Opinion: Is The Last of Us Remake Worth $70? (IGN.com)

Is TLOU1 Remake Worth $70 to You?

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No game is worth $70 when they all go for $60 or less within a few months. Considering it's a re-re-make the price will probably drop fast and hit the $40-50 range after in 4 - 6 months if not earlier, with $30 sales.
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This is only the first one right? Does part 2 have a pS5 version or it’s just ps4 upscaled? I think 70$ would be worth it for both. And I really don’t like part 2 at all. Though it was a slog the whole way through. Part 1 was great but I feel like it just got remastered last year. Time flies


Being "worth it" is very relative depending on who you're speaking to and how much they value this game.

I think the hardcore fans and PC gamers will be the real winners here, the latter being a brand new audience who can enjoy a great game in stunning visuals.

I personally have no interest in buying it and I'm not a big fan of them even doing this project in the first place, but it is what it is.
Just wanted to take some time to thank all the professors here teaching us about how opinions differ between individuals and making sure we understand subjective vs objective.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Not a chance b this will be worth the same as Star Field or Gran Turismo 7. Sony is being absurd charging for this a 3rd time at full price

I disagree.

Why would they charge less for a remake?

3rd time? You didn't get this game remade 3 times sir lol This isn't a re-release of the same game like a port, its a REMAKE. Thats like Rockstar making Red Dead Redemption 1 remake and put it in Red Dead 2's engine and gameplay and really question why its full price. Why the fuck would they give it cheaper just cause the fucking NAME is Red Dead? Its not the same engine, not the same gameplay and clearly not the same quality, thus they have no ode to price it as some remaster or port, they'll charge based on the quality and value of the IP.

I admit, Ratchet remake at 49.99 is a great deal same with SoTC remake, but clearly neither game moved a whopping 20 million plus units. If we have literally remasters like Twilight Prince at full price, a remake like this at full price makes more sense then I think many care to admit. I don't even see why Sony as a publisher should devalue their IP like that when its one of the most awarded games in history and one of the best selling PS titles of all time. They have no ode to do any of that shit with the game in a new engine, new gameplay and new AI. Someone had to be on crack to really think Sony would just give some discount on such a IP.

They didn't for Demon Souls but shit they would for such a AAA blockbuster like this? The fuck? lol

balls of snow

Gold Member
Need to see more of the improve gameplay. Will joel have a jump button now? But yes, if say Mass Effect trilogy had this much of an upgrade I would but it for more than 70.


Nobody has even played it....

And if you enjoy your time with, sure it's worth. "Value" suddenly becoming the main aspect in gaming is such bullshit. You ever heard someone say they'd rather watch a different movie because it's longer/cheaper?


Um no. It's shouldn't even get a remake tbh.

Bought it on PS3 then PS4 was like $50 with multiplayer. Bought expansion dlc, bought multiplayer dlc even to support the game.

But this is just.. overdone now. Let it go ND. It looks pretty.. sure. Guess what the graphics will be outdated in 3 years again.

You can't remake the same game for the rest of your lives. Move on make something good that's new.
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Nobody has even played it....

And if you enjoy your time with, sure it's worth. "Value" suddenly becoming the main aspect in gaming is such bullshit. You ever heard someone say they'd rather watch a different movie because it's longer/cheaper?
last I checked movies aren’t $70 and yes I hear people say all the time they won’t watch a movie until it lands on free streaming services
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I disagree.

Why would they charge less for a remake?

3rd time? You didn't get this game remade 3 times sir lol This isn't a re-release of the same game like a port, its a REMAKE. Thats like Rockstar making Red Dead Redemption 1 remake and put it in Red Dead 2's engine and gameplay and really question why its full price. Why the fuck would they give it cheaper just cause the fucking NAME is Red Dead? Its not the same engine, not the same gameplay and clearly not the same quality, thus they have no ode to price it as some remaster or port, they'll charge based on the quality and value of the IP.

I admit, Ratchet remake at 49.99 is a great deal same with SoTC remake, but clearly neither game moved a whopping 20 million plus units. If we have literally remasters like Twilight Prince at full price, a remake like this at full price makes more sense then I think many care to admit. I don't even see why Sony as a publisher should devalue their IP like that when its one of the most awarded games in history and one of the best selling PS titles of all time. They have no ode to do any of that shit with the game in a new engine, new gameplay and new AI. Someone had to be on crack to really think Sony would just give some discount on such a IP.

They didn't for Demon Souls but shit they would for such a AAA blockbuster like this? The fuck? lol
New?! Thought the engine, AI was being pulled from Last of Us 2. Is that not correct?


last I checked movies aren’t $70 and yes I hear people say all the time they won’t watch a movie until it lands on free streaming services

Well movies also aren't 20+ hours long. And when picking the movie you want to see, you don't think of the "value", you pick what you think you'll enjoy.

