Pffft raven Reaper.
The glowy eyes do give me the feels, but Sombrero > glowing eyes.
Actually I think I'd want Raven or the other version of it because the glow is added to the guns and looks sick.
Pffft raven Reaper.
So without the dripfeed of content to you, you would have no motivation to actually explore any of that yourself? You need the game to constantly surprise you with it?
I mean we've had games for literal decades and that was never a requirement. What changed at what point to make this almost a necessity for people?
By the way we should probably stop, we're about to have a discussion and apparently that's a no no in this thread. Unless you want to reconsider it's usefulness that is.
PS. I always see this exact argument pop up in the crutch of "Why League doesn't give you access to all the champions at once" in comparison to Dota. As to not "overwhelm" the players, or the allure of unlocking a new champion sort of pushes them along the grind to do so.
Thanks, borderlands would not be appropriate lol.They look similar but really are very different games. Battleborn's multiplayer is more akin to traditional MOBA games with lane and RPG mechanics, and it has coop PvE modes which Overwatch doesn't. But overall production value and quality wise Battleborn is not very impressive. If your kids want to play some coop PVE, get them Borderlands instead (though that might be not suitable for your kids' age).
I don't think the loot boxes are that bad to be honest.
However the game should definitely have more ways of getting them beyond just leveling up and paying for them.
Stuff like wining a game daily, or playing the weekly brawl.
Are you fucking kidding me? Of all the things to nitpick you are going after character 'lines' ?
Every piece of loot/upgrade or whatever in the game is 100% cosmetic and does not affect anything. If you are so mad about the line go into the wiki and hear them.
But this has got to be the most BS nitpick/complaint thread I have seen around these parts. It's as if you are looking for any reason to hate on a game that has mostly done thing well.
So without the dripfeed of content to you, you would have no motivation to actually explore any of that yourself? You need the game to constantly surprise you with it?
I mean we've had games for literal decades and that was never a requirement. What changed at what point to make this almost a necessity for people?
By the way we should probably stop, we're about to have a discussion and apparently that's a no no in this thread. Unless you want to reconsider it's usefulness that is.
PS. I always see this exact argument pop up in the crutch of "Why League doesn't give you access to all the champions at once" in comparison to Dota. As to not "overwhelm" the players, or the allure of unlocking a new champion sort of pushes them along the grind to do so.
This is the personality, heart and soul of Lucio:
Not him saying "I could do this all day!", "Oh yeah!" or "Tinnitus" at nondescript points within the game(I actually still have no clue when the characters are supposed to say the voice lines you pick). This is easily the most stupid complaint about the game I've heard so far for a game that otherwise has things you could easily come up with some valid criticisms for.
I don't think the loot boxes are that bad to be honest.
However the game should definitely have more ways of getting them beyond just leveling up and paying for them.
Stuff like wining a game daily, or playing the weekly brawl.
I can't tell if this is serious or not, but... "Measure twice, cut once" is like, a carpentry proverb or something. As in 'make sure you don't fuck up that thing you're about to do'.
Not liking something and voicing that is fine.
Using rhetoric is also fine.
I dont agree with the op exactly, but your statement isnt really clarifying any either. Infact its also propigating the idea that instead of voicing opinions people should keep their mouths shut if it doesnt aline with the majority. And i think thats a whole pile of bullshit.
At least I don't have to spend $110 to get everything that matters for gameplay and all future support unlike every COD and BF I've wasted my $60 because I would have to grind out every little thing like weapons and even fucking flares for my jet, why the fuck wouldn't the jet have them, next they'll make me grind to have wings on my plane.Sorry guys! Ow has so much content and I was so wrong about everything so sorry.
Yea no.
You're very good at twisting what I've said and talk in a patronising way, regardless of this being a no discussion thread, I wouldn't want to discuss anything with you. I like unlocking stuff in games, no I don't need it as a carrot on a stick to play the game, I'm enjoying the game regardless.
I don't think the loot boxes are that bad to be honest.
However the game should definitely have more ways of getting them beyond just leveling up and paying for them.
Stuff like wining a game daily, or playing the weekly brawl.
As i said before, having the ability to unlock everything given time doesn't nullify the problem with having something that i don't agree with being locked.
I get it, most of you put speech on the same level as cosmetic visuals. I don't. Which make it suck for me that this thing of value is needlessly locked away and thus can't ignore it like i would have is speech wasn't locked.
you press C to open the emote whell and select voice line
then the hero will speak the line you equiped in the menu, here is an example of the really complex lines
and thats it, thats all the important lore the OP was missing out and that had him totally outraged.
From Software save us.
They seem to be the only semi-large studio capable of delivering games with both great single-player and great multi-player, with a business model that doesn't totally screw their fans over
lol so it has to be one of those player triggered actions, not even something that happens naturally? I thought maybe they might have said it during a multi-kill or something along those lines looking at the voice samples.
What a thing to kill yourself over.
I'm asking the questions that your answers are begging.
If you don't need the carrot on a stick to play the game, why do we have the carrot on a stick in the game?
For business reasons? I can buy that. I even argued that.
Because you "like you unlock things"? That's less of a justifiable reason when it also impacts how other people used to play games. The status quo as it was. If everything was there, there is nothing stopping you from exploring it on your own time. There is literally no negative to you, but locking stuff is a negative to others.
Besides, don't want people to treat you like a child in a thread? Come into it with a bit less of a hostile attitude than "Why isn't this thread and "insert Overwatch thread I don't agree with" thread locked yet?"
