Opinion: Is The Last of Us Remake Worth $70? (IGN.com)

Is TLOU1 Remake Worth $70 to You?

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I did say it wasn't worth the price, I don't think any game is worth £70 though ($94 USD)

And no in the uk, TLOU1 is £64.99-69.99 & resident evil 4 is £49.99-£54.99 currently

The visual improvements are impressive though, I won't deny that.

But this £70 price tag in the UK, needs to hurry up and go away.

£60 makes more sense as that is $71.70 USD, if they really want to increase the price of games over here.
I'm from the UK too. Wasn't referring to you but in general. Those aren't official RRP:


Yeah it's a pretty steep price.
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No game is worth $70 imo. For what? To do the same shit I’ve done a hundred times already?
I wait until shit’s on sale. Not no wimpy ass Nintendo “sale” either - I’m talking nice discounts.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
I suspect the reason for the pricing is quite straightforward: Unlike a lot of remasters which are made to remind people of an older franchise, as a prelude to maybe re-launching it, or acting as co-promotion to the same developer's latest, this is being pitched as prestige offering.

The notion being this is one of the best regarded games (by both critics and users) they have ever published. What's more its also sold really well over the years and is about to be made into a tv series. Now while the game itself isn't that old, it was built for 2006 hardware(!) and the remaster really doesn't improve on much other than performance, so objectively it is below current-gen standards visually and technologically.

So the pitch here is pretty much Sony showing some big-dick energy! Here's this historically loved game, rebuilt and upgraded to the highest level. Its a "The best just got better" Type of deal. They aren't going to undercut that with a less than top-end offering price.

Lowered sales at launch isn't really an issue, its more about image. They can always reissue later at a lower price or bundle it on the TOP TIER of Plus in order to gin up their sub offering.
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I think this remake was unnecessary. I understand it makes sense for Sony, but for us gamers, it doesn't. The PS4 remaster looked great and it was only a few years ago.

We want new IPs, new gameplay ideas, new worlds, not remaking the same games forever, as great as this game is.

Seriously, who asked for that remake ?
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What I find most frustrating about £70 games is that some publishers (mainly Sony and Activision) say ‘costs of making games have increased significantly’, yet they talk about record profits and seem to make more money year on year.

Without access to the real data and by taking things at face value, I don’t think £70 is justifiable for a game when they start talking about record profits. When publishers are struggling and games aren’t even breaking even, sure it’s understandable. Currently though, in this economic climate, I don’t get it.

With this game in particular, it’s just a graphical reimagining of an older title that still looks great. It seems really unnecessary. However, I do appreciate that I’m probably not the target audience.
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I think this remake was unnecessary. I understand it makes sense for Sony, but for us gamers, it doesn't. The PS4 remaster looked great and it was only a few years ago.

We want new IPs, new gameplay ideas, new worlds, not remaking the same games forever, as great as this game is.

Seriously, who asked for that remake ?
Gaming is a business at the end of the day. They want to make games that they feel will make money and this game will make money. Plus the show is coming next year so they wanted a more updated version for the newcomers of the series to play.

I don’t think this remake is as big of a deal as people are making it out to be but the $70 price tag without multiplayer is the main issue. Last of us is great so I have no complaints that this exist, no one is being forced to buy the game for that price though.
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4-Time GIF/Meme God
It's going to play the same as the original. The only thing better is the graphics and more frames. Hell, even Demon's Souls was more desired to get a remake because was a early title and the hardware struggled to run, but was not that big of deal in the first place

I give a week to get a price cut


For people who have already played the first game, not at all. But for people who haven't played it, I think it would be well worth the $70 just to experience that masterpiece for the first time with the upgraded gameplay from TLOU Part 2.


here im hoping it sells poorly to send a message

but knowing chances are it will likely instead break the record of most copies ever sold for a remake


here im hoping it sells poorly to send a message

but knowing chances are it will likely instead break the record of most copies ever sold for a remake
So what ? If it sell like hot cakes that's because there's a public for that.
Peoples are not mindless drones, it's just they have different opinions/needs/taste.
If you're not buying this product you're just not the target. And that's fine.
To each their own on what they value and are willing to spend, I don't have much of an opinion on that.

