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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


I didn't realize how ad-happy her channel was until I watched something on mobile. It's pretty bad.

I specifically save certain YT channels that have way too many ads that interrupt their videos to watch at home. They dunno how obnoxious it can be.
So I prestiged for the first time and cant believe the XP is locked at 20K

Makes the silver portrait players that much more astonishing


As a getaway and quick way to exposition for a shield when they push in. That is my main problem with her. Once someone closes in on her it's over.

She could get the knockback, but personally I like mobility options and trampling people sounds fun.

Just play dva or winston then if you want to charge in. They need to create different types of heroes not have everyone be the same with different graphics

Rein is the more offensive forward pushing hold the line tank and orisa is the defensive hold the line tank


How so? What misconceptions?

Kotaku said:
For over a month, players have reported joylessly grinding through Season 5 to redeem their former competitive rankings, a result of Blizzard artificially depleting them.

It's been this way since Season 2, why does the article try to make it seem like this is a recent thing?

Kotaku said:
A cloud of toxicity is passing over Overwatch's competitive mode right now, obscuring what makes the game great. Play a lot of Overwatch and it's impossible not to notice: People are being cruel in chat, mocking Blizzard's ineffective reporting system and rage-quitting matches.

Toxicity has been inherent in Competitive Overwatch (and other team-based competitive games, like uh... fucking MOBAs) since the day the mode was introduced, again, why is the article trying to make it seem like this is something that just started 3 weeks ago?

There's another paragraph covering stat-based SR gains/losses. In Season 1, before people had a better understanding of how the system worked, people WANTED performance-based SR. Now that people understand the system is performance-based, they want it to go to flat win-rate based SR? OK. Performance-based SR is the reason ELO Hell does not exist. If you play well, you will climb. If you're not climbing, you're not playing well.

There's another paragraph about a guy feeling bad about his rank, because Oversumo says he should be higher. Oversumo is a trash app. It lies. Don't use it.

The entire article is just a huge circle-jerk for people who think they should be a higher rank to feel better about themselves.
There's another paragraph about a guy feeling bad about his rank, because Oversumo says he should be higher. Oversumo is a trash app. It lies. Don't use it.

lmao I didn't read the full article so I missed that part.

I do think that comp is at it's worst this season (it's been getting worse and worse) but I feel like I'm also part of the problem since I now instalock characters instead of filling the roles that are missing because I'm getting tired of this game.
Just play dva or winston then if you want to charge in. They need to create different types of heroes not have everyone be the same with different graphics

Rein is the more offensive forward pushing hold the line tank and orisa is the defensive hold the line tank
I didn't say charge in, I said reposition and/or run away. The stun isn't for initiating, because I think they should fail at that given how her gun works, it would be to give her a little breathing space when people get in on her.

It wouldn't be a directional, long-range charge like Reinhardt. It would be more like a temporary speed boost that lasts 1-2 seconds. You can put a similar tool on two characters and it will be used in very different ways because of the rest of their toolset.

But Jeff said they realize 1-shotting heroes isn't okay in Overwatch...despite half of the hero base being able to do that.
I think oversumo has some merit to it and shouldn't be cast aside as insignificant.

It also shouldn't be used as the pinnacle of gameplay reflection.


lmao I didn't read the full article so I missed that part.

I do think that comp is at it's worst this season (it's been getting worse and worse) but I feel like I'm also part of the problem since I now instalock characters instead of filling the roles that are missing because I'm getting tired of this game.

It's def the worst season by far. So many guys here have quit or been burnt out by it including some hardcore players from previous seasons. Even Anne has stayed away from Comp.


This is the first season I encounter people picking Mercy and deliberately only power boost people, watching as their health goes to zero while tethered to them. What kind of evil is this?

Def. the worst season by far.
It's def the worst season by far. So many guys here have quit or been burnt out by it including some hardcore players from previous seasons. Even Anne has stayed away from Comp.

