text her but we'll see. I need to be alone for a few days and do my thing before deciding what to do. There's no changing her mind it seems but lesson learned: tone down aggressiveness and pay more attention to body language when a girl says she's shy outright.


Had a coffee date today, which is something I should do more often, ( to save money). Really pretty Mexican girl, but she just kept talking and talking. Would be down to see her again. And try hook up though, but don't think she was feeling it. Lost my edge. Been feeling confident lately.
Pokémon Go is making online dating utterly trivial.

Trying not to get sucked back in, but I've got dates Thursday and Sunday, plus another next week; I need to limit the number of people I'm talking with, otherwise this is going to be exhausting.


I have no idea how you're able to date multiple girls at all. After two I start to forget which stories I heard/told to who. Forgetting schools, pets' names, etc, ain't a good look.
This'll probably give you guys a laugh,

Matched with a girl on tinder yadda yadda yadda, she asked what I like to paint and I explained then she talked about it and said I could see her stuff if I followed her on Instagram. (One of those accounts you have to get permission to see). She talked a little bit after that but now it's been nothing.


.....in less humorous stuff, I've gotten a lot of girls liking me back from super likes but never get a response anyway, ugh (also that app seems to run terribly at times, 50% of the time it never wants to send messages). I'm on this and Ok Cupid but that's basically a wasteland in the area I'm in. Oh and I've tried Bumble but I've never gotten a single match from it, but it seems you have to be supermodel status for that considering.


if your tinder matches are slowing down, consider deleting your account and starting over. I've been doing this once a month and this weekend when I did it again I got an insane amount of matches (100+) over 2 days. Of course it's starting to slow down again, but still better than before.
if your tinder matches are slowing down, consider deleting your account and starting over. I've been doing this once a month and this weekend when I did it again I got an insane amount of matches (100+) over 2 days. Of course it's starting to slow down again, but still better than before.

I'll probably try this eventually, I probably should start getting better/more pictures. Honestly I don't even have that many of me in general anyway.
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