If it gets to this point, then the girl isn't showing enough interest. Outside of the first or second message, conversation should be easy if the girl is interested and not just wasting your time. They will usually ask you questions to keep the conversation going. If a girl doesn't ask me anything or do something to keep the conversation going after a couple of messages, then I am out.
Literally anything you want? At that point its a lot like talking to a girl at a bar. As long as the question isn't offensive, it's more about delivering it with confidence and being okay if you don't get a response. They'll respond to you if they want to. I've had success with something as simple as "pizza, tacos, or sushi?" One girl turned it into a weird game of marry-fuck-kill...I always think it's ironic when girls say don't just send they messages with "Hey" but then don't fill out their profile at all. What the fuck are people supposed to ask them?
Goddammit. Vegetarians man. Half the times read a really interesting profile they're vegetarians. I don't want to even bother with someone who I'd have to make separate meals for if things got serious.
Goddammit. Vegetarians man. Half the times read a really interesting profile they're vegetarians. I don't want to even bother with someone who I'd have to make separate meals for if things got serious.
I always think it's ironic when girls say don't just send they messages with "Hey" but then don't fill out their profile at all. What the fuck are people supposed to ask them?
Goddammit. Vegetarians man. Half the times read a really interesting profile they're vegetarians. I don't want to even bother with someone who I'd have to make separate meals for if things got serious.
Tips for the main photo for my Tinder profile ?
Something, something pose with an animal (usually a dog or cat) ; something, something black and white picture; something, something a solid selfie is what folks will tell you. The Tinder Reddit is pretty solid if you want to glean some advice there.
I haven't gotten much matches lately but my main picture is me posing by my polling site a few weeks ago with a four letter word to our president-elect scrawled on the building. What's your main picture if you can describe it?
For some reason I'm seriously contemplating contacting that "fish that got away" 6 months ago due to extreme nostalgia despite the fact we kinda agreed we were through and she even ghosted me for a bit before that.
Don't stop me GAF
Actually wait
Please stop me GAF
Shit please stop me it's late
I know the Dating-Age thread gets frustrated with people who ignore any advice given to them, but honestly I think that sometimes people need to make mistakes and get messy in order to become wiser. I'll use reverse psychology and say do it.For some reason I'm seriously contemplating contacting that "fish that got away" 6 months ago due to extreme nostalgia despite the fact we kinda agreed we were through and she even ghosted me for a bit before that.
Don't stop me GAF
Actually wait
Please stop me GAF
Shit please stop me it's late
Lastly, I got matched up with a cute girl who lifts that went to my alma mater. The only problem is that she's 4'11'' versus me being 6'2''. While I don't really care about height at this point, I would at least prefer girls over 5 feet since I'm starting to understand how annoying it is to make out girls with below 5'8''.
Do tell! It doesn't have to be all the juicy details but enough to paint a good picture.Ended up meeting with the schizophrenia girl and it was without doubt the weirdest hookup ever.
I'll send the tall girls your way in exchange for the petite ones. #FiveSix
Woke up today and was like nah I'm goodI know the Dating-Age thread gets frustrated with people who ignore any advice given to them, but honestly I think that sometimes people need to make mistakes and get messy in order to become wiser. I'll use reverse psychology and say do it.
Do tell! It doesn't have to be all the juicy details but enough to paint a good picture.
Hahaha, it sounds like a fair trade. I haven't gone out with a girl who nearly goes toe to toe with me in a few months. In fact, I welcome going out with girls taller than me but then they'll use the whole taller than thou on stilleto heels excuse. The tallest I've gone out with is 6'0'' and it was fun.
Man oh man. That sounds like quite the date.Haha that's a feeling I don't know. All but one girl I've dated has been taller than me...but would still be shorter than you.
Girl today was short. I normally paint my online dates as "they were quirky and crazy!" but I was the weird one. I was super awkward - was cleaning my toilet while she's messaging me about be across the street. Gave her a high five when I met her. Was being completely ridiculous. She still did outdo me by reaking of cigarettes and going on a rant about "working with black people" that made me go "yikes".
My netflix also wasn't working so we HBO'd and chilled. She suggested we watch Cat House lol
We also both don't know our mutual facebook friend. We exchanged stories about how this random girl fb'd us. It was kind of hilarious.
I've had Tinder for about a month now and have probably matched with 100 women so far. I've gotten to the point where a few wanted to meet, but I chickened out each time. These girls all wanted to meet at there place first, which would be great, but I just feel strange doing so. Should mention I'm 18 and have yet to lose my virginity so it's just all a bit weird to me. I'm keeping to the app just in case something good comes from it, but all it's really done is boost my self esteem.
