Triple digits is probably a stretch, but I can easily envision a world where $85 becomes the norm.
Why not a subscription service?
Triple digits is probably a stretch, but I can easily envision a world where $85 becomes the norm.
Good thing you can listen to them any time you want, even though they are locked, by going into that characters screen. They are barely characterization, the banter between characters provides significantly more than any of the locked one liners. You are making a mountain out of a molehill.
Yup. Gamers standards are pretty low these days. I wonder what things we will defend in 5 or 10 years from now.
Is THIS really your argument? God. Next you'll tell me i can pull up yotube and listen there. I care about using speech in the middle of the game. Not to freaking preview them in menus.
So, people, do you have any arguments to raise that aren't:
1. I shouldn't care about Speech more than i do about cosmetics or does that it doesn't hold greater value.
2. If the unlockables don't affect gameplay then having them locked can't negatively impact the game or my experience with it.
3. Game having up front speech justifies having others locked.
4. You can hear the locked speech in the menu screen.
Because all of these are non-starters.
There's absolutely 0% chance I spend real money in this game unless it's a new hero. I already bought the game, it doesn't tempt me at all to want to buy these chests. If the game was free, sure, but it isn't.
Yup. Gamers standards are pretty low these days. I wonder what things we will defend in 5 or 10 years from now.
I love how OP just selectively quotes whatever he feels like it
Where do people get this BS? This isn't even remotely true in spite of what some scumbag devs would have you believe.
I got to level 25(ish) on the beta and I'm level 5 now, so that's 28 crates and I got 2 legendaries (one on the beta, one in my 2nd crate in the full game) and 6 epics in the beta. I think the legendary drop rates are much higher than you're estimating, unless I just got really lucky. But everyone I know has recieved at least a couple of legendaries, and all of them are below level 50.
New heros, maps and modes are free and always will be.
Good job all future heroes will be free, and you can unlock it all through just playing the game then right?
I don't know why they didn't just follow the Hearthstone model in term of in game currency.
Like reward us with a bit of credits every 5 wins or so. Its not much but it adds up.
Being able to only get loot boxes through leveling up is kinda dumb and too far in between.
Granted when Hearthstone first released they were way more stingy on giving out packs, but recently they become way more generous in that regard. Im hoping the same thing happens in overwatch.
Is THIS really your argument? God. Next you'll tell me i can pull up yotube and listen there. I care about using speech in the middle of the game. Not to freaking preview them in menus.
So, people, do you have any arguments to raise that aren't:
1. I shouldn't care about Speech more than i do about cosmetics or does that it doesn't hold greater value.
2. If the unlockables don't affect gameplay then having them locked can't negatively impact the game or my experience with it.
3. Game having up front speech justifies having others locked.
4. You can hear the locked speech in the menu screen.
Because all of these are non-starters.
He probably hasn't unlocked the other quotes.
Why it's not realistic? Unlocking skins and other stuff used to be a bonus in fully priced games. I can see how this would be a thing for a free to play game only.I don't think anyone is desperate for more microtransactions. Would it be better if all the skins and other stuff in the game were free and unlocked from the beginning? Sure. But it's not realistic
If you're worried about missing out on story, you can listen to all the voice lines including the ones you haven't unlocked. You just can't use them in the match.
Are you still going with this? It's kinda pathetic crying about stuff in a game you don't even own.
Why it's not realistic? Unlocking skins and other stuff used to be a bonus in fully priced games. I can see how this would be a thing for a free to play game only.
If only fully priced games didn't nickel and dime you for the smallest shit.
Our acceptance of this kind of thing is really sad.
Um, are we going to pretend there weren't generations of consoles where you would buy a game, that was just a complete product for the money you paid, without any additional purchases encouraged or locking away content?
Why it's not realistic? Unlocking skins and other stuff used to be a bonus in fully priced games. I can see how this would be a thing for a free to play game only.
Is it? My bad then.It is free.
It's pathetic to suggest i can't protest design decisions without buying a game. I watched an Overwatch stream. This issue stuck out to me.
It's pathetic to suggest i can't protest design decisions without buying a game. I watched an Overwatch stream. This issue stuck out to me.
What streamer were you watching that it made you go "god damn these one liners that no one ever uses are locked behind playing the game for a bit, Blizzard single handedly destroying the gaming industry confirmed !!!"It's pathetic to suggest i can't protest design decisions without buying a game. I watched an Overwatch stream. This issue stuck out to me.
It's pathetic to suggest i can't protest design decisions without buying a game. I watched an Overwatch stream. This issue stuck out to me.