I do hope that a lot of these trolls end up leaving the game after a while.


The system has to move away from allowing people to focus on one hero. The game isn't designed to be played like that, so why reward people who only want to do that in comp?


I wonder if Blizz will consider having a longer offseason period after this one concludes. It might be worth it to take a proper look at how they can improve the vibe surrounding the game at the moment.


Unconfirmed Member
LMAO, Sty just posted a video about how shitty Comp is right now too.

He's made a lot of them recently, progressively getting more and more cynical about it.

I still advocate for turning off comms. I don't know if you can get away with it high plat and above, but the game is a lot more enjoyable without dealing with toxicity.


End of last season was terrible. Haven't placed yet because of it but I'm glad I haven't based on what's being said here, kotaku, stylosa and youroverwatch. Bring lower than your rank due to blizzards shitty placements, throwers and team based sr is real shitty and seems to be a downward spiral.


Comp has been the "same" more or less since S2 the problem is the honeymoon is now over. The aura and glow for it is fading and now people realize this shit has been faulty for months.
Last comp match I played was a KOTH match where we were struggling with a Mercy solo healing and our Genji yelled at her (it was a female player on mic) for not healing him. He eventually switched to Tracer and we managed to eke out a 100-99 win on the first point.

I got on mic (I'd been eating and didn't want to crunch into mic during the first round) between rounds and just simply said "Good job solo healing Mercy, I know it's tough." She said thanks, then the Genji turned Tracer immediately apologized and said "Yeah, sorry, I was just dying a lot and was getting tilted, Genji just wasn't working so I needed to switch and now I'm doing better, sorry I yelled."

We then won the next two rounds 100-0 and 100-30ish because everyone then was talking calmly on mic and we were super organized and strategically combining ults. We even had a Symmetra for 90% of the game who at the end said "I'm really surprised nobody ever gave me shit for playing Sym, so thanks for that."

If all my solo queue competitive games went like that I'd never stop playing Overwatch.

The amount of Hanzos being instalocked is the official metric atm.

Overwatch Toxicity scale: (# of Instalocked Hanzos + # of Instalocked Genjis + # of Mercy one-tricks) / # of players willing to flex
Almost gold on Xbone (1900SR) 🙋 went past my career high last night, which tells you how bad I am lol

so this means I will probably lose 200 the next time I play

I've definitely seen other people have to deal with the toxicity, but my experiences on Xbone have been pretty good. Optional communication makes for more difficult matches but I also think less opportunity to express toxicity outside of throwing. I experienced a lot more in low gold on PC tbh between easily accessible text chat and voice comms.
End of last season was terrible. Haven't placed yet because of it but I'm glad I haven't based on what's being said here, kotaku, stylosa and youroverwatch. Bring lower than your rank due to blizzards shitty placements, throwers and team based sr is real shitty and seems to be a downward spiral.

Yeah you're right.

The uprising event seemed to get it all started, that's when I dropped below 2500.


He's made a lot of them recently, progressively getting more and more cynical about it.

I still advocate for turning off comms. I don't know if you can get away with it high plat and above, but the game is a lot more enjoyable without dealing with toxicity.

Yea, I watched them all altho I feel today's video was quite perfectly timed. But it's telling when he admits he plays more QP than Comp now. You know it's bad when a guy who does OW videos can't take Comp anymore cuz of toxicity and throwers.
I might jump ship to Splatoon 2 if this season stays like this/decays further. Its REALLY bad. So many Widow/Hanzo insta-picks, so many Offense Torbs and Junkrats, so many triple and quad DPS teams.

