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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

I'm assuming that by best play you mean the charge that you actually nailed.

To serve as bait while the McCree was ulting.

All planned.

Yeah broken af.

Played him a bit yesterday and having a mine basically every time I needed to secure a kill was pretty awesome.

youre charge had nothing to do with mcree ult hitting

Here is a list of all the counters to Symmetra:

Winston - can destroys all her turrets in less than a second, will usually win a 1v1
Tracer - Will usually win a 1v1, can easily locate and eliminate ultimates and turrets
Genji - Can easily locate and eliminate ultimates, will win a 1v1 if good at Genji
McCree - Stuns her, and easily eliminates her, just watch out for her shield.
Roadhog - Even nerfed Hog should take her out without much effort
Junkrat - Will always win 1v1 if he has mines and traps.
Doomfist - Punch her into the wall, EZ
D.Va - Can easily locate and destroy ultimates, melts her up close
Mei - Will always win 1v1 if Sym has no charge
Bastion - Melts her up close
Pharah - Hardest counter, Sym can't do anything against a Pharah pressuring her
Reaper - Melts her up close
Snipers - Kill her from a distance
Zenyatta - Can reliably 1v1 her if you have decent aim
Ana - Sleep dart = free kill in an average OW match
Reinhardt - Smack her three times if she killing someone
Zarya - Needs decent aim, but a good Zarya will kill the best Sym
Orisa - Same as Zarya
Soldier - Needs decent aim, but is hard to be killed by Sym because of sprint/heals
Torbjorn - Can melt her up close if decent

sym is trash


It's a good pick.

Tracer can easily track and destroy the teleporter/shield generator better than any character in the game. She can also just use a pulse bomb if the symmetra has turrets protecting it.

The turret can be annoying but she can delete Torb insanely fast because of his huge critical hitbox. Also if you know that Torb has molten core just pulse bomb the turret so your team can push and you can freely harass the backline.


I think I may have stumbled across a way to "reset" your SR in comp.

I peaked at like 2600 in Season 2 - the last season I really tried. I don't think I even broke Platinum in 3 and 4 - just placing, landing in Gold and being satisfied with it, and as I recall I was pretty close to Silver at one point in Season 4, but I didn't play anything beyond my placements.

I didn't place at all in Season 5. Did two placement matches and walked away 'cause of the placing-you-200-points-lower thing - didn't want to bother.

So last night I did all my Season 6 placements in a 2-stack with my brother - did not play anywhere approaching my best, and went 4W 5L 1D. Ended in Plat, 2715, which blows my mind a little.

I haven't been in Plat in almost a full year. It's such a difference from where I last placed (S4), that I wonder if not placing in Season 5 did me some favors. Maybe if you stay out of comp for a season it does a new fresh placement calculation for you?


TP counters pretty much every ult... it's very similar to a Rez. Not to mention tossing a shield counters quite a bit, it'll kill a barraging Pharah, annoy the shit out of a sniper or soldier if you spam him with it, nullify a DVa or McCree ult, fucks with reapers, soldiers and quite a few other ults. My win rate for her is very high.... second only to my Lucio I believe. She just earned herself my 5th golden gun because of it even tho I don't play her that often, she's a situational pick 100%. Only run her in defensive situations and usually alongside a Mercy.

100% agree. I adore a Sym/Torb/Mercy + Literally Anything Else defense. I'll happily play any of those three to create that comp, and if we already have them? Oh my God, my Tracer is gonna' have one of the best games of her life.

Tele + Armor + Rez or Shields + Armor + Rez will absolutely dominate at my SR. You have to full-counter the Sym to even begin overcoming it.

Edit: ...and for some reason, when I'm running Sym, about half the time the reds have a Tracer or something that should be going for my Tele/Shield Gen, they... just don't. I've laid down Shield Gens at point B and just never had someone come mess with it, with startling regularity.


I got a career high of 2800 SR after my placement matches. Lost seven of them :lol

Didn't even finish the placements last season, so it was a nice surprise. Played predomimantly between D.Va, Mercy and Tracer.


Just won FFA for the first time - with Winston. Only just scraped it too!


They definitely did something with personal contribution to SR gains. Flexing is even more detrimental now. I just had a 27 point loss switching to mercy so our team at least had some heals. Two chickens for 2 tanks who were afraid to step on the objective (zarya trying to farm ult all round). The very next game switched back to my main and got +32 SR. I'm insta locking the rest of the season.


you didn't reset your sr, they just changed the way your placements give you sr

Hm. It seemed like a really big difference from my last SR rating...

I got a career high of 2800 SR after my placement matches. Lost seven of them :lol

Didn't even finish the placements last season, so it was a nice surprise. Played predomimantly between D.Va, Mercy and Tracer.