Value is a bullshit metric for entertainment and has resulted in all these shitty bloated 100 hour open world games. If it's all about playtime/$ why even spend anything and not just go full free2play?


Writes a lot, says very little
New?! Thought the engine, AI was being pulled from Last of Us 2. Is that not correct?

Yes, as in thats not in the fucking original Last Of Us, thus NEW to The Last Of Us 2. Thats like saying FFVII isn't a remake cause Unreal Engine 4 isn't new. RE2 and RE3 remake are not remakes folks as shit, thought the engine was being pulled from RE7 GASP

What fucking game is making a engine brand new for a remake? How many are doing that to argue full price or not? What would that shit even matter so long as its an engine that is a improvement over the original? Demon Souls is one of the few to come to mind and I could be wrong on that lol

Not a chance this will be worth the same as Star Field

Why the fuck would you pay full price for that though? thought the engine was being pulled from creation engine omg /s The fucking irony.

So sir, with all due respect, this is a silly reason to dispute the price of a game as if all games are made with new engines or some shit. Any remake using a current engine vs the original is completely fine by me and fits the full price AAA model if the quality is high. Using the gameplay, AI, engine of the Last Of Us 2 is still new to the last of us 1, just like the RE engine in RE4 remake and gameplay concepts are still new to that remake. As in existed else where, but new to RE4.
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Well movies also aren't 20+ hours long. And when picking the movie you want to see, you don't think of the "value", you pick what you think you'll enjoy.
....because they don't cost $70. Value only gets talked about at all in games because they're outrageously expensive. You need to rationalize chucking out $70 on a product one way or another, and one such way, misguided or not, is arguing those $70 must entertain you for as long as 10-20 movies would.

Its much easier to casually pick a movie to watch without thinking too deeply about money-value when you're only spending $5 or $10. If you could buy new games for $15 or so, no one would argue about these kinds of things either.
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Report me if I continue to console war
It depends.

If you have never played and u like those sort of games its worth it as much as any other new game.

If u have already played it $70 is to much imo. I dont think the visual update is a big enough draw to spend $70 for those who played the remastered.

I will wait and if it comes to ps extra i will play it then for a bit, maybe i will complete it depends how I feel at the time.
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King Snowflake
Remakes/rereleases are weird. They are probably worth the price to those who never played it, but for those who played the original it feels like a kick in the teeth. Especially if they paid 60 bucks for the original.


The least Sony could do is offer a discount for digital buyers on PS, if they already own the original version.

Or just price it somewhat cheaper on Ps5 than PC, given how likely it is that a Sony gamer would have already bought and played it in the last nine years.
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Gold Member
Family Guy No GIF
Same with others, I've played it multiple times and asking full price for a new coat of paint, as awesome as it looks and plays. Waiting on a sale at the least.


Already finished it on both PS3 and Pro, so eventhough I will be buying the PC version and looking forward to it, I will not be paying 70 euros for it, no. Around 40 is the maximum I am willing to spend on this.


Writes a lot, says very little
Remakes/rereleases are weird. They are probably worth the price to those who never played it, but for those who played the original it feels like a kick in the teeth. Especially if they paid 60 bucks for the original.

I never get this idea lol

This is a remake, you are owed what you paid for in regards to the original, not a completely made from the ground up remake man. Thats like saying I bought Cape Fear the original and I want the remake for free or something lol How is anyone feeling hurt from this shit? Lots shit on remasters and cheap ports that barely touch up shit and charge full price, but we have a full remake and now it releasing is a kick inteh teeth if you bought it full price almost 10 years ago? Nah man, thats just too fucking much.

You are owed the original based on what you paid for, not the remake, not the remake of the remake lol Thats insane and beyond entitled. Basically asking for free work. I even think its cool that Bioshock and Skyrim gave away free versions if you bought the special edition or what ever of the original release, but I've yet to see a single title EVER remake a fucking game with AAA qualities and give it for free to those who bought it as if now you are owed a life time of free development.

Denton Denton any word on if it will support mods?
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Moderated wildly
Should be 49.99 and be able to be picked up from super markets at 40 squid or 42 squid and I'd be there day one. No game is worth 70 bones imo and I've managed to get through almost 2 years of owning my ps5 disk and not paying it yet.

Long may it continue.


Yes, as in thats not in the fucking original Last Of Us, thus NEW to The Last Of Us 2. Thats like saying FFVII isn't a remake cause Unreal Engine 4 isn't new. RE2 and RE3 remake are not remakes folks as shit, thought the engine was being pulled from RE7 GASP

What fucking game is making a engine brand new for a remake? How many are doing that to argue full price or not? What would that shit even matter so long as its an engine that is a improvement over the original? Demon Souls is one of the few to come to mind and I could be wrong on that lol

Why the fuck would you pay full price for that though? thought the engine was being pulled from creation engine omg /s The fucking irony.

