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|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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How the fuck do you spend 3 hours waiting in line over there ?

Only one voting station for like 60k+ potential voters (only 22k people voted in the 1st round though). Also they couldn't find anything better than a highschool. We were queuing in the street ...
Everyone is pretty angry. They couldn't find better accomodations when they know how massive the french community is in Montreal and it's growing fast.

Oh well ... At least it wasn't raining today!


Montreal voting station reporting : didn't meet one Le Pen supporter. People could have lied but I don't think so. It's going to be a bloodbath here in North America.

Sadly at least two people told me that they had friends who refused to come to vote because they didn't want to waste 2-3 hours waiting in line when it was SO obvious that Macron was gonna win. I found it unfuriating and a tad worrying but meh fuck them.

How come it is one day early in Quebec? Shouldn't it be tomorrow?


Is anyone in France actually taking these leaks seriously, r/France is having a field day making fun of them lol

Besides the obvious people of course.


Many faces of the Alt-Right in the US seem to know the hack was coming and unsurprisingly they are the same people who hinted at knowledge of DNC hacks beforehand etc.

Its not surprising though because the Alt-Right view Russia as their savior.


Many faces of the Alt-Right in the US seem to know the hack was coming and unsurprisingly they are the same people who hinted at knowledge of DNC hacks beforehand etc.

Its not surprising though because the Alt-Right view Russia as their savior.

They have been trying to find something to take down macron for weeks now. I'm not surprised that something like this leaked. The question now is what will french authorities find in their recently opened investigation and if anyone will be implicated for recent leaks.
Its not surprising though because the Alt-Right view Russia as their savior.

Probably just getting paid and doing it "for the lulz". If you're an asshole and you are getting paid to be an asshole on social media that's your peak right there.

I wonder how the alt right will feel about the results tommorrow.

Seems like Plan B is just to damage Macron's term if he wins.


Is anyone in France actually taking these leaks seriously, r/France is having a field day making fun of them lol

Besides the obvious people of course.

Our local "altright" (fachosphère) is taking it seriously but on social media otherwise everyone is making fun of them, medias are explaining why this isn't serious and that the timing shows it isn't a random leak.

But their target was anyway the Mr/Mrs Nobody who'll see this in his/her emails, Facebook or twitter feed and believe it, or at least have another suspicion on Macron. The fact that our law punishes anyone who publishes propaganda or news that could change one people's vote could also be seen as censorship when you don't know about.

It's typical fake news : people who are educated knows it's bullshit, medias can explain to these educated people why it's bullshit in the complexity of things but the average citizen who doesn't have all that knowledge, is less politicized, relies heavily on friends and social media to get informed etc. will get hurt.

The funny thing is that you know that "if" he is elected, everybody will scrutinize where he's going to eat this evening, ready to be outraged. Posh place ? So elitist. Rotonde again ? He's just trolling us. McDonald's ? So capitalistic. Kebab ? He's pro-Turkey !
Maybe he should go to a crêperie or something.

The issue what not where he ate per say but that he seemed to be a celebration while at the same time Le Pen was on her way to the secound round (with good PR, being in a small town and not in Paris etc). He lacked seriousness in his speech too before the went to, indeed, a posh place with some celebrities and his staff. Members of his staff which said later that it was a mistake and that they warned him it could turn out badly for his image, but he just wanted to go to one of his favourite restaurants (so yeah it's not a "special occasion" kind of thing for him). I understand why he did it but he knew the risks and didn't do anything to lower them. If he had been less vain in his speech and after-speech it wouldn't have have gotten that much exposure in the medias.
I voted yesterday ( saturday ) . i've heard plenty of bullshit and fake news near my place to vote it was kinda unbelievable.

I'm kinda scared of this world where truths aren't important.

Hopefully tomorrow when i'll go to sleep i won't be angry with this world.


A french friend of mine living in New York just told me the results of her precinct (probably Manhattan?) tallies to 95% in Macron's favour. Can't find any links so far that confirm it, but I personally take her word for it. Of course, most overseas French voters are overwhelmingly anti-LePen.


A french friend of mine living in New York just told me the results of her precinct (probably Manhattan?) tallies to 95% in Macron's favour. Can't find any links so far that confirm it, but I personally take her word for it. Of course, most overseas French voters are overwhelmingly anti-LePen.

Yeah, she only got 8% in the first round so it's not too surprising she's getting trounced.


"A voté"

Much more people at the polling place this time (8 AM), maybe because they plan to go out after since it's Sunday.
Montreal voting station reporting : didn't meet one Le Pen supporter. People could have lied but I don't think so. It's going to be a bloodbath here in North America.

