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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

Let me know if you need one.

Will do, I noticed your notification the other day my bad dude... I turned off the notifications as I started getting some spam from porn bots these past few weeks. Although it's died down now, so I'll turn my messages back on.


The thing is, I love playing as her. But I wished she had a little something that, while staying in-character, can help make her more likable. As the game has progressed, Pharah has some fun interactions with the other heroes, but most of her interactions seem to explore more of their backstory or develop them, rather than help develop her as a character. For example, we learn that McCree became a stronger marksman, due to being trained by Pharah's mother.

That's pretty much what I mean by her being more individualistic. Some focus on her character, her journey.

It'd be pretty cool if D.Va had an interaction with her telling her how she looks up to Pharah herself. Have the hero worshipper become a heroic ideal herself.

And It's weird. I like Orisa as a character, but for the reasons why most think she's uninteresting. Her inexperience and naivety come across as incredibly charming, and I like that she's primarily extremely courageous and just, even though said inexperience can cause her to be an occasional liability.

Seriously, it's cool that she's a hero that wants to help and do the right thing.

I like Orisa as well, but I feel she's herself a bit undercooked in terms of her place in the world. She is a new being, in fairness, but I'd like Blizzard to expand on her role in the world as an omnic who wants to help humanity and how she's going to work in the resurgence of Overwatch.


I don't like bo3 control, comebacks were interesting. You lose first round, second round starts rough, everyone gives up now...
Of course, Sym mains will be loving that all the attention is on Junkrat this month, just like it was on Bastion last month, and no doubt will be on Mercy next month. Another 3 months of going unchecked ;P

Seriously though, she's fun to play, but it feels like cheating. You can do so much for so little effort, it's funny.


Even Harbleu was having fun on Hog again last night. He's at least better than I thought he was going to be with the roaming vape.

Like it was actually fun playing as hog he's still a weak battery for ults but the damage reduction/mobility to the vape makes him feel a bit more aggressive

Still I want that hook CD lowered


They're not really going to let Junkrat keep his two con mines, are they? New trend seems to be Mercy healing junk as he runs into a group and spams his two mines to kill a bunch of people. He seems to have insane damage now, with his grenade spam at range and mines up close.

I wouldn't be surprised if they toned the damage down on them, or put a delay between deploying them in stead of being able to throw two out pretty much on top of each other.

I fully expect them to half mine damage. I'm surprised he made it to live with them doing full damage. It's absurd.


Will do, I noticed your notification the other day my bad dude... I turned off the notifications as I started getting some spam from porn bots these past few weeks. Although it's died down now, so I'll turn my messages back on.

What's with that anyways

I swear these didn't exist this time last year
Alt Account : 3/2

Main Account : 1/0

A bit nervous about doing more placements. Got some people flaming me last game... It really sucks.
I've had some incredibly suspect Doomfist punch misses, to the point I went back to study the tapes, in one of them I'm basically lunged inside a roadhog who'd various bits of clothing are clipping through the screen...it missed.

Look I get that hitting dudes behind small objects and some suspect verticality were problems but I feel like the width neutering was a bit much.
What's with that anyways

I swear these didn't exist this time last year

I didn't get anything spam related before until these past 2 weeks. I might have gotten odd messages out of nowhere before but I assume it was by mistake.

Also, I don't have you on my main account (I don't use scrubtactian anymore, delete if you haven't), feel free to add me :)
A few days ago they found a correlation that showed the people that were receiving messages from porn bots on PSN were also the ones that spent more time seeing widow's ballet emote in OW hero gallery.

Just saying.


season off to a good start as a winston main



4-6 in placements. I can honestly say those loses we actually not because of me. People just love to throw and troll pick in their placements. Last match i won I had 65 elims in 2 round Kings Row game. Thank god Reaper is strong now but im not confident to bring him out every match


Just had a placement where it took until overtime to get the first point on Eichenwalde, and then we just walked it through the rest of the map easily. The entire other team left instead of trying to attack. Never seen anything like it.

Then the immediate next match, I was on the George Washington Middle School football team going up against the New England Patriots. Spoiler: it didn't end well.


I didn't get anything spam related before until these past 2 weeks. I might have gotten odd messages out of nowhere before but I assume it was by mistake.

Also, I don't have you on my main account (I don't use scrubtactian anymore, delete if you haven't), feel free to add me :)

What's your main account my dude?

A few days ago they found a correlation that showed the people that were receiving messages from porn bots on PSN were also the ones that spent more time seeing widow's ballet emote in OW hero gallery.

Just saying.




Has anyone ever made a sym death trap and as an enemy runs in getting melted by the turrets run up to them and say:

"Welcome to MY reality!"

Did this and just broke down laughing.

Edit: Actually I think someone pulled this on me, but I was soilder and immediately noped the hell out so I only faintly heard them use the line.


Has anyone ever made a sym death trap and as an enemy runs in getting melted by the turrets run up to them and say:

"Welcome to MY reality!"

Did this and just broke down laughing.