So sir, with all due respect, this is a silly reason to dispute the price of a game as if all games are made with new engines or some shit. Any remake using a current engine vs the original is completely fine by me and fits the full price AAA model if the quality is high. Using the gameplay, AI, engine of the Last Of Us 2 is still new to the last of us 1, just like the RE engine in RE4 remake and gameplay concepts are still new to that remake. As in existed else where, but new to RE4.
The point is that they’re taking all their hard work from 2 and putting it into this remake and then charging $10 more than they did for 2 (with its new setting, story, music, etc.). It’s not just that they took the engine, but they simply are porting over other aspects such as the AI and gameplay mechanics, and meshing that with the original game.

I’m sorry, but I think it’s greedy and sad to see this being charged $10 more than TLOU2, as if it was a harder feat and/or a more content rich game.
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If remake cost 70$, so how much would it cost if it’s was new game..? I mean if its was actually new game set in new ip… 200$- 300$?
I disagree.

Why would they charge less for a remake?
Typical work needed to produce a brand new game or a sequel to a game:

Concepting > Storyboarding > Testing & Implementation of New Gameplay Elements > Overhaul/Upgrade to Game Engine/Graphics > Hiring Voice Actors & Mo-Cap > Create Original Soundtrack > Marketing

Work to create The Last of Us Remake:

Refine Gameplay Elements (groundwork already created in TLoU2) > Use Engine from TLoU2 (No new VO or Mo-Cap needed) > Limited Marketing


The NPD sales threads for TLOU remake are going to be very interesting, to say the least.

I agree with you there.

Remake sales are pretty bad in general though and this one will not be an exception.

Probably low single digit million number first 1-2 years on PS5?

Would be surprised if it is more than 2-3 million on the PS5 in the first 12 months.


Should be 49.99 and be able to be picked up from super markets at 40 squid or 42 squid and I'd be there day one. No game is worth 70 bones imo and I've managed to get through almost 2 years of owning my ps5 disk and not paying it yet.

Long may it continue.
I do suspect Sony will find it difficult to charge full price for their games going forward if people jump into extra/premium. Let the devaluation of games commence!

Will be interesting to observe.
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I do suspect Sony will find it difficult to charge full price for their games going forward if people jump into extra/premium. Let the devaluation of games commence!

Will be interesting to observe.
Doubtful. People won’t wait for the games to hit the sub. Games will only go to the sub once theyre past the evergreen period.
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Doubtful. People won’t wait for the games to hit the sub. Games will only go to the sub once theyre past the evergreen period.
True, but there is also the factor of being busy with an endless selection of games - the ultimate backlog.

I’ve been eyeing off buying disc of Ghosts of Tsushima and Death Stranding for ps5. And now ps+ is telling me it’s cheaper to upgrade to extra till end of 2023 than a single one of those. Gave away my day 1 ps4 copies. What to do.
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The remake and the multiplayer mode originally planned for Last of Us 2 should've have been a single game. Trying to sell them separately at full price doesn't seem like a good value at all.


No game is worth $70 when they all go for $60 or less within a few months. Considering it's a re-re-make the price will probably drop fast and hit the $40-50 range after in 4 - 6 months if not earlier, with $30 sales.

Nope, at least not new and not officially. Sony have adopted the Nintendo "Evergreen" strategy for their premier/prestige first party offerings. Demon Soul, Returnal, R&C, etc... are all still $69.99, nearing 2 years later. I wouldn't expect any physical copy overstock firesales either. Considering the majority of people buy digital these days, Sony won't be stuffing physical channels with bargain bin fodder. "Gamers" deserve every shit these companies take on their head.
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Will pick it up for 10 bucks on Steam at some point and that's it, but i'm not biggest cinematics fan anyways.


Completed the game 3 times and I'll probably pick this up at some point, but only when it's much cheaper, $70 is ridiculous.


It will be interesting to see how this sells since most people here don't think it's worth $70. And it's not just limited to here. I've seen a lot of people saying the same elsewhere.

I bet Sony will heavily bundle the game in November to try to get numbers up.


Gold Member
Man, I just spent $95 on a meal for 3 last night that gave me 15 minutes of pleasure. I love gaming and it's easily worth $70 here and there. I do think they should do like Blizzard with the D2 Remake and charge $40. But $70 is nothing for hours of fun. People wonder why GaaS are taking over slowly. No one wants to spend much money on pay to play games like this.
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