...so doesn't TF2 also have unlockable taunts?
The argument is that TF2 also has audible voice taunts that you can use on command. These are mostly divided into generic "Cheer/Jeer/Battle Cry" statements that are somewhat similar to these. Every character has them built in. They are separate from the standard "Yes/No/Help/Go" commands.
I'm not saying people have to like the game, I'm not commenting on the quality of the game whatsoever. And no I can't agree that having locked content in a game is a shitty practice, I'm baffled people are upset about a game having unlockables in it, it's strange really.
I'm not even sure I know what you're arguing anymore.
Unlockables are different from RNG based loot drop style unlockables, with an MTA system attached for those who wish to bypass it. It's still a shittier deal than when we, you know, just had everything from the get go. Or we had the customization to do it ourselves (Source based games having sprays you just uploaded an image for, not a built in list you had to RNG unlock). That is very much a regression from what we used to have.
Again, I understand the REASONING behind why it has to exist, and I do feel given the alternatives it's the best tradeoff consumers are going to get unless they're willing to pony up more money up front, but it's still, in relation to what was the status quo at some point, a shitty deal.
Edit: Actually looking back at your own history you are running some real serious defence for Overwatch. It's literally nothing but belittling just about any opinion about Overwatch that doesn't line up with yours, either by strawmanning the shit out of their argument, or reaching the point of backtalking to a mod about not doing his job because you're mad that people have a complaint. A dumb complaint we might agree on, but a complaint nonetheless. Like take a step back and breathe man.