Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
I think the lines are more of a novelty than anything, so I can't agree with you here.
So you can still unlock everything for free? Just use more effort and patience?This makes no sense -- its still just a bonus, like any other game where you can unlock new skins / music / etc etc. They just let people who want to unlock them without any work do it with money. It's no different than shelling out for a gameshark back in the day, except the money is actually going to the developer who is going to provide more content free of charge.
Blind to this and this and obviously this thread we're in now. People just can't deal with it not being a game for them or some other random thing, feel the need to make a thread to tell everyone some stupid opinion. I find it objectable that these shit threads are allowed to be made and continue for as long as they do, after reading a few pages you can see how it'll progress. The OP is flat out wrong, it's not even a matter of opinions. OP is acting like the one liners are more than they are for starters.
Of all the crappy things that actually do exist with the unlock system (and there is a lot), getting hung up on the speech options is a very shallow, very inconsequential hill to die on.
The shockingly poor amount of gold you get for dupes is a MUCH MUCH MUCH larger problem, especially when it can be days in between unlocks and you're still getting trash unlocks.
Blind to this and this and obviously this thread we're in now. People just can't deal with it not being a game for them or some other random thing, feel the need to make a thread to tell everyone some stupid opinion. I find it objectable that these shit threads are allowed to be made and continue for as long as they do, after reading a few pages you can see how it'll progress. The OP is flat out wrong, it's not even a matter of opinions. OP is acting like the one liners are more than they are for starters.
Might I recommend calming down? Honestly, I get weariness over reactionary hot take threads. I've written my complaints several times in the past. But at the same time it's easy enough to just ignore them. If you're tired of the multiple attempts of people trying to offer their own unique spin on the most recent popular game, I would just encourage sticking with the |OT| threads. I don't you're seeing these kinds of complaints over here: where people are probably mostly talking about how much they're enjoying the game.
There's still good in this world. Not everyone just wants to see it burn.
I'm emphasizing this because that's what's new in this 'new low'. I know of no other full-priced game that locks away speech and no example was provided yet (unless i missed a post?). To me, Speech isn't on the same level as visual cosmetics. Hence this decision by Blizzard marks a new low in what is used as unlock and MTA fodder. Feel free to point out the other ways Blizzard's system fails.
I'm not sure what people here are looking to 'defend'. So lets say there does exist a full-priced game who sold speech. You're still left with the fact that Overwatch is using the same lame system and deems Speech as something to lock.
If you couldnt get it for free in game you'd have a point, so i really don't get the complaint. People are free to dislike microtransactions, but i don't see the problem here since you can earn everything free and there is no p2w crap.Is THIS really your argument? God. Next you'll tell me i can pull up yotube and listen there. I care about using speech in the middle of the game. Not to freaking preview them in menus.
So, people, do you have any arguments to raise that aren't:
1. I shouldn't care about Speech more than i do about cosmetics or does that it doesn't hold greater value.
2. If the unlockables don't affect gameplay then having them locked can't negatively impact the game or my experience with it.
3. Game having up front speech justifies having others locked.
4. You can hear the locked speech in the menu screen.
Because all of these are non-starters.
I'm emphasizing this because that's what's new in this 'new low'. I know of no other full-priced game that locks away speech and no example was provided yet (unless i missed a post?). To me, Speech isn't on the same level as visual cosmetics. Hence this decision by Blizzard marks a new low in what is used as unlock and MTA fodder. Feel free to point out the other ways Blizzard's system fails.
I'm not sure what people here are looking to 'defend'. So lets say there does exist a full-priced game who sold speech. You're still left with the fact that Overwatch is using the same lame system and deems Speech as something to lock.
I'm emphasizing this because that's what's new in this 'new low'. I know of no other full-priced game that locks away speech and no example was provided yet (unless i missed a post?). To me, Speech isn't on the same level as visual cosmetics. Hence this decision by Blizzard marks a new low in what is used as unlock and MTA fodder. Feel free to point out the other ways Blizzard's system fails.
I'm not sure what people here are looking to 'defend'. So lets say there does exist a full-priced game who sold speech. You're still left with the fact that Overwatch is using the same lame system and deems Speech as something to lock.
The voice lines are extras that aren't necessary and don't have any meaningful effect on the gameplay itself just like that skins, sprays, emotes, etc. They are pretty much cosmetic.I'm emphasizing this because that's what's new in this 'new low'. I know of no other full-priced game that locks away speech and no example was provided yet (unless i missed a post?). To me, Speech isn't on the same level as visual cosmetics. Hence this decision by Blizzard marks a new low in what is used as unlock and MTA fodder. Feel free to point out the other ways Blizzard's system fails.
