Is there a costume for Tracer that is better than her default? Seems unlikely.
Is there a costume for Tracer that is better than her default? Seems unlikely.
Just got D.Va Legendary Skin. This is the best skin for her by a long long margin
I love how even though this is 1st person, the characters all animate uniquely and with amazing detail. They walk different, move different. Mccrees hat falls off when he dies etc. its the little things.
Is Zarya's energy level visible anywhere in the HUD? Am I just being dumb and overlooking it?
Wow. I'm a complete moron. As soon as I read these responses I knew exactly what you were talking about. I guess I get so mixed up in the action I wasn't paying attention when it was above 0.
Yeah, it's the MKX of shooters. It's a fighting game x FPS x strategy game.
My first lootbox at level 2 was a legendary Widow skin. Too bad I dont play Widow.
Yeah, seems like Blizzard knew that CTF simply doesn't work in class/hero based shooters or at least saw how terrible and unpopular the mode is in TF2. I could make a whole thread about all the things Overwatch got influenced by TF2 for the better.CTF is a pretty bad mode anyway. At least it was rubbish in TF2. I'm scarred by 2fort.
But yeah, there's a bunch of characters that just wouldn't work in the mode. Multiple tracers could chain their recalls or the character becomes useless if recall drops the flag. Bastions and Tjorborn guarding would be very grinding and boring. I'm glad the mode isn't available especially since Blizzard doesn't give us any control over what maps or mode we play game to game.
God damn the matchmaking in this game is atrocious.
Should not be this many squash matches in a competitive multiplayer only shooter.
Level 12 and no legendary skin yet, sadface
Is there a costume for Tracer that is better than her default? Seems unlikely.
League and Dota also have like 100+ heroes to keep things fresh and interesting though. I wonder what Blizzard will be able to do on the hero front.I was thinking that, but then I thought about something like League where it's the same map and gametype over and over but there's a enough champion diversity to accomplish the same goal in many different ways.
Then again it's three lanes and a jungle vs one and the game has been out for way longer.
Tons of characters would be brutal in CTF.
Tracer is obvious.
Winston would also be incredibly good. Grab the flag, leap out, drop a shield. Your leap is back in a few seconds.
Pharrah would be incredibly mobile and not many individuals can stop her.
A good Junkrat can fling himself across the map.
I dunno. I love CTF though so it'd be interesting to see them try
I'd honestly rather get voice lines, emotes, poses and all that nonsense for characters I like than a skin for some trash character I hate like Reaper or Mei.What's worse: Never getting legendaries from loot boxes or only getting legendaries that you dislike/getting legendaries for characters you don't use often?
Because the latter keeps happening to me.
Yeah, seems like Blizzard knew that CTF simply doesn't work in class/hero based shooters or at least saw how terrible and unpopular the mode is in TF2. I could make a whole thread about all the things Overwatch got influenced by TF2 for the better.
I've learnt very quickly that even if the matchmaking puts people together who are equally skilled, if one team has a bad character composition it's going to be a uphill struggle. It's almost impossible to carry a game full of randoms, which you can definitely do in CoD and TF2. Way more teamwork is required for this game.
At least use real fighting game examples bro :b
Every time I play dota it saddens me that my team would rather type dumb shit than play better. Hopefully this doesn't become like that.The death wish isn't the funny part there. The bunched undies are. Toxicity in video games rolls off of me. Dota has battle hardened me.
I was thinking that, but then I thought about something like League where it's the same map and gametype over and over but there's a enough champion diversity to accomplish the same goal in many different ways.
Then again it's three lanes and a jungle vs one and the game has been out for way longer.
I mean unpopular with the veteran/skilled community. Sure your average random player will love CTF because it's an excuse to go Engineer and camp in a corner, but anyone who's played TF2 for a long amount of time despises CTF.Well, I wouldn't call CTF unpopular in TF2. 2Fort is probably one of the most played maps in the game, and probably in general.
2Fort is, and always was, a garbage map though, yeah. Overwatch wouldn't do it any better.
Even gaffers can be stubborn -.-
Played attack in Anubis and opponent had a full on bastion/thorbjörn setup going on and our guys just didn't change heroes to match them at all. We had 6 minutes to win and it was painful to watch us bang our heads against their setup. I guess people changed heroes at the last minute after I whined, but it was too late :b
The black and green Sporty skin looks cool but that and Slipstream are the only ones I like.
someone go tank plz need tank so and so go tank we need tank
(nobody stays with tank and just runs ahead as flankers and dies)
someone go tank plz need tank so and so go tank we need tank
(nobody stays with tank and just runs ahead as flankers and dies)
I play Reinhardt like 90% of the time but nobody stays near me ever.
Pubs never ever fucking learn... KILL THE FUCKING MERCY!
So is there any benefit for getting play of the game or mvp? A lootbox would be nice...
Every time I play dota it saddens me that my team would rather type dumb shit than play better. Hopefully this doesn't become like that.
Do it. Become the mememaker.
Just got D.Va Legendary Skin. This is the best skin for her by a long long margin
someone go tank plz need tank so and so go tank we need tank
(nobody stays with tank and just runs ahead as flankers and dies)
Every time I play as Mercy the other team make sure to target me exclusively while my team just leave me for dead