Watching TimtheTatMan's stream...all solo queue Master level players...they go 5 DPS 1 Tank 0 Healer on Attack because nobody wants to go healer.
Good to know that this happens on all levels.
Is the main reason due to low SR gains?
Just a quick question. If I'm consistently getting gold elims and gold/silver damage as Winston, does that mean I'm at an sr that's lower than I should be? If we still lose it's still my fault right? I feel like I'm doing everything right and making all the right decisions. I'm always taking dumb risks and getting away with it because the enemies are trash. I feel like I'm 1000 sr under what I'm capable of and I'm like 800 sr under my last 2 seasons highs. Maybe sr gain with Winston isn't good? Should I just play more Zarya?
This hasn't been a thing since S2.
It's because no one likes babysitting dps characters who will just fuck off and leave you to fend for yourself once the fight starts, then spam "I need healing" when you're long dead.
I get that, but not all the Offense Heroes have a self-heal, nor the mobility to get to health packs. It just sounds suicidal to me.
Don't worry, they won't blame themselves when they lose either.
I love having Torb on my team when I'm Zen.Speak of the devil, this time around he was on the enemy team and I solo healed as Zen on Hollywood and we won.
I love having Torb on my team when I'm Zen.
The armor on top of the shields is fucking OP
Yeah, I always save my armor for the supports and characters with shields like Zarya and call it on chat because I know how good it can be.
But then a wild Owzers appears with his Rein/Orisa and takes the armor.
only taking Ls
I've been playing Overwatch on PS4 since launch. Maybe it's different on PC vs console, but can someone calmly explain to me why Genji's ult isn't by far the cheapest one in the game?
I've been playing Overwatch on PS4 since launch. Maybe it's different on PC vs console, but can someone calmly explain to me why Genji's ult isn't by far the cheapest one in the game?
19,000 solo healing as Mercy with three 4-man rez ults
"Shame our Mercy sucks."
"would have been nice to get heals."
If you're solo-healing and the team is bitching about heals, you have every right to tell them to fuck themselves.
i go to the point, hit four with shatter, die
some dude on shrine
"you can't just walk up and earthshatter"
then i see the kill cam as i walk up with the shield as all five of my team stay back at the choke doing poking
I'm going to go all the way down to silver.
what sample is this based on?
Watching TimtheTatMan's stream...all solo queue Master level players...they go 5 DPS 1 Tank 0 Healer on Attack because nobody wants to go healer.
Good to know that this happens on all levels.
Half-way through, I asked if they'd prefer something else. I can happily Anna or Lucio, too. I suck at Zen, but I'll do it. Literally zero feedback as I'm chatting on mic. Just "Well do something!!" as my defensive McCree is 100 yards ahead of the rest of our team.
Solo-healing without at least a Symmetra shield gen/TP or Sombra hacked packs to back you up is bullshit, if none of them are willing to swap, there's no bending over backwards you can do to make it work. Just gotta take the L.
I've been playing Overwatch on PS4 since launch. Maybe it's different on PC vs console, but can someone calmly explain to me why Genji's ult isn't by far the cheapest one in the game?
you can nullify it with sound barrier, trance, sleep dart, etc. you can interrupt with flashbang, hook, etc. if you apply pressure to him you can make him waste time with reflect. if you boop him away without his dash reset you can evade it. it's definitely a great ult but i wouldn't say cheapest in the game. take solace though, at least on controllers you can't really do instant 180s
I'd rank Reaper's ult as far cheaper than Genji's, especially since they're getting rid of its one counter (rez).
Does flashbang actually stop Genji's ult? I know it stops Reaper.
I don't see how Reaper's ult is worse. Reaper can barely move during his ult, so it's much easier to stop him. I've nailed a sleep dart on an ulting Genji maybe once.
Does flashbang actually stop Genji's ult? I know it stops Reaper.
If you happen to be clumped up, it's instant team death barring a Zen with ult and cat like reflexes. At least with a Genji blade or grav you have a second or two to react.