Sure, thats fine.That's...definitely not what I was trying to say, and I apologize if my post actually came off that way.
Having a differing opinion is fine. Voicing that opinion and debating it with others is also fine. Getting angry that other people on the internet don't agree with your opinion is not fine, and that's something I'm seeing a lot of in this thread (please see every post by Freiya).
Can someone give me an example of any voice lines that have actual missable lore in them?
From Software save us.
They seem to be the only semi-large studio capable of delivering games with both great single-player and great multi-player, with a business model that doesn't totally screw their fans over
Then feel free to point me over them. The examples i saw were for Free 2 Play games. The voice lines are voice lines, doesn't matter if they are taunts. That some of the best speech online games tend to have.
From Software save us.
They seem to be the only semi-large studio capable of delivering games with both great single-player and great multi-player, with a business model that doesn't totally screw their fans over
lol so it has to be one of those player triggered actions, not even something that happens naturally? I thought maybe they might have said it during a multi-kill or something along those lines looking at the voice samples.
What a thing to kill yourself over.
I dont think so it all.I feel like setting prices to individual items devalues having the item, IMO. There is value in diversity and uniqueness. If everyone could just buy the skin they want for $5-$10, everyone would be Mariachi Reaper by the end of the day. It takes the fun away. You don't have to buy shit; just keep playing the game.
I'm asking the questions that your answers are begging.
If you don't need the carrot on a stick to play the game, why do we have the carrot on a stick in the game?
For business reasons? I can buy that. I even argued that.
Because you "like you unlock things"? That's less of a justifiable reason when it also impacts how other people used to play games. The status quo as it was. If everything was there, there is nothing stopping you from exploring it on your own time. There is literally no negative to you, but locking stuff is a negative to others.
Besides, don't want people to treat you like a child in a thread? Come into it with a bit less of a hostile attitude than "Why isn't this thread and "insert Overwatch thread I don't agree with" thread locked yet?"
Sure, thats fine.
Your statement came off a bit, mob mentality-ey.
And im not the biggest fan.
The hyperbole is so real.From Software save us.
They seem to be the only semi-large studio capable of delivering games with both great single-player and great multi-player, with a business model that doesn't totally screw their fans over
I don't think the loot boxes are that bad to be honest.
However the game should definitely have more ways of getting them beyond just leveling up and paying for them.
Stuff like wining a game daily, or playing the weekly brawl.
I honestly didn't even know what key on my keyboard I was supposed to press to access them. Have only seen others use them a few times while waiting for the doors to open.
The loot boxes rarely drop money (In my experience anyway) so I'm hoping that there will at least be another way to earn cash.
I don't expect the model of the past, pay once get everything. I like additional content for good games. DLC is a good thing. The problem is there is no line in the sand. There is no cutoff beyond what customers decide they are willing to pay for, and people are willing to pay for just about anything. People spend hundreds on digital sofas for facebook games.
Charging for statistic tracking, charging for multiple OST's, charging for things included already, charging for unlocks, charging for ingame money...When does it becomes unexceptable and stop being a lesser evil, contextually speaking?
The only time I can think of a real world exception in games to this was online passes. They took off but they also died as they bred contempt, but even they had people accepting and defending them to help launch them as a concept to begin with.
I was not aware that season passes had died.
Online Pass, not season pass
What game is this?Its cosmetic, it doesn't matter,
Some of the best (1st is the best) weapons in the game, locked into a random supply drop.
You can't even buy them separate at all.
Yeah this would be a nice alternative, if instead of awarding you loot crates you can just earn money.
OP, looking at all the comparisons you're making to TF2 it seems you really don't understand the one liners in Overwatch.
It isn't like TF2 where you have a list to choose from during a match to communicate with others or say random stuff.
The essential: "Hello", "Thanks", "Need healing", "Understood" etc., is not locked. The one liners: "cheers, love", "Keep Calm", etc., are bonus lines that can be equipped (only one at a time) to a character that are really only used by people in the spawn room at the beginning of a match.
And that's honestly probably because the characters already have tons of dialogue in-game and character interactions that actually flesh out the lore and character history. From using weapons, to getting kills, to using chars in certain locations, etc., the game produces a lot of character dialog. And ones from char interaction that just happen when certain characters are around each other, like so:
Zenyatta: I sense the rage in you that once consumed your brother.
Hanzo: I am nothing like him.
Mercy: Your mother always wanted you to follow in her footsteps.
Pharah: Really? She never mentioned it to me.
Bonus one jus cuz:
Tracer 1: I think my quantum-stabilizer is on the fritz!
Tracer 2: I was just thinking the same thing! Spooky!
Your issue really isn't a big deal at all, and no where near a low.
Behold the "Chat commands" and "user-initiated communication"
I can't because most games lock actual gameplay content behind microtransactions and "DLC".
I feel like setting prices to individual items devalues having the item, IMO. There is value in diversity and uniqueness. If everyone could just buy the skin they want for $5-$10, everyone would be Mariachi Reaper by the end of the day. It takes the fun away. You don't have to buy shit; just keep playing the game.
....From Software save us.
They seem to be the only semi-large studio capable of delivering games with both great single-player and great multi-player, with a business model that doesn't totally screw their fans over
Implying that everyone will rock the same costume if they could buy it is working under the implication that everyone has the same taste. There is no value to the costumes period... regardless if you bought them or if you unlocked them.It's just luck. Its a shame when you have multiple skins for characters and deny the user the option of selecting the skins they feel suits them or their character just because the random number generator didnt work in their favor.
It's really an atrocious system.