Its not even complaining about losing because I feel my teammates aren't as skilled as me, its complaining because my teammates are actively picking and staying on characters making it damn near impossible to win against a competent team comp (Or one that actively swaps to deal with threats)

Sometimes I don't even join voice chat because I don't want to listen to people bitching or trying to justify whatever dumbass reason they picked and stayed as Widowmaker on Numbani Offense when we desperately needed a second healer or tank.
Its me or ranked matchmaking is kind of messy, got paired against a two groups, one group of four consisting of 3 four stars carrying a guy and the other group have 2 stars of two guys. My group only have group of three non stars members.

Of course we got destroyed

In the next match get got a group of three against a group of four, in placements.


Unconfirmed Member
It could help a whole lot if they allow people to dodge games by leaving before the game starts if there's something like a one trick conflict or a diamond rank symbol in bronze. Yeah, one tricks will go even higher in SR, but at least the quality of the games will be better, and that's all I really care about.

I'd even be fine with telling the system what heroes you want to instalock before you queue up to matchmaking, so it automatically instalocks one of your heroes once you get into the game, and limiting the instalocked teams to like 4 dps max, 2 healer max, 3 tank max, and allowing any changes like usual after you match. Maybe people would be slightly less angry if they always got to play what they want to play.

Alternatively, they could try adding 6v6 lockout elimination to comp rotation to really try to reward flexibility.


Yeah you're right.

The uprising event seemed to get it all started, that's when I dropped below 2500.
The one tricks too. Always get that hanzo one trick. Never on the enemies team. Need another support and they go hanzo. It's so random if you win or lose depending on who gets the one tricks. Feels like blizzard force you to lose by giving you them to ensure you win and lose similar amounts. Better to play single player games now. Team games is just frustration.
The one tricks too. Always get that hanzo one trick. Never on the enemies team. Need another support and they go hanzo. It's so random if you win or lose depending on who gets the one tricks. Feels like blizzard force you to lose by giving you them to ensure you win and lose similar amounts. Better to play single player games now. Team games is just frustration.

I personally prefer the Red Team/Blue Team lore.

Red Team Hanzo/Widow is always stupidly good, can land headshots like its nothing, is always on fire.

Blue team Hanzo/Widow can't even bodyshot a Roadhog standing still, and basically made the match 5v6 right off the bat.

Also lol doing my daily match, and guess our team comp on Gibraltar Offense. I insta pick Rein, someone insta picks Mercy, someone insta picked Hanzo. Last 3 spots waited till the last minute and lock in Soldier/Genji/Sombra. This is why I hate this game


I personally prefer the Red Team/Blue Team lore.

Red Team Hanzo/Widow is always stupidly good, can land headshots like its nothing, is always on fire.

Blue team Hanzo/Widow can't even bodyshot a Roadhog standing still, and basically made the match 5v6 right off the bat.
Basically rapidas this is our hanzo and this is enemy teams hanzo type videos.


The one tricks too. Always get that hanzo one trick. Never on the enemies team. Need another support and they go hanzo. It's so random if you win or lose depending on who gets the one tricks. Feels like blizzard force you to lose by giving you them to ensure you win and lose similar amounts. Better to play single player games now. Team games is just frustration.

Had games recently where we were losing and after they swapped, we were winning. I wish more randoms flexed.
Had games recently where we were losing and after they swapped, we were winning. I wish more randoms flexed.

Too many people still think swapping means admitting they failed at their role. The only thing I hate about tanking is not being able to flex as often.

It really ticks me off on a deep level when the enemy team is dominating us with a Pharah or Winston, so I swap off tank to go Soldier or Reaper and instantly get met with "OMG WIGGLES IS THROWING WHY ARE WE RUNNING 3 DPS THIS IS TERRIBLE". Maybe its because you think Junkrat and Sombra are proper counters you dumbshits.

Just had a Hanamura where we had 2 Hanzo mains fighting over Hanzo, so one eventually went Widow and was shit all match. Guess who originally insta-picked Zarya then switched to Torb and soaked in all the sweet teammate rage, this guy.


