I just want to say thank you to the people who are buying the microtransations, you're funding my future characters and maps while I can just continue to play and unlock things in time 
I wish some of you folks were defending Rainbow Six: Siege this much when it was getting raked over the coals for daring to add cosmetic microtransactions in a game that has been adding FREE maps and new characters as DLC.
You also had to earn in game credits to unlock weapon attachments and characters. (just like many other games), but people were up in arms and refused to buy one of the greatest FPS games of this generation because it was set-up like a free to play game and it was *GASP* Multiplayer-only *GASP*
So glad to have both Overwatch and Rainbow Six: Siege as my go to games for the next year or so despite the outcry.
『Inaba Resident』;204868092 said:I just don't understand how you complain about this but not something like Black Ops 3
Blops has a campaign. I wonder if the fact that Overwatch lacks a single player campaign is what triggers so many people.
If the game wasn't $60 on consoles I know I wouldn't be so peeved at it. Should have been $30.
If the game wasn't $60 on consoles I know I wouldn't be so peeved at it. Should have been $30.
Why should it have been $30?
hanzo's arrows need to be smaller. it's bullshit how you dont even aim and get kills
Because the quality is better then it's f2p comps.
I don't understand the response to my question. I ask you why it should be half price (as your post stated ) and you say because it's of better quality than its competitors?
I still don't get it. This answer still doesn't fit with the original statement.It's free to play competitors yes. Well I guess TF2 and CS aren't really f2p but they are much cheaper...
Talk about overreaction.
I still don't get it. This answer still doesn't fit with the original statement.
you didnt even mention the worst part you can still get duplicates in loot boxes which makes things a bit ridiculous.
Because the quality is better then it's f2p comps.
Words like ridiculous lose meaning when you use them incorrectly. There's nothing wrong with getting coins to BUY the items you like when you get dupes.
Good god, this thread is silly.
Its F2P 'competitiors' are ACTUALLY rotten with microtransactions, unlike this which has basically the same kind of microtransaction most single player games have these days.
Yeah the exchange rate is awesome...
Yeah would hate to play a game where all the progression can be bought... Oh wait![]()
Considering it's all fake money and they could have just said "whoops a dupe" and not given anything it's fine. You seem like you need to find fault regardless of logic.
Would agree if they didn't sell them as well.
Yeah would hate to play a game where all the progression can be bought... Oh wait![]()
Don't know what to tell you, I think the game should be $30 because other games like it don't cost $60 and filled with Microtransactions. Hell PC version is $40. Console player got the shit end of the stick on this one...
Would agree if they didn't sell them as well, and thus why Microtransactions in a $60 game suck..
That's not an issue. It's line skipping for glitter. Why that affects you is beyond all of us.
No my issue is the only progression in this game is sold, this shouldn't be in a $60 game. At half that It still takes balls but could be easier to take.
It's fine if you are ok with it, sure that what EA, Ubi and all the other big guys are hoping for. Get dem dollars out!
No my issue is the only progression in this game is sold, this shouldn't be in a $60 game. At half that It still takes balls but could be easier to take.
It's fine if you are ok with it, sure that what EA, Ubi and all the other big guys are hoping for. Get dem dollars out!
There is no progression. You're main point is flawed.
I'm not buying anything because I'll get it all from playing. Hence the lack of weeping.
No my issue is the only progression in this game is sold, this shouldn't be in a $60 game. At half that It still takes balls but could be easier to take.
It's fine if you are ok with it, sure that what EA, Ubi and all the other big guys are hoping for. Get dem dollars out!
Funny I swear there is a bar that fills up and at the end u get a box...
Must have been a different game. Maybe you guys haven't played it.
Don't know what to tell you, I think the game should be $30 because other games like it don't cost $60 and filled with Microtransactions. Hell PC version is $40. Console player got the shit end of the stick on this one...
Would agree if they didn't sell them as well, and thus why Microtransactions in a $60 game suck..
Funny I swear there is a bar that fills up and at the end u get a box...
Must have been a different game. Maybe you guys haven't played it. Overwatch is the 6v6 team hero shooter...
That's not really progression. Can you explain in your own words what the microtransactions in this game buy you? I don't think you understand.
Don't know what to tell you, I think the game should be $30 because other games like it don't cost $60 and filled with Microtransactions. Hell PC version is $40. Console player got the shit end of the stick on this one...
Ok when you play overwatch you get reward points on how well you do in a game, bonus points if you win (think it's 500). When you progress in level or level up you are rewarded with a box that has 4 random items in it. These items range from voice line, skins, sprays and other things.
These boxes can also be purchased in various pack biggest is $40 for 50. So for $40 you baslicly get the same rewards and someone play thru lvl 1-50. Hell if you got deep pockets you can get a few 100s levels of rewards in seconds...
Best part if you buy said boxes good chance you are going to get tons and tons of dupes that convert for a fraction of what they cost in game added a entire new layer to the shit pie that is Microtransactions in a full priced game.
『Inaba Resident』;204868092 said:I just don't understand how you complain about this but not something like Black Ops 3
Black Ops 3 is jam packed with stuff for the base 60 bucks
I am totally fine with speech unlockable system.
But the victory poses hidden behind a MT paywall is disgusting. I spent over $2000 on loot boxes, and still haven't gotten the Victory Pose #2 for Character #17.
None of that is progression though. I play the game because it's really fun. Any crates I earn are purely a bonus.
New skins and sprays are nice but not the reason I play the game. Have you played the game? I feel like you're avoiding that question.
Holy shit this is nutz!Yeah I've played the game, got the gold frog skin for Lucio (2nd box). Prob play the most as him, if I'm not the healer no one else picks them and we loose. I bought the game cause I liked the shorts, that was a mistake, none of that is in this game.
Just because you don't see it as progression doesn't me it isn't. Why would blizzard even sell the boxes if they didn't know for a fact that people would buy them? If they mean nothing then just unlock it all from the get go. They don't because its going to be the driving force for many to log in a play, hoping the next box will be something cool and when its isn't they hope most of them will say fuck it and buy some with real money.
This is some mobile f2p shit in a $60 game, its insane it just gets a pass.