I skipped Season 4 due to an insane work schedule earlier this year and recently jumped in to play Season 5. This season is easily the most frustrating to date.
1. I finished S3 at 4200 SR and couldn't play with my platinum SR girlfriend. So I bought a second account, leveled up, and did my placement matches with the gf. I got put in low diamond with her at the end. Later my gf quit the game so I decided to try to take this account solo queue up to GM. Holy shit is the playerbase more frustrating than I remember. Everything was smooth until around 3400, winning 3/4 of my matches and doing some serious carry. Then the following happened back-to-back:
Game 1: deranker playing Torb, building lvl 1 turret outside spawn and proceeding to run into traffic/jump off Oasis entire match.
Game 2: 3500 SR Mercy main suddenly decides it's time to learn DPS roles, spends entire match fumbling around as Genji getting 0 kills.
Game 3: Ana "dps only" main in game, spends entire match at range shooting the enemy, leaving us to run 3 heal supports since only 2 were actually healing.
~60 SR lost right there. Granted, I think the Game 2 scenario presents a major flaw in OW's design that needs to be addressed somehow. How do we learn new heroes without punishing our team? QP is not a substitute for comp.
2. Winston/Dva meta stripped all fun from playing S76 and McCree, and to some extent Ana. Yes, they can still be effective, but I'm not having any fun playing them with the bubbles and DM everywhere.