It's the only ability in the game that consistently infuriates me on a regular basis. Most annoying abilities I can at least go "well, I made a mistake and put myself in a position for Roadhog to hook me" or something. Scatter arrow is "oh, you have full HP and don't know where Hanzo is AT ALL TIMES? Okay you're dead."
My sentiments exactly. At least Roadhog has to take some level of skill to actually hook targets consistently. Scatter is just "lol I aimed at your feet and now your dead" the ability.
I feel like mechanically Scatter Arrow is an abject failure of game design. Since the arrows intended use was to put a bunch of damage in a room or corner with the ricochet effect. But no one actually uses it like that. Literally everyone just aims at a single enemies feet for a guaranteed kill. Honestly, if Blizzard is happy with this as scatter's main use then they should just remove the ability entirely and just give Hanzo a single explosive arrow that guarantees a shit ton of damage on like a 10 to 12 second cool down or something.