Sadly at least two people told me that they had friends who refused to come to vote because they didn't want to waste 2-3 hours waiting in line when it was SO obvious that Macron was gonna win. I found it unfuriating and a tad worrying but meh fuck them.

I swear this is one of the reasons why trump won and brexit happened. Polls dont matter folks votes do
Here in Lyon around where I live all of the Le Pen posters have been torn down or graffitied but it looks like the Macron camp put up fresh new ones just this morning.


Good luck and have fun guys, I always love voting day and night watching the results coming in even if it's not going my way, it's still exciting.

I live in Scotland and I'm looking at a hard Brexit with a side of Tory majority for another five years ruled by Theresa May, a woman pandering to the hard right in her party who believes God talks to her about politics so I know it's unlikely but please go out and vote to stop Le Pen getting a sniff of power even if you think that Macron has it in the bag. Nothing will shut her and her party down quicker than her being completely and utterly destroyed in the polls by seeing millions more people voting for Macron rather than her.


I'm very pessimist about these elections.
I mean even a penguin would be better than Holland, but Le Pen is still living in the 90, proposing things that have no place in a globalised world, her program would be ineffective or even damaging for the people that are voting for her, she's selling hot air, not solutions.

Macron, i don't know, seems, looking from Italy, the classic fresh puppet to show to the electors to get votes and continue with the same policies that in the end caused the deep crisis of the middle class, a là Matteo Renzi, who managed to fail everything he has done here in Italy, after presenting himself as the new guy of Italy and for Italy with the big Media singing and playing for him.

The fear is that nor Macron neither Le Pen will resolve the serious issues the people of France are going to face in the next years.
I sent the wife to vote for me. Today I work at a big tv network and I might get the results early, but I won't be able to share anything.

Be afraid if I say something to urge people to vote at the end of afternoon though ;)

Edit: edited the name to remain stealthy lol


Today's the day for La Grande Nation to show the world they are on the right side of history. And also to stick it to the Americans and the Brits. You wouldn't want to pass that opportunity, would you now, meine Freunde.


Urged people to go vote as usual, hope this will help convince some friends that weren't going to...
I'm just hoping she'll do less than 40% at this point.
Today's the day for La Grande Nation to show the world they are on the right side of history. And also to stick it to the Americans and the Brits. You wouldn't want to pass that opportunity, would you now, meine Freunde.

Lol, that's how I have tried to convince several Melenchon supporters I know to go vote for Macron today. Let's hope it worked!


I voted this morning before breakfast. Bought a chocolatine aux amandes on the way back thinking about this topic. :D


Lol, that's how I have tried to convince several Melenchon supporters I know to go vote for Macron today. Let's hope it worked!

Rivalry between the brits and frenchies is still as strong as ever, I see lol
I really, really hope se gets less than 40%, that'd be a great "Fuck You!" to Le Pen and the FN.


Hoping for less than 40, hopefully less than 35 (heck I don't want her to get more than double her father).

On my way to the embassy, gonna get in just in time before the polls close. They better not stop me from voting if there's still a line at 8pm.


My brother just sent me this tweet, I don't know if it's legit but lmao if true:


Consulat général de France à New York

Macron 96,25 %
Le Pen 3,75 %

Taux de participation 61 %


Edit: woops, double post, my bad!
Just went back from voting.

They seem to need people for counting the vote in my "bureau de vote". Since it's my first election I thought it would be a good experience to go there and help.
Just when back from voting.

They seem to need people for counting the vote in my "bureau de vote". Since it's my first election I thought it would be a good experience to go there and help.

I hold a bureau some years ago, as an "assesseur" in my small village. It was a interesting and good experience.
We took a walk in the park for some relief. We crossed a guy talking very loudly on the phone saying "we're going to finally change this country that has turned to shit, it's a refugee bin".

I like how all this human waste, on top of being racists cunts, have no fucking clue what a refugee is, why it's an important issue, and how many we've taken in.
I hold a bureau some years ago, as an "assesseur" in my small village. It was a interesting and good experience.

I hope so, they don't usually need people but since LR and the PS didn't pass it's all hands on deck now.

We took a walk in the park for some relief. We crossed a guy talking very loudly on the phone saying "we're going to finally change this country that has turned to shit, it's a refugee bin".

I like how all this human waste, on top of being racists cunts, have no fucking clue what a refugee is, why it's an important issue, and how many we've taken in.

It's like people don't even know that refugee don't even like being in France and actually prefer to go in Germany or the UK.
Here in Frankfurt it was even more crowded than last week, but the organization got better, only one hour (I was there 5 minutes before opening) instead of two for the first round.

Now the waiting game begins...



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