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|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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all joking aside, it is interesting to see right wing reactions to this election. Some of it is definitely ethnocentric Americans projecting their ideas of politics onto a country that has historically been more liberal. But I do think some of the shock has to come from the fact that this is a stiff counterpoint to the ongoing narrative that right wing populism is a global trend that the majority of civilized society openly accepts. It adds some credence to the idea that Trump and Brexit are outliers on the global stage, the former of which losing the popular vote by a fair margin illustrating that there is a growing contingent of citizens who actively don't want populism.

If US Democrats manage to reclaim the senate in 2018 then it'll be interesting to see what that does to this growing narrative on modern populism.


Nice margin! Well done France. We (as in Austria) could learn from that.
Though we elected a left-of-center intellectual, that's playing on hard mode.

Looking forward to American right wingers now becoming experts on german politics
They'll probably forget about the entire French thing and get there in no time flat.

(Of course with the AfD currently polling at ~10% I don't think there's much for them there)


This doesn't imply what you think it implies. France doesn't have approval voting, you can't infer very much from the results about what it says about Macron's platform, except that a sizable majority of French voters prefer Macron's platform to Le Pen's. It is impossible to say whether those who voted for Macron for reasons other than his platform independently also support his platform or not. I think the #1 reason to vote for Macron is because we must resist fascism, but that doesn't imply anything about what I think of Macron beyond that. Independent, he also seems to me to be fine on policy. As a social democrat I would typically prefer the Socialist Party candidate to win in France and Hamon seemed like a good guy who ran at the wrong time -- but Macron also seems generally suitable and the French left mischaracterizing him as a neoliberal extremist is weird given that the alternative would have been Fillion vs. Le Pen.

But the question is moot anyway because of course French presidents do not have """platforms""" in the abstract, it all depends if they have a legislative majority or are in a cohabitation situation. One presumes LR voters will support him if he moves right because there's an LR legislative majority, while SP voters will support him if he moves left because there's an SP legislative majority (lolololol). If EM+SP get a majority together presumably he will move somewhat left.

I agree for the second round (even if his number of "the #1 reason to vote him is his platform" is still very low) but for the first round the support for his platform was weaker and the risk of Le Pen wasn't as clear as for the second round. Anyway my point was that he was mostly elected because he was the most reasonable candidate against Le Pen or Fillon in the secound round.

He has a platform, as every single PR before him. He'll have exactly the same platform for the législatives in order to have the majority he needs to govern.

The cohabitation is unlikely given how législatives one month after the présidentielle went since 2002 and the change of the electoral system (the president always had a big majority). The worst case scenario for him is having the biggest group but not the 289 MPs needed to have a true majority. In that case he would need support from independent MPs or small groups from LR or PS that would join all of a part of his platform, and would most likely not be able to do 100% of it, but still that's far from having a LR majority.


Hulot recovering alcoholic? He does look rough...



all joking aside, it is interesting to see right wing reactions to this election. Some of it is definitely ethnocentric Americans projecting their ideas of politics onto a country that has historically been more liberal. But I do think some of the shock has to come from the fact that this is a stiff counterpoint to the ongoing narrative that right wing populism is a global trend that the majority of civilized society openly accepts. It adds some credence to the idea that Trump and Brexit are outliers on the global stage, the former of which losing the popular vote by a fair margin illustrating that there is a growing contingent of citizens who actively don't want populism.

If US Democrats manage to reclaim the senate in 2018 then it'll be interesting to see what that does to this growing narrative on modern populism.
That's a tremendous "if", but things like the AHCA make it all the more likelier.


I can't wait for them to shut up a bit... I don't express myself much on the political subject, but the vocal supporters of Melenchon have been SOOOO annoying these past two weeks, acting like they were the only alternative against Le Pen, and forgetting that they only arrived fourth during the first ballot.

Is it really surprising to you that Mélenchon's supporters are very vocal? The Melenchon vote is a "ras-le-bol" vote. It's hard to be angry while staying silent.


At least now folks can cool it with the whole, "BUT THE POLLS SAID TRUMP AND BREXIT WOULDN'T HAPPEN EITHER IGNORE THE POLLS LE PEN MIGHT WIN" attitude :p


We just need Germany not to slip-up now.

After Merkel/CDU hopefully wins big it should finally give EU few years of peace to find a clear direction again. If we fail to do that though the populists will be back even harder in the 20s.


After Merkel/CDU hopefully wins big it should finally give EU few years of peace to find a clear direction again. If we fail to do that though the populists will be back even harder in the 20s.

Actually, having a good alternative to Merkel put the populists down...
I understood that you like to mock, wait, insult, people that abstain or put a white ballot with great contempt. That's arrogant and irrespectful, so have fun doing it, you're the one looking silly here.

Too bad you didn't say answer about the numbers that show that Macron wasn't elected on his platform but mostly because of a vote utile.
I am happy to mock your bullshit equivalence, yes. I loathe that freedom of speech line.
I have no problems with white votes or even abstainers who don't whine.
As for your last point, you didn't actually provide the link (and sorry I am not going through pages of the thread).

As someone who voted utile Macron (I wanted Harmon to make it but it was painfully clear it was not going to happen), I can fully believe that not that many people support his program. It's just a lie to say he has _no_ support.
From an article explaining how much he benefited from vote utile:
24*0.56=15.6 of people wanted him as president (=/= love his program).
20*0.69=13.5 wanted melenchon, who was the leftist vote utile of many other voters (Hamon, Poutou)
And yes, I am not computing it, but I am sure even more people actually wanted Marine.


Is it really surprising to you that Mélenchon's supporters are very vocal? The Melenchon vote is a "ras-le-bol" vote. It's hard to be angry while staying silent.
My problem lies in the fact that a lot of them are vocal but not open to any kind of discussion: if you try to counter their points they will get on their high horse and treat you of being a "sheep" (as seen in this topic already). Just like Mélenchon is acting, really... I don't trust "angry people", you tend to take bad decisions when being angry. :)
After Merkel/CDU hopefully wins big it should finally give EU few years of peace to find a clear direction again. If we fail to do that though the populists will be back even harder in the 20s.

I'd rather have the SPD win, even if it's not probable.
Lol at Trump congratulating Macron.

Lol at David Rachline saying that Le Pen's score is a victory for them.

This guy's a living shit stain. The only thing he ever did was to be a FN fanboy since he's 15 and found himself a place to get elected somewhere.

I wont forget that video where him and his driver (doing a nazi salute), bragging to be in a Mercedes, the "Fuhrer's car" in his own words.


When did i said i want a "new guy"?
Making assumption much ? oh wait, i'm on neogaf, i forgot XD

And look at the results, most people vote for him to counter Le Pen.

Vote for the less worst one.
Just like the last election.
And the one before.
And the one before...

But hey, enjoy your victory.
Just don't come here crying when what remains the public service is gonna be destroyed.

I'm done eating, you can turn the tears down.
Also if you don't have any numbers you're talking out of your ass.
It's as valid as me saying that Mélenchon got as much because of his shitty hologram.
We'll see how it goes, if public services are like SNCF, RATP or Orange might as well kill them because they provide bad services at a high price for jackshit.
Fuck them.
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