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|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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A voté, I can't say for who I voted but fuck Lepen.

Well, if you voted against Le Pen, there was only one choice...

voter turnout seems to be low. lets hope it doesnt mean...

It doesn't mean much right now. At some %, it's the same as previous years, and it's basically the same as the first round.
The important number will be the turnout rate at 17h imo.

For those interested, Macron gave probably his best interview of the campaign to Mediapart last Friday. Smart move from him, trying to convince leftists with his technical and historial knowledge and good rhetoric in 1v1.

I wish that kind of good interviews were available on big TV channels and newschannels
but that won't happen

Watching it right now, it's really good.


paid requisite penance
Oh shit, I'm watching the France 24 livestream, and they just said Le Pen would celebrate her victory near where I live. Don't know if she'll be there even she loses, but I don't like this either way.


Oh shit, I'm watching the France 24 livestream, and they just said Le Pen would celebrate her victory near where I live. Don't know if she'll be there even she loses, but I don't like this either way.

Take photos for us if she loses. The amount of salt will be glorious.


paid requisite penance
Take photos for us if she loses. The amount of salt will be glorious.

Haha, sorry, but there's no way in hell I'm doing this. She won't be literally across the street from my place fortunately. Plus I'm worried I might see a couple relatives at her meeting, ugh.


Le Monde's live really doesn't help with my already low faith in humanity.

Le Monde said:
Notre envoyé spécial Franck Johannès a rencontré sœur Marie-Rose Pain, 84 ans – « Pain comme la sainte Eucharistie ». Et elle est fort inquiète. « La France va tellement souffrir que le monde en frémira », promet l’ancienne sœur des Cœurs de Jésus et de Marie (Mormaison), une congrégation fondée il y a deux cents ans par un abbé qui donnait la messe dans les bois, pendant la Révolution.

Elle est inquiète « pour la question des écoles et pour l’avortement, le plus grand fléau de notre temps ». La sœur donne des cours de français, d'anglais – et de latin naturellement –, des cours de soutien, hors de toute structure, parce que la congrégation l’a excommuniée lorsqu’elle a fait venir en Vendée Mgr Lefebvre. Elle n’a pas trop de difficulté à admettre qu’elle a voté Marine Le Pen. Et pourtant, elle a plein de petits élèves étrangers, dans ce quartier un peu difficile de Pont-Boileau – quatre tours d'habitation, les seules, plantées dans un coin de la ville. Marine Le Pen est arrivée en troisième position le 23 avril dans ce bureau.

« Je leur dis, c’est très bien de venir apprendre le français, mais après, il faut rentrer dans votre pays ! Au lieu d’y envoyer des ONG qui font le travail à votre place. » Sœur Marie-Rose est sortie de la messe pour aller voter, à la chapelle Saint-Michel, qui a ouvertement appelé à voter Le Pen. La vieille dame a fait son devoir, sans trop d’illusions, et le cœur (de Jésus et de Marie Mormaison) vraiment serré : « On va avoir l’antéchrist. Qui est juif, comme vous savez. »

En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/election-pres...-pen_5123639_4854003.html#ExktERtTO7L7Ispc.99

Anyways, here's another thing Macron had in common with Obama.


Le Monde said:
Raymonde J., 70 ans, a voté "pour (s)es enfants et petits-enfants". Ex-responsable d'hôtel, électrice de Nicolas Dupont-Aignan au premier tour, cette pimpante retraitée peste contre le "laxisme" ambiant. Elle a hésité jusqu'à ce dimanche matin. Marine Le Pen a finalement obtenu ses faveurs. Elle précise qu'elle ne "souhaite pas" que la candidate FN soit élue :
une vieille sotte said:
Je ne veux pas qu'on abandonne l'euro, ça nous foutrait dans un merdier pas possible. Mais j'ai vu le débat de mercredi. Pour moi c'était bonnet blanc et blanc bonnet. Mon vote est contestataire. Traditionnellement, je votais à droite. Là, j'ai voulu tout bousculer.

En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/election-pres...-pen_5123639_4854003.html#ExktERtTO7L7Ispc.99


Do we have the 2002 turnout at noon ?


