Getting pretty difficult games. Narrowly lost one game and tied another.
I guess? Trust me, I'm not boasting about that win. The last thing I want to do is put Soldier in a good light.
But you know, you can't really beat heal station as a tactical advantage. Or his ult, frankly, because that bursts down opponents quicker than they can react usually. And if you need burst damage, you have his rocket.
God, fuck soldier.
On PS4, I turned off messages from people not in my friend list. Had to do that because of spam messages when I was playing Trials in Destiny. You might also get abusive messages as well as those PSN spambots so now it's even more of an incentive to do it. I used to get both good and bad messages for my performance in OW from randoms but I don't care for spam in my PSN inbox so I'm leaving my setting as is.
I genuinely feel it's an indictment of Soldier that I can do that well on him. Clearly he should be nerfed. How about instead of 19 damage per bullet he does....9
Also- I've received 5 separate team-up requests from people on the opposing team during matches in the last few weeks. Maybe they're just trying to distract me, but that is how the DDS attack works on PS4, too. Time to disable non-friend messages, I guess.
I've been told this border is even higher than gold.
This is freaking crazy, and i thought i play a lot with my silver border lol
Holy fuck, the moment a female speaks on the mic, chat turns into middle school.
I feel bad for female players, real shit.
While I love your intense Soldier loathing, the truth is that Soldier is Soldier. He is the entry level character for the CoD crowd. He is a necessary evil, and is easy meat for a decent Zen. Zen up and kill him. DVa up and stay in his face the entire match. Etc. Soldier isn't a plague on the game, he's just another obstacle.
I'm still bronze border lul.
Not sure if redling the update fixed anything but dual zone suddenly feels good again. Need to test it out more.
LMAO, in a game with DeiCide and the we have 3 DPS with Bastion and they can't even kill Pharah. I killed her more often as Zen.
Edit: Whoa, buffed Orisa is great. Used her in Attack and Defense in Horizon and we won. Her sped up bullets make such a huge difference.
Soo many dps!
That Pharah was was on fire at least 75% of the match...that bastion was so lost.
Edit: Whoa, buffed Orisa is great. Used her in Attack and Defense in Horizon and we won. Her sped up bullets make such a huge difference.
LMAO, in a game with DeiCide and the we have 3 DPS with Bastion and they can't even kill Pharah. I killed her more often as Zen.
Edit: Whoa, buffed Orisa is great. Used her in Attack and Defense in Horizon and we won. Her sped up bullets make such a huge difference.
I kind of exaggerate my hate for him for comedic effect on here, but I legitimately do think that he isn't good for the game. He's boring to play, he's boring to play against. Everything is more interesting when he's not around. You know, back when the game was first out, Soldier wasn't as good or prominent in games I feel. I didn't mind him existing then, I just thought he was boring.
That's the soul of overwatch. All these wierd, outlandish characters, and Soldier is just...CoD guy. The kind of character you could get in any FPS. If Soldier's role is to be the easy entry to the game, that's fine. If his role is to be the jack of all trades character, that's also fine. I just feel he's not a jack of all trades. Perhaps not a plague on the game, but I do think he's too good at everything he does.
But borium the former #1 soldier says soldier is OP in DM...You must've played some garbage opponents because Soldier isn't even good in that mode.
But borium the former #1 soldier says soldier is OP in DM...
The people in gold rank actually choose better team comps it's kinda nice lol.
Just uninstalled this for good.
I don't hate the game, but unless you have a team of friends you regularly play with, it is unplayable solo.
Just uninstalled this for good.
I don't hate the game, but unless you have a team of friends you regularly play with, it is unplayable solo.
Just build a new or with a r9 290. Anyone else experiencing crashes?
Just uninstalled this for good.
I don't hate the game, but unless you have a team of friends you regularly play with, it is unplayable solo.
I am close to uninstalling as well. There are so many trolls and throwers in this game it's no fun anymore.
Widow is genuinely reasonably good on attack if they are a good widowI'm in the same boat.
You know why people throw? Because when we have Widow and Hanzo on offense, and our healer is Anna, what the fuck is the point?
It sure feels like it most of the time (PS4). Like it's not that difficult team, just quit running head-on into them.Is it just a console thing or do players in general have no idea how you deal with sentry set ups? It's so annoying when teams are getting creamed by Bastion and Torb of all people.