Tinder Boost just shows how flakey Tinder can be. I can Boost and then get matches from my Boost hours or even a day or two later.
I hate the fact that I think too hard when it comes to messages.
Like just how it feels to keep a conversation going, or more like a first message kind of thing? Thinking a lot/hard isn't really a bad thing, cause at least you are trying to put some effort in. But it can be a bit frustrating if you aren't getting anywhere.
Random question, but why do I keep getting seen by girls from other countries on Okcupid. I thought since I have it set to 25 miles that it would at least have some sort of system to not make me show up for people farther than that. That and it still shows me people who end up being farther than 25 miles anyway, it's even worse than Tinder in that regard. I've had some mutual likes and bam that person is actually an hour plus away.
Random question, but why do I keep getting seen by girls from other countries on Okcupid. I thought since I have it set to 25 miles that it would at least have some sort of system to not make me show up for people farther than that. That and it still shows me people who end up being farther than 25 miles anyway, it's even worse than Tinder in that regard. I've had some mutual likes and bam that person is actually an hour plus away.
Million dollar question: Did her breath smell funky? Always gotta watch out for smokers. Regardless of the fact, it sounds like one hell of a story. Glad you didn't die.Haha that's a feeling I don't know. All but one girl I've dated has been taller than me...but would still be shorter than you.
Girl today was short. I normally paint my online dates as "they were quirky and crazy!" but I was the weird one. I was super awkward - was cleaning my toilet while she's messaging me about be across the street. Gave her a high five when I met her. Was being completely ridiculous. She still did outdo me by reaking of cigarettes and going on a rant about "working with black people" that made me go "yikes".
My netflix also wasn't working so we HBO'd and chilled. She suggested we watch Cat House lol
We also both don't know our mutual facebook friend. We exchanged stories about how this random girl fb'd us. It was kind of hilarious.
When I was 18 ten years ago, Tinder didn't exist and I was still super socially awkward/scared of girls. Smartphones also weren't ubiquitous as they are today. I was a late bloomer as a result. Take it from an older guy and start going to town on dating girls to get your game up. You younger folks have it much easier than my generation did.I've had Tinder for about a month now and have probably matched with 100 women so far. I've gotten to the point where a few wanted to meet, but I chickened out each time. These girls all wanted to meet at there place first, which would be great, but I just feel strange doing so. Should mention I'm 18 and have yet to lose my virginity so it's just all a bit weird to me. I'm keeping to the app just in case something good comes from it, but all it's really done is boost my self esteem.
I take the easy way out with messages; I pick out a picture that looks interesting on OKC, ask them what the story is behind it, and send away. It usually gets me replies. On Tinder, GIFs are the way go; CMB has messaging prompts to break the ice.I hate the fact that I think too hard when it comes to messages.
It's a first message deal. I can usually keep a convo going.
For clarification sake, are you getting seen by girls from other countries or are you seeing girls from other countries?
If someone comes up farther than your perimeters than either their search perimeter is farther and liked you or they're using Tinder Plus and changed their search location. I see it a lot - girls from elsewhere frequently search within NYC before they go on vacation or move there.
I get about 15 matches on Bumble every day and of that batch, only one woman actually sends a message.
A system where guys can't send the first message is the worst.
Unfortunately, if you're a minority who doesn't look like a discount Ryan Gosling, Bumble is dryer than Old Faithful. Even then, the ones that do get matched up were probably swiping right to everyone and filtered out the dudes they were interested in messaging.But it "empowers" women into have control in the dating world.
I get hi a lot. I always find it contradictory when women state that they don't reply to "hi" but when women send "hi," they feel entitled to a free pass. Double standards of online dating.And the one which sends says "hi"
(15 matches though? lol. That's like the number of users here who use bumble)
And the one which sends says "hi"
(15 matches though? lol. That's like the number of users here who use bumble)
I get hi a lot. I always find it contradictory when women state that they don't reply to "hi" but when women send "hi," they feel entitled to a free pass. Double standards of online dating.
Question 2 - I've (honestly) stated that my body type right now is overweight (so this shows up right next to my height). It's something I'm working on. Do I convey that somewhere in my profile? I don't want to put specifically that I run fairly regularly and lift weights etc. because it feels a little self-absorbed.
I get about 15 matches on Bumble every day and of that batch, only one woman actually sends a message.
