I'm assuming that by best play you mean the charge that you actually nailed.
To serve as bait while the McCree was ulting.
All planned.
Yeah broken af.
Played him a bit yesterday and having a mine basically every time I needed to secure a kill was pretty awesome.
youre charge had nothing to do with mcree ult hitting
Here is a list of all the counters to Symmetra:
Winston - can destroys all her turrets in less than a second, will usually win a 1v1
Tracer - Will usually win a 1v1, can easily locate and eliminate ultimates and turrets
Genji - Can easily locate and eliminate ultimates, will win a 1v1 if good at Genji
McCree - Stuns her, and easily eliminates her, just watch out for her shield.
Roadhog - Even nerfed Hog should take her out without much effort
Junkrat - Will always win 1v1 if he has mines and traps.
Doomfist - Punch her into the wall, EZ
D.Va - Can easily locate and destroy ultimates, melts her up close
Mei - Will always win 1v1 if Sym has no charge
Bastion - Melts her up close
Pharah - Hardest counter, Sym can't do anything against a Pharah pressuring her
Reaper - Melts her up close
Snipers - Kill her from a distance
Zenyatta - Can reliably 1v1 her if you have decent aim
Ana - Sleep dart = free kill in an average OW match
Reinhardt - Smack her three times if she killing someone
Zarya - Needs decent aim, but a good Zarya will kill the best Sym
Orisa - Same as Zarya
Soldier - Needs decent aim, but is hard to be killed by Sym because of sprint/heals
Torbjorn - Can melt her up close if decent
sym is trash