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|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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Too bad it's still considered worthless by this system and actually counted indistinguishably with the number of misprinted/torn/jokey/nonvalid votes and will be forgotten by history and candidates alike.

Even the media spend more time talking about abstention percentage than blank votes.

I understand, but I didn't mean whether it's useless or not (though indeed, they really should make the percentage of blanc votes reflect accordingly in elections), but that it's a valid choice from the pure democratic point of view instead of this pragmatic one we seem to be getting a lot of. The notion of voting for the "lesser evil" is so backwards to me, and while I understand it from a logical point of view (you'd rather want someone hitting you once a month, than kill you), I feel it defeats the whole point of a democracy in the first place. It's about voting for someone you feel represents your values, not the one that is the least opposite of you.


From r/france

The Rothschild conspiracy nonsense is a pretty common thing in both the far-right and the far-left, and is deeply rooted in antisemitism.

admittedly I don't watch people argue on social media, but I'd never heard this framed as an antisemitic argument... Whenever I hear people speak about Rothschild is just to state the fact that he's presented as an outsider when in fact he's just a cut from the same cloth. A banker, backed by Attali and friends, etc.


If he wasn't shady, then what's the problem with him being a banker?

Relating with people and understanding their plight. He led some acquisition that left many people without a job once the integration was complete (which is, to his defense, unavoidable). So that will be strike against him from my pov. I won't vote a banker into office (nor a right wing nut, hence my vote)


paid requisite penance

You should check that out about his Platform on environment
(Mediapart interview last Friday)
And that one too (Mediapart interview last November)

Already did the other day. A bit reassuring, but in the end he mostly talked about nuclear energy and little else.

no political program

Untrue. Watch the full version of the interviews I quoted. Maybe he hasn't communicated all that well about it, but he certainly has a platform.

won't be able to govern

You have no idea.

will probably pick most of Holland's old garde

You have no idea. Could be, but we don't know.

is prety much the definition of a banker...

Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and see if he can be more than his past. He's not on the same level as the caricature of a businessman that was Trump. He's a bit of an unknown quantity, as you yourself said, and that is definitely cause for concern, but that also means he could surprise us in a good way. Let's not act like an experienced politician is necessarily more of a known quantity before being actually in office. See Hollande, who was a massive disappointment in the end.

It's true that some of his decisions in Hollande's government were... unpopular, to say the least, but we'll see, if he keeps that line, and what he does on other fronts.

Also yes, I'm among those 12% who purposefully nullified his vote (highest in the history of modern elections, highest abstention at a second round since 1969.. talk about disenfranchement from this shitty matchup for the second round) before anyone tries to label me as some disgruntled Le Pen supporter (I throughly despise her).

To people who go like "see all the votes blancs and abstentions?", while I do agree that it's significant and should not be ignored - let's hope Macron is humbled by that fact -, I also wanna say "where the fuck were you 5 years ago? 10 years ago?" THAT'S when you should have abstained/voted blanc en masse, not when the favorite du jour is up against the fucking FN. Let's not act like Macron is so much worse than Hollande, Sarkozy or Royal, and yet, people abstained way more when Le Pen became an option than when we had safer choices. I say "fuck you" to people who dare act like the vote blanc didn't exist until today and dare have this rhetoric.

I'm sick of people lording over people who acted like abstention is the true clever, democratic choice. You guys - not necessarily saying you specifically - should have abstained/voted when one of the opponents wasn't such a threat. You guys should have voted blanc like me starting with Sarkozy/Royal 10 years ago, instead of choosing assholes who were actual "bonnet blanc/blanc bonnet" carriéristes like they were good enough. They weren't good enough, but too few people recognized that back then.

He has nothing to say because he hasn't been told yet what to say. But don't worry, the people who put him there don't give a rat's ass about ecology, the workforce, the well beeing of french people.

There is no doubt in my mind that the environment isn't his forte, in the sense that he doesn't see himself as an expert on the matter. From listening to his interviews though, I also get the sense - assuming he's sincere - that he's the kind of guy who'll choose people who actually know what they're talking about and will counsel him properly. But we won't know until he's actually chosen a Ministre de l'Environnement. I'm kinda hoping he goes with Corinne Lepage. Again, we'll see.


The Birthday Skeleton
Relating with people and understanding their plight. He led some acquisition that left many people without a job once the integration was complete (which is, to his defense, unavoidable). So that will be strike against him from my pov. I won't vote a banker into office (nor a right wing nut, hence my vote)

So you want nobody honourable to work in a bank just because people like you are ready to rage at them just because of their employer. Even if one did nothing wrong personally.
admittedly I don't watch people argue on social media, but I'd never heard this framed as an antisemitic argument... Whenever I hear people speak about Rothschild is just to state the fact that he's presented as an outsider when in fact he's just a cut from the same cloth. A banker, backed by Attali and friends, etc.

Might not apply in this case, if it's used in that way.

What I said applies more to it's general use, along with the Soros crowd, which is pretty much the same. Wasn't sure if the poster was trying to strike a chord like that, but he explained himself.


So you want nobody honourable to work in a bank just because people like you are ready to rage at them just because of their employer. Even if one did nothing wrong personally.

Beeing an employee and beeing an associate are two very different things


Yeah, it's hard to spot if you're not French.

Right/Macron: well played
Left/LePen: serves you right

For Le Pen: "Bien fait" here means "You deserved what happened to you." (losing)
For Macron: "Bien joué" means "Good job/Well done."