I'm not sure what people here are looking to 'defend'. So lets say there does exist a full-priced game who sold speech. You're still left with the fact that Overwatch is using the same lame system and deems Speech as something to lock.
Meh I'll take the ban. Would I recommend doing your job?
I'm emphasizing this because that's what's new in this 'new low'. I know of no other full-priced game that locks away speech and no example was provided yet (unless i missed a post?). To me, Speech isn't on the same level as visual cosmetics. Hence this decision by Blizzard marks a new low in what is used as unlock and MTA fodder. Feel free to point out the other ways Blizzard's system fails.
I'm not sure what people here are looking to 'defend'. So lets say there does exist a full-priced game who sold speech. You're still left with the fact that Overwatch is using the same lame system and deems Speech as something to lock.
Meh I'll take the ban. Would I recommend doing your job?
What is it about Overwatch that turns men into sniveling children
Meh I'll take the ban. Would I recommend doing your job?
Meh I'll take the ban. Would I recommend doing your job?
What is it about Overwatch that turns men into sniveling children
I'm emphasizing this because that's what's new in this 'new low'. I know of no other full-priced game that locks away speech and no example was provided yet (unless i missed a post?).
I'm emphasizing this because that's what's new in this 'new low'. I know of no other full-priced game that locks away speech and no example was provided yet (unless i missed a post?). To me, Speech isn't on the same level as visual cosmetics. Hence this decision by Blizzard marks a new low in what is used as unlock and MTA fodder. Feel free to point out the other ways Blizzard's system fails.
I'm not sure what people here are looking to 'defend'. So lets say there does exist a full-priced game who sold speech. You're still left with the fact that Overwatch is using the same lame system and deems Speech as something to lock.
They are like taunts. literally catch phrases with nothing of lore. Literally one has Reinhardt saying "Catch Phrase!"
Sure we could go the OT, but there is so much misinformation itt that it might just be good to counter that bullshit with some real info.
I'm not sure how to read this. Are you requesting a ban? Or are you telling me that I need to address your underlying complaint as it's part of "my job"?
Are you upset?
I'm emphasizing this because that's what's new in this 'new low'. I know of no other full-priced game that locks away speech and no example was provided yet (unless i missed a post?). To me, Speech isn't on the same level as visual cosmetics. Hence this decision by Blizzard marks a new low in what is used as unlock and MTA fodder. Feel free to point out the other ways Blizzard's system fails.
I'm not sure what people here are looking to 'defend'. So lets say there does exist a full-priced game who sold speech. You're still left with the fact that Overwatch is using the same lame system and deems Speech as something to lock.
Uncharted and killzone,plants vs zombies 1/2 as well, though not techically a taunt, Halo 5 has assassination animations.Rainbow Six: Siege, Street Fighter 4, Battleborn, Black OPS III all have unlockable taunts.
To be clear, I'm not suggesting that people who like Overwatch stick to the OT. I'm just saying that if you're going to lose your cool over something like this, maybe it's better that you do. It's not like this thread has a strong groundswell of support. Nobody is getting away with anything here.
I'm emphasizing this because that's what's new in this 'new low'. I know of no other full-priced game that locks away speech and no example was provided yet (unless i missed a post?). To me, Speech isn't on the same level as visual cosmetics. Hence this decision by Blizzard marks a new low in what is used as unlock and MTA fodder. Feel free to point out the other ways Blizzard's system fails.
I'm not sure what people here are looking to 'defend'. So lets say there does exist a full-priced game who sold speech. You're still left with the fact that Overwatch is using the same lame system and deems Speech as something to lock.
They are like taunts. literally catch phrases with nothing of lore. Literally one has Reinhardt saying "Catch Phrase!"
Which he says to mock his life long rival, Bastion, who is unable to speak a single word. Reinhardt says it to make him feel inferior, it's pretty important.
To be fair it's a F2P as well as being purchaseable at retail
The title of this thread is ridiculous, inflammatory click bait with an "imho" tacked on. And by rule of cautious judgement, and knowing that arguing here is not worth my time, that is all I will contribute.
... I friggin hate click bait.
I'm emphasizing this because that's what's new in this 'new low'. I know of no other full-priced game that locks away speech and no example was provided yet (unless i missed a post?).
What is it about Overwatch that turns men into sniveling children
If games release all the time at 60 bucks without micro transactions , then they all can
It's up to the publisher to calculate the budget, risk and ROI on a product and make it work.
I'm a firm believer that since 60 is the long standard going rate for a full retail game experience, paying that price should grant you any content the game has to offer
I also don't support paid map packs like call of duty, etc
Feel free to disagree with my opinion