Blue : final turnout
Orange : turnout at noon


Don't let Putin's win streak continue. Two out of three is bad enough.

PS: I saw many people with small French flags in Karlsruhe last time, none today. But the weather sucks, so maybe that's why.

Mr Swine

Don't let Putin's win streak continue. Two out of three is bad enough.

PS: I saw many people with small French flags in Karlsruhe last time, none today. But the weather sucks, so maybe that's why.

Yeah, if Le Pen wins then all the other countries will probably have a similar fate :(


Le Monde's live really doesn't help with my already low faith in humanity.

Anyways, here's another thing Macron had in common with Obama.

I grew up in a catholic environment and have always found it shocking to see how close these people can be to the far right. They either don't read the gospel or are really good at mental gymnastics to reconcile their close-mindedness and the message of Christ.


paid requisite penance
Le Monde's live really doesn't help with my already low faith in humanity.

Anyways, here's another thing Macron had in common with Obama.



"Hey, I'll teach you French, sure, but make sure to get back to your country afterwards, where knowing French won't be of any use okay?"

Fucking idiots.

Green Yoshi

No. The Intercept has a very specific angle and they're still playing it.

Being against the alt-right movement in the USA is not having a very specific angle.

Not a bit representative, but a German newspaper wrote about an older couple who both voted "blanc" because they don't like neither Le Pen nor Macron.

Another one writes that French people will soon miss Hollande because his outcome is not as bad as people make it.
I grew up in a catholic environment and have always found it shocking to see how close these people can be to the far right. They either don't read the gospel or are really good at mental gymnastics to reconcile their close-mindedness and the message of Christ.

You missed the part were Jesus sent the refugee back to their country and fought for a national currency


Yeah, if Le Pen wins then all the other countries will probably have a similar fate :(

Not all of them, hopefully. I can't see the AfD getting back to real popularity here in Germany, for example, and there are enough other parties for the role of potential kingmaker/coalition parnter(s). Others don't need Russian money because they're dyed-in-the-wool ex-DDR commies already :D Or proud Neonazis D:

At worst we will have another round of Merkel with more conservative support. Not perfect for a centre-leftist like me, but better to have the right than the alt-right in power.


Le Monde's live really doesn't help with my already low faith in humanity.

Anyways, here's another thing Macron had in common with Obama.

Some members of my family are part of the catosphere and it's pretty damn scary. They go full blown conspiracy theories, ranting about the franc-maçonnerie and the fact that Obama and Hollande are satanists, and a whole bunch of similar nonsense.
Not surprisingly, they're going to vote Le Pen since Macron is apparently the embodiment of the financial beast who is going to engulf humanity.


Messemble que les taux de participations sont vraiment bas pour quelque chose d'aussi important que ça. Non?

0.2% de moins qu'au premier tour il y a deux semaines à 12h.
Historiquement depuis 1974 le taux de participation était toujours plus élevé à 12h au 2è tour qu'à 12h au premier tour.

Une légère baisse du taux de participation est à prévoir (~75%), une hausse des votes blancs et nuls également mais passé la soirée de la rotonde l'équipe de Macron a plutôt bien géré la campagne d'entre deux tours, le débat cataclysmique pour Le Pen a probablement convaincu des personnes de mettre leurs "principes" de côté et voter Macron également.

Still one and half an hour before I go voting :p


0.2% de moins qu'au premier tour il y a deux semaines à 12h.
Historiquement depuis 1974 le taux de participation était toujours plus élevé à 12h au 2è tour qu'à 12h au premier tour.

Une légère baisse du taux de participation est à prévoir (~75%), une hausse des votes blancs et nuls également mais passé la soirée de la rotonde l'équipe de Macron a plutôt bien géré la campagne d'entre deux tours, le débat cataclysmique pour Le Pen a probablement convaincu des personnes de mettre leurs "principes" de côté et voter Macron également.

Still one and half an hour before I go voting :p

J'espère en tout cas. Tellement de pote "insoumis" qui ont annoncés leur laxisme sur FB que ça me fait un peu peur si, comme aux US, le schisme puritain de la gauche construit une route pavée pour Le Pen
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