It's pathetic that you'd make this thread really. Just another OW shitting thread, people can't deal with it being popular and others enjoying it.
Are you still going with this? It's kinda pathetic crying about stuff in a game you don't even own.
It's pathetic that you'd make this thread really. Just another OW shitting thread, people can't deal with it being popular and others enjoying it.
I've already said I enjoy the game. It's not going to stop me from pointing out the obvious, glaring flaw of paltry content.
Why it's not realistic? Unlocking skins and other stuff used to be a bonus in fully priced games. I can see how this would be a thing for a free to play game only.
Games cost exponentially more to make now, this has been covered to death in this thread.
It's pathetic to suggest i can't protest design decisions without buying a game. I watched an Overwatch stream. This issue stuck out to me.
the problem is people equate the credits in overwatch to the gold in HS, which is not correct. the credits in overwatch are like dust in HS. the "oops you have doubles" currency that you can then turn in for other items. the problem being (if they change anything it should be this) that you don't have the option of manually dusting anything in overwatch. It only auto-dusts for you when it duplicates.
So you think he criticizes it only because it's popular?It's pathetic that you'd make this thread really. Just another OW shitting thread, people can't deal with it being popular and others enjoying it.
I think the OP's argument is silly but so is the idea that you need to own a game, or anything, in order to critique it. You simply need to be familiar with the relevant content (which the OP doesnt appear to be).
What's the problem with making a thread to complain about it? If someone has a complaint about a game where should they voice it? If you complain about a popular game in its OT people tend to shout you down for "shitting up" the OT, so surely making a separate thread which people can engage in or not (just like OW's loot system) is preferable?
So you think he criticizes it only because it's popular?
That's a bad excuse for defending something.
Seems to be that way correct.
Whats this the fourth one in a week?
Is THIS really your argument? God. Next you'll tell me i can pull up yotube and listen there. I care about using speech in the middle of the game. Not to freaking preview them in menus.
So, people, do you have any arguments to raise that aren't:
1. I shouldn't care about Speech more than i do about cosmetics or does that it doesn't hold greater value.
2. If the unlockables don't affect gameplay then having them locked can't negatively impact the game or my experience with it.
3. Game having up front speech justifies having others locked.
4. You can hear the locked speech in the menu screen.
Because all of these are non-starters.
Um, are we going to pretend there weren't generations of consoles where you would buy a game, that was just a complete product for the money you paid, without any additional purchases encouraged or locking away content?
I think the OP's argument is silly but so is the idea that you need to own a game, or anything, in order to critique it. You simply need to be familiar with the relevant content (which the OP doesnt appear to be).
25 coins, 25 fucking coins people for "BEEP fucking BOOP", or to be more fair "winkyface".
As for the arguments on being against the grind itself rather than the specific unlock/reward you get, please keep in mind that the "grind" is playing the actual fucking game. If you are playing Overwatch and feel that the gameplay/matches are the equivalent of say an MMO daily/mob grinding then the game isn't for you, simple as that.
Are you seriously that blind? This is just one of many people making threads to shit on OW, have you not seen the front page this week?
And yeh, keep it to the OT. I don't feel the need to make a thread every time I have a thought.
he doesn't own the game and his critique is that his enjoyment of said game is hindered by its design decisions.
It's asinine.
Can we account for inflation, current team sizes, server upkeep, and time spent playing games now compared to then?
Seems to be that way correct.
Whats this the fourth one in a week?
Which you can still do, i have lots of stuff and i haven't spent any money. Nothing to do with being an apologist, this is just a shitty complaint.Wait, are these speech lines for the base character?
Yeah, I can definitely see that as a problem, especially when you paid up front for the game already.
Edit: Holy crap the apologists.
Oh yeah you like having tons of stuff to unlock? Then how about they make tons of stuff to unlock that isn't something that should be free.
Played Uncharted 4 multiplayer? They didn't lock away Nathan Drake's lines, and there's a ton of stuff to unlock to keep you happy.
Why it's not realistic? Unlocking skins and other stuff used to be a bonus in fully priced games. I can see how this would be a thing for a free to play game only.
Not to mention, games in the past would be released and be done with. Blizzard is going to provide free content for Overwatch. Monetizing those loot crates helps accomplish this. People just don't get it.
Blind to what? Are you implying that there's come kind of concerted campaign to besmirch the game? Why do you care? Why is it a problem? If you find the threads objectionable then you're not compelled to engage with them.
I was objecting to the general stance, as I said in this case the OP clearly doesnt have familiarity with the content relevant to his argument.