This anecdote reflects my anecdote and supports my questionable conclusions!

I went Mercy, Tracer, Sym. And flexed Lucio into Zen on a Gibraltar attack that was just a steamroll.


They definitely did something with personal contribution to SR gains. Flexing is even more detrimental now. I just had a 27 point loss switching to mercy so our team at least had some heals. Two chickens for 2 tanks who were afraid to step on the objective (zarya trying to farm ult all round). The very next game switched back to my main and got +32 SR. I'm insta locking the rest of the season.

Yeah I'm having weird games like that too. I'll lose like 30, gain 19, lose 24, gain 30+, etc.
As GAF's resident Symmetra main, I'd just like to give my two cents a bit:

Tbh Symmetra is in a good spot. She provides really big utility but it requires knowledge of the map alongside good decision making that varies on the situation. Her damage is perfectly fine where it is. If they nerfed her damage, she would be absolutely garbage, unless they doubled the range to compensate.

If anything, I feel her Photon Shield should have a slightly smaller cooldown. From 10 seconds down to 8. Other than that she's fine. Like any support, she needs teamwork to make her work. Whether on Attack or Defense. There's not much she can do if focus fired unless she's being pocketed (which is surprisingly tough for people to realise. Trust me lol)

PS: Doomfist isn't a counter to Symmetra. You can stop his punch by putting a turret on the ground between you two as he charges. It stops the punch dead in its tracks and lets you melt him ez pz.
Do not care for this new update. Buffing the one character who is rewarded for spamming his grenades out of the line of sight is so dumb, especially in this game where people never switch off their DPS mains even when they are being massacred by a counter.


PS: Doomfist isn't a counter to Symmetra. You can stop his punch by putting a turret on the ground between you two as he charges. It stops the punch dead in its tracks and lets you melt him ez pz.

I had no idea this was a thing. Bug? Sym's turrets don't slow a Rein charge, do they?
I had no idea this was a thing. Bug? Sym's turrets don't slow a Rein charge, do they?

I believe they do, yes. It seems intentional. I remember Rein used to be able to charge through Junkrat traps before and they nerfed it so he'd get caught, and it included the turrets. I think the turrets also stop Rein charge but don't quote me on it


Tracer is the only character to not receive any buffs or nerfs. They're designing this game around this character.

Sym can nuke the entire cast once she's level 2 or 3. It's all about sneaking a charge on a healer and taking as many characters out before you die with her.
Can I just have one game. ONE GAME. Where there isn't a Junkrat preloaded. ONE.

Do not care for this new update. Buffing the one character who is rewarded for spamming his grenades out of the line of sight is so dumb, especially in this game where people never switch off their DPS mains even when they are being massacred by a counter.

And then giving him TWO. TWO mines to spam at close range.


Tracer is the only character to not receive any buffs or nerfs. They're designing this game around this character.

Sym can nuke the entire cast once she's level 2 or 3. It's all about sneaking a charge on a healer and taking as many characters out before you die with her.

I like the one-two punch of a sneaky chargd orb into their backsides before you latch the beam on. What you lose in that early charge is made up with an almost-guaranteed pick.


Can I just have one game. ONE GAME. Where there isn't a Junkrat preloaded. ONE.

And then giving him TWO. TWO mines to spam at close range.

I"ll take junkrat where you can atleast mindlessly spam into a choke instead of people going doomfist and just feeding in the choke
I"ll take junkrat where you can atleast mindlessly spam into a choke instead of people going doomfist and just feeding in the choke

Oh yeah Doomfist Defending happens all the time too, it's amazing.

Would you want people instapicking Widows and Hanzos instead and doing nothing?

Oh, you assume that still isn't happening. It is. It feels more often than not it'll be Junk, Hanzo, Doom insta pick. It is horrid. Once you drop out of Gold, be prepared to keep dropping (if you play Solo).

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
They really need to add more carrots on the stick to non-competitive players that play a lot

Like why do I care about the lootbox again? Do you really want OW to turn into Diablo where I only get on for the new events?
In all honesty, I'm not sure why I play Comp. I'm not going to be GrandMasterSlammerJammer, so what's the carrot. I may as well play QP and eliminate all the annoyance of thinking that other people are taking it somewhat seriously and not just picking their fav hentai fap.


In all honesty, I'm not sure why I play Comp. I'm not going to be GrandMasterSlammerJammer, so what's the carrot. I may as well play QP and eliminate all the annoyance of thinking that other people are taking it somewhat seriously and not just picking their fav hentai fap.

I'm Grandmaster and I still prefer playing QP, anyway.
Oh yeah, without a doubt that's the only way to play and enjoy OW Comp. Otherwise it's far too random chance you'll get even 2 other people who are somewhat able to play a similar level to you.

