what the FUCK were they thinking with bastion
Like, this dude has no weaknesses. I consistently slay with him through no skill of my own.
- minigun that kills ridiculously fast + has zero cooldown (unless you count the 2 seconds it takes to "reload")
- self-healing that takes a few seconds to bring you to full health
- an ultimate that makes you highly mobile and able to one or two-shot most characters
What is his drawback? The fact that he's slow? Who needs speed when you can find a safe spot to camp out and blow everyone away? Why is it OK for him to have no cooldowns when every other character does?
Games like TF2, CS: GO and Overwatch just don't work on console. They die on the vine very quickly.
Hanzo ult with the legendary wolf skin
what the FUCK were they thinking with bastion
Like, this dude has no weaknesses. I consistently slay with him through no skill of my own.
- minigun that kills ridiculously fast + has zero cooldown (unless you count the 2 seconds it takes to "reload")
- self-healing that takes a few seconds to bring you to full health
- an ultimate that makes you highly mobile and able to one or two-shot most characters
What is his drawback? The fact that he's slow? Who needs speed when you can find a safe spot to camp out and blow everyone away? Why is it OK for him to have no cooldowns when every other character does?
Seriously, Genji neutralizes Bastion in a hurry.I kill him in about 3 seconds with Pharah. I make him kill himself even quicker with Genji.
Nope, no weapon upgrades. All gameplay-related items are unlocked for everyone from the start.
You only unlock cosmetic stuff.
Everything gameplay related is unlocked at the start. Anything locked is just cosmetic stuff.
Every gameplay related things are 100% unlocked from the start, there is no upgrade system and you don't have to grind for anything gameplay related. You start on the exact same playing field from the first second as someone who played for 100 hours.
I played the beta on both console and PC, and it's one of the few games where I was shocked at how much better it played with kbm. I'm a die-hard controller fan, but no matter what I did, it didn't feel right for Overwatch. Ended up buying it for PC and it is fantastic.
Ok that's really cool, do other characters have something as unique?
we did 4 Soldiers and two Reihardts. Rolled them.
High damage output at damn near any range(if you fire bursts the shots are dead accurate), 4 healers, defense on both sides with the shields, burst damage with Reihardts/close quarter kills/cluster missiles. Too good.
Trying to hit Genji, Tracer, or any "jumpy" character like Symmertra, on a controller is one of the most fustrating experiences I've had in gaming all year.
I don't know what it is playing as McCree but there are some games where I can head shot Tracers and snipers and the very next game I can barely hit a Roadhog healing up while fanning the hammer.
Anyone running games on x1? Add me I would love to group up
Gt: Blind Rage
I have about 200 hours clocked on engineer alone on TF2 and he is much stronger than Torbjorn. That being said, I now play on PS4 EU and the last three games I went on killstreaks of 28, 18 and 16 without much effort at all. That just wouldn't happen on PC and it wont last on PS4 much longer as people will figure it out for themselves shortly.
I think Zarya is my favorite tank. So underused. Her fully charged cannon is deadly. Had Winston in check all game.
I would recommend a low sensitivity for any character that relies accuracy on consoles.
Mine too!
It's amazing just eating (absorbing) a Tracer bomb, a Hanzo dragon ultimate, a D.Va self-destruct, all by timing your barrier for an instant +50% damage boost.
I just had a round where we were up against 6 Thorbjörns. No need to mention that we lost.
what the FUCK were they thinking with bastion
Like, this dude has no weaknesses. I consistently slay with him through no skill of my own.
- minigun that kills ridiculously fast + has zero cooldown (unless you count the 2 seconds it takes to "reload")
- self-healing that takes a few seconds to bring you to full health
- an ultimate that makes you highly mobile and able to one or two-shot most characters
What is his drawback? The fact that he's slow? Who needs speed when you can find a safe spot to camp out and blow everyone away? Why is it OK for him to have no cooldowns when every other character does?
I just fought a whole team of McCree's.
They lost.
This was kind of my point a few pages back. Dupe characters in a team sort of break the game imo. Even a little thing like two Mei's seems cheap. I've went up against two Torbjorns and thought it was a little ridiculous, can't imagine 6 lol.
What the fuck is this bullshitI wish more people had a chance to experience OG Bastion.
I wish more people had a chance to experience OG Bastion.
Ooooh shit, so that's how she's supposed to be used.. I felt like there was something I was missing!
Who thought that was a good idea?I wish more people had a chance to experience OG Bastion.
Who thought that was a good idea?
Is it just me or is the guy who can turn himself into a turret over powered? I only played about an hour but that thing kills me nonstop in about a half a second, it's complete bullshit! Best way to counter that?
Ooooh shit, so that's how she's supposed to be used.. I felt like there was something I was missing!
I agree. This game has legs on all platforms. I know what has happened in the past with PC shooters coming to console but this has had a much more significant push than CSGO console and TF2 console. TF2 got no post support and CSGO just kind of came and fizzled out on console because no one in the console space cares about CSGO and if they do they'll play it on their PC since it isn't an intensive game to run. This game has had a huge marketing push and the open beta opened the hype gates even further. So many of my friends and so many of their friends friends are getting into this game on all manner of platforms. This won't fizzle out the way other PC shooters have on console, there's just no way. That and so many have fallen in love with the characters of this game, that boosts attach rate. It's going to remain huge.I really don't think Overwatch
will die on consoles. I've seen a thirst for this game with plenty of people who have 0 interest in those other games.
Please tell me there's a video?I wish more people had a chance to experience OG Bastion.