I think it's a bad trend in video games in general to do full remakes on software that's 10 years old. Especially a piece of software that was at a high level visually. A GC game like RE4 is a bit different, but even there I'm not sure it is warranted. Older titles like Mafia or RE1, 2, 3 etc., you can at least make the argument that you are bringing the titles to a new generation of players, I can support that. Newer titles are easily accessible on current platforms to begin with.

This is like an extension of the ongoing sequel syndrome, only now we don't even rate rehashing of the formula with a new story, they are just going to repackage the existing software. A new level of creative bankruptcy.
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crazy to think the norm now is: OG game, some kind of expansion/dlc, full game +expansion bundle (maybe), remaster, remake (remove mp component)

that cash cow
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
To each their own on what they value and are willing to spend, I don't have much of an opinion on that.

I think it's a bad trend in video games in general to do full remakes on software that's 10 years old. Especially a piece of software that was at a high level visually. A GC game like RE4 is a bit different, but even there I'm not sure it is warranted. Older titles like Mafia or RE1, 2, 3 etc., you can at least make the argument that you are bringing the titles to a new generation of players, I can support that. Newer titles are easily accessible on current platforms to begin with.

This is like an extension of the ongoing sequel syndrome, only now we don't even rate rehashing of the formula with a new story, they are just going to repackage the existing software. A new level of creative bankruptcy.
The next gen consoles when fully utilized can do things the PS3 and PS4 simply cant do a higher level of visual fidelity. We have seen demos that look near photorealistic. We know the CPU can finally allow devs to push A.I in ways they couldnt afford to do before. We know destruction and physics can finally be pushed at a higher level of visual fidelity now. The SSD and IO can allow them to completely eliminate those ridiculous ladder sequences and string together levels in ways they couldnt do before.

A true remake of TLOU on the PS5, a true remake of Halo 3, or Mass Effect could potentially add a whole new layer to the gameplay before we even think about graphics improvements. We have to remember that despite being a 9 year old title, it is tied to a 17 year old hardware. The GPU alone is 40x more powerful in just sheer tflops alone. With IPC gains we are looking at over 50x. Thats bigger than the PS2 to PS3 leap. The CPU was stagnant last gen. HDDs too. Zero upgrades in that front. A true remake would not have been shackled by these things.

Sadly, we know TLOU remake isnt doing that. They will still have the ladder sections to mask loading, they wont push the CPU to have more enemy AI on screen at once, they wont push the CPU/GPU to push destruction and physics. They clearly arent going for a big visual upgrade over the last gen TLOU2 but that doesnt mean PS3 era games would not benefit from this massive upgrade in CPU, IO and RAM. Devs simply have to use them.


Somehow the TLOU remake is unnecessary but yet people are jacking off over a Bloodborne remake, a game younger than TLOU.
The issue is that Bloodborne wasn’t optimal even on release, let alone today. Meanwhile, TLOU ran and runs perfectly on PS3, PS4 and PS5.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
The issue is that Bloodborne wasn’t optimal even on release, let alone today. Meanwhile, TLOU ran and runs perfectly on PS3, PS4 and PS5.
Thats because FROM is incompetent and completely ignores tech. Shit tier devs when it comes to tech, I guarantee you the same issues would remain even in the remake if they were in charge of it :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_poop: It would still look like a early PS4 game, ala elden ring. With 40-60fps that isnt even locked.

A bloodborne remake by FROM is pointless, Bluepoint should handle it.

Crazy how they get a pass, not from me though, im on that ass
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Nonsense, Bloodborne remake has been #1 on nerd wishlists for years
Bloodborne remake from a separate studio that only makes remakes, and made one of the best looking PS5 next-gen games around. If they were asking for a remake from FROM Software, it would be a little more equivalent in your example.

But yeah, I don't think a Bloodborne remake is needed at all, and it could be criticized as well in my opinion if released for $70. The biggest difference is that Bluepoint literally only does remakes, so they're going to do something.