A system where guys can't send the first message is the worst.
"hey, how are things going? I liked what I read in your profile, and in particular your area of work. I've worked with many people in the same field at my own job and have made some very good friends. since you mentioned you love to travel, do you have a favorite place that you've been?"
Question 2 - I've (honestly) stated that my body type right now is overweight (so this shows up right next to my height). It's something I'm working on. Do I convey that somewhere in my profile? I don't want to put specifically that I run fairly regularly and lift weights etc. because it feels a little self-absorbed.
Hahahaha I could definitely see someone not being self-aware and sharing those stories thinking it sounds cute.Haha, asked a girl about her supposed drunk stories, she tells me 3 awful stories that I think are supposed to sound funny and cute, but sound incredibly horrible.
Getting into fights with men to the point where her friend has to pull her off, and waking up in a puddle of her vomit. Another one about her locking herself in the bathroom for a long time with a friend's phone, who desperately wanted it back.
Nah, it's not self absorbed. Just put something like "I care about my health and enjoy running regularly". Maybe leave out the weights as every dude lifts weights I guess? Maybe mention how much progress you've made and your goal. I find mentioning something like running is less absorbed than talking about how buff you are.
Were you that vague in the message or did you list specifics? It's better to be as specific as possible in a message so it doesn't sound like a template.
Hahahaha I could definitely see someone not being self-aware and sharing those stories thinking it sounds cute.
You're damn near tempting me to re-download Bumble but I think after tonight's date regardless of how it goes, I might take a break from it until January. I've been casually swiping on Tinder but I found that there's way too many girls who are looking for attention what with loads of mirror shots that I've seen. Either that, or my pictures suck and/or I'm being too picky.Update - the same night I posted this, 6 girls messaged me after 10pm and I have a date this weekend. Clearly there are Bumble Spies.
My own two cents would be not to take more than two minutes tops to compose a message. I think anything longer than two sentences is too much. Even if they have a super well written profile, I usually ask about what story is behind a picture that caught my attention. It usually gets me a reply but sometimes it doesn't and that's okay since it's their loss. It takes me less than two minutes to write. If I get a response with a question, then it's good to go; if it's one sentence with an exclamation point or a sentence, I delete it and move on.OK, I will find some way to fit it in.
Thanks for the tip. I was more specific, yes. Is the general format of what I wrote "acceptable" as a first message to someone? I've started plenty of conversations in person, but those situations generally have context that isn't so much there in online dating...their profile is the context, I guess.
I don't blame you for bailing out on that. It sounds like she's really immature and glorifies getting drunk. I like drinking but I draw a fine line when it's a party girl who goes out every weekend.Im just not going to respond. She's 24 and I feel it's just a giant red flag.
Definitely give it another try for the reasons you stated. If they don't respond after the second message, then move on. Anything after that is "Pls respond" territory.Is it worth sending a second message if you don't get a response after several days? (Thinking in the context of the person who liked me first)
My instinct says no, but I've been told that sometimes messages get lost/forgotten in the sea of other messages women get.
Is it worth sending a second message if you don't get a response after several days? (Thinking in the context of the person who liked me first)
My instinct says no, but I've been told that sometimes messages get lost/forgotten in the sea of other messages women get.
Don't try and overthink things. Wait a couple days, and send another message, perhaps trying a different avenue of conversation. If she responds, you talk, if she doesn't, you move on.OK, so another message after the weekend if no talk? How does a second message (without an initial reply) go?
I do tend to overthink, thanks for the advice
On a funny (or annoying) side note, I was out with a friend this evening and I spotted someone out with her friends who looked kinda familiar. I checked OKC real quick...she's my top match (95%...and I've answered ~160 of the questions). Glanced at the profile...her favorite bands include QOTSA, Tool, and NIN (oh mannnn). I went to send her a message later...inbox full. I have to pay to message her. WTF IS THIS?! Ugh lol. I did message someone else, though, who also sounds pretty awesome.
Why didn't you talk to her then? (Obviously, just so we're clear, don't ever say "I saw you on OKC," because that's fucking creepy.)
I was out with a friend and she was there with a group (and she left within five minutes of me recognizing who she was).
Back to the body type thing...
I am just over 5'11", and about a 36" waist. I am definitely heavier than I want to be (and as mentioned before I am working on it). I feel I'm being honest by listing my body type as overweight, but I've had two women friends tell me this is ridiculous and that my body type is "average" (this is a lie). I don't want to mislead.