I hate one trick Mercy mains. Hiding like bitches and res just to spite our team. :(

I hate my team for not seeking out the Mercy before wiping the enemy team. If you're about to TK the enemy team and you haven't killed the Mercy first, then you fucked up.

So many matches/fights lost to this :/


Junior Member
I hate my team for not seeking out the Mercy before wiping the enemy team. If you're about to TK the enemy team and you haven't killed the Mercy first, then you fucked up.

So many matches/fights lost to this :/

Yeah but it's hard to you know leave your team mates and try to find a Mercy somewhere in the map.

It's such a bullshit ult.


Yeah but it's hard to you know leave your team mates and try to find a Mercy somewhere in the map.

It's such a bullshit ult.

I guess it's more so being conscientious about whether or not the enemy Mercy is alive and waiting to swoop in.
I hate one trick Mercy mains. Hiding like bitches and res just to spite our team. :(

Thats more like your team fault, always kill Mercy . She can ult twice as fast your DPS on the enemy tank. You are technically wasting your DPS and Ults while helping her in the process


Thats more like your team fault, always kill Mercy . She can ult twice as fast your DPS on the enemy tank. You are technically wasting your DPS and Ults while helping her in the process

Right, this is the other thing. I see people constantly trying to keep the hero Mercy is damage boosting/healing. NO. Use that bright beam of light and go find the Mercy and kill her first. Diving into a team you should always be going for their healers first unless there's low hanging fruit in the front lines.


Junior Member
Thats more like your team fault, always kill Mercy . She can ult twice as fast your DPS on the enemy tank. You are technically wasting your DPS and Ults while helping her in the process

I was D.VA and I always rush to get her but at that last point I was really busy on the payload. I guess our Tracer could have tried to find her but he or she wasn't on the chat.


Kotaku piece is kinda whatever. Some things right, some things wrong. They should call me next time they wanna talk about Overwatch :p

I will say "it's been like this since S2" is kinda misleading tho. The systems were the same, but it takes time for the symptoms to get worse and worse. Sometime in S4 it hit critical mass.

Edit: While I'm here, I do want to point out some shit about balance in the game rn. I've been thinking about it a lot and the game isn't /that/ unbalanced across the board. The extreme outliers at both ends are just causing some serious problems and have other design issues going on.
Yea, dropping people 200-300 SR after placements and making people regain that in 50 games is really stupid, imo. Why punish people in the following season so they would "feel better" about their wins with bonus SR? The climb is already tough enough without the SR win streak swings now along with so many randoms tilting, throwing, leaving etc, then it becomes quite a chore no matter how good you play.

I also watched the Your Overwatch video that was mentioned in the article and the way SR works is just incredibly infuriating. It makes you really question Blizzard's approach to the SR system.

I you think about it, what they're basically saying is that they count each placement game as a loss, with the severity of your SR loss depending on your individual play.

I get the whys of it, but that's pretty shitty.
As a getaway and quick way to exposition for a shield when they push in. That is my main problem with her. Once someone closes in on her it's over.

She could get the knockback, but personally I like mobility options and trampling people sounds fun.

I am still stunned that her melee isn't a backwards horse-kick with knockback.


Unconfirmed Member
Kotaku piece is kinda whatever. Some things right, some things wrong. They should call me next time they wanna talk about Overwatch :p

I will say "it's been like this since S2" is kinda misleading tho. The systems were the same, but it takes time for the symptoms to get worse and worse. Sometime in S4 it hit critical mass.

Edit: While I'm here, I do want to point out some shit about balance in the game rn. I've been thinking about it a lot and the game isn't /that/ unbalanced across the board. The extreme outliers at both ends are just causing some serious problems and have other design issues going on.

Winstreaks are gone, so it's not the same system. That's a pretty big change.

I really do think there's a good chance that's a big reason for things feeling worse this season, propping certain people up and holding people down a lot more than it should. Also maybe people wouldn't throw if their win streak or lose streaks made giving up a lot bigger of a deal.
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