Sadly, we know TLOU remake isnt doing that. They will still have the ladder sections to mask loading, they wont push the CPU to have more enemy AI on screen at once, they wont push the CPU/GPU to push destruction and physics. They clearly arent going for a big visual upgrade over the last gen TLOU2 but that doesnt mean PS3 era games would not benefit from this massive upgrade in CPU, IO and RAM. Devs simply have to use them.

I think you'll end up being wrong on so much of this. Naughty Dog tech talks on TLOU2 kept reinforcing that the hardware was holding back the engine, not the other way around.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I think you'll end up being wrong on so much of this. Naughty Dog tech talks on TLOU2 kept reinforcing that the hardware was holding back the engine, not the other way around.
You really think they will remove the ladder sections? The forced narrow corridor sections that hid loading? Are you expecting a ground up reboot with destructible environments, physics, larger TLOU2 inspired levels and new bosses?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
You really think they will remove the ladder sections? The forced narrow corridor sections that hid loading? Are you expecting a ground up reboot with destructible environments, physics, larger TLOU2 inspired levels and new bosses?
I'm expecting that they're importing the audio and cutscene mocap data from TLOU1 into TLOU2 engine, and rebuilding TLOU1 with TLOU2 assets (textures, enemy AI, models). I think it's a relatively small ask to let the level designers look at a finished PS3 game and say "make that," and let them expand out the size a bit and adjust enemy placement. It's basically a TLOU2 giant expansion pack. They can put the C team on this and let them get experience. B team is working on Factions. A team is prototyping the new IP and/or TLOU3.

I could envision modders with access to every TLOU2 asset basically making TLOU1 and being able to expand out levels without much difficulty. Sure it wouldn't be as insanely polished as Naughty Dog, but it doesn't seem like a complex or difficult project, at all.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
You really think they will remove the ladder sections? The forced narrow corridor sections that hid loading? Are you expecting a ground up reboot with destructible environments, physics, larger TLOU2 inspired levels and new bosses?
Nobody wants/needs all that effort put into a remake. This is supposed to be a quick undertaking that doesnt need a whole lot of manpower to accomplish. All that effort could be put into factions 2 and Neils new IP, which it will be. Dont use up all the resources on this


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I'm expecting that they're importing the audio and cutscene mocap data from TLOU1 into TLOU2 engine, and rebuilding TLOU1 with TLOU2 assets (textures, enemy AI, models). I think it's a relatively small ask to let the level designers look at a finished PS3 game and say "make that," and let them expand out the size a bit and adjust enemy placement. It's basically a TLOU2 giant expansion pack. They can put the C team on this and let them get experience. B team is working on Factions. A team is prototyping the new IP.

I could envision modders with access to every TLOU2 asset basically making TLOU1 and being able to expand out levels without much difficulty. Sure it wouldn't be as insanely polished as Naughty Dog, but it doesn't seem like a complex or difficult project, at all.
Exactly. They are giving it the SOTC, Demon Souls and Ratchet treatment. They are not going to change the level design just because the PS5 IO allows them to eliminate loading.

Hell, even the bloater fight in the second game featured destructible environments where as the first game just took place in the gymnaisum. Does anyone here really believe that they are going to change that fight to take place over the entire school with the bloater breaking through walls like it did in TLOU2?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Exactly. They are giving it the SOTC, Demon Souls and Ratchet treatment. They are not going to change the level design just because the PS5 IO allows them to eliminate loading.

Hell, even the bloater fight in the second game featured destructible environments where as the first game just took place in the gymnaisum. Does anyone here really believe that they are going to change that fight to take place over the entire school with the bloater breaking through walls like it did in TLOU2?
I don't expect any new "cinematic / memorable moment." I'm expecting a TLoU1 expansion pack built with existing TLoU2 assets. If they make the cities or grassy areas larger and more open, and adjust enemy placement a bit that's very easy. Maybe add a little verticality with the rope climb on some stuff. Just literally moving around existing TLoU2 assets. That's all I'm expecting. Guess we'll see.