Edit: Actually I think someone pulled this on me, but I was soilder and immediately noped the hell out so I only faintly heard them use the line.

lol the best i did was back when i did skirmishes i sat down after putting turrets near doors. When they entered they had to turn around to kill them and I was the last image they saw before they melted. I always said hello afterwards. Always got a laugh from me.


Does anyone have any good recent tip/how to play videos for my cousin to watch. He's stuck around 1900 skill rating and I want to play with him but he just doesn't get some of the small stuff that comes with experience and he insists on only playing Junkrat. Very rarely will he play Zenyatta if someone else picks Junkrat.

I'd like to play competitive with him. I'm only 2300 myself right now but have gone platinum before and would like to go there again this season.
Went 2-8 in placements and got placed 3331, like 400 higher than I normally place, lol. Apparently MMR-chan was pleased with my personal, individual performance. Not gonna lie, this WAS one of those times where I felt like I was more than pulling my weight (as a support and tank) but my team let me down.
A few days ago they found a correlation that showed the people that were receiving messages from porn bots on PSN were also the ones that spent more time seeing widow's ballet emote in OW hero gallery.

Just saying.
I just looked at it once while queued and I got a bot not 10 min later actually.

Never received one again after that


Went 2-8 in placements and got placed 3331, like 400 higher than I normally place, lol. Apparently MMR-chan was pleased with my personal, individual performance. Not gonna lie, this WAS one of those times where I felt like I was more than pulling my weight (as a support and tank) but my team let me down.

Seems crazy considering how in all 10 placement matches I had 3-4 golds and was significantly outclassing my team as Soldier. I guess they don't care about Soldier players.


Went 2-8 in placements and got placed 3331, like 400 higher than I normally place, lol. Apparently MMR-chan was pleased with my personal, individual performance. Not gonna lie, this WAS one of those times where I felt like I was more than pulling my weight (as a support and tank) but my team let me down.

Which supports?
I won my first FFA Deathmatch game a little while ago. :O

I've played McCree exclusively in FFA since the mode was first patched in, despite him being at a disadvantage in FFA and despite my being a terrible shot, because I like the character and because I don't particularly care about winning, just the XP. I'd say 2/3 of the time I'm trying to do just enough to not get kicked for inactivity, roaming the map throwing flashbangs and widely missing shots while getting killed with one eye on the TV; the other 1/3 finds me trying to crack the top 4 and usually failing, because Flash-Fan and bad aim only gets you so far with one eye on the TV and a map full of Junkrats, Widowmakers and Soldiers.

This time though, was different. Several minutes into the match I heard the announcer and thought "holy crap, I'VE taken the lead?!?" Then, as I moved through the map I noticed that most of my opponents were soft targets: multiple Tracers, a Mercy, a Ana, only one Junkrat, only one Soldier, etc. "No tanks? No Mei?" I thought. "Waitaminute, I might actually have a shot at this." And I did! I even got PotG, with a Deadeye on a group of players in the tunnels underground, so caught up in their duel they couldn't escape.

It was a strange feeling to actually win a match.


I'll be online soon. Care to join me for the 300% intake of sodium?

I'll do placements with you guys just to help out, will not be doing comp seriously though, though wouldn't mind helping GAFFERs if you want someone willing to flex. Comp sounds much worse, haven't played with you guys since season 2, but had too many other games to play. I'll most likely only be playing QP and deathmatch here on out unless asked to help.


Have they nerfed Soliders weapon accuracy? Sometimes lately, I'll be unloading into someone, even nearby, and half my shots miss. It's getting annoying.


I'll do placements with you guys just to help out, will not be doing comp seriously though, though wouldn't mind helping GAFFERs if you want someone willing to flex. Comp sounds much worse, haven't played with you guys since season 2, but had too many other games to play. I'll most likely only be playing QP and deathmatch here on out unless asked to help.

For sure, man. But only if you want to play competitive, as I don't want to force anyone if they aren't in the mood. :>


For sure, man. But only if you want to play competitive, as I don't want to force anyone if they aren't in the mood. :>

I'm fine helping you guys out, but I'm not going to argue with people, the most I'll do is callouts, not gonna ask people to switch or anything.

Gonna do a QP match and grab my headset

I really want to play this game but right now I'm fighting the controls instead of the red team. The lack of dev comments in the mega-thread on the official forums doesn't get my hopes up.

They fucked up.



You tell me xD

I just looked at it once while queued and I got a bot not 10 min later actually.

Never received one again after that

There it is, irrefutable proof.

We can then assume killdatninja has been at it for the past few weeks judging by his words. Exposed

I did well as Junk on Attack. Random instalocks Junk on Defense and keeps dying. We lose. Thanks buddy.

Enemy team has a Pharmercy, let me just stay here and spam them out in the open.

That was a pro junkrat right there lol

That team was just a mess, everyone doing their own thing.
FFA is so much more fun then the base game. It's fixed my biggest gripe with this game - other people. Thank you and fuck you team based OW I'm leaving to kick ass on my own (which I am)

They'd better make a comp for FFA.
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