The amount of games where people just run straight down the middle, no real idea of the maps or how to flank. No attempts to get in behind. Just right down the middle.


Deathmatch and TDM scratch that itch for if I don't want to play comp but still play OW.

First time I went through the arcade 9 wins thing and didn't think twice


Man, I wish Reinhardts who die constantly by charging into a whole enemy team with their own tanks and never listening to me to group up wouldn't call me a bad Lucio when I've got 4000 healing and 3 minutes on the objective.

Fucking group up with me. You've got a ten meter circumference to work with, and no my amped up speed boost isn't enough to keep up with your fucking charge.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Anyone know why i can't see my temperature, fps, and ping anymore on PC?

it's on in the option but doesn't show.

Edit: nvm found it. if anyone else has this problem press CTRL+SHIFT+R
Man, I wish Reinhardts who die constantly by charging into a whole enemy team with their own tanks and never listening to me to group up wouldn't call me a bad Lucio when I've got 4000 healing and 3 minutes on the objective.

Fucking group up with me. You've got a ten meter circumference to work with, and no my amped up speed boost isn't enough to keep up with your fucking charge.
One of the great things about the Uprising event was that it had a line similar to "Now don't go charging off by yourself, Reinhardt" - I thought it was a great little tutorial bit.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Managed to land my very first good team in solo queue comp this season. We were nailing it. Great communication. Great synergy. Everyone willing to pick what's needed and switched off. No snipers! A great solo-healer in Mercy.


We queue up a as a five man stack, and the sixth guy we join is super cool. We have a great team going again.

Super - super close match. We popped all six ults for a final push on offense and still didn't cap. Other team ended up winning - but at least it was good.

Everyone gets discouraged. The group disbands. I get an alert I'm dropping to silver after five games of being under 2000SR for gold. I open my loot box and I get three sprays and a voiceline.

Oh, you assume that still isn't happening. It is. It feels more often than not it'll be Junk, Hanzo, Doom insta pick. It is horrid. Once you drop out of Gold, be prepared to keep dropping (if you play Solo).

This is currently me. Had 3 losses in a row, dropped below 2000sr and the games got worse each time. Not going to play comp again until I get a group.


One of the great things about the Uprising event was that it had a line similar to "Now don't go charging off by yourself, Reinhardt" - I thought it was a great little tutorial bit.

Who needs a nicely integrated tutorial when you've got swag and a rocket hammer? xP


I got back from Seattle, and it was a blast. I was able to play with some pro Ovewatch players (they had a 3vs3 station, with booked times when you can play with and against), and I did surprisingly well.

I can't wait to do my placement matches, as I'm just going to play Zarya and Mei this season.

Finished my placements 7-3 and ended up almost exactly where I was at the end of last season, 3967.


Hope you'll be able to soar to Grand Master rank, man.
Managed to land my very first good team in solo queue comp this season. We were nailing it. Great communication. Great synergy. Everyone willing to pick what's needed and switched off. No snipers! A great solo-healer in Mercy.


We queue up a as a five man stack, and the sixth guy we join is super cool. We have a great team going again.

Super - super close match. We popped all six ults for a final push on offense and still didn't cap. Other team ended up winning - but at least it was good.

Everyone gets discouraged. The group disbands. I get an alert I'm dropping to silver after five games of being under 2000SR for gold. I open my loot box and I get three sprays and a voiceline.


This is so funny.

Not to laugh at your bad luck, just that people in this game can't even stand one loss and will disband immediately.

Last nite I dropped out of plat from a draw, luckily we went on a streak and I got it back.
I got back from Seattle, and it was a blast. I was able to play with some pro Ovewatch players (they had a 3vs3 station, with booked times when you can play with and against), and I did surprisingly well.

I can't wait to do my placement matches, as I'm just going to play Zarya and Mei this season.


Hope you'll be able to soar to Grand Master rank, man.

Did you get to play with Immortals? They are the only team I know was at PAX and was doing the 3v3s.

I was in GM for stretches of last season. Hopefully I will be able to climb and stay there for this one!


These placements are so bad, jesus christ. Currently 3-4.
On this last match my team started insulting each other so much I had to leave voice channel, and then the other team started typing in all chat that someone on their team was throwing and to report them. These games aren't easy for anyone.


Did you get to play with Immortals? They are the only team I know was at PAX and was doing the 3v3s.

I was in GM for stretches of last season. Hopefully I will be able to climb and stay there for this one!

Yep, and they were a nice bunch. They complemented on my Mei and Zarya play (one of them was surprised with my consistency with landing headshots as Mei), while given me great feedback on my Lucio/Zen gameplay. Hopefully I can take that knowledge and work my way up.

Again, good luck with climbing. You're playing with the big boys now.

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