The engine guys probably did the work on adapting the old mocap data so it could sync with the modernized animations that have for TLoU2, but that's about it. The rest is just a big level pack, polished up very well.
The next gen consoles when fully utilized can do things the PS3 and PS4 simply cant do a higher level of visual fidelity. We have seen demos that look near photorealistic. We know the CPU can finally allow devs to push A.I in ways they couldnt afford to do before. We know destruction and physics can finally be pushed at a higher level of visual fidelity now. The SSD and IO can allow them to completely eliminate those ridiculous ladder sequences and string together levels in ways they couldnt do before.

A true remake of TLOU on the PS5, a true remake of Halo 3, or Mass Effect could potentially add a whole new layer to the gameplay before we even think about graphics improvements. We have to remember that despite being a 9 year old title, it is tied to a 17 year old hardware. The GPU alone is 40x more powerful in just sheer tflops alone. With IPC gains we are looking at over 50x. Thats bigger than the PS2 to PS3 leap. The CPU was stagnant last gen. HDDs too. Zero upgrades in that front. A true remake would not have been shackled by these things.

Sadly, we know TLOU remake isnt doing that. They will still have the ladder sections to mask loading, they wont push the CPU to have more enemy AI on screen at once, they wont push the CPU/GPU to push destruction and physics. They clearly arent going for a big visual upgrade over the last gen TLOU2 but that doesnt mean PS3 era games would not benefit from this massive upgrade in CPU, IO and RAM. Devs simply have to use them.

Personally, I don't care that much about the technological progression in regards to these games. If the devs still have interest in the IPs, let them craft new stories based on them. The technological progression will never stop, how many remakes of these games will we need to see over the years? These IPs don't need to run in linear fashion either, if RE wanted to revisit the earlier lore from a different angle they could always do that. Maybe, center back on Raccoon City during the original outbreak, but focus on a family that doesn't have a clue about Umbrella/Stars and the like as things start to unfold. Great games are great games, I just don't necessarily see the need for remakes of ps360 games forward. The tech was good enough to tell engaging stories and those games are largely still widely available on PC/Console. When you go back to the 2D era or to early 3D PS1/PS2/Xbox/GC etc. it's a bit different. Those were really limited and aren't widely available a lot of the time.

Remasters where they are just adjusting things to run better, maybe switching to the highest res textures they had on hand, etc., those are a bit different. At least devs aren't diverting too much of their time on those. And, in some cases they may be bringing games back to the market that were otherwise lost.

The whole fad is just a way for them to keep reselling and reselling the same damn games. And people keep buying them, so, this is likely the course we are now set on.
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You really think they will remove the ladder sections? The forced narrow corridor sections that hid loading? Are you expecting a ground up reboot with destructible environments, physics, larger TLOU2 inspired levels and new bosses?

Why do you think its so difficult to remove masked loading that doesn’t need to be there anymore? It's the TLOU2 engine that isn't encumbered by PS4. It will be the best and most complete showcase of next gen to date, not focused on one specific aspect such as graphics like a UE5 tech demo.

For someone who isn't a fan of cross-gen, I'm baffled as to why you'd be against the project. People also come to an imaginary choice of TLOU Remake vs a new IP, when in reality its more like TLOU Remake or nothing at all. New IP takes time to pitch, greenlight, execute, etc.


Not for me personally. Only reason is because I've beat the game like 3 times and played the PS4 remaster as well. Platinumed too. But for anyone who hasn't played the original or wants to revisit the game, definitely worth it.


I have the old version from plus and I've never played it. I would def not buy this for $70. If I waited that long, I would pick it up for 20-30.

But that's just me. This is probably going to do ganbusters at 70.


£70 for a port/remake of an old game is a £10 slap in the face too far. That's a brand new AAA title in any other publisher's money. But this looks incredibly similar to an already-existing, exhaustively played, and these days cheap original (will Sony delist it? Wouldn't be surprised).

