I think people have different ideas about what is being argued here.
A.) Content that gamers feel should be entitled to for their $40 purchase. I don't want to argue about this because arguing about gamer entitlement is as fun as drowning in a septic tank.
and then there's
B.) Blizzard's deliberate decisions in how their micro transaction market is designed and whether or not it's ethical. And Blizzard is being deliberate in their decisions. They're fucking Blizzard, and Overwatch is a game of very deliberate design decisions.
Here's my perspective based on looking at Blizzard and the trends of the industry in general: I'm pretty positive that if Blizzard had no plans to create a post-release marketplace to further increase their profits from the game, we wouldn't have all the legendary skins that are in the game. It's a whole lot of resources for what would amount to as flair. (They are not simple texture changes but whole new models, some coming with unique effects or new lines of dialogue.)
But they're not made to be sold in a shop either. Otherwise they would be sold in the shop. Instead this content, which there is a ton of (around a hundred legendary skins were made, right?) has been made to increase the value of the real commodity being sold: loot crates. A game of chance.
"Well, you don't have to buy crates." Right, you don't, but a lot of people sure want to. And those that won't still value them. Because Blizzard designed it that way. And the fact that it's pretty damn close to gambling is pretty shitty.
People call it gambling.. but it't not really.. it's just a different purchase mechanic.'\
But it's not a pay mechanic. It's not a weird workaround, or a lazy pay mechanic. They forgone having a shop for skins and instead chose to lock everything behind a game of chance and are selling you additional tickets to that game. What do game of chances have the reputation of doing with certain folk with a genetic exploitable behavior? This is how Blizzard is planning on funding future content.
"Well I don't care about the crates or buying them!"
Ever hear how certain fishing nets are designed to only catch a certain type of fish, and all others either bounce off or swim through the net? Doesn't work on you, that's fine, but it's going to work on a lot of people. Hell, it is working on a lot of people.