"Do you have an account able to queue with a plat?"
Lol my experience is from Masters/GM. But yeah its super iffy today.
It's kinda pointless to complain about comp at the end of the season but goddam lol
Almost every game you get 4-5 people all picking offense heroes.
Oh well.
"Do you have an account able to queue with a plat?"
"I don't think so."
I miss 6v6 Doomfist
I miss 6v6 Doomfist
I miss 6v6 Doomfist
I finally bought my second pair of golden guns.
Gave them to D.Va, just in time for her to become non-meta!
I finally bought my second pair of golden guns.
Gave them to D.Va, just in time for her to become non-meta!
Hey, If Zen was your first golden gun choice then that makes us golden bros!
(man, my D.Va usage dropped off a lot after her first notable rework for some reason)
For Gold, I went: Roadhog, Junkrat, Mercy, Zenyatta, Sombra
I'll get another 3000CP in a few days for ending the season in GM, but I'm not 100% sure who to get it for, yet. I'll probably end up getting for Ana.
I love having the Golden Balls for Zen, they look so good with the Sanzang skin.
How come Widow appears so much in quick play? I'm feeling more polite today but I don't want to say that they are all stupid but even on the enemy team when I stalk them with Winston they refuse to switch. Dont understand what goes on in their heads.
Also I've been abscent from the game for about 6 months maybe right after the christmas event? Did something change in matchmaking? Most of my bad games back then were due to bad compositions bad decisions in game etc, but now I want all most all my bad games are from people who are actually terrible at the game mechanically, by that I mean people constantly dying the second they get into encounters.
All I want to do next season is play Reaper and listen to "look what you made me do" by swift.
I was watching your stream and your emblem was plat though...
I heard Caesar is a booster. Does it for free too.
3 DPS, 2 snipers and 1 begrudging healer who had to choose between that or tank is really the new meta on console at least.
Embrace the madness.
My wife, who is missing most of the Summer Games items having never played it last year, just bought 11 loot boxes and got 5 duplicate summer games voice lines...
Wow, that's terrible.
I bought the game after SG event was already over last year, I haven't gotten any dupes but most if not all my loot was last year's for like the first 10-15 boxes.
I opened event box #40 earlier and I still only have one of the event skins from this year. I got like 3 regular legendaries the old tracer event skin and coins.
Thats bad luck too
She just opened 2 more and theyre both duplicate event sprays. Its 7 in a row.
I didnt get any duplicates until I only needed 14 items left total for the whole event.
Genji's new win pose is very phallic.
Genji's new win pose is very phallic.
You'd think with the "no dupe" patch, I would be getting the new skins by now....NOPE.
How come Widow appears so much in quick play? I'm feeling more polite today but I don't want to say that they are all stupid but even on the enemy team when I stalk them with Winston they refuse to switch. Dont understand what goes on in their heads. She is appearing more than hanzo now.
Also I've been abscent from the game for about 6 months maybe right after the christmas event? Did something change in matchmaking? Most of my bad games back then were due to bad compositions bad decisions in game etc, but now I want all most all my bad games are from people who are actually terrible at the game mechanically, by that I mean people constantly dying the second they get into encounters.
My checklist:
You'd think with the "no dupe" patch, I would be getting the new skins by now....NOPE.
What's the point of no dupe patch if the loot boxes are still giving me dupes Blizzard!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you getting repeated dupes of legendaries, or are you expecting boxes to open up 4 legendaries when the commons are used up?
Wow, I should have just stayed in the 2400s.
Down to like 2350 after 4 stomps in a row, not even close. Placed against 4 and 5 man premades again all 4 games.