If I see big changes in this, ie new level designs, new enemy placements, new weapons etc, then I'd be happy paying £60, because it is a good game. But I expect and deserve those changes.

If it's just a 1:1 port with a gorgeous facelift, after beating the original on grounded several times, I don't need it. But I may consider a curiosity purchase many sales down the line to the tune of a £15-£20 price point.
I really wish they had found a way to bundle TLOU1 Remake alongside Factions 2. Obviously easier said than done, and I'm not a developer.

BUT, I think having those two together would have alleviated all the chatter about the $70 price tag.

Maybe that was initially the plan? Seems like Factions 2 isn't baked enough to make it this year though.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
For someone who isn't a fan of cross-gen, I'm baffled as to why you'd be against the project.
I have wrote a lot on the why. I am baffled that you are baffled because I know you have read all those posts.

At the end of the day, I just have zero faith in the project based on what they have shown so far. A simple graphics upgrade to PS4 standards, not PS5 standards tells me that they will do the same for the gameplay. I am not going to diss you and say that you should not expect PS5's hardware to be fully utilized because i think it remains a possibility and I actually want to see them push A.I, destruction, physics and more even if the visuals have remained stagnant since TLOU2. I just dont see them redesigning entire sections from the game, and there were dozens of those ladder sections and narrow corridors. If the remake was that extensive, they wouldve upgraded the visuals too.

We shall see. I want to be pleasantly surprised but seeing them reuse PS4 visual assets isnt giving me any hope for the rest.

P.S Both voice actors were not involved in the remake whatsoever. They did not record any new lines so we can forget about any new levels or content. Unless they added bigger environments with no banter between the leads which would feel very weird considering both Joel and Ellie constantly talk during the game, and so did Ellie and her companions in TLOU2.
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It's a cash grab and advertisement for the show and vice versa when it comes out probably around the game does i bet. That's my guess for making the remake instead of sticking with the remaster which holds up all. They want people watching the show to go pick up the game


Flashless at the Golden Globes
It's a cash grab and advertisement for the show and vice versa when it comes out probably around the game does i bet. That's my guess for making the remake instead of sticking with the remaster which holds up all. They want people watching the show to go pick up the game
It has to. The game just went Gold and isnt coming out for another 2 months, why? Typically the time from going gold to release is just 2-3 weeks.


Gold Member
It has to. The game just went Gold and isnt coming out for another 2 months, why? Typically the time from going gold to release is just 2-3 weeks.
Gold to launch hasn’t been 2 to 3 weeks in quite a while. Distribution is not like it was 2+ years ago.


It is the only remake I needed and got it. Well I still want. A Vagrant story remake fully voiced and motion captured with performance capture. Full price day one! I just love the game so so much!!
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Nop. The game dont even needed a remake in the 1st place. The remaster still looks good. Much less worth it when u can play the remaster on a PS5 for "free" if you have PS+.

I love the 1st TLOU and will eventually play the remake too, but will wait utill its really cheap or drops on PS+ as well. I must have played the original 5 times already. Most of the game is still very fresh in my memory.

balls of snow

Gold Member
I suspect the reason for the pricing is quite straightforward: Unlike a lot of remasters which are made to remind people of an older franchise, as a prelude to maybe re-launching it, or acting as co-promotion to the same developer's latest, this is being pitched as prestige offering.

The notion being this is one of the best regarded games (by both critics and users) they have ever published. What's more its also sold really well over the years and is about to be made into a tv series. Now while the game itself isn't that old, it was built for 2006 hardware(!) and the remaster really doesn't improve on much other than performance, so objectively it is below current-gen standards visually and technologically.

So the pitch here is pretty much Sony showing some big-dick energy! Here's this historically loved game, rebuilt and upgraded to the highest level. Its a "The best just got better" Type of deal. They aren't going to undercut that with a less than top-end offering price.

Lowered sales at launch isn't really an issue, its more about image. They can always reissue later at a lower price or bundle it on the TOP TIER of Plus in order to gin up their sub offering.
Yep in 3 months it drops to 30 bucks on sale and people who whine at 70 will still not buy it anyways.
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