Get Lost / Congratulations (more of less)

Bien Joué means Well played, Bien fait means well done, but it's more in a "you got what you deserved" kind of way

Thanks! Bien joué usually translates as "Well done" in German because you wouldn't say "Well played", e.g., when talking about an election, which is why I was uncertain about the difference to "Bien fait".


To people who go like "see all the votes blancs and abstentions?", while I do agree that it's significant and should not be ignored - let's hope Macron is humbled by that fact -, I also wanna say "where the fuck were you 5 years ago? 10 years ago?" THAT'S when you should have abstained/voted blanc en masse, not when the favorite du jour is up against the fucking FN. Let's not act like Macron is so much worse than Hollande, Sarkozy or Royal, and yet, people abstained way more when Le Pen became an option than when we had safer choices. I say "fuck you" to people who dare act like the vote blanc didn't exist until today and dare have this rhetoric.

I'm sick of people lording over people who acted like abstention is the true clever, democratic choice. You guys - not necessarily saying you specifically - should have abstained/voted when one of the opponents wasn't such a threat. You guys should have voted blanc like me starting with Sarkozy/Royal 10 years ago, instead of choosing assholes who were actual "bonnet blanc/blanc bonnet" carriéristes like they were good enough. They weren't good enough, but too few people recognized that back then.

I voted white in the second round in 2012 because I had no faith in Holland. I vote for Ségolène in 2007 because I actually believed in her message (only to be thoroughly disapointed in prety much everything she did after she lost).


It has nothing to do with that, just a reference to his past as a banker for the Rotschild bank, as I told Baron, I would have used BNP or Crédit Lyonais or HSBC if he worked there instead.

It's well known that "Rothchilds banker" is a common anti-semitic slur as you fucking well know. When you have literal Nazi's all across the web referring to him as a (((Rothchilds banker))) then you really have no excuse to play dumb.

And honestly, who gives a flying fuck if he worked as an investment banker anyway?!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Macron is better for the UK than Le Pen is, I don't understand how the meme to the contrary has gotten so much prominence. Regardless of what happens with Brexit, the UK will remain incredibly heavily interlinked with other European economies just by virtue of geography and history. When the rest of Europe does badly, that drags on the UK's economy. Given that Macron will be less bad for Europe's economy than Le Pen, Macron is therefore less bad than Le Pen for the UK.
I gave a sigh of relief when I saw the news. Well done French brothers and sisters.

Hopefully Trump was a warning sign to the rest of the world that has made people realise it could happen elsewhere too.
Well done France. :)
Hope this continues the trend against popularist racist parties around the world. Even a few months ago in the state election for Western Australia, the typical racist assholes party (One Nation Party) got laughed out of here. I'd like to think that was in part a reaction against what's going on in the USA.


paid requisite penance
Granted, other countries don't understand all the details and won't have to live in France through a Macron presidency, but to me, it's still pretty telling that everyone in Europe and the US - bar alt-right nutters - seems happy about the outcome except (some of) us.


The numbers were posted a few pages ago and are available everywhere now.
If you were not so busy making replies worthy of a twelve-year-old
, you could have seen them.

And you last sentence confirms what i thought.
yeah, instead of making them better, or at least go back to what it was, just kill them.
Very smart.

My numbers are for 1st round, 2nd round is obviously different.
And really no, fuck these companies.
Wanadoo/France Telecom basically milked us to death for years and used the profit to buy British telco company Orange.
SNCF basically treat their customers like commodity and an annoyance at best.
Fuck them, if they're your example for public service they might as well not exist.
Free market is so far from perfect you could basically write a thesis on all that is wrong for even 1 type of service based on the last 2 years.
But goddamn if the French public services didn't try their best to make sure their users despised them.
If there's one thing I'd rather any in power do, would be to actually not make sure that if you want to create a company it's not harder than running a marathon on your hands while holding a bowl of liquid with your feet.
Another great example, Air France where the price is always shite and the service is inversely proportionate to the price you pay.
No one is interested in making them "better", no one is trying to save small train stations to not force people leaving the countryside.
Your Chaveez-lover would have done fuck all for them anyway, maybe make them fully public?
And? Considering how the administration is getting out of villages and small towns anyway, would that help?

Investment bankers have been destroying the lives of millions of people for decades. Yeah, I give a fuck.

Less effectively than lifelong politicians and you were ready to vote for one, so yeah.
And fuck that meme with bankers = bad guy.
A prominent progressist figure of the French left just died and was a former banker too.
So yeah fuck that too.


Investment bankers have been destroying the lives of millions of people for decades. Yeah, I give a fuck.

So banker one day, banker always?
Does that work with Melenchon the senator too? Or other various candidates changing their opinion/ideology throughout their career obviously...

edit: wtf am I reading above...


I understand people having reserves toward Macron as I share some of them, but I genuinely believe that he deserves the benefice of the doubt (and as a broken record I will point out the Mediapart debate). He has 5 years to prove himself as we all know that a failed presidency will be met with a definitive sanction in 2022, and one radical wing will take it at that point.
I hope that he can have that opportunity in June, because the worse case scenario right now is 5 years of political void if he has to beg for a government.


Granted, other countries don't understand all the details and won't have to live in France through a Macron presidency, but to me, it's still pretty telling that everyone in Europe and the US - bar alt-right nutters - seems happy about the outcome except (some of) us.

My friends working as governement employees are thoroughly scared. Neither candidates were good for them, they feel hopelessly fucked
Granted, other countries don't understand all the details and won't have to live in France through a Macron presidency, but to me, it's still pretty telling that everyone in Europe and the US - bar alt-right nutters - seems happy about the outcome except (some of) us.

Could you expand further?

Asking genuinely.
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